
1 小作文练习

closed followed by XXX (nearly 30%), the figures in Sweden, Spain, Italy are all under 20%

When it comes to the leisure and educatuon, 



The bar chart shows the unemplyment rate of teens and overall people in Poland, Itlay, Hungary, Germany and Denmark. In general

剑15 manufacturing istant noodles

This picture illustrates 8 steps to produce instant noodles. 

The truck loads flour from the storage silos in the first step and it will be sent to the mixer. In step two, mixed with water, which aims to stir fully with the flour. After that, the outcome material from the mixer will go through several rollers, then the dough sheets comes out. In the next step, these dough sheets will be cut into many strips. Then in the step 5, they will become noodles discs. With the help of oil, these discs are cooked and dryed in step 6. After that, the cooked noodles discs added with vegetables and spices  are placed into cups. In the final step, the labels will be put on cups by automatic labelling and sealing machine.

That is all the process needed for manufacturing instant noodles.


scheme 图例 this given scheme explains XXX

把我的一句话拆成了三句话, 2: moreover it reveals how this product appears on the market shelves. In general, there are 8 stages of manufacturing before the final product is being delivered to the store.


the XXX step ---> The first operation 

The substance is XXX

The following operation

After that XXX

The seventh stage consists of 

The XXX is mainly about XXX, at this moment

Overall, it takes a considerably long time for a product to get to a super market.




Staumfirth  Staunfirth



















visibilities lighting



Complaint Letter





The left figure shows the process of cement, the second one shows material used to produce concrete.

Initially, limestone and clay are poured into a crusher, which generates powder. Then the powder get fully mixed throughtout the Mixer. After that, it is transported to a rotating heater, during this process, the mixed power is rotated and heated, which are transmited to grinder in the last but not least step. Finally, the grinded cement is packeted into bags.

For producing concrete, water(10%), cement(15%), gravel(50%) and sand(25%) are poured into a concrete mixer. As the mixer rotating, these material get fully mixed.

In all, the cement production is a 

The first step in  标题 cement production is XXX

is to introduce  is to do


After this,


Referring to XXX

Referring to the concrete production


The last difference between both processes is that concrete mixer does not work with heat


G类 Test1

Wirting to an English - speaking friend.

Dear Tom,

Last week I accepted an offer from Google, whose working site locates in Fremont city. I opened a new lease for a house which is not far from Google. On last weeked I moved to this new house with the help of my brother. It takes me a quite busy weekend to get everything settled. Now I would like to discribe the new house to you. It is a 2 bedrooms with 1 bathroom house, which spend $2500 monthly, there is nothing much furniture except for a woven, a washing machine and a drying machine. So I have ordered a king size bed, a singing machine and a sofa from ikea. I'm happy to invite you to come and visit my new house if it is convinient for you. 

                                        Yours , Jacob.

I'm writing to let you know XXX

I'm sure you will like it.


Why don't you come round this weekend?

We would all love to see you and if the weather is good we can start a barbecue in the garden


Please call me and let me know the time you would like to come

Test4 图表题

The diagram show the data of four methods for transporting goods in UK between 1974 and 2002.

In 1974, there are about 70 million tonnnes of goods transported in UK by road. In contrast to that, less than 5 million tonnes are transported by pipeline, while almost 40 by water and rail. From 1974 to 1995, the quantities of goods transported by pipeline meet a constant increasement increment, then after 1995, it remains at a constant value of 22.

The method by rail meets two slighty shrink from 1978 to 1994. After that, it bounced up to 42 million tonnnes till 2002, which is a slighty slightly increment compared to which in 1974. On the other hand, the water transportation faced a suddenly boost between 1978 and 1982, while it happened on the opposite trend when talking about road during the same period. After that, the water method went through a flunctuate flunctuate fluctuate between the year 1982 and 1998, and reached it highest quantities in 2002. In addition, despite a constant decrement between year 1991 and 1994, the road method was increased from 1982 to 2002.

All of these four methods of transporting goods in UK from 1974 to 2002 has been increased, and the road method holds a greatest increment while the rail data gets a tiny increment.







go up

rocket 动词 猛增

boost 猛增

soar 猛增

balloon 膨胀











degrade degenerate

plunge 猛降

collapse 猛降

不增不降  停滞怎么说

plateau 动词  高原; (发展、增长后的)稳定期,停滞期;



In conclusion the road remains the most popular method of transporting goods in the UK while water and pipelines  a becoming increasingly used, still have not become as much popular as a method of water and road.

