COLLADA, Skeletal Animation, C++, OpenGL









作者发现官网上有可用的COLLADA DOM。可以直接用自己的代码从DOM格式提取所有的COLLADA文件信息然后导出成自己想要的格式。但是也需要理解COLLADA的格式,而且DOM也有一些问题。比如纹理坐标的读取(s,t),只有两个元素,但是MAX默认导出的COLLADA文件格式却是(s,t,p)。所有最后作者决定自己写一个解析COLLADA数据的解析工具,而且没有看起来那么难。











  1. 虽然Max和Maya的COLLADA文档应该是相同的格式和内容,但是会有一些原因导致他们有点不一样。我们将只讨论Max导出的COLLADA数据,相信这些分析对于从Maya导出数据也会有帮助的。我始终觉得Maya导出的COLLADA文档应该是相同的,如果导出的时候在COLLADA导出设置面板设置“backed matrices”和“triangulate options”为"checked"。但是我没有用过Maya所以不知道导出工具在哪里可能出错。
  2. The COLLADA document must have at least and at most a mesh, which means, anything in the asset's Max file, should be attached. So we must not have more then one <mesh> in the <library_geometries> in the COLLADA document. If we are able to read one <mesh> then we can read a 10000 too.
  3. COLLADA文档肯定最少并且最多有一个网格,就是说Max文件里的所有资源都应该是有attached的。所以COLLADA文档<library_geometries>的<mesh>里不能超过一个。如果能读一个,就能读10000个。
  4. Geometry in COLLADA should be triangulated, since that’s the better (If not best) option, we can provide OpenGL, so we let the triangulation work done by Max.
  5. 几何形状应该是三角形
  6. Later in the implementations part we will assume our Model which was exported to COLLADA document has only One Texture file.
  7. 后面的实现部分我们假设导出为COLLADA文档的模型只用一个纹理文件。
  8. Animations in COLLADA must have at least or at most one Skeleton, with only one Root Bone (Typical). And I think that’s why we are here, to implement skeletal animation.
  9. 动画必须最少或者最多有一个骨骼,只有一个根骨骼(主要的)。实现骨骼动画,就是我们这篇教程的主要目的。
  10. Animation exported to COLLADA must be baked in matrices, which essentially in some cases makes 1 channel of animation and in others 16 channels of animation (Now what is channel? It should be explained later).
  11. 导出为COLLADA的动画必须以矩阵的形式烘焙,本质上是1通道的动画,而其他的动画为16通道的动画(什么是通道在后面会解释)
  12. Animations can only be valid if the channel targets the "Transform" of the targeted entity, just to keep things clear and easy. When you will bake matrices, then you will have this automatically, so don't need to worry about that.
  13. 为了确保动画更简单和清晰的表示出来,动画必须以一种“通道对象”被实施“变换”的模式呈现,(如果理解不了,这些是自动发生的)当你烘焙变换矩阵的时候,这些就会自动的发生了,所以不用太担心。
  14. Animations can't have nested animations.
  15. 动画里不能再嵌套动画。
  16. Only Skeletal Animation is supported (No baked animation yet).
  17. 只支持骨骼动画(不支持帧动画)
  18. Every bone in the hierarchy must be attached as effecter on the skin. In other words, it must be added to the skin.
  19. 层级中的每个骨头都必须作为“影响者”关联上皮肤。也就是说,每个骨头都必须被添加到皮肤上。

Keeping those assumptions in mind all the times, let’s start explaining different libraries in their related sections. You might also find it easy and handy to switch to Implementation part for each section immediately, when you read that section, before you finish reading the first part completely. The link to the implementation of each section is given at the end of that section.

Reading Geometry Data from COLLADA document
This is by far the most important library of all of the COLLADA libraries; if you have a character to animate we need its geometric data, which is provided in <library_geometries>.
This library contains type nodes which contain separate geometries in the scene, keep in mind COLLADA is not just an asset file format rather you can put a complete scene and many scenes in them. Like we assumed we are only concerned with one node which will have one node. So if so far you have found that node lets analyze it.


