初等数学 幻方问题


幻方(Magic Square)是一种将数字安排在正方形格子中,使每行、列和对角线上的数字和都相等的方法。
奇数幻方(2n+1类): 如: 3, 5, 7
单偶数幻方(即4n+2类):幻方阶数n为不能被4整除的偶数。如: 6、10、14


import numpy as np

def oddMagic(rank: int):
    if (rank < 3) or (rank % 2) == 0:
        return None
    if rank > 1000:
        return None

    curRow = 0
    curCol = rank // 2
    magic = np.zeros((rank, rank), dtype=np.uint32)
    magic[curRow, curCol] = 1

    i = 2
    endNum = rank * rank
    while i <= endNum:
        tmpRow = curRow - 1
        tmpCol = curCol + 1
        # row,col正常数值范围
        if (0 <= tmpRow <= rank-1) and (0 <= tmpCol <= rank-1):
            # 前面有数字(row-1,col不变)
            if magic[tmpRow, tmpCol] > 0:
                curRow = curRow + 1
                curRow = tmpRow
                curCol = tmpCol
            magic[curRow, curCol] = i

        # row越界
        if (tmpRow < 0) and (0 <= tmpCol <= rank-1):
            # row-> rank - 1
            curRow = rank - 1
            curCol = tmpCol
            magic[curRow, curCol] = i

        # col越界
        if (0 <= tmpRow <= rank - 1) and (tmpCol > rank - 1):
            curRow = tmpRow
            curCol = 0
            magic[curRow, curCol] = i

        # row,col都越界
        if (tmpRow < 0) and (tmpCol > rank - 1):
            curRow = curRow + 1
            magic[curRow, curCol] = i
        i = i + 1
    return magic


sumTotal=7381, perValue=671
validate->: True
[[ 68  81  94 107 120   1  14  27  40  53  66]
 [ 80  93 106 119  11  13  26  39  52  65  67]
 [ 92 105 118  10  12  25  38  51  64  77  79]
 [104 117   9  22  24  37  50  63  76  78  91]
 [116   8  21  23  36  49  62  75  88  90 103]
 [  7  20  33  35  48  61  74  87  89 102 115]
 [ 19  32  34  47  60  73  86  99 101 114   6]
 [ 31  44  46  59  72  85  98 100 113   5  18]
 [ 43  45  58  71  84  97 110 112   4  17  30]
 [ 55  57  70  83  96 109 111   3  16  29  42]
 [ 56  69  82  95 108 121   2  15  28  41  54]]


def evenMagicDouble(rank: int):
    if (rank < 4) or (rank % 4 != 0):
        return None
    if rank > 1000:
        return None

    # 对每个元素按行列依次赋值
    # refer: https://hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation?paperID=64877
    magic = np.zeros((rank, rank), dtype=np.int32)
    for tmpRow in range(rank):
        for tmpCol in range(rank):
            magic[tmpRow, tmpCol] = rank * tmpRow + (tmpCol + 1)
    print("step1:\n", magic)

    # 分成n*n个4x4的小方阵(对角线上的元素标记为0)
    maskMagic = np.ones((rank, rank), dtype=np.int32)
    nDim = rank // 4
    nSpan = 4
    for tmpY in range(nDim):
        for tmpX in range(nDim):
            offsetY = nSpan * tmpY
            offsetX = nSpan * tmpX
            for index in range(nSpan):
                # 主对角线
                tmpRow = index + offsetY
                tmpCol = index + offsetX
                maskMagic[tmpRow, tmpCol] = 0
                # 副对象线
                tmpRow = nSpan - 1 - index + offsetY
                tmpCol = index + offsetX
                maskMagic[tmpRow, tmpCol] = 0
    #print("step2:\n", maskMagic)

