1、复制某flex sdk到一个新的目录
2、把air3 sdk覆盖进这个新目录里
3、将新目录改名为“flex 4.5.1 and air 3”
4、加入这个新的sdk到flex builder里
8、在app.xml文件中添加<application xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/air/application/3.0">
just installed AIR3 SDK at work. I try to recap the steps I did:
1. Locate the "old" SDKs
They are located in the Flash Builder directory, in my case this was c:\program files(x86)\adobe\flash builder 4.5\sdks
2. Make a copy of the previous SDK
Copy a previous SDK (I used SDK 4.5.1 for that) and rename the copied folder to AIR3SDK (or a different name if you like)
3. Overwrite the copied (!) SDK with the AIR3 SDK
Copy all files from the AIR3 SDK into the copied folder. It should ask you to overwrite files quite a couple of times. After this, you should have a working AIR3 SDK installed.
4. Set a name for the new SDK
I had to to this with the Beta2 - go to the new SDK directory and edit flex-sdk-description.xml - change the <name> content from Flex 4.5.1 to AIR3 SDK.
6. Add the new playerglobal.swc from Flash Player 11
Download the current Flash Player 11 "playerglobal.swc" from http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer11.html and put it into the correct folder. From the SDKs root folder this was: <sdkroot>/frameworks/libs/player/11.0/ (I had to create the 11.0 folder myself and then just put the file in there and rename it to plain "playerglobal.swc")
7. Add the AIR3 SDK to Flash Builder
Under "Project Settings - Flex Compiler" for a project, choose the new SDK as SDK to use for the project. If the SDK does not show up, go to "configure Flex SDKs", then "Add" and select the newly created folder. The new AIR3 SDK should now be included in the dropdown list as a compiler for that project.
Don't forget to add -swf-version=13 as a compiler flag on the same screen.
After doing all this, I was able to use the new features, compile my projects and well, work with it
Edit: I almost forgot - you also have to set the namespace in your -app.xml to 3.0 like this:
<application xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/air/application/3.0">