

Governments should focus on solving the immediate problems of today rather than on trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future.

Qualified disagree

point: focus on the immediate problems as well as the anticipated problems

pros: no one can deny that the immediate problems can solve the most urgent requests of people in the city, like the harvest instructions, the welfare of poor people, the education services, the resources of local market, the pollution and people’s safety.

yield: only focus on the current problems is provincial 局限性/ may be localized, has somewhat limitation


the point behind focusing on solving the immediate problems lies that these problems is the most urgent things for the government to deal with, while the future ones is not so important compared to the current ones.

范文:…is that future problems has less priorities because of the fact that they appear faraway.


the assumption, in my opinion, is wrong, since we cannot determine the effect of affairs depending just on the sequence of these affairs, in others, something happens in the future may be more meaningful and important than the current ones.

范文:since we cannot determine the severity of an issue based on how far we are from it.


范文:There are future issues that seems very distant from us but when they emerge, the consequence are devastating.


As a result, it is still necessary to address those problems of the future give the potential damage they could incur.


without solving problems of the future is short-eyesight

the education resources. teacher need better welfare, if the teacher go to other cities, the level of education will drastically fall.

the environment. the pollution after WWII gets much worse than before because of the industrialization and ignorance of environmental protection. prepare for a recycle and reuse of the plastic bags

the economy. saving budgets on expense of government

To sum up, I agree that XXX, but that does not necessarily mean that…, which may be…

Moreover, XXX

Some people believe it is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public. Others believe that the public has a right to be fully informed.

opinion: political leaders are fit to withhold information in some affairs, while in some other affairs, they should not hide information, it depends on the effects of implement this decision.

withhold information:


hide the trend of the bankrupt of one local industry, government can take the time and appeal investment for the investor, then the local people will get jobs and earn money again instead of get unemployment. In this way, the prosperity of a city will come back.

not good:

like hide problems and get along with it, the balloon of the problem comes bigger and bigger and blast some day in the future, which is like a kind of disease, should be repelled in early days. the exceeding pollution of an industry, if the political helps the factory to mask the pollutant index, it seems a relief to this industry, but in the long run, it does harm to the health of local people who depend a lot on the fresh air and water. And, if the industry is investigated and convicted, the fine will be a lot, which always lead to the bankrupt and economy crisis of the local government.

reveal information:

good: the companies should reveal its annual report to the politics to make decision about the politics to allocate budges to the local companies.

bad: may leak information. the public can get information on the investment, then some risk speculators can but lots of stocks, which in return prevent the development of economy and play a negative role on implementing the policies.

both is good and bad, should be discussed on aspects. 没话说了

That being said, unconditionally exposing all government information to the public will lead

to significant disruptions to the society, for the reason that certain sensitive information

needs to be kept in secret. If such sensitive information gets exposed, the benefits of the

society would be undermined.

Although the two stances discussed above appear to be mutually exclusive, there are ways

to reconcile them.

To sum up, the public indeed has the right to be fully informed, but this does not necessarily

mean that governments cannot withhold certain information. One way to reconcile such a

conflict is by granting the government certain privileges in keeping secret information but

allowing the public access after certain periods of time.

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