    # 将n*n平方个小方阵的对角线元素按(rank*rank方阵的中点)对称交换
    # 元素交换的互补值
    compleValue = rank * rank + 1
    for tmpRow in range(rank):
        for tmpCol in range(rank):
            if maskMagic[tmpRow, tmpCol] == 0:
                magic[tmpRow, tmpCol] = compleValue - magic[tmpRow, tmpCol]
    #print("step3:\n", magic)
    return magic


validate->: True
[[256   2   3 253 252   6   7 249 248  10  11 245 244  14  15 241]
 [ 17 239 238  20  21 235 234  24  25 231 230  28  29 227 226  32]
 [ 33 223 222  36  37 219 218  40  41 215 214  44  45 211 210  48]
 [208  50  51 205 204  54  55 201 200  58  59 197 196  62  63 193]
 [192  66  67 189 188  70  71 185 184  74  75 181 180  78  79 177]
 [ 81 175 174  84  85 171 170  88  89 167 166  92  93 163 162  96]
 [ 97 159 158 100 101 155 154 104 105 151 150 108 109 147 146 112]
 [144 114 115 141 140 118 119 137 136 122 123 133 132 126 127 129]
 [128 130 131 125 124 134 135 121 120 138 139 117 116 142 143 113]
 [145 111 110 148 149 107 106 152 153 103 102 156 157  99  98 160]
 [161  95  94 164 165  91  90 168 169  87  86 172 173  83  82 176]
 [ 80 178 179  77  76 182 183  73  72 186 187  69  68 190 191  65]
 [ 64 194 195  61  60 198 199  57  56 202 203  53  52 206 207  49]
 [209  47  46 212 213  43  42 216 217  39  38 220 221  35  34 224]
 [225  31  30 228 229  27  26 232 233  23  22 236 237  19  18 240]
 [ 16 242 243  13  12 246 247   9   8 250 251   5   4 254 255   1]]


def evenMagicSingle(rank: int):
    if not (rank >= 6 and ((rank % 2 == 0) and (rank % 4 != 0))):
        return None
    if rank > 1000:
        return None
    # 罗伯法
    divRank = rank // 2
    oriMagic = oddMagic(divRank)
    offsetValue = divRank * divRank
    mags = []
    for index in range(4):
        tmpMagic = oriMagic + offsetValue * index
    for i in range(len(mags)):
        print(f"[{i}]:\n", mags[i])

    A B  =>  A C
    C D      D B
    mH1 = np.hstack((mags[0], mags[2]))
    mH2 = np.hstack((mags[3], mags[1]))
    magic = np.vstack((mH1, mH2))
    print("step2:\n", magic)
    refer1: https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/1608589126045729347.html
    mGrid = divRank // 2
    # 记录对角线元素的状态值(1)
    maskMagic = np.zeros((divRank, divRank))
    for index in range(divRank):
        maskMagic[index, index] = 1
        maskMagic[divRank-1-index, index] = 1
    print("maskMagic:\n", maskMagic)

    # 每一行需要交换mGrid个元素(一侧对角线格为必换格)
    for tmpRow in range(divRank):
        # 交换对象线元素
        for tmpCol in range(divRank):
            if maskMagic[tmpRow, tmpCol] == 1:
                # 小方阵的元素行列索引值要相对应
                curRowA = tmpRow
                curColA = tmpCol
                curRowD = curRowA + divRank
                curColD = curColA
                tmpValue = magic[curRowA, curColA]
                magic[curRowA, curColA] = magic[curRowD, curColD]
                magic[curRowD, curColD] = tmpValue
        # 其它非对角线上元素交换
        rmnCnt = 0
        while rmnCnt < mGrid - 1:
            for tmpCol in range(divRank):
                if maskMagic[tmpRow, tmpCol] != 1:
                    curRowA = tmpRow
                    curColA = tmpCol
                    curRowD = curRowA + divRank
                    curColD = curColA
                    tmpValue = magic[curRowA, curColA]
                    magic[curRowA, curColA] = magic[curRowD, curColD]
                    magic[curRowD, curColD] = tmpValue
                    # 标记已交换的状态
                    maskMagic[tmpRow, tmpCol] = 1
            rmnCnt += 1

