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原创 nacos startup.sh

vim 打开:set fileformat=unix

2021-04-20 13:42:21 614

原创 spring refresh

2021-04-06 17:44:50 181

原创 Language Basics variables

Language Basics

2021-02-24 19:57:32 196

原创 jdbc-con

Establishing a ConnectionA JDBC application connects to a target data source using:DriverManagerDataSourceUsing the DriverManager ClassSpecifying Database Connection URLsMySQL Connector/J Database URLjdbc:mysql://[host][,failoverhost...][:port]/

2021-01-02 01:14:37 440

原创 jdbc-sql

Processing SQL Statements with JDBCEstablishing ConnectionCreating StatementsStatementPreparedStatementCallableStatementExecuting QueriesexecuteexecuteQueryexecuteUpdateProcessing ResultSet ObjectsClosing Connectionstry-with-resources stat

2021-01-01 17:25:18 76

原创 jdbc-start

Getting StartedInstall the latest version of the Java SE SDK on your computerjava -versionInstall your database management system (DBMS) if neededMySQLInstall a JDBC driver from the vendor of your databasemysql-connector-java-8.0.21 is pure Java a

2021-01-01 14:38:53 101

原创 install-jenkins

Installing Jenkinswget -q -O https://pkg.jenkins.io/debian-stable/jenkins.io.key | sudo apt-key add -sudo sh -c 'echo deb https://pkg.jenkins.io/debian-stable binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list'sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install jen

2020-12-31 13:24:52 94

原创 Questions and Exercises

Questions and ExercisesCountLetter.java/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following co

2020-12-31 10:31:22 162

原创 Other Useful Methodes

Other Useful MethodesDetermining MIME TypeContentType.javaimport java.nio.file.*;import java.io.*;public class ContentType { public static void main(String[] args) { Path filename = Paths.get("ContentType.class"); try {

2020-12-30 21:39:47 117

原创 第二十四章 Inserting quickly

usr_24 Inserting quickly24.1 Making corrections# delete a wordctrl-w# delete linectrl-u24.2 Showing matches:set showmatch :set matchtime24.3 Completionctrl-pctrl-noptionscompleteignorecaseinfercaseCOMPLETING SPECIFIC ITEMS C

2020-12-30 20:04:00 137

原创 Watching a Directory for changes

Watching a Directory for changeswatch Service OverviewTry It OutWatchDir.java/* * Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, ar

2020-12-29 19:35:04 336

原创 Finding Files

Finding FilesMain1.javaimport java.nio.file.*;public class Main1 { public static void main(String[] args) { String pattern = "glob:*{.java,class}"; PathMatcher matcher = FileSystems.getDefault().getPathMatcher(pattern);

2020-12-29 17:19:36 168

原创 idea-keymap

idea shortcutdown alt-jup alt-kleft alt-hleft alt-lbackspace alt-adelete alt-shome alt-dend alt-fpage down alt-cpage up alt-e

2020-12-27 14:29:29 245

原创 install-docker

Install Docker Engine from binariesInstall daemon and client binaries on LinuxPrereuistesA 64-bit installationVersion 3.10 or higher of the Linux kernel.iptables version 1.4 or higher.git version 1.7 or higherA ps executable.XZ Utils 4.9 or higher

2020-12-27 02:13:13 276

原创 第十章 Making big changes

usr_09 Using the GUII don’t want to use guiusr_10 Making big changes10.1 Record and playback commandsThe “.” command repeats the preceding change.recordingThe “q{register}” command starts recording keystrokes into the register named {register}.T

2020-12-24 23:45:14 136

原创 第八章 Splitting windows

usr_08 Splitting windows08.1 Split a windowopen a new window:splitclose the window:closeclosing all other windows:only08.2 Split a window on another fileopens a second window and starts editing the given file::split two.copen a wind

2020-12-24 16:02:31 171 1

原创 第七章 Editing more than one file

usr_07 Editing more than one file07.1 Edit another file:edit foo.txt07.2 A list of filesvim one.c two.c three.c:next:wnextWHERE AM I? :argsMOVING TO OTHER ARGUMENTS :previous :wprevious :last :first