Mesh is the node where we will find our geometry data. If you try to analyze the node you will see further at least 1 or 2 nodes, which, depending on its type, gives information about Vertices, Normals and Texture Coordinates etc. In the example file (if you have downloaded from COLLADA.org, it will not have backed animation in it, so you have to import it in Max and then export it back with Backed Matrices and “triangulate” checkbox checked as shown in figure 2), you will find 3 nodes and we are lucky that each source node is defined in the same way in COLLADA.


Figure 2: Export Options from COLLADAMax

Remember all these XML nodes discussed so far have an ID associated with them which is used for locating the Node in COLLADA document when referred from any place. And Source Nodes are not any exception to that. Now can have many children nodes but the most important ones are <float_array> or <NAME_array> and <technique_common>.


As the names suggests <float_array> contains floats which can be used for different purposes which are described by <technique_common> of that source and the difference between <float_array> and <NAME_array> is that, the former contains floats and the later contains strings.

Now we use the <technique_common>'s child node to specify what kind of data is in those arrays <float_array>, <NAME_array> or any other type of many types of arrays. node has a “source” attribute which says “What kind of “array” are we talking about?”. And a “count” attribute says how many elements we have in the “array”. The “stride” attribute says after how many values the next element starts.
I hope I am not talking Chinese but let’s explain it with a figure and example COLLADA source.

现在我们用<technique_common>的子节点来指定其中的数据结构。节点包含"source"属性来指明“将要包括一些什么样的数组”。“count”属性指明“数组里有多少个元素”。“stride”属性指明下一个元素从什么位置开始。我希望我不是在讲汉语(为什么不讲汉语。。)让我们用一个图表和COLLADA source的例子来说明一下.

"<float_array id=“values” count=“6”> 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.2 0.4 0.6 </float_array>

Figure 3: Structure of a source

As you can see in figure 3, there are float array’s (count=“6”) values which are 3 (x, y, z) float components of 's (count=“2”) number of vertices. And when we have 3 child nodes in then we have 3 (x, y, z) components in each Vertex (3D vertex) (it can also be 3 Components of Normal, or 3 Components of Texture Coordinates). This information is very important since I can’t find it in COLLADA Specifications and it took me a lot of time to understand this concept (may be I am dumb) ? So if you don’t understand, please read again.


In short, this source says, “I have 2 vertices with 3 components each, which are saved in <floats_array> as 6 float values”. Components are called “X”, “Y” and “Z”. And they are float type values. If we had a which saves texture coordinates, then those components would be “S”, “T” and “P”.


So that’s all a source is about. Now as we discussed before there are 3 nodes in the example COLLADA document. And as you might have guessed already, the other two sources are for Normals and Texture Coordinates, if you have exported your Model with other attributes then you will have more nodes, like bitangents and tangets etc.


Now when we are able to decode s, we still can’t just decide on the order of those sources which one is Vertices and which one is Normals etc. we have to read one other child of which is called to find the vertices source, although I really don’t understand the reason why they do this in COLLADA but for the sake of completeness you have to read this Node it has at least one Child node called with a semantic attribute of “POSITIONS” value, which references the vertices with another source name/id. And then you refer to this ID when ever you need the vertices source. If you don’t understand these sections then skip to the next section and you hopefully will understand.


Now as we have assumed we are only considering COLLADA documents triangulated so you will only see types nodes as children of otherwise you might see etc nodes, which we are least concerned with.


This node tells all the information we need to make a triangle out of those 3 sources (in this case) which we read earlier. A node says how many triangles we have in this node with a “count” attribute and also lists “material” attribute which is used to find the material from the <library_material> and that material is used to render the list of triangles from this node. So you might see many triangle groups in one Mesh, which are separated by Materials. So we have to read all the nodes.


To decode nodes we have to read its children in which and

are the most important. The number of nodes says the number of attributes per vertex. And

has the indices of those attributes in their corresponding nodes. Let’s see an example






0 0 1 3 2 1
0 0 2 1 3 2

http://www.wazim.com/Images/Triangles Node.jpg

Figure 4: Structure of a Triangle

As you can see from the above example node is renaming the “position” source with “verts” and then defining the triangles vertices source with “verts” name. So this is why we need to read node to find the real position from the s.


