Direct X简介

DirectX并不是一个单纯的图形API,它是由微软公司开发的用途广泛的API,它包含有Direct Graphics(Direct 3D+Direct Draw)、Direct Input、Direct Play、Direct Sound、Direct Show、Direct Setup、Direct Media Objects等多个组件,它提供了一整套的多媒体接口方案。只是其在3D图形方面的优秀表现,让它的其它方面显得暗淡无光。DirectX开发之初是为了弥补Windows 3.1系统对图形、声音处理能力的不足,而今已发展成为对整个多媒体系统的各个方面都有决定性影响的接口。

DirectX 1.0
DirectX 1.0版本是第一个可以直接对硬件信息进行读取的程序。它提供了更为直接的读取图形硬件的性能(比如:显示卡上的块移动功能)以及基本的声音和输入设备功能(函数),使开发的游戏能实现对二维(2D)图像进行加速。这时候的DirectX不包括现在所有的3D功能,还处于一个初级阶段。

DirectX 2.0
DirectX 2.0在二维图形方面做了些改进,增加了一些动态效果,采用了Direct 3D的技术。这样DirectX 2.0与DirectX 1.0有了相当大的不同。在DirectX 2.0中,采用了“平滑模拟和RGB模拟”两种模拟方式对三维(3D)图像进行加速计算的。DirectX 2.0同时也采用了更加友好的用户设置程序并更正了应用程序接口的许多问题。从DirectX 2.0开始,整个DirectX的设计架构雏形就已基本完成。

DirectX 3.0
DirectX 3.0的推出是在1997年最后一个版本的Windows95发布后不久,此时3D游戏开始深入人心,DirectX也逐渐得到软硬件厂商的认可。97年时应用程序接口标准共有三个,分别是专业的OpenGL接口,微软的DirectX D接口和3DFX公司的Glide接口。而那时的3DFX公司是最为强大的显卡制造商,它的Glide接口自然也受到最广泛的应用,但随着3DFX公司的没落,Voodoo显卡的衰败,Glide接口才逐渐消失了。

DirectX 3.0是DirectX 2.0的简单升级版,它对DirectX 2.0的改动并不多。包括对DirectSound(针对3D声音功能)和DirectPlay(针对游戏/网络)的一些修改和升级。DirectX 3.0集成了较简单的3D效果,还不是很成熟。

DirectX 5.0
微软公司并没有推出DirectX 4.0,而是直接推出了DirectX 5.0。此版本对Direct3D做出了很大的改动,加入了雾化效果、Alpha混合等3D特效,使3D游戏中的空间感和真实感得以增强,还加入了S3的纹理压缩技术。
同时,DirectX 5.0在其它各组件方面也有加强,在声卡、游戏控制器方面均做了改进,支持了更多的设备。因此,DirectX发展到DirectX 5.0才真正走向了成熟。此时的DirectX性能完全不逊色于其它3D API,而且大有后来居上之势。

DirectX 6.0
DirectX 6.0推出时,其最大的竞争对手之一Glide,已逐步走向了没落,而DirectX则得到了大多数厂商的认可。DirectX 6.0中加入了双线性过滤、三线性过滤等优化3D图像质量的技术,游戏中的3D技术逐渐走入成熟阶段。

DirectX 7.0
DirectX 7.0最大的特色就是支持T&L,中文名称是“坐标转换和光源”。3D游戏中的任何一个物体都有一个坐标,当此物体运动时,它的坐标发生变化,这指的就是坐标转换;3D游戏中除了场景+物体还需要灯光,没有灯光就没有3D物体的表现,无论是实时3D游戏还是3D影像渲染,加上灯光的3D渲染是最消耗资源的。虽然OpenGL中已有相关技术,但此前从未在民用级硬件中出现。

在T&L问世之前,位置转换和灯光都需要CPU来计算,CPU速度越快,游戏表现越流畅。使用了T&L功能后,这两种效果的计算用显示卡的GPU来计算,这样就可以把CPU从繁忙的劳动中解脱出来。换句话说,拥有T&L显示卡,使用DirectX 7.0,即使没有高速的CPU,同样能流畅的跑3D游戏。

DirectX 8.0
DirectX 8.0的推出引发了一场显卡革命,它首次引入了“像素渲染”概念,同时具备像素渲染引擎(Pixel Shader)与顶点渲染引擎(Vertex Shader),反映在特效上就是动态光影效果。同硬件T&L仅仅实现的固定光影转换相比,VS和PS单元的灵活性更大,它使GPU真正成为了可编程的处理器。这意味着程序员可通过它们实现3D场景构建的难度大大降低。通过VS和PS的渲染,可以很容易的宁造出真实的水面动态波纹光影效果。此时DirectX的权威地位终于建成。

DirectX 9.0
2002年底,微软发布DirectX9.0。DirectX 9中PS单元的渲染精度已达到浮点精度,传统的硬件T&L单元也被取消。全新的VertexShader(顶点着色引擎)编程将比以前复杂得多,新的VertexShader标准增加了流程控制,更多的常量,每个程序的着色指令增加到了1024条。

PS 2.0具备完全可编程的架构,能对纹理效果即时演算、动态纹理贴图,还不占用显存,理论上对材质贴图的分辨率的精度提高无限多;另外PS1.4只能支持28个硬件指令,同时操作6个材质,而PS2.0却可以支持160个硬件指令,同时操作16个材质数量,新的高精度浮点数据规格可以使用多重纹理贴图,可操作的指令数可以任意长,电影级别的显示效果轻而易举的实现。

VS 2.0通过增加Vertex程序的灵活性,显著的提高了老版本(DirectX8)的VS性能,新的控制指令,可以用通用的程序代替以前专用的单独着色程序,效率提高许多倍;增加循环操作指令,减少工作时间,提高处理效率;扩展着色指令个数,从128个提升到256个。




While you may be familiar with the "Would you like to install DirectX now?" window, do you know what DirectX is, and why it is important to keep an updated version of it on your PC?