    # B与C再任取m-1列相互交换
    tmpColCnt = 0
    while tmpColCnt < mGrid - 1:
        for tmpRow in range(divRank):
            curRowC = tmpRow
            curColC = tmpColCnt + divRank
            curRowB = curRowC + divRank
            curColB = curColC
            tmpValue = magic[curRowC, curColC]
            magic[curRowC, curColC] = magic[curRowB, curColB]
            magic[curRowB, curColB] = tmpValue
        tmpColCnt += 1
    print("step3:\n", magic)
    return magic


sumTotal=19306, perValue=1379
validate->: True
[[177 186 195   1  10  19  28  79  88 146  99 108 117 126]
 [185 194 154   9  18  27  29  87  96 105 107 116 125 127]
 [193 153 155  17  26  35  37  95  55 106 115 124 133 135]
 [152 161  16 172  34  36  45  54  63 114 123 132 134 143]
 [160 162 171  33  42  44   4  62  64 122 131 140 142 102]
 [168 170 179  41  43   3  12  70  72 130 139 141 101 110]
 [169 178 187  49   2  11  20  71  80 138 147 100 109 118]
 [ 30  39  48 148 157 166 175 128 137  97  50  59  68  77]
 [ 38  47   7 156 165 174 176 136 145  56  58  67  76  78]
 [ 46   6   8 164 173 182 184 144 104  57  66  75  84  86]
 [  5  14 163  25 181 183 192 103 112  65  74  83  85  94]
 [ 13  15  24 180 189 191 151 111 113  73  82  91  93  53]
 [ 21  23  32 188 190 150 159 119 121  81  90  92  52  61]
 [ 22  31  40 196 149 158 167 120 129  89  98  51  60  69]]


def validateMagic(magic: np.ndarray, rank: int):
    maxNum = rank * rank
    sumTotal = (1 + maxNum) * maxNum // 2
    perValue = sumTotal // rank
    print(f"sumTotal={sumTotal}, perValue={perValue}")

    # validate row
    for tmpRow in range(rank):
        tmpSum = np.sum(magic[tmpRow,0:rank])
        if tmpSum != perValue:
            print(f"error row:{tmpSum} != {perValue}", magic[tmpRow,0:rank])
            return False

    # validate col
    for tmpCol in range(rank):
        tmpSum = np.sum(magic[0:rank, tmpCol])
        if tmpSum != perValue:
            print(f"error col:{tmpSum} != {perValue}", magic[0:rank, tmpCol])
            return False

    # validate hypotenuse 1
    tmpSum = 0
    for index in range(rank):
        tmpSum += magic[index,index]
    if tmpSum != perValue:
        print(f"error hypotenuse1: col:{tmpSum} != {perValue}")
        return False

    # validate hypotenuse 2
    tmpSum = 0
    for index in range(rank):
        tmpSum += magic[rank-1-index,index]
    if tmpSum != perValue:
        print(f"error hypotenuse1: col:{tmpSum} != {perValue}")
        return False

    return True


幻方(Magic Square)是一种将数字安排在正方形格子中,使每行、列和对角线上的数字和都相等的方法。

import numpy as np

def oddMagic(rank: int):
    if (rank < 3) or (rank % 2) == 0:
        return None
    if rank > 1000:
        return None

    curRow = 0
    curCol = rank // 2
    magic = np.zeros((rank, rank), dtype=np.uint32)
    magic[curRow, curCol] = 1

    i = 2
    endNum = rank * rank
    while i <= endNum:
        tmpRow = curRow - 1
        tmpCol = curCol + 1
        # row,col正常数值范围
        if (0 <= tmpRow <= rank-1) and (0 <= tmpCol <= rank-1):
            # 前面有数字(row-1,col不变)
            if magic[tmpRow, tmpCol] > 0:
                curRow = curRow + 1
                curRow = tmpRow
                curCol = tmpCol
            magic[curRow, curCol] = i

        # row越界
        if (tmpRow < 0) and (0 <= tmpCol <= rank-1):
            # row-> rank - 1
            curRow = rank - 1
            curCol = tmpCol
            magic[curRow, curCol] = i