If you read the Children of node you can see that it has 3 nodes with values of “VERTEX” “NORMAL” and “TEXCOORD” for its semantic attribute. This essentially means that our triangles have 3 attributes per vertex, first Vertex Position, second Vertex Normal and third Vertex Texture Coordinate.
And how we know which one is first in the list of indices in

? We can see that



node with semantic = “VERTEX” has offset = “0”,
node with semantic = “NORMAL” has offset = “1” and
node with semantic = “TEXCOORD” has offset = “2”.

So when ever we will read values from

for each triangle’s each vertex,
The first one will be the Index of “VERTEX” Position from the “positions” ,
The second one will be the index of the “NORMAL” from the “normal” and
The third one is the index of “TEXCOORD” from the “textureCoords” .



Now one thing I would like to make clear here is, that all these values we read from

are “indices” not actual values. And all the data for all the triangles are saved as indexed data to save space in case of repetitions of attributes data. To find the real data we have to refer to the corresponding s and pick the corresponding data at that particular index.



Making Triangles is very easy now. All you have to do is keep on reading 3 * (Number of Input Nodes in ) values from

and read the corresponding attribute values from the corresponding s. If we have only one attribute per vertex for any number of triangles then we will have the following Node, with only one child. In this case all you have to do to read the triangle is to keep on reading 3 values from

and read the corresponding vertex values from the corresponding “verts” source



节点读取3个值然后从对应的“verts” source读取对应的顶点值。


0 3 2
0 2 1

One thing we still need to know is the “material” attribute of a node. This attribute references the material used from the "library_materials> which will we discuss later in the tutorial.


That’s all for the geometry data. If you understand this part correctly I hope you will have no problems going on from here onwards. Other wise go back and read again until you understand completely. Now if you directly want to jump to the implementation part (part 2) of the tutorial, you should be able to read and display static 3D objects in your engine. And if you want to render them with Materials and texture maps as well as animate them, you will have to keep on reading this part of the tutorial completely.

这就是所有的几何体数据了。如果正确的理解了这部分,希望接下来的也没有问题。否则回去再看两遍直到完全理解了上边的内容。现在如果你直接跳到教程的实现部分(part 2),你可以在引擎里读取和显示静态的3D物体。但是如果想要结合相应的材料和纹理贴图渲染并且让他们动起来的话,需要继续完成全部的教程。

Click here to go to: Implementation section in part 2, for this section of part 1

Reading Texture filename from COLLADA document
As you know we took some assumptions in the beginning, one of which was only one texture file can be used in the COLLADA document. This will make finding the file name very easy.


All we have to do is to read the <library_images> and read the “id” attribute of the “Only” node in it. Usually that will be the file name of the texture file used in COLLADA. But it might not be correct file name, and COLLADA might create that ID different then the file name. So, to correctly read the file name we must read the <init_from> child node of node, which gives the whole path, with file name. For our export purposes I am only interested in the file name, not the whole path, so I will tokenize the full path and save the file name only.


Click here to go to: Implementation section in part 2, for this section of par 1

Reading Materials from COLLADA document
We discussed in the section “Reading Geometry Data from COLLADA document” that each triangle group is separated by a “material” and the Material ID is the value of the “material” attribute in node. Now to find those materials with those IDs we have to read <library_materials>. In <library_materials> you will find nodes with those IDs which were referenced from nodes. But unfortunately those nodes have only one type of child named <instance_effect> which has one attributes called “url”. All what its saying is that this specific node is referring to an effect from the <library_effects>, which in turn defines the material completely.


So we take the value of this “url” attribute for this specific and find it in <library_effects>, now unfortunately this library <library_effects> is the most complicated library of COLLADA as much as I know. It can get very complicated when shaders and what not is included in the COLLADA document. But since I promised to keep things clear and easy, we will only read the data that we desperately need for defining a material.


Once we have found the node with id of the value of the “url” attribute for any material, we have to find either or node in <profile_COMMON> child node of the node. or are usually inside child node of <profile_COMMON>. Once we have found either or keep looking for all the parameters of the Material we are looking for, like “ambient” “diffuse” “specular” “emission” “shininess” and “transparency” etc. what ever you need for the material to look good. Usually “diffuse” “shininess” and “transparency” is enough to create a good looking material.


