package main
import("fmt""net""strings""time")type Client struct{
C chanstring// pipeline to send data
Name string
Addr string}//save online users. var onlineMap map[string]Client
var message =make(chanstring)funcWriteMsgToClient(cli Client, conn net.Conn){for msg :=range cli.C {_,_= conn.Write([]byte(msg +"\n"))}}funcMakeMsg(cli Client, msg string)(buf string){
buf ="["+ cli.Addr +"]"+ cli.Name +": "+ msg
return}funcHandleConn(conn net.Conn){defer conn.Close()
cliAddr := conn.RemoteAddr().String()
cli := Client{make(chanstring), cliAddr, cliAddr}
onlineMap[cliAddr]= cli
// Start a new association to send information to the current clientgoWriteMsgToClient(cli, conn)
message <-MakeMsg(cli,"login")
cli.C <-MakeMsg(cli,"i am here")// Record whether the other party voluntarily exits
hasQuit :=make(chanbool)// Whether the data of the opposite party is sent
hasData :=make(chanbool)// Open a new association to accept the data sent by usersgofunc(){
buf :=make([]byte,2048)for{
n, err := conn.Read(buf)
fmt.Println(n)if n ==0{
hasQuit <-true
fmt.Println("conn.Read err= ", err)return}
msg :=string(buf[:n])if msg =="who"{_,_= conn.Write([]byte("user list:\n"))for_, tmp :=range onlineMap {
userAddr := tmp.Addr +":"+ tmp.Name +"\n"_,_= conn.Write([]byte(userAddr))}}elseiflen(msg)>=8&& msg[:6]=="rename"{//rename
newName := strings.Split(msg,"|")[1]
cli.Name = newName
onlineMap[cliAddr]= cli
_,_= conn.Write([]byte("rename ok\n"))}else{
message <-MakeMsg(cli, msg)}
hasData <-true// Representative has data}}()// Disallow disconnection of server clientsfor{select{case<-hasQuit:delete(onlineMap, cliAddr)
message <-MakeMsg(cli,"login out")case<-hasData:case<-time.After(30* time.Second):delete(onlineMap, cliAddr)
message <-MakeMsg(cli,"time out leave out")return}}}funcManager(){
onlineMap =make(map[string]Client)for{
msg :=<-message
for_, cli :=range onlineMap {
cli.C <- msg
lis, err := net.Listen("tcp",":8888")if err !=nil{
fmt.Println("net.Listen err =", err)return}defer lis.Close()// new association,As soon as there is a message is coming,it will traverse the map and send the message.goManager()// Master association, waiting for user linkfor{
conn, err1 := lis.Accept()if err1 !=nil{
fmt.Println("is.Accept err1=", err1)continue}// Handle user linksgoHandleConn(conn)}