



class CameraProcessor {
    void testNull();
    int testReturn();

    Attrs *attrs = nullptr;
void CameraProcessor::testNull() {
    size_t type = offsetof(class Attrs, type);
    size_t enable = offsetof(class Attrs, enable);
    size_t mName = offsetof(class Attrs, mName);
    LOGE("%s, type=%zu, enable=%zu, mName=%zu.", __FUNCTION__, type, enable, mName);
    attrs->enable = true;
    attrs->mName = "CameraProcessor";
class Attrs {
    int type;
    bool enable;
    std::string mName;
    std::condition_variable condition;



10-30 13:22:30.980 28357 28357 E HongCameraJni: testNull, type=0, enable=4, mName=8.
--------- beginning of crash
10-30 13:22:30.980 28357 28357 F libc    : Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x4 in tid 28357 (, pid 28357 (
10-30 13:22:30.991 30323 30391 I RemoteGuardClient.DWB.ActivityMonitor: start game monitor packgeName =
10-30 13:22:30.991 30323 30391 E RemoteGuardClient.DWB.ActivityMonitor: startGameAppMonitor failed! Failed resolution of: Lcom/oplus/remoteguardservice/GameIndulgeMonitorManager;
10-30 13:22:30.993 30323 30391 I RemoteGuardClient.DWB.ActivityMonitor: topActivities = []
10-30 13:22:31.003 30323 30391 I chatty  : uid=10160(com.coloros.remoteguardservice) appusage identical 7 lines
10-30 13:22:31.005 30323 30391 I RemoteGuardClient.DWB.ActivityMonitor: topActivities = []
10-30 13:22:31.049 28388 28388 I crash_dump64: obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdTombstone
10-30 13:22:31.052   768   768 I tombstoned: received crash request for pid 28357
10-30 13:22:31.053 28388 28388 I crash_dump64: performing dump of process 28357 (target tid = 28357)
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   : Process name is, not key_process
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   : Build fingerprint: 'OPPO/PEGM00/OP4E8F:11/RKQ1.200903.002/1632393775226:user/release-keys'
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   : Revision: '0'
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   : ABI: 'arm64'
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   : Timestamp: 2021-10-30 13:22:31+0800
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   : pid: 28357, tid: 28357, name:  >>> <<<
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   : uid: 10143
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x4
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   : Cause: null pointer dereference
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :     x0  0000000000000001  x1  0000000000000000  x2  0000000000000050  x3  0000000000000003
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :     x4  0000007ffb34cf10  x5  0000000000000020  x6  0000006fd935d000  x7  000000000775cf88
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :     x8  b400006f4797b6e8  x9  0000000000000000  x10 0000000000000001  x11 0000000000000000
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :     x12 0000007ffb34d030  x13 0000000000000025  x14 0000007ffb34e378  x15 ffffffffffffffff
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :     x16 0000006fd4ef9740  x17 0000006fd66242e0  x18 0000006fd921e000  x19 b400006f51c10800
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :     x20 0000000000000000  x21 b400006f51c10800  x22 0000006fd81f1000  x23 b400006f51c108b8
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :     x24 0000006f475f9478  x25 0000006fd81f1000  x26 000000000000000b  x27 0000000000000001
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :     x28 0000007ffb34e8c0  x29 0000007ffb34e810
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :     lr  0000006ee3a51918  sp  0000007ffb34e7d0  pc  0000006ee3a51924  pst 0000000060001000
10-30 13:22:31.101  3357  3357 D OplusUIFirst: writeProcNode: /proc/sys/kernel/animation_type: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)
10-30 13:22:31.102  1308  2613 W ORMS_CORE: Unknown request!!!
10-30 13:22:31.102  3357  3357 E Launcher.ColorBubbleTextView: mForceHideDot is false
10-30 13:22:31.103  1308  5873 V ColorZoomWindowManagerService: onAnimationFinished:  r = ActivityRecord{f2c21ac u0 com.oppo.launcher/.Launcher t2}
10-30 13:22:31.103  1308  5873 I OplusMirageDisplayManagerService: onAnimationFinished:
10-30 13:22:31.104  1308  5873 V ColorZoomWindowManagerService: onAnimationFinished:  r = ActivityRecord{934b0b2 u0 t14809}
10-30 13:22:31.104  1308  5873 I ColorAppSwitchManagerService:  handleAppVisible , r = ActivityRecord{934b0b2 u0 t14809}
10-30 13:22:31.104  1308  5873 I OplusMirageDisplayManagerService: onAnimationFinished:
10-30 13:22:31.116  1054  1054 E Layer   : [Surface(name=Task=2)/@0x6009a15 - animation-leash#0] No local sync point found
10-30 13:22:31.116  1054  1054 E Layer   : [Surface(name=Task=14809)/@0x9e4b363 - animation-leash#0] No local sync point found
10-30 13:22:31.129  1308  1665 D PowerManagerService: setScreenBrightnessOverrideFromWindowManagerInternal brightness=NaN mScreenBrightnessOverrideFromWindowManager=NaN
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   : backtrace:
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #00 pc 000000000000f924  /data/app/~~NmChEb4A_LFPpSVoubGX6w==/! (offset 0x332000) (CameraProcessor::testNull()+124) (BuildId: 45fdad3a35dd940e928359775eced46a66c0b1e3)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #01 pc 000000000000eb98  /data/app/~~NmChEb4A_LFPpSVoubGX6w==/! (offset 0x332000) (Java_com_hong_camera_MainActivity_stringFromJNI+112) (BuildId: 45fdad3a35dd940e928359775eced46a66c0b1e3)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #02 pc 000000000013ced4  /apex/ (art_quick_generic_jni_trampoline+148) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #03 pc 0000000000133564  /apex/ (art_quick_invoke_stub+548) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #04 pc 00000000001a8a78  /apex/ (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+200) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #05 pc 0000000000318288  /apex/ (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+376) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #06 pc 000000000030e5b4  /apex/ (bool art::interpreter::DoCall<false, false>(art::ArtMethod*, art::Thread*, art::ShadowFrame&, art::Instruction const*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+996) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #07 pc 000000000067d050  /apex/ (MterpInvokeVirtual+848) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #08 pc 000000000012d814  /apex/ (mterp_op_invoke_virtual+20) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #09 pc 0000000000000398  [anon:dalvik-classes4.dex extracted in memory from /data/app/~~NmChEb4A_LFPpSVoubGX6w==/!classes4.dex] (