How can we read the data from those nodes is very easy? Usually ambient, emission, diffuse and specular nodes has 4 float values, inside a child node, which corresponds to “RGBA” components of that particular material’s property, while reflectivity and transparency etc have 1 float value.


1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0


If we have placed a texture map on the diffuse color of the material then will not have a child, rather that texture image. But for the sake of ease we will not worry about this and assume the texture map is always applied on the component of the material, which means we will not be reading values from COLLADA. But we will be using a default value for diffuse inside our OpenGL implementation.


That’s all what we need for any static geometry. So if you are only interested in reading Static geometry from COLLADA you can stop reading this part and jump to the implementation. Other wise keep on reading for extracting animation data from COLLADA documents.


Click here to go to: Implementation section in part 2, for this section of part 1

Reading Skeleton from COLLADA document


We assumed that we will only read COLLADA documents with skeletal animations, and not those with backed animations, so we have to read the skeleton from the COLLADA document. By skeleton, I mean reading the Joints (Bones) information. We also have to read the hierarchy of the Joints. This will tell us, who are the child of whom! And who is the parent of a joint etc. In the following figure all these terminologies are explained. Remember that Bones and Joints are One and the same thing, they are just convenience names, and the data that we read from COLLADA is actually a Joint, a Bone is an imaginary line connecting two Joints.


Figure 5: Skeleton Terminologies

In the following figure you can see the skeleton of our example file and the Skin attached to it.

Figure 6: Complete Character in one pose of animation

The red circles on the left in figure 5 are the joints we read from COLLADA and the lines connecting those circles are the imaginary bones, which are used to animate the skin. On the right you can see the skin attached to the skeleton in another frame.

You might remember we took some assumptions, one of which was that, all the joints are added to the skin, which will make your <library_visual_scenes> very simple to read. All you have to do is find the root Joint (bone) of the skeleton in the visual scene and then read the whole tree of joints. One of the disadvantages with this is that you will have a lot of joints considered affecting the skin, but in real they will not have any effect on the skin. And if you don’t add all the bones to the skin, then you will see s of type = “JOINT” and type =“NODE” mixed in the hierarchy. But if you add every bone to skin you will have full tree of type="JOINT"s only. This is also the default behavior for many engine exporters. When you have s with type=“JOINT” and type=“NODE” mixed in the hierarchy then you have to read <instance_controller> from <library_visual_scenes> and then read each time you have to read a joint. Those s which are not of type=“JOINT” are still Joints but they are not effectors, which means they are not effecting the skin. And that’s why we assumed everything must be attached to the skin, to keep things easy and simple.

To read the hierarchy of the bones, you need to have a data structure which can hold a number of children and a parent of its own kind. (This will get clear in the implementation part). You might also need to save the “SID” attribute of s. Once we have the data structure setup, we will find the root and start reading its children and then their children and so on (recursively) and keep saving them in the data structure. At the end of the whole read process your whole data structure should be able to answer questions like, which joint is the child of whom? And who is the parent of a joint.

Now how can we find the root joint of the skeleton? Since we know we only have one model in the COLLADA document so we don’t have to read the node to find where the scene is instanced from. We directly go to <library_visual_scenes> and for all the direct (immediate) children of the only <visual_scene> we have to find the who has a children of type <instance_controller>, read the child of this <instance_controller> and that will give you the ID of the root node. Since we have added all the bones to the skin, we will only have one child of <instance_controller>. Now this node is our root of the skeleton and everything connected to this is part of the skeleton.

If you see the structure of this in COLLADA document you will see most of the nodes have as the first child. And this contains 16 float values, which makes the Joint Matrix of the bone. This is also called the local bone transformation matrix. When we connect all the joints we have to multiply the World Matrix of the parent to the child’s Joint Matrix and save it as world bone transformation matrix for the child. For the root Joint, who doesn’t have a parent, the Joint Matrix becomes the World transformation matrix.

By now you should be able to read the skeleton and derive the bind pose of the skeleton from the Joint matrices you read for each . In the next section we read the skinning information which connects this skeleton with the skin.
Click here to go to: Implementation section in part 2, for this section of part 1

Reading Skinning information from COLLADA document
So far we have read the geometry (vertices attributes information, materials, texture filename) as well as skeleton of the model. What we need to know now is how this skeleton is connected to the skin (Geometry). We have read many Joints in the skeleton. But we still don’t know which Joint influence which vertex. Some of the joints might not even influence any vertex at all. But if you remember we took an assumption that all the Joints must be added to the skin. In that case every joint must be influencing the skin theoretically.

