Rotate using Flex BitmapData and Matrix

Rotate using Flex BitmapData and Matrix

Recently, I found myself in need of an image rotation component in Flex so that the rotation takes place on the client and saves the image back to the server.  The image source I use has a thumbnail 100x100 and the original image.    I wanted to load just the thumbnail to perform the rotation and then once I am done with rotating the image, apply the rotation to the original image size.  

Rotating the thumbnail turns out to be easy when you redraw the BitmapData using a Matrix with the rotate property set to the desired rotation:

// Pass in a reference to the Image Control
private function rotateImageRight (img:Image ): void
   img. source = new Bitmap (   rotateRight (img ) );

private function rotateLeft(img:Image):BitmapData
   var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
   matrix.ty = img.content.width
   var bd:BitmapData = getBitmapDataMatrix(img, matrix);
   return bd;

private function rotateRight(img:Image):BitmapData
   var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
   matrix.tx = img.content.height;
   var bd:BitmapData = getBitmapDataMatrix(img, matrix);
   return bd;

The issue I ran into was that the Image Control couldn't have any dimensions or the loaded data would progressively become smaller and smaller with each rotation.   So my Image control just loads the thumbnail source, but does not size the image.   You have to trust that the image thumb is really small or it will blow up the example application.  You could probably also use a Loader Class and attach the image to the stage after you size it, but I didn't test that method.

Rotating the original image is not as easy.  I didn't want to load the image until I was ready to save the rotation. When I want to save the rotation, I load the original image in the background, to an invisible Image control with fixed dimensions (it can be as small as you want), then I manipulate the BitmapData of the content because you need the original images width and height.   At first I tried to get this with contentWidth and contentHeight properties of the Image control, but I found it worked with the actual content.width and content.height:

// Pass in reference to of the Image control with
// the original image and the matrix

private function getBitmapDataMatrix(img:Image, matrix:Matrix) : BitmapData
   var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(img.content.height, img.content.width);
   bd.draw(img.content, matrix);
   return bd;

The returned BitmapData can be posted back to a server to write out to the users disk or you can display the data in another Image control.   In the example application I show the mothod for both using a trick that Doug McCune posted on his blog. Unfortunately, it only works for Firefox and fails for some larger images.

The rest of the work just invovles keeping track of rotated angle of the thumbnail so you can apply this to the original image that you load.  In my example the original image is loaded at the start so you can see it.  But it would be easy to make this inivisible and only load the original image when the users wants to save or output the rotated image.  You will need to have the as3corelib to run the example locally.

Example File (right-click to view source)





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