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #10 pc 000000000067d2f0  /apex/ (MterpInvokeVirtual+1520) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #11 pc 000000000012d814  /apex/ (mterp_op_invoke_virtual+20) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #12 pc 00000000001cdd68  /system/framework/framework.jar (
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #13 pc 000000000067d2f0  /apex/ (MterpInvokeVirtual+1520) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #14 pc 000000000012d814  /apex/ (mterp_op_invoke_virtual+20) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #15 pc 00000000001cdcf6  /system/framework/framework.jar (
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #16 pc 000000000067d2f0  /apex/ (MterpInvokeVirtual+1520) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #17 pc 000000000012d814  /apex/ (mterp_op_invoke_virtual+20) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #18 pc 0000000000239376  /system/framework/framework.jar (
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #19 pc 0000000000305bb0  /apex/ (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool, bool) (.llvm.10703641466876112822)+268) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #20 pc 000000000030dba0  /apex/ (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToInterpreterBridge(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*, art::JValue*)+200) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #21 pc 000000000030ef88  /apex/ (bool art::interpreter::DoCall<false, true>(art::ArtMethod*, art::Thread*, art::ShadowFrame&, art::Instruction const*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+1772) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #22 pc 0000000000174fb8  /apex/ (void art::interpreter::ExecuteSwitchImplCpp<true, false>(art::interpreter::SwitchImplContext*)+45680) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #23 pc 000000000013f7d8  /apex/ (ExecuteSwitchImplAsm+8) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #24 pc 00000000001bae1c  /system/framework/framework.jar (
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #25 pc 0000000000305cb8  /apex/ (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool, bool) (.llvm.10703641466876112822)+532) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #26 pc 000000000030dba0  /apex/ (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToInterpreterBridge(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*, art::JValue*)+200) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #27 pc 000000000030ef88  /apex/ (bool art::interpreter::DoCall<false, true>(art::ArtMethod*, art::Thread*, art::ShadowFrame&, art::Instruction const*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+1772) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #28 pc 0000000000174fb8  /apex/ (void art::interpreter::ExecuteSwitchImplCpp<true, false>(art::interpreter::SwitchImplContext*)+45680) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #29 pc 000000000013f7d8  /apex/ (ExecuteSwitchImplAsm+8) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #30 pc 00000000001bacac  /system/framework/framework.jar (
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #31 pc 0000000000305cb8  /apex/ (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool, bool) (.llvm.10703641466876112822)+532) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #32 pc 000000000030dba0  /apex/ (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToInterpreterBridge(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*, art::JValue*)+200) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #33 pc 000000000030e598  /apex/ (bool art::interpreter::DoCall<false, false>(art::ArtMethod*, art::Thread*, art::ShadowFrame&, art::Instruction const*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+968) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #34 pc 000000000067d050  /apex/ (MterpInvokeVirtual+848) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #35 pc 000000000012d814  /apex/ (mterp_op_invoke_virtual+20) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #36 pc 00000000002c268e  /system/framework/framework.jar (
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #37 pc 000000000067d2f0  /apex/ (MterpInvokeVirtual+1520) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #38 pc 000000000012d814  /apex/ (mterp_op_invoke_virtual+20) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #39 pc 00000000002c4a7e  /system/framework/framework.jar (
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #40 pc 000000000067d2f0  /apex/ (MterpInvokeVirtual+1520) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #41 pc 000000000012d814  /apex/ (mterp_op_invoke_virtual+20) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #42 pc 00000000002c4900  /system/framework/framework.jar (
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #43 pc 000000000067d2f0  /apex/ (MterpInvokeVirtual+1520) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #44 pc 000000000012d814  /apex/ (mterp_op_invoke_virtual+20) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #45 pc 00000000001b9f94  /system/framework/framework.jar ($H.handleMessage+292)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #46 pc 000000000067d2f0  /apex/ (MterpInvokeVirtual+1520) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #47 pc 000000000012d814  /apex/ (mterp_op_invoke_virtual+20) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #48 pc 00000000003d0a7a  /system/framework/framework.jar (offset 0x97a000) (android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage+38)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #49 pc 000000000067d2f0  /apex/ (MterpInvokeVirtual+1520) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #50 pc 000000000012d814  /apex/ (mterp_op_invoke_virtual+20) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #51 pc 00000000004032d4  /system/framework/framework.jar (offset 