[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(022)

第七章  Ajax  异步JavaScript和XML


    Ajax is a cornerstone of high-performance JavaScript. It can be used to make a page load faster by delaying the download of large resources. It can prevent page loads altogether by allowing for data to be transferred between the client and the server asynchronously. It can even be used to fetch all of a page's resources in one HTTP request. By choosing the correct transmission technique and the most efficient data format, you can significantly improve how your users interact with your site.



    This chapter examines the fastest techniques for sending data to and receiving it from the server, as well as the most efficient formats for encoding data.



Data Transmission  数据传输


    Ajax, at its most basic level, is a way of communicating with a server without unloading the current page; data can be requested from the server or sent to it. There are several different ways of setting up this communication channel, each with its own advantages and restrictions. This section briefly examines the different approaches and discusses the performance implications of each.



Requesting Data  请求数据


    There are five general techniques for requesting data from a server:



• XMLHttpRequest (XHR)
• Dynamic script tag insertion  动态脚本标签插入
• iframes
• Comet
• Multipart XHR                 多部分的XHR


    The three that are used in modern high-performance JavaScript are XHR, dynamic script tag insertion, and multipart XHR. Use of Comet and iframes (as data transport techniques) tends to be extremely situational, and won't be covered here.





    By far the most common technique used, XMLHttpRequest (XHR) allows you to asynchronously send and receive data. It is well supported across all modern browsers and allows for a fine degree of control over both the request sent and the data received. You can add arbitrary headers and parameters (both GET and POST) to the request, and read all of the headers returned from the server, as well as the response text itself. The following is an example of how it can be used:



var url = '/data.php';
var params = [
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.onreadystatechange = function() {
  if (req.readyState === 4) {
    var responseHeaders = req.getAllResponseHeaders(); // Get the response headers.
    var data = req.responseText; // Get the data.
    // Process the data here...
req.open('GET', url + '?' + params.join('&'), true);
req.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest'); // Set a request header.
// Send the request.

    This example shows how to request data from a URL, with parameters, and how to read the response text and headers. A readyState of 4 indicates that the entire response has been received and is available for manipulation.



    It is possible to interact with the server response as it is still being transferred by listening for readyState 3. This is known as streaming, and it is a powerful tool for improving the performance of your data requests:



req.onreadystatechange = function() {
  if (req.readyState === 3) { // Some, but not all, data has been received.
    var dataSoFar = req.responseText;
  else if (req.readyState === 4) { // All data has been received.
    var data = req.responseText;

    Because of the high degree of control that XHR offers, browsers place some restrictions on it. You cannot use XHR to request data from a domain different from the one the code is currently running under, and older versions of IE do not give you access to readyState 3, which prevents streaming. Data that comes back from the request is treated as either a string or an XML object; this means large amounts of data will be quite slow to process.

    由于XHR提供了高级别的控制,浏览器在上面增加了一些限制。你不能使用XHR从当前运行的代码域之外请求数据,而且老版本的IE也不提供readyState 3,它不支持流。从请求返回的数据像一个字符串或者一个XML对象那样对待,这意味着处理大量数据将相当缓慢。


    Despite these drawbacks, XHR is the most commonly used technique for requesting data and is still the most powerful. It should be the one you look to first.



POST versus GET when using XHR.  使用XHR时,应使用POST还是GET


    When using XHR to request data, you have a choice between using POST or GET. For requests that don't change the server state and only pull back data (this is called an idempotent action), use GET. GET requests are cached, which can improve performance if you're fetching the same data several times.



    POST should be used to fetch data only when the length of the URL and the parameters are close to or exceed 2,048 characters. This is because Internet Explorer limits URLs to that length, and exceeding it will cause your request to be truncated.

