[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(025)

第八章  Programming Practices  编程实践


    Every programming language has pain points and inefficient patterns that develop over time. The appearance of these traits occurs as people migrate to the language and start pushing its boundaries. Since 2005, when the term "Ajax" emerged, web developers have pushed JavaScript and the browser further than it was ever pushed before. As a result, some very specific patterns emerged, both as best practices and as suboptimal ones. These patterns arise because of the very nature of JavaScript on the Web.



Avoid Double Evaluation  避免二次评估


    JavaScript, like many scripting languages, allows you to take a string containing code and execute it from within running code. There are four standard ways to accomplish this: eval(), the Function() constructor, setTimeout(), and setInterval(). Each of these functions allows you to pass in a string of JavaScript code and have it executed. Some examples:



var num1 = 5,
num2 = 6,
//eval() evaluating a string of code
result = eval("num1 + num2"),
//Function() evaluating strings of code
sum = new Function("arg1", "arg2", "return arg1 + arg2");
//setTimeout() evaluating a string of code
setTimeout("sum = num1 + num2", 100);
//setInterval() evaluating a string of code
setInterval("sum = num1 + num2", 100);

    Whenever you're evaluating JavaScript code from within JavaScript code, you incur a double evaluation penalty. This code is first evaluated as normal, and then, while executing, another evaluation happens to execute the code contained in a string. Double evaluation is a costly operation and takes much longer than if the same code were included natively.



    As a point of comparison, the time it takes to access an array item varies from browser to browser but varies far more dramatically when the array item is accessed using eval(). For example:



var item = array[0];
var item = eval("array[0]");

    The difference across browsers becomes dramatic if 10,000 array items are read using eval() instead of native code. Table 8-1 shows the different times for this operation.



Table 8-1. Speed comparison of native code versus eval() for accessing 10,000 array items

表8-1  直接代码与eval()访问10'000个数组项的速度比较

    This dramatic difference in array item access time is due to the creation of a new interpreter/compiler instance each time eval() is called. The same process occurs for Function(), setTimeout(), and setInterval(), automatically making code execution slower.



    Most of the time, there is no need to use eval() or Function(), and it's best to avoid them whenever possible. For the other two functions, setTimeout() and setInterval(), it's recommended to pass in a function as the first argument instead of a string. For example:



  sum = num1 + num2;
}, 100);
  sum = num1 + num2;
}, 100);


    Avoiding double evaluation is key to achieving the most optimal JavaScript runtime performance possible.



Use Object/Array Literals  使用对象/数组直接量


    There are multiple ways to create objects and arrays in JavaScript, but nothing is faster than creating object and array literals. Without using literals, typical object creation and assignment looks like this:



//create an object
var myObject = new Object();
myObject.name = "Nicholas";
myObject.count = 50;
myObject.flag = true;
myObject.pointer = null;
//create an array
var myArray = new Array();
myArray[0] = "Nicholas";
myArray[1] = 50;
myArray[2] = true;
myArray[3] = null;


    Although there is technically nothing wrong with this approach, literals are evaluated faster. As an added bonus, literals take up less space in your code, so the overall file size is smaller. The previous code can be rewritten using literals in the following way:



//create an object
var myObject = {
  name: "Nicholas",
  count: 50,
  flag: true,
  pointer: null
//create an array
var myArray = ["Nicholas", 50, true, null];


    The end result of this code is the same as the previous version, but it is executed faster in almost all browsers (Firefox 3.5 shows almost no difference). As the number of object properties and array items increases, so too does the benefit of using literals.

    此代码的效果与前面的版本相同,但在几乎所有浏览器上运行更快(在Firefox 3.5上几乎没区别)。随着对象属性和数组项数的增加,使用直接量的好处也随之增加。


Don't Repeat Work  不要重复工作


    One of the primary performance optimization techniques in computer science overall is work avoidance. The concept of work avoidance really means two things: don't do work that isn't required, and don't repeat work that has already been completed. The first part is usually easy to identify as code is being refactored. The second part—not repeating work—is usually more difficult to identify because work may be repeated in any number of places and for any number of reasons.