0x97a000) (android.os.Looper.loop+704)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #52 pc 0000000000305bb0  /apex/ (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool, bool) (.llvm.10703641466876112822)+268) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #53 pc 000000000030dba0  /apex/ (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToInterpreterBridge(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*, art::JValue*)+200) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #54 pc 000000000030ef88  /apex/ (bool art::interpreter::DoCall<false, true>(art::ArtMethod*, art::Thread*, art::ShadowFrame&, art::Instruction const*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+1772) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #55 pc 0000000000177f40  /apex/ (void art::interpreter::ExecuteSwitchImplCpp<true, false>(art::interpreter::SwitchImplContext*)+57848) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #56 pc 000000000013f7d8  /apex/ (ExecuteSwitchImplAsm+8) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #57 pc 00000000001c56d4  /system/framework/framework.jar (
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #58 pc 0000000000305cb8  /apex/ (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool, bool) (.llvm.10703641466876112822)+532) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #59 pc 000000000066bd68  /apex/ (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+780) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #60 pc 000000000013cff8  /apex/ (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+88) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #61 pc 00000000001337e8  /apex/ (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+568) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #62 pc 00000000001a8a94  /apex/ (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+228) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #63 pc 00000000005562a8  /apex/ (art::InvokeMethod(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, _jobject*, _jobject*, unsigned long)+1364) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #64 pc 00000000004d53c0  /apex/ (art::Method_invoke(_JNIEnv*, _jobject*, _jobject*, _jobjectArray*)+52) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #65 pc 00000000000947f4  /apex/ (art_jni_trampoline+180) (BuildId: edd3d6f9e9815a243df4398468ae6aff6f504f57)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #66 pc 0000000000133564  /apex/ (art_quick_invoke_stub+548) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #67 pc 00000000001a8a78  /apex/ (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+200) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #68 pc 0000000000318288  /apex/ (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+376) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #69 pc 000000000030e5b4  /apex/ (bool art::interpreter::DoCall<false, false>(art::ArtMethod*, art::Thread*, art::ShadowFrame&, art::Instruction const*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+996) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #70 pc 000000000067d050  /apex/ (MterpInvokeVirtual+848) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #71 pc 000000000012d814  /apex/ (mterp_op_invoke_virtual+20) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #72 pc 000000000052861e  /system/framework/framework.jar (offset 0x12ae000) ($
10-30 13:22:31.323 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #73 pc 0000000000305bb0  /apex/ (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool, bool) (.llvm.10703641466876112822)+268) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.323 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #74 pc 000000000066bd68  /apex/ (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+780) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.323 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #75 pc 000000000013cff8  /apex/ (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+88) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.323 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #76 pc 00000000008fb804  /system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat ( (BuildId: 032cf8321414e036ac8148927261555bff1160bf)
10-30 13:22:31.323 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #77 pc 00000000001337e8  /apex/ (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+568) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.323 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #78 pc 00000000001a8a94  /apex/ (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+228) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.323 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #79 pc 0000000000554ce4  /apex/ (art::JValue art::InvokeWithVarArgs<art::ArtMethod*>(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, art::ArtMethod*, std::__va_list)+448) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.323 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #80 pc 0000000000555198  /apex/ (art::JValue art::InvokeWithVarArgs<_jmethodID*>(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, _jmethodID*, std::__va_list)+92) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.323 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #81 pc 0000000000438fc8  /apex/ (art::JNI<true>::CallStaticVoidMethodV(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*, _jmethodID*, std::__va_list)+656) (BuildId: dbcc3c3d5c0c8df4b9c89d440fd3cb23)
10-30 13:22:31.323 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #82 pc 000000000009c424  /system/lib64/ (_JNIEnv::CallStaticVoidMethod(_jclass*, _jmethodID*, ...)+124) (BuildId: 61bc130b4f0706c2cfdde48dae6bc2fb)
10-30 13:22:31.323 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #83 pc 00000000000a4160  /system/lib64/ (android::AndroidRuntime::start(char const*, android::Vector<android::String8> const&, bool)+856) (BuildId: 61bc130b4f0706c2cfdde48dae6bc2fb)
10-30 13:22:31.323 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #84 pc 0000000000003674  /system/bin/app_process64 (main+1580) (BuildId: 9349370b830e2b77b835dee3aff71480)
10-30 13:22:31.323 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #85 pc 0000000000073a5c  /apex/ (__libc_init+108) (BuildId: 1ca28d785d6567d2b225cf978ef04de5)