To properly connect the skin (geometry) to the skeleton we need skinning information, and this section will try to help you understand, where we can find skinning information in COLLADA?

There is one other thing I would like to explain before we go further. If we have a character who’s each vertex is connected to only one Joint. When ever that Joint moves the vertex connected to it must also move. And you will see very rigid animation. But this is not how things work. Almost every vertex is connected to more then one Joint. And we specify the influence of each joint on that vertex with the help of vertex weights. Each joint influences that particular vertex some percentage of the total influence which totals to 1. So vertex weights are very important part of the skinning information.

<library_controllers> contains all the influences (joints) and their connectivity through vertex weights for the whole model. According to our assumptions we only have one mesh and one skeleton. So we will have only one node in the list of children of <library_controllers>. Once we have found the one and only node, we have to find its child node . In the node, find the whose attribute’s "name"s value is “JOINT” in the child node of the child of the <technique_common>, (I will not explain all this again since we have already decoded nodes when we were reading Geometry data) and the <NAME_array> will give you the Names of all the joints in the skeleton. Now you know that you can find the number of bones used from the “count” attribute of the <NAME_array> node in this source. An example is given as follows.

Bone1 Bone2 Bone3 Bone4 Bone5

And if you go back and see your skeleton s from <library_visual_scene>, you will see that all these names of Joints you read from <NAME_array> are actually the SID’s of these s.

To properly read the skinning data, we first need to read the Bind shape matrix of the skin to the skeleton, which is usually the first child of node, if it’s not the first child we will iterate through all the children and find and save it. And then we start reading from the node called <vertex_weights> who’s “count” attribute’s value gives the number of weights, as far as I know this count must be equal to number of vertices in the model which we read earlier when we were reading Geometry data because we have to define the vertex weights for each and every vertex at least and at most once.

If you see the structure of the <vertex_weights> node you will see at least 2 nodes, one with attribute semantic=“JOINT” and second with semantic=“WEIGHT”, One node and one node.

When we have to read the weights for each vertex we iterate <vertex_weight>'s attribute “count” number of times into the node values. And each value from the is the number of Joints affecting that particular vertex, on which we are currently iterating. So we iterate nested for that specific value in the (number of joints time) and read pairs of indices from (Here I assume we have only two nodes in <vertex_weight>).
The first one index the “JOINT” name in the “JOINT” 's <NAME_array> (Here I assume that the value of “offset” attribute of the who’s semantic=“JOINT” is “0”), we mentioned how to find this source earlier as well, but here you can get the ID of this source from the “source” attribute of the child of the <vertex_weight> node with semantic=“JOINT”.
And the second one index the weight value from the who’s ID you can get from the “source” attribute of the child of the <vertex_weight> node with semantic=“WEIGHT” (Here I assume that the value of “offset” attribute of the who’s semantic=“WEIGHT” is “1”).

<vertex_weights count=“4”>

3 2 2 3

1 0 0 1 1 2
1 3 1 4
1 3 2 4
1 0 3 1 2 2


In this example you can see that this <vertex_weight> node is defining weights (influences) for 4 vertices, first vertex has 3 influences, First vertex’s first influence’s joint index is 1 which is the index from the JOINTS s <NAME_array> values. And its weight index in the <float_array> of the of weights is 0.

There is one other very important child of node which is called and it usually have two nodes, the first one with attribute semantic=“JOINT” references the node with Joint names, through the “source” attribute. And the second with semantic=“INV_BIND_MATRIX” references the source with inverse bind matrices for each Joint through the attribute “source”. The source with inverse bind matrices contains (Joints_count * 16) values which makes Joints_count inverse bind matrices. These inverse bind matrices are needed for skinning. And will be clear when we read the implementation part.