2020-12-24 06:43:55 115

原创 Walking the File Tree

Walking the File TreeThe FileVisitor InterfacePrintFiles.javaimport java.io.*;import java.nio.file.*;import java.nio.file.attribute.*;import static java.nio.file.FileVisitResult.*;public class PrintFiles extends SimpleFileVisitor<Path> {

2020-12-24 04:25:03 130

原创 Links, Symbolic or Otherwise

Links, Symbolic or OtherwiseCreating a Symbolic LinkCreateSymbolicLink.javaimport java.io.*;import java.nio.file.*;public class CreateSymbolicLink { public static void main(String[] args) { Path newLink = Paths.get("test-link");

2020-12-23 18:53:39 223

原创 第六章 Using syntax highlighting

usr_06 Using syntax highlighting06.1 Switching it on:syntax enable

2020-12-23 16:36:19 126 2

原创 Creating and Reading Directories

Creating and Reading DirectoriesListing a File System’s Root DirectoriesListDir.javaimport java.nio.file.*;public class ListDir { public static void main(String[] args) { Iterable<Path> dirs = FileSystems.getDefault().getRootDirect

2020-12-23 01:37:43 184

原创 Random access file

RandomTest.javaimport java.io.*; import java.nio.*;

2020-12-22 19:01:58 162 1

原创 第五章 Set your settings

usr_05 Set your settings05.1 The Vimrc fileedit vimrc file:edit $MYVIMRCThe “:version” command mentions the name of the “user vimrc file”.~/.vimrcThe vimrc file contain all the commands that you type after a colon.set incsearch05.2 The example v

2020-12-22 18:01:58 235

原创 Lesson: JDBC Introduction

Trail: JDBC Database AccessLesson: JDBC IntroductionJDBC manage three programming activities:Connect to a data source, like a database.Send queries and update statements to the database.Retrieve and process the results received from the database in a

2020-12-21 12:58:54 120

原创 第四章 Making small changes

usr_04 Making small changes04.1 Operators and motionsTo err is human. To really foul up you need a computer. ~ ------------------> d4w To err is human. you need a computer. ~ --------> d2e To err is human.

2020-12-21 12:52:00 190

原创 linux terminal ctrl 快捷键

linux termainal 快捷键本人不是原创退出 exitctrl-dtab 自动补全命令行历史查看上一个使用过的命令ctrl-p查看下一个ctrl-n搜索历史命令ctrl-rhistory | grep {command}中断命令进程终止运行ctrl-c运行程序送到后台ctrl-z清屏ctrl-l移动光标ctrl-a # 将光标移到所在行首...

2020-12-20 13:13:41 356

原创 vim 用户手册第三章 moving around

usr_03 Moving around03.1 Word movementThis is a line with example text --->-->->-----------------> w w w 3w This is a line with example text <----<--<-<---------<--- b b b 2b b This is a line w

2020-12-20 04:41:54 402 2

原创 Chapter 2 Installing and Upgrading MySQL

Chapter 2 Installing and Upgrading MySQLInstallation of MySQL generally follows the steps outlined here:Determine whether MySQL runs and is supported on your platform.Choose which distribution to installDownload the distribution that you want to insta

2020-12-12 18:41:06 173 1

原创 Chapter 4 MySQL Programs

Chapter 4 MySQL Programs4.1 Overview of MySQL ProgramsMost programs provide a --help option.mysqldThe SQL daemon (the MySQL server).mysqld_safeA server startup script.mysql.serverA server startup script.Use System V-style run directories containi

2020-12-10 20:21:53 145

原创 vim用户手册第一二章

usr_01usr_01.1 Two manualsThe User manualThe Reference manualJUMPING AROUNDPress CTRL-] to jump to a subject under the cursor.Press CTRL-O to jump back.usr_01.2 Vim installedif you start Vim now , the ‘compatible’ option should be off.:!cp -i $V