     我们上面日志中第一行对应的就是我们testNull方法中的日志,我们是为了获取每一个成员变量相对CameraProcessor class的偏移量,这个值后续会用到。





10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   : Process name is, not key_process
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   : Build fingerprint: 'OPPO/PEGM00/OP4E8F:11/RKQ1.200903.002/1632393775226:user/release-keys'
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   : Revision: '0'
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   : ABI: 'arm64'
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   : Timestamp: 2021-10-30 13:22:31+0800
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   : pid: 28357, tid: 28357, name:  >>> <<<
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   : uid: 10143
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x4
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   : Cause: null pointer dereference
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :     x0  0000000000000001  x1  0000000000000000  x2  0000000000000050  x3  0000000000000003
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :     x4  0000007ffb34cf10  x5  0000000000000020  x6  0000006fd935d000  x7  000000000775cf88
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :     x8  b400006f4797b6e8  x9  0000000000000000  x10 0000000000000001  x11 0000000000000000
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :     x12 0000007ffb34d030  x13 0000000000000025  x14 0000007ffb34e378  x15 ffffffffffffffff
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :     x16 0000006fd4ef9740  x17 0000006fd66242e0  x18 0000006fd921e000  x19 b400006f51c10800
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :     x20 0000000000000000  x21 b400006f51c10800  x22 0000006fd81f1000  x23 b400006f51c108b8
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :     x24 0000006f475f9478  x25 0000006fd81f1000  x26 000000000000000b  x27 0000000000000001
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :     x28 0000007ffb34e8c0  x29 0000007ffb34e810
10-30 13:22:31.058 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :     lr  0000006ee3a51918  sp  0000007ffb34e7d0  pc  0000006ee3a51924  pst 0000000060001000

     日志中还有一些其他信息:崩溃进程的名称为>>> <<<;崩溃进程的进程id为pid: 28357,发生崩溃的线程id为tid: 28357;发生问题的时间点为Timestamp: 2021-10-30 13:22:31+0800;当前崩溃进程的abi是64位进程ABI: 'arm64';当前进程的uid信息uid: 10143;导致崩溃的signal信号为signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x4,0x4是导致崩溃的非法地址值;Cause信息为Cause: null pointer dereference;紧接着下面还有发生崩溃时的寄存器和堆栈信息,这些信息非常简明而且重要。