Once we have completely read the node we should have one Bind shape matrix, a number of Joints and their Inverse bind matrices, and we have read their Joint matrices from the <visual_scene> earlier. Each vertex must be influenced by one or more then one bone (Remember this is contrary to Each Joint must be influencing at least one or more Vertex, which is not true, since their might be Joints, influencing no vertices). And we must have their weights accordingly.

Now if you have come this far, you should be able to read the geometry data, as well as the skeleton and skinning data from COLLADA documents. And you should be able to draw the model in raw triangles, as well as draw the skeleton. Although I haven’t discussed how you can accumulate the world matrices for each joint and then draw in world coordinates for debugging purposes but I think I gave a hint that we have to multiply parent joint’s world matrix with current joint’s Joint matrix and save the result in current joint’s world matrix. We have to start this process from the root bone. So that we don’t have dirty world matrices from parents, and the root Joint’s world matrix becomes the Joint matrix, since root don’t have any parent. If you are also reading the COLLADA specification version 1.5 you can find the skinning equation so you should also be able to put the model in bind shape. How can we animate this model is still not covered and will be covered in the following sections.

Click here to go to: Implementation section in part 2, for this section of part 1

Reading Animation data from COLLADA document
So far we are able to read every thing related to the static pose of the character, the only thing we still have to understand and read is the animation data part. Animation is not very strong in COLLADA and is still in its infancy, as time passes and COLLADA gets mature this will get better. But for our purposes we have a lot to worry about ?.

In this library we have all the animations data saved. For each joint animated you will see an node which further have the animation data for that specific Joint. Remember that an channel replaces the transform of the target on which it applies, which in this case will be joints.

You will see three types of children nodes in , first one as usual will be s of data, second one is called and the third one is . You need and nodes to define the target on which the animation data is applied.

From node you pick the target which gives you the ID of the Object on which the Animation data will be applied. And you also get the Sampler ID from where you will pick the sources from which you will pick the animation Data.

Remember the example I am presenting here is a case which will never occur in our example COLLADA documents, because of our assumption of backing matrices. But this is an easy example to understand.


0 1.16667 < technique_common> 2.2 3.5 LINEAR LINEAR < accessor source="#astroBoy-interpolations-array" count="2" stride="1">

Now Lets read from the Bottom node.

This says that there is one Entity (in our case will be Joint) called “astroBoy_Skeleton” in the scene who’s “X translation values” is being animated by the sampler “astroSkeleton-sampler”.

So we need to know how “astroSkeleton-sampler” animated that “X translation value”, we read which says.

There are three types of inputs you must read to read the animation data.

First node is: INPUT
Second node is: OUTPUT
Third node is: INTERPOLATION

When we start reading the s from the ,

The “input” with attribute semantic = “INPUT” gives you the input for the animation
The “input” with attribute semantic = “OUTPUT” gives you the output for the animation
The “input” with attribute semantic = “INTERPOLATON” gives you the interpolation for the animation

Now when we go and read those s, we see that the source who was referred to semantic = “INPUT” by the sampler has name=“TIME” in child of child of the <technique_common> child of that , in short it says this sources has time values of the animation in floats.

The source who was referred to semantic = “OUTPUT” by the sampler has name=“TRANSFORM” in child of child of the <technique_common> child of that , which says this sources has “X translation” values in floats for those times which we read from the previous source.

The source who was referred to semantic = “INTERPOLATION” by the sampler has name=“INTERPOLATION” in child of child of the <technique_common> child of that , which says this sources has the interpolation values in Strings for those OUTPUTS which we read from the previous source. (In studio max those interpolation values are usually “LINEAR” so we will not read this source and assume they are all “LINEAR”)

What this last source means is that, if you see the s, you are given OUTPUT values for two values of time. What happens if we want to run the animation on a time which falls in between those two time values? Then we apply interpolation to find the middle OUTPUT value for the in-between time value. And in this case it’s LINEAR interpolated.

Now if you see the TIME Source, that’s actually your key frames. And the OUTPUT one is the key frames data for the “X translation” of the Entity (joint).

So you pick the corresponding OUTPUT value for any time and apply that to the “X translation factor” of that entity in your code and the entity will be animated. To calculate the in-between values for more smooth animation you use the LINEAR interpolation.

Click here to go to: Implementation section in part 2, for this section of part 1

What interpolation means?
Interpolation means calculating any in-between value between (among) two (or more) values.

