Chapter 4 MySQL Programs

Chapter 4 MySQL Programs

4.1 Overview of MySQL Programs

Most programs provide a --help option.

  • mysqld
    The SQL daemon (the MySQL server).
  • mysqld_safe
    A server startup script.
  • mysql.server
    A server startup script.
    Use System V-style run directories containing scripts. it invokes mysqld_safe to start the MySQL server.

System V-style 是什么意思

  • mysqld_multi
    A server startup script that can start or stop multiple servers.

Several programs perform setup operations during MySQL installation or upgrading:

  • comp_err
    It compiles error message files from the error source files.
  • mysql_secure_installation
    This program enables you to improve the security of your MySQL installation.
  • mysql_ssl_rsa_setup
    Creates the SSL certificate and key files and RSA key-pair files required to support secure connections.
  • mysql_tzinfo_to_sql
    Loads the time zone tables in the mysql database using the contents of the host system zoneinfo database.
  • mysql_upgrade
    Used after a MySQL upgrade operation.
    MySQL client programs that connect to the MySQL server:
  • mysql
    The command-line tool for interactively entering SQL statements or executing them from a file in batch mode.
  • mysqladmin
    A client that performs administrative operations.
  • mysqlcheck
    A table-maintenance client.
  • mysqldump
    A client that dumps a MySQL database into a file.
  • mysqlimport
    A client that imports text files into their respective tables using load data.
  • mysqlpump
    A client that dumps a MySQL database into a file as sql.
  • mysqlshow
    A client that displays information about databases, tables, columns, and indexs.
  • mysqlslap
    A client that is designed to emulate client load for a MySQL server and report the timing of each stage.
    MySQL administrative and utility programs:
  • innochecksum
    An offline InnoDB offline file checksum utility.
  • myisam_ftdump
    A utility that displays information about full-text indexes in MyISAM tables.
  • myisamchk
    Describe, check, optimize, and repair MyISAM tables.
  • myisamlog
    Processes the contents of a MyISAM log file.
  • myisampack
    Compresses MyISAM tables to produce smaller read-only tables.
  • mysql_config_editor
    Enables you to store authentication credentials in a secure, encrypted login path file named .mylogin.cnf.
  • mysqlbinlog
    Reading statements from a binary log.
  • mysqldumpslow
    Read and summarize the contents of a slow query log.
    MySQL program-development utilities:
  • mysql_config
    A shell script that produces the option values needed when compiling MySQL programs.
  • my_print_defaults
    Shows which options are present in option groups of option files.
    Miscellaneous utilities:
  • lz4_decompress
    Decompresses mysqlpump output that was created using LZ4 compression.
  • perror
    Displays the meaning of system or MySQL error codes.
  • zlib_decompress
    Decompresses mysqlpump output that was created using ZLIB compression.
    MySQL Workbench GUI tool administer MySQL servers and databases.

Environment variables.

Environment VariableMeaning
MYSQL_UNIX_PORTDefault Unix socket file;used for connections to localhost
MYSQL_TCP_PORTDefault port number; used for TCP/IP connections
MYSQL_DEBUGDebug trace options when debugging
TMPDIRThe directory where temporary tables and files are created
4.2 Using MySQL Programs
4.2.1 Invoking MySQL Programs
mysql -user=root test
mysqladmin extended-status variables
mysqlshow --help
mysqldump -u root personnel
4.2.2 Specifying Program Options

Several ways to specify options:

  • List the options on the command line.
  • List the options in an option file.
  • List the options in environment variables.
    Options are processed in order.
    mysqld --user is used as a security precaution.
    First by examining environment variables, then by processing option files, and then by checking the command line.
    mysqld-auto.cnf option file in the data directory is processed last. Using Options on the Command line
  • After the command name.
  • One dash is a short form, two dashes is long form.
  • Case-sensitive.
  • Some options take a value following the option name.
  • For a long option that takes a value, separate the option name and the value by an = sign.
    For a short option that takes a value, the option value can immediately follow the option letter, or there can be a space between: -hlocalhost and -h localhost are equivalent. 密码不能有空格
  • Within option names, dash(-) and underscore(_) may be used interchangeably.
  • The MySQL server has a set of system variables may be set at startup, at runtime, or both.
  • For options that take a numberic value, the value can be given with a suffix of k, m, g, t, p, e.
  • When specifying file names as option values, avoid the use of the ~ shell metacharacter.
    Option values that contain spaces must be quoted when given on the command line.
mysql -uroot -p -e "select version();select now();" Using Option Files

To determine whether a program reads option files, invoke it with the --help option.
Many option files are plain text files, The exceptions are:

  • The .mylogin.cnf file that contains login path options.
  • The mysqld-auto.cnf file in the data directory.