     这一步比较简单,llvm-objdump  -d  > libcamera.txt,现成的命令直接执行一下,把反汇编的结果保存到文件中,方便分析,我就从结果中截取一段如下:

000000000000eb28 <Java_com_hong_camera_MainActivity_stringFromJNI>:
    eb28: ff 03 02 d1  	sub	sp, sp, #128
    eb2c: fd 7b 07 a9  	stp	x29, x30, [sp, #112]
    eb30: fd c3 01 91  	add	x29, sp, #112
    eb34: 48 d0 3b d5  	mrs	x8, TPIDR_EL0
    eb38: 08 15 40 f9  	ldr	x8, [x8, #40]
    eb3c: a8 83 1f f8  	stur	x8, [x29, #-8]
    eb40: a0 83 1d f8  	stur	x0, [x29, #-40]
    eb44: a1 03 1d f8  	stur	x1, [x29, #-48]
    eb48: c1 00 00 d0  	adrp	x1, 0x28000 <Java_com_hong_camera_MainActivity_stringFromJNI+0x88>
    eb4c: 21 40 22 91  	add	x1, x1, #2192
    eb50: a0 83 00 d1  	sub	x0, x29, #32
    eb54: 93 ff ff 97  	bl	0xe9a0 <$x+0x440>
    eb58: 09 01 80 52  	mov	w9, #8
    eb5c: e0 03 09 2a  	mov	w0, w9
    eb60: c0 fe ff 97  	bl	0xe660 <$x+0x100>
    eb64: e0 17 00 f9  	str	x0, [sp, #40]
    eb68: 01 00 00 14  	b	0xeb6c <Java_com_hong_camera_MainActivity_stringFromJNI+0x44>
    eb6c: e0 17 40 f9  	ldr	x0, [sp, #40]
    eb70: e1 17 40 f9  	ldr	x1, [sp, #40]
    eb74: e0 13 00 f9  	str	x0, [sp, #32]
    eb78: e0 03 01 aa  	mov	x0, x1
    eb7c: fd fe ff 97  	bl	0xe770 <$x+0x210>
    eb80: 01 00 00 14  	b	0xeb84 <Java_com_hong_camera_MainActivity_stringFromJNI+0x5c>
    eb84: 28 01 00 d0  	adrp	x8, 0x34000 <Java_com_hong_camera_MainActivity_stringFromJNI+0xf4>
    eb88: 08 dd 47 f9  	ldr	x8, [x8, #4024]
    eb8c: e9 13 40 f9  	ldr	x9, [sp, #32]
    eb90: 09 01 00 f9  	str	x9, [x8]
    eb94: 00 01 40 f9  	ldr	x0, [x8]
    eb98: be fe ff 97  	bl	0xe690 <$x+0x130>
    eb9c: 01 00 00 14  	b	0xeba0 <Java_com_hong_camera_MainActivity_stringFromJNI+0x78>
    eba0: a0 83 5d f8  	ldur	x0, [x29, #-40]
    eba4: a8 83 00 d1  	sub	x8, x29, #32
    eba8: e0 0f 00 f9  	str	x0, [sp, #24]
    ebac: e0 03 08 aa  	mov	x0, x8
    ebb0: 46 00 00 94  	bl	0xecc8 <_ZNKSt6__ndk112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEE5c_strEv>
    ebb4: e8 0f 40 f9  	ldr	x8, [sp, #24]
    ebb8: e0 0b 00 f9  	str	x0, [sp, #16]
    ebbc: e0 03 08 aa  	mov	x0, x8
    ebc0: e1 0b 40 f9  	ldr	x1, [sp, #16]
    ebc4: bb fe ff 97  	bl	0xe6b0 <$x+0x150>
    ebc8: e0 07 00 f9  	str	x0, [sp, #8]
    ebcc: 01 00 00 14  	b	0xebd0 <Java_com_hong_camera_MainActivity_stringFromJNI+0xa8>
    ebd0: a0 83 00 d1  	sub	x0, x29, #32
    ebd4: 07 ff ff 97  	bl	0xe7f0 <$x+0x290>
    ebd8: 48 d0 3b d5  	mrs	x8, TPIDR_EL0
    ebdc: 08 15 40 f9  	ldr	x8, [x8, #40]
    ebe0: a9 83 5f f8  	ldur	x9, [x29, #-8]
    ebe4: 08 01 09 eb  	subs	x8, x8, x9
    ebe8: 61 02 00 54	0xec34 <Java_com_hong_camera_MainActivity_stringFromJNI+0x10c>
    ebec: 01 00 00 14  	b	0xebf0 <Java_com_hong_camera_MainActivity_stringFromJNI+0xc8>
    ebf0: e0 07 40 f9  	ldr	x0, [sp, #8]
    ebf4: fd 7b 47 a9  	ldp	x29, x30, [sp, #112]
