COLLADA - 交互3D数字资产交换方案
COLLADA™ 是面向交互式 3D 应用程序的基于 XML 的数字资产交换方案,使 3D 创作应用程序可以自由地交换数字资产而不损失信息 - 使多种DCC和3D处理软件包可以组合成强大的工具链管道。独特的交互模式提供了广泛全面的视觉编译。COLLADA FX支持使用 OpenGL ES 着色语言创作和封装着色器,以使一流的 3D 创作工具可以有效协作创建 OpenGL / OpenGL ES 应用程序和资产。COLLADA is a COLLAborative Design Activity for establishing an open standard digital asset schema for interactive 3D applications.
DOM guide: Introduction
The COLLADA DOM is a comprehensive framework for the development of COLLADA applications. The DOM provides a C++ programming interface to load, query, and translate COLLADA instance data. The DOM loads COLLADA data into a runtime database consisting of structures that mirror those defined in the COLLADA schema.XML Schema
:一份XML schema文件描述了XML文档的结构。COLLADA schema
:The COLLADA schema is a W3C XML schema that defines valid COLLADA syntax for COLLADA instance documents. The content of the schema is described in the COLLADA Specification.
COLLADA document
: A COLLADA document, short for COLLADA instance document, is an XML file that contains valid COLLADA content as defined in the COLLADA schema. The filename extension is usually .dae (for digital asset exchange), although it might also be .xml or a proprietary extension for COLLADA content from a specific application.
:The COLLADA Document Object Model (DOM) is an application programming interface (API) that provides a C++ object representation of a COLLADA XML instance document.
The COLLADA DOM framework includes these basic components:
- DOM object model. Includes:
- The digital asset exchange (DAE) object model, which is a reflective object system that allows easy creation, manipulation, reading, and writing of COLLADA elements.
- The COLLADA object model, a custom C++ DOM based on the DAE object model and the COLLADA schema.
- DOM runtime database. Manages COLLADA elements. A reference implementation is provided via the C++ standard library. Includes:
- The C++ structures for specific instances of the COLLADA object model.
- A mechanism for converting COLLADA object model elements to user-defined data structures.
- A data