Harvard statistics, video 7 note(Gambler's ruin & random variable)

10:48 2014-10-06
start Harvard statistics, video 9

Gambler's ruin & random variables

10:49 2014-10-06
* conditioning is the soul of statistics

* random variables & their distributions

10:56 2014-10-06
Gambler's Ruin problem:

Two gamblers A & B, sequence of rounds bet $ 1,

P = P(A wins a certain round), q = 1-p // B wins round

repeat until one of them goes to bankrupt.

ruins means bankrupcy

assuming A starts with $ i, B starts with $ (N-i)

11:02 2014-10-06
that's the setup of the problem

11:02 2014-10-06
another way to think of this is a "random walk"

11:03 2014-10-06
random walk

11:03 2014-10-06
absorbing state at 0, N

11:06 2014-10-06
how many round the game will lasts?

mathematically it can last forever.

11:08 2014-10-06
strategy: condition on 1st step

11:10 2014-10-06
you have to pick something to condition on to 

break it up into manageable pieces.

11:11 2014-10-06
Let Pi = P(A wins game | A starts at $i)

11:13 2014-10-06
LOTP == Law Of Total Probability

11:13 2014-10-06
this is a recursive equation

11:16 2014-10-06
computer are very good at recursion

11:16 2014-10-06
difference equation, differential equation

11:17 2014-10-06
we would very quickly run out of notation.

11:50 2014-10-06
we need the concept of random variable

11:50 2014-10-06
we need the notion of a function

11:58 2014-10-06
What is a random variable?

It's a function from the sample sapce S to the R

11:59 2014-10-06
think of the random variable as a numerical "summary"

of an aspect of the experiment.

12:03 2014-10-06
each possbile outcomes maps to some number.

12:04 2014-10-06
Defn(Bernoulli distribution):

A r.v. X is said to have Bernoulli(p) distribution

if X has only 2 possible values, 0 & 1, and

P(X = 1) = p, P(X = 0) = 1-p

12:05 2014-10-06
then we say that this is a Bernoulli p r.v.

12:07 2014-10-06
before we do the experiment, we don't know 

whether it's going to be 0 or 1;

after we do this experiment, either it turns out

to be 0 or 1

12:08 2014-10-06
Binomial(n, p) The distribution of #successes in

n independent Bernoulli(p) trials is called Binomial(n,p)

its distribution is given by 

P(X = k) // X is going to an integer between 1 & n

12:10 2014-10-06
Bernoulli trials

12:11 2014-10-06
Bernoulli(p) => Binomial(n, p)

12:11 2014-10-06
PMF == Probability Mass Function

12:14 2014-10-06
one quick comment about the Binomial, suppose 

X ~ Binomial(n, p), Y ~ Bin(m, p), independent

then X + Y ~ Bin(n,p)




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