        # col越界
        if (0 <= tmpRow <= rank - 1) and (tmpCol > rank - 1):
            curRow = tmpRow
            curCol = 0
            magic[curRow, curCol] = i

        # row,col都越界
        if (tmpRow < 0) and (tmpCol > rank - 1):
            curRow = curRow + 1
            magic[curRow, curCol] = i
        i = i + 1
    return magic

# 交换方阵的对角元素
def swapHypotenuseEle(magic: np.ndarray):
    tmpRank = magic.shape[0]
    semiRank = tmpRank // 2
    semiHigh = tmpRank - 1
    centerPntY = int((semiHigh / 2 + 0) * 2)
    centerPntX = int((semiHigh / 2 + 0) * 2)
    for index in range(semiRank):
        tmpRowA = index
        tmpColA = index
        tmpRowB = centerPntY - tmpRowA
        tmpColB = centerPntX - tmpColA
        tmpValue = magic[tmpRowA, tmpColA]
        magic[tmpRowA, tmpColA] = magic[tmpRowB, tmpColB]
        magic[tmpRowB, tmpColB] = tmpValue

        tmpRowA = semiHigh - index
        tmpColA = index
        tmpRowB = centerPntY - tmpRowA
        tmpColB = centerPntX - tmpColA
        tmpValue = magic[tmpRowA, tmpColA]
        magic[tmpRowA, tmpColA] = magic[tmpRowB, tmpColB]
        magic[tmpRowB, tmpColB] = tmpValue
    return magic

def evenMagicDouble(rank: int):
    if (rank < 4) or (rank % 4 != 0):
        return None
    if rank > 1000:
        return None

    # 对每个元素按行列依次赋值
    # refer: https://hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation?paperID=64877
    magic = np.zeros((rank, rank), dtype=np.int32)
    for tmpRow in range(rank):
        for tmpCol in range(rank):
            magic[tmpRow, tmpCol] = rank * tmpRow + (tmpCol + 1)
    print("step1:\n", magic)

    # 分成n*n个4x4的小方阵(对角线上的元素标记为0)
    maskMagic = np.ones((rank, rank), dtype=np.int32)
    nDim = rank // 4
    nSpan = 4
    for tmpY in range(nDim):
        for tmpX in range(nDim):
            offsetY = nSpan * tmpY
            offsetX = nSpan * tmpX
            for index in range(nSpan):
                # 主对角线
                tmpRow = index + offsetY
                tmpCol = index + offsetX
                maskMagic[tmpRow, tmpCol] = 0
                # 副对象线
                tmpRow = nSpan - 1 - index + offsetY
                tmpCol = index + offsetX
                maskMagic[tmpRow, tmpCol] = 0
    #print("step2:\n", maskMagic)

    # 将n*n平方个小方阵的对角线元素按(rank*rank方阵的中点)对称交换
    # 元素交换的互补值
    compleValue = rank * rank + 1
    for tmpRow in range(rank):
        for tmpCol in range(rank):
            if maskMagic[tmpRow, tmpCol] == 0:
                magic[tmpRow, tmpCol] = compleValue - magic[tmpRow, tmpCol]
    #print("step3:\n", magic)
    return magic

def evenMagicSingle(rank: int):
    if not (rank >= 6 and ((rank % 2 == 0) and (rank % 4 != 0))):
        return None
    if rank > 1000:
        return None
    # 罗伯法
    divRank = rank // 2
    oriMagic = oddMagic(divRank)
    offsetValue = divRank * divRank
    mags = []
    for index in range(4):
        tmpMagic = oriMagic + offsetValue * index
    for i in range(len(mags)):
        print(f"[{i}]:\n", mags[i])