Direct X is a set of  APIs (application program interfaces) developed by Microsoft. It provides software developers with resources to write Windows-based applications that access hardware features of a computer without knowing exactly what hardware will be installed when the program eventually runs. By using the interfaces provided by DirectX, software developers can take advantage of hardware features without being concerned about the implementation details of that hardware.

The full benefit of DirectX is most evident in PC games. Unlike console gaming machines such as the PlayStation or GameCube, for example, computer game developers are producing a game that needs to be designed to work well on a variety of systems — as opposed to one system that is the same for all end-users.

PC game developers need to ensure that their game will run on any system and include support for a large number of different hardware devices, such as the video adapter  and sound card, as well as gaming peripherals such as joysticks and racing wheels. Developers also need to ensure their game will work with hardware products that may not even hit the retail sector until after their game is released.

DirectX made its debut  in 1995. It was the first encouragement from Microsoft to move game programmers in the direction of developing for Windows 95 instead of DOS. Until then PC games were largely written in DOS, which had the capability to access the computer's sound and video hardware directly. To keep the speed of the game up, developers were looking at having to write their own drivers for a wide variety of display adapters. Tha could turn out to be a nightmare for the developer and, in turn, cause compatibility issues for some end-users.

DirectX introduced an intermediate layer that translated generic hardware commands into specific commands for particular pieces of hardware. In particular DirectX allowed multimedia applications to take advantage of hardware acceleration features supported by graphics accelerators. With DirectX game developers were able to take advantage of Windows without sacrificing performance in the game.

Key Terms To Understanding
Direct X

Direct X is a set of  APIs (application program interfaces) developed by Microsoft that enables programmers to write programs that access hardware features of a computer without knowing exactly what hardware will be installed on the machine where the program eventually runs. [READ MORE]

Abbreviation of application program interface, a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications. A good API makes it easier to develop a program by providing all the building blocks. A programmer puts the blocks together. [READ MORE]

More Related Terms From Webopedia

graphics accelerator


DirectX in the Middle
One can look at DirectX and its sub-layers as something that lies between your game or application and your computer hardware. If the software you are using is DirectX-compliant and if the manufacturer of your specific hardware has made its products DirectX compatible, then you'll find your hardware supported in the vast majority of games you play and applications you use. DirectX basically puts the responsibility of hardware support on the hardware manufacturer rather than the software developer, which really  leads to optimal software performance and hardware compatibility.

Unfortunately, in its first few releases, DirectX didn't go over too well with developers, many of whom found the API horribly designed and complicated — not to mention proprietary. Over the years, however, with improvements to each DirectX release, DirectX has become the standard. It evolves as computer hardware and game peripherals advance allowing for support of specific hardware features in new computer games.

For those who don't find themselves rushing out to buy the latest and greatest in 3D computer games, DirectX is used in a multitude of Windows based applications — anything that requires full-color graphics, video, 3D animation, and complex audio. Even if you're not a gamer you should still stay on top of the DirectX releases and the latest support information to ensure optimal performance on a Windows-based system.

DirectX Components:

DirectDrawDirectDraw is a software interface that provides direct access to display devices while maintaining compatibility with the Windows graphics device interface (GDI).
Direct3DAn API for manipulating and displaying three-dimensional objects. Developed by Microsoft, Direct3D provides programmers with a way to develop 3-D programs that can use whatever graphics acceleration device is installed in the machine. Virtually all 3-D accelerator cards for PCs support Direct3D.
DirectSoundDirectSound enables the playing of sounds with very low latency and gives applications a high level of control over hardware resources.
DirectMusicIn combination with Microsoft DirectSound, DirectMusic provides a complete solution for playing music and sound effects in games and other applications.
DirectInputDirectInput enables an application to retrieve data from input devices even when the application is in the background. It also provides full support for any type of input device, as well as for force feedback.
DirectPlayDirectPlay is a media-independent networking API that provides networking services at the transport protocol and session protocol levels. DirectPlay sessions can be run on TCP/IP networks, IPX networks, and over directly connected modems and serial cables.
DirectShowDirectShow is an architecture for streaming media on a Windows platform. It provides high-quality capture and playback of multimedia streams.

Current Support, Releases & Updates
DirectX usually changes at least once a year. Microsoft's DirectX group will release a new beta development kit for the next DirectX version, and after a few months it then becomes available for end-users to download. It is important to note that not all versions of Microsoft Windows can use the latest version of DirectX. The latest version of DirectX available for Windows 95, for example, is DirectX 8.0a. Additionally, different Microsoft operating systems will have a different version of DirectX. Windows 98 comes with DirectX 5 support, while Windows 98 Second Edition comes with DirectX 6.1a, and Windows XP and Windows 2003 Server comes with DirectX 8.1.  After software requiring DirectX is installed, if the installer does not find the correct or updated version of DirectX on your system you will be prompted to install it along with your software. Using the Windows update feature will also ensure that you are running the latest supported version of DirectX for your Windows OS.

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