
Vocabulary Lists:

  • grounding
  • foster
  • therein
  • clarity
  • parse(parse out)
  • imperfection
  • obfuscate
  • figuratively
  • stoked
  • bounty
  • acquaintance

N-SING If you have a grounding in a subject, you know the basic facts or principles of that subject, especially as a result of a particular course of training or instruction. 基础训练
The degree provides a thorough grounding in both mathematics and statistics.这个学位提供对数学和统计学全面的基础训练。
ADJ Foster parents are people who officially take a child into their family for a period of time, without becoming the child's legal parents. The child is referred to as their foster child. 收养的 [ADJ n]
V-T If you foster a child, you take it into your family for a period of time, without becoming its legal parent. 收养
V-T To foster something such as an activity or idea means to help it to develop. 促进
foster home 寄养家庭;抚养孤儿的家庭
foster father 养父
foster son n. 养子
The club's aim is to foster better relations within the community. 俱乐部的宗旨是促进团体内部的关系。
ADV Therein means contained in the place that has been mentioned. 在那里 [文学性] [n ADV]
ADV Therein means relating to something that has just been mentioned. 在其中 (指与刚提及的事物相关) [正式] [n ADV]
Persist therein 执迷不悔
He works extremely hard and therein lies the key to his success. 他工作极其努力,这就是他成功的关键。
Afternoon groups relate to the specific addictions and problems therein. 下午各小组谈到具体的成瘾病例和其中的问题。
N-UNCOUNT The clarity of something such as a book or argument is its quality of being well explained and easy to understand. 明晰; 清楚
N-UNCOUNT Clarity is the ability to think clearly. (思路的) 清晰
N-UNCOUNT Clarity is the quality of being clear in outline or sound. (指轮廓、声音等) 清晰
It was a model of clarity. 这是表达清晰的范例。
He made his points with admirable clarity. 他阐述观点明确,值得赞赏。
parse(parse out)
V-T In grammar, if you parse a sentence, you examine each word and clause in order to work out their grammatical type. 做语法分析 [技术] [V n]
parse out:解析,分析
Then you could have your test automation read, parse, and use the data in this file. 然后您可以让您的测试自动化读取、解析和使用该文件中的数据。
N-VAR An imperfection in someone or something is a fault, weakness, or undesirable feature that they have. 缺点
N-COUNT An imperfection in something is a small mark or damaged area that may spoil its appearance. 瑕疵
the beauty of imperfection:缺陷美
He concedes that there are imperfections in the current system.他承认,当前的制度有些缺陷。
I will talk about perfectionism and the beauty of imperfection. 我会讨论完美主义和缺陷美。
V-T/V-I To obfuscate something means to deliberately make it seem confusing and difficult to understand. 使混淆; 使困惑 [正式]
They are obfuscating the issue, as only insurance companies can.他们在这个问题上混淆视听,也只有保险公司才做得出这种事。
That doesn't mean they're intentionally obfuscating their imperfections, but maybe that they're expressing themselves as they feel most comfortable。
adv. 比喻地;象征性地
figuratively speaking 象征地打个比方吧
She is, figuratively speaking, holding a gun to his head. 打个比方说,她打个比方说,她打个比方说,她正拿枪对着他的脑袋。
ADJ If you are stoked about something, you are very excited about it. 兴奋的
"I can't wait to get there," she said. "I am so stoked about this trip." “我迫不及待要去那里,”她说,“我对这次旅行很兴奋。”
N-COUNT A bounty is money that is offered as a reward for doing something, especially for finding or killing a particular person. 奖金 (尤用于寻人或杀人)
N-VAR You can refer to something that is provided in large amounts as bounty. 丰富的
bounty hunter:赏金猎人
nature‘s bounty:大自然的慷慨
However, sometimes nature's bounty is not enough. 然而有时候大自然的慷慨是不够的。
N-COUNT An acquaintance is someone who you have met and know slightly, but not well. 相识之人
N-VAR If you have an acquaintance with someone, you have met them and you know them. 结识
PHRASE When you make someone's acquaintance, you meet them for the first time and get to know them a little. 与某人初次相识
cut acquaintance 断绝交往
agreeable acquaintance 令人愉快的相识
He hoped their acquaintance would develop further. 他希望他们的交情会进一步发展。
How did she make his acquaintance? 她是怎么认识他的?
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