

android现在已经支持C/C++ NativeActivity开发

android提供[code lang="c"]<android/native_activity>[/code]头文件。所以你要使用的话,要引入这个头文件

1,NativeActivity 入口

[code lang="c"]void ANativeActivity_onCreate(ANativeActivity* activity,
        void* savedState, size_t savedStateSize)[/code]

因为头文件就是这么定义的。而且必须有。不然不能使用native activity。它的定义如下:

[code lang="c"]/**
 * This is the function that must be in the native code to instantiate the
 * application's native activity.  It is called with the activity instance (see
 * above); if the code is being instantiated from a previously saved instance,
 * the savedState will be non-NULL and point to the saved data.  You must make
 * any copy of this data you need -- it will be released after you return from
 * this function.
typedef void ANativeActivity_createFunc(ANativeActivity* activity,
        void* savedState, size_t savedStateSize);

 * The name of the function that NativeInstance looks for when launching its
 * native code.  This is the default function that is used, you can specify
 * "" string meta-data in your manifest to use a different
 * function.
extern ANativeActivity_createFunc ANativeActivity_onCreate;[/code]

2,定义native activity的生命周期回调接口函数。


[code lang="c"]/**
 * These are the callbacks the framework makes into a native application.
 * All of these callbacks happen on the main thread of the application.
 * By default, all callbacks are NULL; set to a pointer to your own function
 * to have it called.
typedef struct ANativeActivityCallbacks {
     * NativeActivity has started.  See Java documentation for Activity.onStart()
     * for more information.
    void (*onStart)(ANativeActivity* activity);
     * NativeActivity has resumed.  See Java documentation for Activity.onResume()
     * for more information.
    void (*onResume)(ANativeActivity* activity);
     * Framework is asking NativeActivity to save its current instance state.
     * See Java documentation for Activity.onSaveInstanceState() for more
     * information.  The returned pointer needs to be created with malloc();
     * the framework will call free() on it for you.  You also must fill in
     * outSize with the number of bytes in the allocation.  Note that the
     * saved state will be persisted, so it can not contain any active
     * entities (pointers to memory, file descriptors, etc).
    void* (*onSaveInstanceState)(ANativeActivity* activity, size_t* outSize);
     * NativeActivity has paused.  See Java documentation for Activity.onPause()
     * for more information.
    void (*onPause)(ANativeActivity* activity);
     * NativeActivity has stopped.  See Java documentation for Activity.onStop()
     * for more information.
    void (*onStop)(ANativeActivity* activity);
     * NativeActivity is being destroyed.  See Java documentation for Activity.onDestroy()
     * for more information.
    void (*onDestroy)(ANativeActivity* activity);

     * Focus has changed in this NativeActivity's window.  This is often used,
     * for example, to pause a game when it loses input focus.
    void (*onWindowFocusChanged)(ANativeActivity* activity, int hasFocus);
     * The drawing window for this native activity has been created.  You
     * can use the given native window object to start drawing.
    void (*onNativeWindowCreated)(ANativeActivity* activity, ANativeWindow* window);

     * The drawing window for this native activity has been resized.  You should
     * retrieve the new size from the window and ensure that your rendering in
     * it now matches.
    void (*onNativeWindowResized)(ANativeActivity* activity, ANativeWindow* window);

     * The drawing window for this native activity needs to be redrawn.  To avoid
     * transient artifacts during screen changes (such resizing after rotation),
     * applications should not return from this function until they have finished
     * drawing their window in its current state.
    void (*onNativeWindowRedrawNeeded)(ANativeActivity* activity, ANativeWindow* window);

     * The drawing window for this native activity is going to be destroyed.
     * You MUST ensure that you do not touch the window object after returning
     * from this function: in the common case of drawing to the window from
     * another thread, that means the implementation of this callback must
     * properly synchronize with the other thread to stop its drawing before
     * returning from here.
    void (*onNativeWindowDestroyed)(ANativeActivity* activity, ANativeWindow* window);
     * The input queue for this native activity's window has been created.
     * You can use the given input queue to start retrieving input events.
    void (*onInputQueueCreated)(ANativeActivity* activity, AInputQueue* queue);
     * The input queue for this native activity's window is being destroyed.
     * You should no longer try to reference this object upon returning from this
     * function.
    void (*onInputQueueDestroyed)(ANativeActivity* activity, AInputQueue* queue);

     * The rectangle in the window in which content should be placed has changed.
    void (*onContentRectChanged)(ANativeActivity* activity, const ARect* rect);

     * The current device AConfiguration has changed.  The new configuration can
     * be retrieved from assetManager.
    void (*onConfigurationChanged)(ANativeActivity* activity);

     * The system is running low on memory.  Use this callback to release
     * resources you do not need, to help the system avoid killing more
     * important processes.
    void (*onLowMemory)(ANativeActivity* activity);
} ANativeActivityCallbacks;[/code]

[code lang="c"]void ANativeActivity_onCreate(ANativeActivity* activity,
        void* savedState, size_t savedStateSize) {
    LOGV("Creating: %p\n", activity);
    activity->callbacks->onDestroy = onDestroy;
    activity->callbacks->onStart = onStart;
    activity->callbacks->onResume = onResume;
    activity->callbacks->onSaveInstanceState = onSaveInstanceState;
    activity->callbacks->onPause = onPause;
    activity->callbacks->onStop = onStop;
    activity->callbacks->onConfigurationChanged = onConfigurationChanged;
    activity->callbacks->onLowMemory = onLowMemory;
    activity->callbacks->onWindowFocusChanged = onWindowFocusChanged;
    activity->callbacks->onNativeWindowCreated = onNativeWindowCreated;
    activity->callbacks->onNativeWindowDestroyed = onNativeWindowDestroyed;
    activity->callbacks->onInputQueueCreated = onInputQueueCreated;
    activity->callbacks->onInputQueueDestroyed = onInputQueueDestroyed;




[code lang="xml"]
<!-- Our activity is the built-in NativeActivity framework class.
             This will take care of integrating with our NDK code. -->
        <activity android:name=""
            <!-- Tell NativeActivity the name of or .so -->
            <meta-data android:name=""
                    android:value="NativeActivity" />
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />





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