    只有当URL和参数的长度超过了2'048个字符时才使用POST提取数据。因为Internet Explorer限制URL的长度,过长将导致请求(参数)被截断。


Dynamic script tag insertion  动态脚本标签插入


    This technique overcomes the biggest limitation of XHR: it can request data from a server on a different domain. It is a hack; instead of instantiating a purpose-built object, you use JavaScript to create a new script tag and set its source attribute to a URL in a different domain.



var scriptElement = document.createElement('script');
scriptElement.src = 'http://any-domain.com/javascript/lib.js';

    But dynamic script tag insertion offers much less control than XHR. You can't send headers with the request. Parameters can only be passed using GET, not POST. You can't set timeouts or retry the request; in fact, you won't necessarily know if it fails. You must wait for all of the data to be returned before you can access any of it. You don't have access to the response headers or to the entire response as a string.



    This last point is especially important. Because the response is being used as the source for a script tag, it must be executable JavaScript. You cannot use bare XML, or even bare JSON; any data, regardless of the format, must be enclosed in a callback function.



var scriptElement = document.createElement('script');
scriptElement.src = 'http://any-domain.com/javascript/lib.js';
function jsonCallback(jsonString) {
  var data = eval('(' + jsonString + ')');
  // Process the data here...

    In this example, the lib.js file would enclose the data in the jsonCallback function:



jsonCallback({ "status": 1, "colors": [ "#fff", "#000", "#ff0000" ] });

    Despite these limitations, this technique can be extremely fast. The response is executed as JavaScript; it is not treated as a string that must be further processed. Because of this, it has the potential to be the fastest way of getting data and parsing it into something you can access on the client side. We compare the performance of dynamic script tag insertion with the performance of XHR in the section on JSON, later in this chapter.



    Beware of using this technique to request data from a server you don't directly control. JavaScript has no concept of permission or access control, so any code that you incorporate into your page using dynamic script tag insertion will have complete control over the page. This includes the ability to modify any content, redirect users to another site, or even track their actions on this page and send the data back to a third party. Use extreme caution when pulling in code from an external source.



Multipart XHR  多部分XHR


    The newest of the techniques mentioned here, multipart XHR (MXHR) allows you to pass multiple resources from the server side to the client side using only one HTTP request. This is done by packaging up the resources (whether they be CSS files, HTML fragments, JavaScript code, or base64 encoded images) on the server side and sending them to the client as a long string of characters, separated by some agreed-upon string. The JavaScript code processes this long string and parses each resource according to its mime-type and any other "header" passed with it.



    Let's follow this process from start to finish. First, a request is made to the server for several image resources:



var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.open('GET', 'rollup_images.php', true);
req.onreadystatechange = function() {
  if (req.readyState == 4) {

    This is a very simple request. You are asking for data from rollup_images.php, and once you receive it, you send it to the function splitImages.



    Next, on the server, the images are read and converted into strings:



// Read the images and convert them into base64 encoded strings.
$images = array('kitten.jpg', 'sunset.jpg', 'baby.jpg');
foreach ($images as $image) {
  $image_fh = fopen($image, 'r');
  $image_data = fread($image_fh, filesize($image));
    $payloads[] = base64_encode($image_data);
// Roll up those strings into one long string and output it.
$newline = chr(1); // This character won't appear naturally in any base64 string.
echo implode($newline, $payloads);

    This piece of PHP code reads three images and converts them into long strings of base64 characters. They are concatenated using a single character, Unicode character 1, and output back to the client.



    Once on the client side, the data is processed by the splitImages function:



function splitImages(imageString) {
  var imageData = imageString.split("/u0001");
  var imageElement;
  for (var i = 0, len = imageData.length; i < len; i++) {
    imageElement = document.createElement('img');
    imageElement.src = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + imageData[i];

    This function takes the concatenated string and splits it up again into three pieces. Each piece is then used to create an image element, and that image element is inserted into the page. The image is not converted from a base64 string back to binary data; instead it is passed to the image element using a data: URL and the image/jpeg mime-type.