    Perhaps the most common type of repeated work is browser detection. A lot of code has forks based on the browser's capabilities. Consider event handler addition and removal as an example. Typical cross-browser code for this purpose looks like the following:



function addHandler(target, eventType, handler){
  if (target.addEventListener){ //DOM2 Events
    target.addEventListener(eventType, handler, false);
  } else { //IE
    target.attachEvent("on" + eventType, handler);
function removeHandler(target, eventType, handler){
  if (target.removeEventListener){ //DOM2 Events
    target.removeEventListener(eventType, handler, false);
  } else { //IE
    target.detachEvent("on" + eventType, handler);

    The code checks for DOM Level 2 Events support by testing for addEventListener() and removeEventListener(), which is supported by all modern browsers except Internet Explorer. If these methods don't exist on the target, then IE is assumed and the IE-specific methods are used.

    此代码通过测试addEventListener()和removeEventListener()检查DOM级别2的事件支持情况,它能够被除Internet Explorer之外的所有现代浏览器所支持。如果这些方法不存在于target中,那么就认为当前浏览器是IE,并使用IE特有的方法。


    At first glance, these functions look fairly optimized for their purpose. The hidden performance issue is in the repeated work done each time either function is called. Each time, the same check is made to see whether a certain method is present. If you assume that the only values for target are actually DOM objects, and that the user doesn't magically change his browser while the page is loaded, then this evaluation is repetitive. If addEventListener() was present on the first call to addHandler() then it's going to be present for each subsequent call. Repeating the same work with every call to a function is wasteful, and there are a couple of ways to avoid it.



Lazy Loading  延迟加载


    The first way to eliminate work repetition in functions is through lazy loading. Lazy loading means that no work is done until the information is necessary. In the case of the previous example, there is no need to determine which way to attach or detach event handlers until someone makes a call to the function. Lazy-loaded versions of the previous functions look like this:



function addHandler(target, eventType, handler){
  //overwrite the existing function
  if (target.addEventListener){ //DOM2 Events
    addHandler = function(target, eventType, handler){
      target.addEventListener(eventType, handler, false);
  } else { //IE
    addHandler = function(target, eventType, handler){
      target.attachEvent("on" + eventType, handler);
  //call the new function
  addHandler(target, eventType, handler);
function removeHandler(target, eventType, handler){
  //overwrite the existing function
  if (target.removeEventListener){ //DOM2 Events
    removeHandler = function(target, eventType, handler){
      target.addEventListener(eventType, handler, false);
  } else { //IE
    removeHandler = function(target, eventType, handler){
      target.detachEvent("on" + eventType, handler);
  //call the new function
  removeHandler(target, eventType, handler);

    These two functions implement a lazy-loading pattern. The first time either method is called, a check is made to determine the appropriate way to attach or detach the event handler. Then, the original function is overwritten with a new function that contains just the appropriate course of action. The last step during that first function call is to execute the new function with the original arguments. Each subsequent call to addHandler() or removeHandler() avoids further detection because the detection code was overwritten by a new function.



    Calling a lazy-loading function always takes longer the first time because it must run the detection and then make a call to another function to accomplish the task. Subsequent calls to the same function, however, are much faster since they have no detection logic. Lazy loading is best used when the function won't be used immediately on the page.



Conditional Advance Loading  条件预加载


    An alternative to lazy-loading functions is conditional advance loading, which does the detection upfront, while the script is loading, instead of waiting for the function call. The detection is still done just once, but it comes earlier in the process. For example:



var addHandler = document.body.addEventListener ?
  function(target, eventType, handler){
    target.addEventListener(eventType, handler, false);
  function(target, eventType, handler){
    target.attachEvent("on" + eventType, handler);
var removeHandler = document.body.removeEventListener ?
  function(target, eventType, handler){
    target.removeEventListener(eventType, handler, false);
  function(target, eventType, handler){
    target.detachEvent("on" + eventType, handler);

    This example checks to see whether addEventListener() and removeEventListener() are present and then uses that information to assign the most appropriate function. The ternary operator returns the DOM Level 2 function if these methods are present and otherwise returns the IE-specific function. The result is that all calls to addHandler() and removeHandler() are equally fast, as the detection cost occurs upfront.



    Conditional advance loading ensures that all calls to the function take the same amount of time. The trade-off is that the detection occurs as the script is loading rather than later. Advance loading is best to use when a function is going to be used right away and then again frequently throughout the lifetime of the page.






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