2020-12-08 22:30:03 128

原创 Chapter 3 Tutorial

Chapter 3 Tutorialmysql --helpmysql -?3.1 Connecting to and Disconnecting from the servermysql -h host -u user -pdisconnectquit\qCtrl+D3.2 Entering Quriesselect version(), current_date;illustrates several things:statement followed by a sem

2020-12-08 22:26:27 199 1

原创 nexus repo manager quickstart

nexus repo manager quickstartnexus 官网nexus quickstartnexus 下载地址nexus dockeras a proxy server for maven and npm builds.follow each secion to:install nexus repo manager 3run it locallyproxy a basic maven我是后端,我就不管 npmrequirementsjdk8mavenp

2020-12-03 13:49:29 102

原创 Using mysqldump for backups

7.4 Using mysqldump for backupsmysql 官网感觉这个脚本有点厉害还有这个逼的博客a dump file used in several waysenable data recovery in case of data lossdata for setting up replicasdata for experimentations:use without changing the original datato test potential upgra

2020-12-02 21:37:39 129

原创 show columns statement show columns statementshow [extended] [full] {columns | fields} {from | in} tb1_name [from | in} db_name] [like 'pattern'| where expr]显示字段信息show columns from mytable from mydb;show columns from mydb.mytable;这两种方式相等extended 展示

2020-12-02 20:46:59 134

原创 我自己的 psftp-cmd

PSFTP使用简单教程官网地址建立远程连接open hostnameopen username@hostname操作远程服务器cd change directoryls listget [fileName] 下载文件get -r [dir] 递归下载远程某个目录下的所有文件到当前本地目录put [fileName] 上传文件put -r [dir] 上传文件夹delete [fileName/dir] 删除某个文件或者文件夹pwd print working director

2020-11-30 16:18:00 329

原创 我自己的 tmux-cheatsheet

tmux 使用教程基本使用启动与退出启动tmux退出exitCtrl+d前缀键Ctrl+b, 所有快捷键都要通过前缀键唤起。Ctrl+b ? or tmux list-keys 帮助esc 或 q 退出帮助会话管理新建会话tmux new -s 新建会话并起名分离会话Ctrl+b dtmux detach 当前会话与窗口分离tmux ls 查看当前所有的Tmux会话tmux list-session or Ctrl+b s 也能列出所有会话

2020-11-30 13:07:57 181

原创 我自己的 linux-cheatsheet

小抄sortsort lines of text filesteeread from standard input and write to standard output and filessystemctlControl the systemd system and service manageryumYellowdog Updater Modifiedrmremove files or directoriesrpmrpm -qa|gr

2020-11-30 13:07:17 118

原创 我自己的 vimrc 配置

我自己 vimrc 配置" 行号set nu" 背景为黑色set bg=dark" 取消搜索高亮set nohls" 颜色方案为 desertcolorscheme desert" 自动格式化选项,选项意思自己 :help fo-tableset formatoptions=tcqmM" 映射回车为空白行nmap <CR> o<Esc>" 下面5行为为方便一键缩进 gg=G ,set smartindentset tabstop=4set shiftw

2020-11-29 18:33:37 169

原创 Runtime.getRuntime().exec() 备份数据库

Java数据库备份、还原、删除操作工具类我把别人转载过来,他没有上传代码,我把他代码复制过来,上传到码云上面这是链接去看原创码云地址git clone https://gitee.com/tao_chang_liang/databasebackup.git...

2020-11-29 17:02:27 584

原创 死信

0. 目标spring AMQP死信队列延时队列1. Spring AMQP1.1 简介Sprin有很多不同的项目,其中就有对AMQP的支持http://spring.io/projects/spring-amqpSpring-amqp是对AMQP协议的抽象实现,而spring-rabbit 是对协议的具体实现,也是目前的唯一实现。底层使用的就是RabbitMQ。1.2 依赖...

2020-01-25 18:12:12 335



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