    ebf8: ff 03 02 91  	add	sp, sp, #128
    ebfc: c0 03 5f d6  	ret
    ec00: e0 1f 00 f9  	str	x0, [sp, #56]
    ec04: e1 37 00 b9  	str	w1, [sp, #52]
    ec08: 06 00 00 14  	b	0xec20 <Java_com_hong_camera_MainActivity_stringFromJNI+0xf8>
    ec0c: e0 1f 00 f9  	str	x0, [sp, #56]
    ec10: e1 37 00 b9  	str	w1, [sp, #52]
    ec14: e0 17 40 f9  	ldr	x0, [sp, #40]
    ec18: 4a ff ff 97  	bl	0xe940 <$x+0x3e0>
    ec1c: 01 00 00 14  	b	0xec20 <Java_com_hong_camera_MainActivity_stringFromJNI+0xf8>
    ec20: a0 83 00 d1  	sub	x0, x29, #32
    ec24: f3 fe ff 97  	bl	0xe7f0 <$x+0x290>
    ec28: 01 00 00 14  	b	0xec2c <Java_com_hong_camera_MainActivity_stringFromJNI+0x104>
    ec2c: e0 1f 40 f9  	ldr	x0, [sp, #56]
    ec30: 45 60 00 94  	bl	0x26d44 <_Unwind_Resume>
    ec34: eb fe ff 97  	bl	0xe7e0 <$x+0x280>
000000000000f8a8 <_ZN15CameraProcessor8testNullEv>:
    f8a8: ff 43 01 d1  	sub	sp, sp, #80
    f8ac: fd 7b 04 a9  	stp	x29, x30, [sp, #64]
    f8b0: fd 03 01 91  	add	x29, sp, #64
    f8b4: 88 00 80 d2  	mov	x8, #4
    f8b8: 09 01 80 d2  	mov	x9, #8
    f8bc: ca 00 80 52  	mov	w10, #6
    f8c0: c1 00 00 b0  	adrp	x1, 0x28000 <_ZN15CameraProcessor8testNullEv+0x7c>
    f8c4: 21 8c 23 91  	add	x1, x1, #2275
    f8c8: c2 00 00 b0  	adrp	x2, 0x28000 <_ZN15CameraProcessor8testNullEv+0x84>
    f8cc: 42 c4 23 91  	add	x2, x2, #2289
    f8d0: c3 00 00 b0  	adrp	x3, 0x28000 <_ZN15CameraProcessor8testNullEv+0x8c>
    f8d4: 63 58 24 91  	add	x3, x3, #2326
    f8d8: 2b 00 80 52  	mov	w11, #1
    f8dc: cc 00 00 b0  	adrp	x12, 0x28000 <_ZN15CameraProcessor8testNullEv+0x98>
    f8e0: 8c 7d 24 91  	add	x12, x12, #2335
    f8e4: a0 83 1f f8  	stur	x0, [x29, #-8]
    f8e8: ad 83 5f f8  	ldur	x13, [x29, #-8]
    f8ec: bf 03 1f f8  	stur	xzr, [x29, #-16]
    f8f0: a8 83 1e f8  	stur	x8, [x29, #-24]
    f8f4: e9 13 00 f9  	str	x9, [sp, #32]
    f8f8: a4 03 5f f8  	ldur	x4, [x29, #-16]
    f8fc: a5 83 5e f8  	ldur	x5, [x29, #-24]
    f900: e6 13 40 f9  	ldr	x6, [sp, #32]
    f904: e0 03 0a 2a  	mov	w0, w10
    f908: eb 1f 00 b9  	str	w11, [sp, #28]
    f90c: ec 0b 00 f9  	str	x12, [sp, #16]
    f910: ed 07 00 f9  	str	x13, [sp, #8]
    f914: cb fb ff 97  	bl	0xe840 <$x+0x2e0>
    f918: e8 07 40 f9  	ldr	x8, [sp, #8]
    f91c: 09 01 40 f9  	ldr	x9, [x8]
    f920: ea 1f 40 b9  	ldr	w10, [sp, #28]
    f924: 2a 11 00 39  	strb	w10, [x9, #4]
    f928: 09 01 40 f9  	ldr	x9, [x8]
    f92c: 0c 01 80 d2  	mov	x12, #8
    f930: 29 01 0c 8b  	add	x9, x9, x12
    f934: e0 03 09 aa  	mov	x0, x9
    f938: e1 0b 40 f9  	ldr	x1, [sp, #16]
    f93c: 04 00 00 94  	bl	0xf94c <_ZNSt6__ndk112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEaSEPKc>
    f940: fd 7b 44 a9  	ldp	x29, x30, [sp, #64]
    f944: ff 43 01 91  	add	sp, sp, #80
    f948: c0 03 5f d6  	ret