    The end result is that three images have been passed to the browser as a single HTTP request. This could be done with 20 images or 100; the response would be larger, but it would still take only one HTTP request. It can also be expanded to other types of resources. JavaScript files, CSS files, HTML fragments, and images of many types can all be combined into one response. Any data type that can be handled as a string by JavaScript can be sent. Here are functions that will take strings for JavaScript code, CSS styles, and images and convert them into resources the browser can use:



function handleImageData(data, mimeType) {
  var img = document.createElement('img');
  img.src = 'data:' + mimeType + ';base64,' + data;
  return img;
function handleCss(data) {
  var style = document.createElement('style');
  style.type = 'text/css';
  var node = document.createTextNode(data);
function handleJavaScript(data) {

    As MXHR responses grow larger, it becomes necessary to process each resource as it is received, rather than waiting for the entire response. This can be done by listening for readyState 3:

    由于MXHR响应报文越来越大,有必要在每个资源收到时立刻处理,而不是等待整个响应报文接收完成。这可以通过监听readyState 3实现:


var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
var getLatestPacketInterval, lastLength = 0;
req.open('GET', 'rollup_images.php', true);
req.onreadystatechange = readyStateHandler;
function readyStateHandler{
  if (req.readyState === 3 && getLatestPacketInterval === null) {
    // Start polling.
    getLatestPacketInterval = window.setInterval(function() {
    }, 15);
  if (req.readyState === 4) {
    // Stop polling.
    // Get the last packet.
function getLatestPacket() {
  var length = req.responseText.length;
  var packet = req.responseText.substring(lastLength, length);
  lastLength = length;

    Once readyState 3 fires for the first time, a timer is started. Every 15 milliseconds, the response is checked for new data. Each piece of data is then collected until a delimiter character is found, and then everything is processed as a complete resource.

    当readyState 3第一次发出时,启动了一个定时器。每隔15毫秒检查一次响应报文中的新数据。数据片段被收集起来直到发现一个分隔符,然后一切都作为一个完整的资源处理。


    The code required to use MXHR in a robust manner is complex but worth further study. The complete library can be easily be found online at http://techfoolery.com/mxhr/.



    There are some downsides to using this technique, the biggest being that none of the fetched resources are cached in the browser. If you fetch a particular CSS file using MXHR and then load it normally on the next page, it will not be in the cache. This is because the rolled-up resources are transmitted as a long string and then split up by the JavaScript code. Since there is no way to programmatically inject a file into the browser's cache, none of the resources fetched in this way will make it there.



    Another downside is that older versions of Internet Explorer don't support readyState 3 or data: URLs. Internet Explorer 8 does support both of them, but workarounds must still be used for Internet Explorer 6 and 7.

   另一个缺点是:老版本的Internet Explorer不支持readyState 3或data: URL。Internet Explorer 8两个都支持,但在Internet Explorer 6和7中必须设法变通。


    Despite these downsides, there are still situations in which MXHR significantly improves overall page performance:



• Pages that contain a lot of resources that aren't used elsewhere on the site (and thus don't need to be cached), especially images



• Sites that already use a unique rolled-up JavaScript or CSS file on each page to reduce HTTP requests; because it is unique to each page, it's never read from cache unless that particular page is reloaded



    Because HTTP requests are one of the most extreme bottlenecks in Ajax, reducing the number needed has a large effect on overall page performance. This is especially true when you are able to convert 100 image requests into a single multipart XHR request. Ad hoc testing with large numbers of images across modern browsers has shown this technique to be 4 to 10 times faster than making individual requests. Run these tests for yourself at http://techfoolery.com/mxhr/.

    由于HTTP请求是Ajax中最极端的瓶颈之一,减少其需求数量对整个页面性能有很大影响。尤其是当你将100个图片请求转化为一个MXHR请求时。Ad hoc在现代浏览器上测试了大量图片,其结果显示出此技术比逐个请求快了4到10倍。你可以自己运行这个测试:http://techfoolery.com/mxhr/


Sending Data  发送数据


    There are times when you don't care about retrieving data, and instead only want to send it to the server. You could be sending off nonpersonal information about a user to be analyzed later, or you could capture all script errors that occur and send the details about them to the server for logging and alerting. When data only needs to be sent to the server, there are two techniques that are widely used: XHR and beacons.