Let’s say we have “X” and “Y” values, to calculate the “Middle” value in between those two values we can use an interpolation factor of “0.5” which we call “T”. And to find the 3-Quater value in-between “X” and “Y” we use “T = 0.75” and so on.

You can run a loop on “T” from lets say 0.0 to 1.0 have any increment i.e 0.001, 0.01, 0.05 etc and you can get “Loop” many in-between values.

Now Linear Interpolation is a simple form of Interpolations. And the formula is as follows

float Interpolate( float a_Value1, float a_Value2, float a_T)
return ((a_Value2 * a_T) + ((1 - a_T) * a_Value1));

If you see the code it says that if “a_T” is “Zero” then give me a_Value1, and if it’s “One” then give me a_Value2. And if it’s in-between “Zero and One” then it will give you value in-between a_Value1 and a_Value2.

Now there are other forms of Interpolations as well. Like Bezier, cubic etc. They have further complicated formulas. And they also consider more then two values to interpolate in-between. But we will only be using linear interpolations for the sake of simplicity.

Now as we discussed before. This is not the case which we will ever have in our example COLLADA documents. So let’s see what we will have?

Keeping our assumptions in mind, we will only have two types of nodes. We will either have 16 * 3 = 48 s, 16 s and 16 nodes or we will have 3 s, 1 and 1 node. In the first case the “target” attribute will have “transform (X) (Y)” after the last “/” in its value and in the second case the “target” attribute will have “transform” after the last “/” in its value.



In the second form the values of the matrix which we backed in, are given in one out of those 3 s, just like the one we read in reading inverse bind matrices from controller. While in the first form values of each component of the 4 x 4 matrix are given in different s. And we have to combine them in one matrix when we read the data.

Now if you remember we read the Joint matrices for each joint from the <visual_scene> node. These values (which will be matrices, since we backed matrices) which we read from nodes for those joints, which are targeted through the “target” attribute of the of that will replace the Joint matrices, we read earlier from <visual_scene> for each key frame defined in the animation. And to calculate the world transformation matrix for each joint we will have to take this new Joint Matrix and multiply it with the parent Joint’s world transformation matrix.

And that’s all pretty much it. If you have read the whole tutorial from start to end, I guess you should be able to write your own exporter for COLLADA documents now. And you are ready to start reading the next part if you haven’t read in between the implementation sections.

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### 回答1: collada2gltf-v2.1.5-windows-release-x64.zip是一个压缩文件,其中包含collada2gltf工具的Windows x64版本的稳定版本2.1.5。Collada2gltf是一个用于将Collada 1.4和2.0文件格式转换为glTF 2.0的转换器工具,GLTF是一种高效的3D数据交换格式,它可以将3D模型、纹理和动画等信息打包成单个文件。这个工具的优点是,它轻便、易于使用,并且有强大的功能。因此,collada2gltf-v2.1.5-windows-release-x64.zip这个文件对于需要将Collada文件转换为glTF格式的3D制作人员来说是非常有用的。要使用这个工具,只需要将文件解压缩并按照工具的说明进行操作即可。另外需要注意的是,由于这是一个稳定版本,因此它已经在多个项目中被广泛使用,因此它是相对稳定和可靠的。 ### 回答2: collada2gltf是一个跨平台的命令行工具,用于将COLLADA文件转换为GLTF文件格式。GLTF是一种针对WebGL的3D图形标准格式。该工具的最新版本是v2.1.5,适用于Windows操作系统的64位版本。 这个工具具有许多有用的功能,它可以将COLLADA文件转换为GLTF格式,包括3D几何体和纹理映射,并支持多个纹理图层。它还可以优化文件大小,并支持二进制和文本GLTF文件格式。 collada2gltf的代码是开源的,并且是经过社区验证的。该软件还支持各种开发环境和工具,包括Node.js,C++和Python,这使得它非常适合各种开发需求。同时,该工具还提供了详细的文档和使用指南,以帮助用户快速上手使用。 总的来说,collada2gltf是一个非常实用和方便的工具,用于将COLLADA模型转换为GLTF格式。无论是开发者还是设计师,都可以用这个工具来轻松快速地进行3D模型转换。


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