####### Option File Processing Order

File NamePurpose
/etc/my.cnfglobal options
/etc/mysql/my.cnfglobal options
SYSCONFDIR/my.cnfglobal options
$MYSQL_HOME/my.cnfserver only
defaults-extra-fileThe file specified with --defaults-extra-file
~/.my.cnfuser-specific options
~/.mylogin.cnfuser-specific login path options
DATADIR/mysqld-auto.cnfsystem variables persisted with set persist or se persist_only

####### Option File Syntax

In an option file, you omit the leading two dashes from the option name and you specify only one option per line.

  • #comment, ;comment
    Comment lines start with # or ;.
  • [group]
    group is the name of the program or group for which you want to set options.
  • opt_name
  • opt_name=value

If an option group name is the same as a program name, options in the group apply specifically to that program.
Here is a typical global option file:


Here is a typical user optin file:

password="my password"

To create option groups to be read only by mysqld servers from specific MySQL release series.



####### Option File Inclusions

Use !include directives in option files to include other option files and !includedir to search specific directories for option files.

!include /home/mydir/myopt.cnf
!includedir /home/mydir Command-Line Options that Affect Option-File Handling
  • –print-defaults may be used immediately after --defaults-file, --defaults-extra-file, or --login-path.
  • –defaults-extra-file=file_name
    Read this option after the global option file before the user option file and before the login path file.
  • –defaults-file=file_name
    Read only the given option file.
  • –defaults-group-suffix=str
    Read not only the usual option groups, but also groups with the usual names and a suffix of str.
  • –login-path=name
    Read options from the named login path in the .mylogin.cnf login path file.
  • –no-defaults
    Do not read any option files.
  • –print-defaults
    print the program name and all options that it gets from option files. Program Option Modifiers

To disable column names:


The “enabled” form of the option:


The values on, true, and false are also recognized.
If an option is prefixed by --loose, a program does not exit with an error if it does not recognize the option, but instead issues only a warning:

mysql --loose-no-such-option

The --maximum prefix is available for mysqld only and permits a limit to be placed on how large client programs can set session variables.

--maximum-max_heap_table_size=32M Using Options to Set Program Variables
mysql --max_allowed_packet=16m

In an option file



mysql --max_allowed_packet=16m
set global max_allowed_packet=16*1024*1024; Option Defaults, Options Expecting Values, and the = sign
mysql --host=tonfisk --user=jon
select current_user();
mysqld_safe --log-err &

The & character tells the OS to run MySQL in the background.

select user();
4.2.3 Command Options for Connecting to the Server
Command Options for Connection Establishment

Table Connection-Establishment Option Summary

Option NameDescription
–default-authAuthentication plugin to use
–hostHost on which MySQL server is located
–passwordPassword to use when connecting to server
–pipewindows only
–plugin-dirDirectory where plugins are installed
–portTCP/IP port number for connection
–protocolTransport protocol to use
–shard-memory-base-namewindows only
–socketUnix socket file or windows named pipe to use
–userMySQL user name to use when connecting to server
Command Options for Encrypted Connections

Table Connection-Encryption Option Summary

Option NameDescription
–get-server-public-keyRequest RSA public key from server
–server-public-key-pathPath name to file containing RSA public key
–ssl-caFile that contains list of trusted SSL Certificate Authorities
–ssl-capathDirectory that contains files
–ssl-certFile that contains X.509 certificate
–ssl-cipherPermissible ciphers for connection encryption
–ssl-crlFile that contains certificate revocation lists
–ssl-fips-modeWhether to enable FIPS mode on client side
–ssl-keyFile that contains X.509 key
–ssl-modeDesired security state of connection to server
–tls-ciphersuitesPermissible TLSv1.3 ciphersuites for encrypted connections
–tls-versionPermissible TLS protocols for encrypted connections

感觉这个加密有点多, 细节不想看了

Command Options for Connection Compression

Table Connection-Compression Option Summary

Option nameDescription
–compression-algorithmsPermitted compression algorithms for connections to server
–zstd-compression-levelCompression level for connections to server that use zstd compression
4.2.4 Connecting to the MySQL Server Using Command Options
mysql --host=localhost --user=myname --password=password mydb
mysql -h localhost -u myname -ppassword mydb
mysql --host=localhost --user=myname --password mydb
mysql -h localhost -u myname -p mydb
mysql --port=3306
mysql --port=13306 --host=127.0.01
mysql --port=13306 --protocol=TCP
  • in option file.
  • environment variables.




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