    Though primarily used for requesting data from the server, XHR can also be used to send data back. Data can be sent back as GET or POST, as well as in any number of HTTP headers. This gives you an enormous amount of flexibility. XHR is especially useful when the amount of data you are sending back exceeds the maximum URL length in a browser. In that situation, you can send the data back as a POST:



var url = '/data.php';
var params = [
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.onerror = function() {
  // Error.
req.onreadystatechange = function() {
  if (req.readyState == 4) {
    // Success.
req.open('POST', url, true);
req.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
req.setRequestHeader('Content-Length', params.length);

    As you can see in this example, we do nothing if the post fails. This is usually fine when XHR is used to capture broad user statistics, but if it's crucial that the data makes it to the server, you can add code to retry on failure:



function xhrPost(url, params, callback) {
  var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
  req.onerror = function() {
    setTimeout(function() {
      xhrPost(url, params, callback);
    }, 1000);
  req.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (req.readyState == 4) {
      if (callback && typeof callback === 'function') {
  req.open('POST', url, true);
  req.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
  req.setRequestHeader('Content-Length', params.length);

    When using XHR to send data back to the server, it is faster to use GET. This is because, for small amounts of data, a GET request is sent to the server in a single packet. A POST, on the other hand, is sent in a minimum of two packets, one for the headers and another for the POST body. A POST is better suited to sending large amounts of data to the server, both because the extra packet won't matter as much and because of Internet Explorer's URL length limit, which makes long GET requests impossible.

    当使用XHR将数据发回服务器时,它比使用GET要快。这是因为对少量数据而言,向服务器发送一个GET请求要占用一个单独的数据包。另一方面,一个POST至少发送两个数据包,一个用于信息头。另一个用于POST体。POST更适合于向服务器发送大量数据,即因为它不关心额外数据包的数量,又因为Internet Explorer的URL长度限制,它不可能使用过长的GET请求。


Beacons  灯标


    This technique is very similar to dynamic script tag insertion. JavaScript is used to create a new Image object, with the src set to the URL of a script on your server. This URL contains the data we want to send back in the GET format of key-value pairs. Note that no img element has to be created or inserted into the DOM.



var url = '/status_tracker.php';
var params = [
(new Image()).src = url + '?' + params.join('&');


    The server takes this data and stores it; it doesn't have to send anything back to the client, since the image isn't actually displayed. This is the most efficient way to send information back to the server. There is very little overhead, and server-side errors don't affect the client side at all.



    The simplicity of image beacons also means that you are restricted in what you can do. You can't send POST data, so you are limited to a fairly small number of characters before you reach the maximum allowed URL length. You can receive data back, but in very limited ways. It's possible to listen for the Image object's load event, which will tell you if the server successfully received the data. You can also check the width and height of the image that the server returned (if an image was returned) and use those numbers to inform you about the server's state. For instance, a width of 1 could be "success" and 2 could be "try again."



    If you don't need to return data in your response, you should send a response code of 204 No Content and no message body. This will prevent the client from waiting for a message body that will never come:

    如果你不需要为此响应返回数据,那么你应当发送一个204 No Content响应代码,无消息正文。它将阻止客户端继续等待永远不会到来的消息体:


var url = '/status_tracker.php';
var params = [
var beacon = new Image();
beacon.src = url + '?' + params.join('&');
beacon.onload = function() {
  if (this.width == 1) {
    // Success.
  else if (this.width == 2) {
    // Failure; create another beacon and try again.
beacon.onerror = function() {
  // Error; wait a bit, then create another beacon and try again.

    Beacons are the fastest and most efficient way to send data back to the server. The server doesn't have to send back any response body at all, so you don't have to worry about downloading data to the client. The only downside is that it you are limited in the type of responses you can receive. If you need to pass large amounts of data back to the client, use XHR. If you only care about sending data to the server (with possibly a very simple response), use image beacons.


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