Writing Task Test1 1

There are 3 main reasons contribute to 93% of the worldwide land degradation in the pie chart, in addition to 7% other reasons. Also, the table shows specific data according to these 3 main causes grouped by North America, Europe and Oceania.

In the pie chart, the over-grazing problem responses for 35% of the worldwide land degradation , which is the most sailent salient reason. The proportion of deforestation (30%) comes to the next as the second main cause. While over-cultivation (28%) takes a third position of percentage ranged from high to low.

When talked about different regions, it is illustrated from the table that over - cultivation (3.3%) outweights outweighs  over-grazing (1.5%) and deforestation(0.2%) as the causes of land degradation. But in the Europe it is not the same trend, who holds deforestation as the greatest reason. As for the Oceania region, the deforestation takes only 1.7%, and the over- cultivation eventually takes 0 effect on land degradation. In comparison, the over-grazing problem holds the majority percentage (11.3%).

In all, different region shows different contribution of causes of land degradation. Policy makers should improve this problem according to data gathered from different regions.

剑15 Test1 Writing1


The diagram show preference of coffee and tea consumed by Australian people. It is divided into five main cities and the percentage of city residents is illustrated according to the data collected from Australian people who bought fresh coffee or instant coffee or went to a cafe for coffee or tea in last 4 weeks.

At a first glace, more Australians prefer to buy and drink tea and coffe by going to a cafe except in Adelaide, in which shows almost 50% people are interested in buying insant coffe. In comparasion, less than 45% people in all the five cities of Australia choose to buy fresh coffee. Also, in Sydney there are about 44% citizens bought fresh coffee while in Brisbane the percentage goes down to 34%. When it comes to instant coffee, the percentafe varies in five cities, which is 45% in Sydney, 47% in Melbourne, 53% in Brisbane, 50% in Adelaide and 54% in Hobart.

In all, the biggest margin of preference between fresh coffee and insant coffee happens in Brisbane, while in Sydney shows a small gap. 










the diagram shows the results of how often people buy and drink a different types of coffee in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Hobart of Australia.

从不同的片层来说: 可以分成三个body段落来说

The first option is bought fresh coffee in last 4 weeks.

The send line is bought instant coffee in last 4 weeks.

Th last option of the survey shows the percentage of city residents that went to a cafe for coffee or tea in last 4 weeks.



官方评论: Organisation is clear, introduction and overview, one paragraph per category

Last paragraph select one special comparison to talk about.

As we have been surrounded by advertisement nowadays with the development of information technology, someone may think about advertisement as a kind of successful media conveys persuading information to people which lead them to buy goods. While some other people refers to advertisement as a common thing we can meet in our daily life so that not enough atttention could it draw. As far as I am concerned, both of these two views are partial and deficient under some conditions. That is to say, advertising is not so successful at persuading us to buy things but it generates a powerful effect to our daily life that we cannot always ignore it for certain.

It is known for us that as the smart cell phone envolves, the web world is comming around us in a virtual way. In the past, the advertisment existed only in newspapers and sheets. At that time, if people want to buy a TV, they would call a sales person related to that advertisement to their first mind. In comparison, people always get information of products on their cellphone for now, and it becomes more convinient for them to check out the order online. In other words, changes in the way of advertising indeed change method for buying goods. However, data also shows that people's enthusiasm to some products has declined a lot since the birth of smart cellphone. Tv is also a good instance for illustrating this point. In the past salesman showed up in the local community and knock the door to promote TV and persuaded people to connect their happiness with daily life with television. However, this notion has changed for now and becomes not efficient to persuade people to own a TV because the online TV has shown up. In fact, according to a reseach by New Jersy Institute of Technology, nearly 67% people who rent in big cities are not willing to buy a new brand TV. And the retailers has to seek for a substitute for TV such as PC monitors with big screen and they find these monitors take the lead. At this point, advertising is not successul enough at persuading people to buy things when it comes to some products. 

It is hard to say we can no longer pay attention to advertisements. When people scrolling the phone, sometimes they may get annoyed about long lasting advertisements and not willing to buy the products showed by these ads. But this situation takes a slighy effect on his or her mind of buying a similar product. For example, if a man sees ad about a bicycle when he is doing fitness. He may not think he will buy it at that time and ignore the ads. But after ten days when he is cooking and see the similar ads about bicycle, he may change his mind. So, it is hard to say as the advertisments become so ubiquitous, we no long pay attention to it.

In all, both of these views are not soild to be true. Different situtaions should be considered and to be supplied to these points. If more aspects are included, then we can take the grand for these views are true. 



 attention, evolves, coming, covenient, research, New Jersey, slightly, situations, solid





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