    A B  =>  A C
    C D      D B
    mH1 = np.hstack((mags[0], mags[2]))
    mH2 = np.hstack((mags[3], mags[1]))
    magic = np.vstack((mH1, mH2))
    print("step2:\n", magic)
    refer1: https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/1608589126045729347.html
    mGrid = divRank // 2
    # 记录对角线元素的状态值(1)
    maskMagic = np.zeros((divRank, divRank))
    for index in range(divRank):
        maskMagic[index, index] = 1
        maskMagic[divRank-1-index, index] = 1
    print("maskMagic:\n", maskMagic)

    # 每一行需要交换mGrid个元素(一侧对角线格为必换格)
    for tmpRow in range(divRank):
        # 交换对象线元素
        for tmpCol in range(divRank):
            if maskMagic[tmpRow, tmpCol] == 1:
                # 小方阵的元素行列索引值要相对应
                curRowA = tmpRow
                curColA = tmpCol
                curRowD = curRowA + divRank
                curColD = curColA
                tmpValue = magic[curRowA, curColA]
                magic[curRowA, curColA] = magic[curRowD, curColD]
                magic[curRowD, curColD] = tmpValue
        # 其它非对角线上元素交换
        rmnCnt = 0
        while rmnCnt < mGrid - 1:
            for tmpCol in range(divRank):
                if maskMagic[tmpRow, tmpCol] != 1:
                    curRowA = tmpRow
                    curColA = tmpCol
                    curRowD = curRowA + divRank
                    curColD = curColA
                    tmpValue = magic[curRowA, curColA]
                    magic[curRowA, curColA] = magic[curRowD, curColD]
                    magic[curRowD, curColD] = tmpValue
                    # 标记已交换的状态
                    maskMagic[tmpRow, tmpCol] = 1
            rmnCnt += 1

    # B与C再任取m-1列相互交换
    tmpColCnt = 0
    while tmpColCnt < mGrid - 1:
        for tmpRow in range(divRank):
            curRowC = tmpRow
            curColC = tmpColCnt + divRank
            curRowB = curRowC + divRank
            curColB = curColC
            tmpValue = magic[curRowC, curColC]
            magic[curRowC, curColC] = magic[curRowB, curColB]
            magic[curRowB, curColB] = tmpValue
        tmpColCnt += 1
    print("step3:\n", magic)
    return magic

def validateMagic(magic: np.ndarray, rank: int):
    maxNum = rank * rank
    sumTotal = (1 + maxNum) * maxNum // 2
    perValue = sumTotal // rank
    print(f"sumTotal={sumTotal}, perValue={perValue}")

    # validate row
    for tmpRow in range(rank):
        tmpSum = np.sum(magic[tmpRow,0:rank])
        if tmpSum != perValue:
            print(f"error row:{tmpSum} != {perValue}", magic[tmpRow,0:rank])
            return False

    # validate col
    for tmpCol in range(rank):
        tmpSum = np.sum(magic[0:rank, tmpCol])
        if tmpSum != perValue:
            print(f"error col:{tmpSum} != {perValue}", magic[0:rank, tmpCol])
            return False

    # validate hypotenuse 1
    tmpSum = 0
    for index in range(rank):
        tmpSum += magic[index,index]
    if tmpSum != perValue:
        print(f"error hypotenuse1: col:{tmpSum} != {perValue}")
        return False

    # validate hypotenuse 2
    tmpSum = 0
    for index in range(rank):
        tmpSum += magic[rank-1-index,index]
    if tmpSum != perValue:
        print(f"error hypotenuse1: col:{tmpSum} != {perValue}")
        return False

    return True

def testOddMagic():
    rank = 15
    tmpMagic = oddMagic(rank)
    boSuccess = validateMagic(tmpMagic, rank)
    print("validate->:", boSuccess)

def testEvenMagicDouble():
    rank = 16
    tmpMagic = evenMagicDouble(rank)
    boSuccess = validateMagic(tmpMagic, rank)
    print("validate->:", boSuccess)

def testEvenMagicSingle():
    rank = 14
    tmpMagic = evenMagicSingle(rank)
    boSuccess = validateMagic(tmpMagic, rank)
    print("validate->:", boSuccess)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # testOddMagic()
    # testEvenMagicDouble()



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