     出现native crash时,请大家要有这样的意识,第一着眼点就是crash堆栈,它指示着我们的代码执行的调用关系,是非常直接的有效信息。我们来看一下当前的问题。


10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #00 pc 000000000000f924  /data/app/~~NmChEb4A_LFPpSVoubGX6w==/! (offset 0x332000) (CameraProcessor::testNull()+124) (BuildId: 45fdad3a35dd940e928359775eced46a66c0b1e3)
10-30 13:22:31.322 28388 28388 F DEBUG   :       #01 pc 000000000000eb98  /data/app/~~NmChEb4A_LFPpSVoubGX6w==/! (offset 0x332000) (Java_com_hong_camera_MainActivity_stringFromJNI+112) (BuildId: 45fdad3a35dd940e928359775eced46a66c0b1e3)

     我们可以使用addr2line命令来定位代码行信息:llvm-addr2line   -C -f -e   000000000000eb98,结果显示如下,不过在实际的工作中有碰到有时候定位到的代码行不准确的问题,所以这里的行号只能作为参考。

     我们先来看#00栈帧,偏移量为000000000000f924,我们可以直接在so库反汇编的结果中搜索f924,一共两处,一处是1f924,明显不符合, 另一处,就是我们上面so库反汇编结果中贴的第二段代码片了,我们可以看到该代码片就是CameraProcessor::testNull()方法的汇编代码了。


    f910: ed 07 00 f9  	str	x13, [sp, #8]
    f914: cb fb ff 97  	bl	0xe840 <$x+0x2e0>
    f918: e8 07 40 f9  	ldr	x8, [sp, #8]
    f91c: 09 01 40 f9  	ldr	x9, [x8]
    f920: ea 1f 40 b9  	ldr	w10, [sp, #28]
    f924: 2a 11 00 39  	strb	w10, [x9, #4]

     它所要执行的汇编指令为strb    w10, [x9, #4],具体的意思是把x10寄存器的低32位字节数据存储到以x9 + 4为地址的存储器中,这里有中括号表示间接寻址,也就是x9寄存器的地址加上4得到的一个有效地址,把内容写到这个地址对应的存储器中,这里需要正确理解它的意思。

     这句汇编为什么崩溃呢?是x10寄存器非法还是x9寄存器非法?我们看一下崩溃时的寄存器信息,x10寄存器中的值为0000000000000001,x9寄存器的值为0000000000000000,崩溃的地址0x4也就是这行汇编指令x9 + 4得到的了,我们的进程是64位进程,一个合法有效的指针地址是10位,比如x17 0000006fd66242e0、x18 0000006fd921e000,而现在要往0x4这个地址写入数据,肯定会崩溃了。


attrs->enable = true;
LOGE("%s, type=%zu, enable=%zu, mName=%zu.", __FUNCTION__, type, enable, mName);

10-30 13:22:30.980 28357 28357 E HongCameraJni: testNull, type=0, enable=4, mName=8.






     从第三小节的分析中,我们其实已经确定根因了,就是执行attrs->enable = true逻辑时,左值attrs为空导致崩溃的,因为我们的例子很简单,而实际工作中,情况要复杂的多,但是处理问题的思路是完全相同的,掌握了方法,处理实际的问题时,就会更有力一些。





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