[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(026)

Use the Fast Parts  使用速度快的部分


    Even though JavaScript is often blamed for being slow, there are parts of the language that are incredibly fast. This should come as no surprise, since JavaScript engines are built in lower-level languages and are therefore compiled. Though it's easy to blame the engine when JavaScript appears slow, the engine is typically the fastest part of the process; it's your code that is actually running slowly. There are parts of the engine that are much faster than others because they allow you to bypass the slow parts.



Bitwise Operators  位操作运算符


    Bitwise operators are one of the most frequently misunderstood aspects of JavaScript. General opinion is that developers don't understand how to use these operators and frequently mistake them for their Boolean equivalents. As a result, bitwise operators are used infrequently in JavaScript development, despite their advantages.



    JavaScript numbers are all stored in IEEE-754 64-bit format. For bitwise operations, though, the number is converted into a signed 32-bit representation. Each operator then works directly on this 32-bit representation to achieve a result. Despite the conversion, this process is incredibly fast when compared to other mathematical and Boolean operations in JavaScript.



    If you're unfamiliar with binary representation of numbers, JavaScript makes it easy to convert a number into a string containing its binary equivalent by using the toString() method and passing in the number 2. For example:



var num1 = 25,
num2 = 3;
alert(num1.toString(2)); //"11001"
// "11"

    Note that this representation omits the leading zeros of a number.



    There are four bitwise logic operators in JavaScript:



Bitwise AND  位与
    Returns a number with a 1 in each bit where both numbers have a 1



Bitwise OR  位或
    Returns a number with a 1 in each bit where either number has a 1



Bitwise XOR  位异或
    Returns a number with a 1 in each bit where exactly one number has a 1



Bitwise NOT  位非
    Returns 1 in each position where the number has a 0 and vice versa



    These operators are used as follows:



//bitwise AND
var result1 = 25 & 3; //1
alert(result.toString(2)); //"1"
//bitwise OR
var result2 = 25 | 3; //27
alert(resul2.toString(2)); //"11011"
//bitwise XOR
var result3 = 25 ^ 3; //26
alert(resul3.toString(2)); //"11000"
//bitwise NOT
var result = ~25; //-26

    There are a couple of ways to use bitwise operators to speed up your JavaScript. The first is to use bitwise operations instead of pure mathematical operations. For example, it's common to alternate table row colors by calculating the modulus of 2 for a given number, such as:



for (var i=0, len=rows.length; i < len; i++){
  if (i % 2) {
    className = "even";
  } else {
    className = "odd";
  //apply class

    Calculating mod 2 requires the number to be divided by 2 to determine the remainder. If you were to look at the underlying 32-bit representation of numbers, a number is even if its first bit is 0 and is odd if its first bit is 1. This can easily be determined by using a bitwise AND operation on a given number and the number 1. When the number is even, the result of bitwise AND 1 is 0; when the number is odd, the result of bitwise AND 1 is 1. That means the previous code can be rewritten as follows:



for (var i=0, len=rows.length; i < len; i++){
  if (i & 1) {
    className = "odd";
  } else {
    className = "even";
  //apply class

    Although the code change is small, the bitwise AND version is up to 50% faster than the original (depending on the browser).



    The second way to use bitwise operators is a technique known as a bitmask. Bitmasking is a popular technique in computer science when there are a number of Boolean options that may be present at the same time. The idea is to use each bit of a single number to indicate whether or not the option is present, effectively turning the number into an array of Boolean flags. Each option is given a value equivalent to a power of 2 so that the mask works. For example:



var OPTION_A = 1;
var OPTION_B = 2;
var OPTION_C = 4;
var OPTION_D = 8;
var OPTION_E = 16;

    With the options defined, you can create a single number that contains multiple settings using the bitwise OR operator:



var options = OPTION_A | OPTION_C | OPTION_D;

    You can then check whether a given option is available by using the bitwise AND operator. The operation returns 0 if the option isn't set and 1 if the option is set:



//is option A in the list?
if (options & OPTION_A){
  //do something
//is option B in the list?
if (options & OPTION_B){
  //do something

    Bitmask operations such as this are quite fast because, as mentioned previously, the work is happening at a lower level of the system. If there are a number of options that are being saved together and checked frequently, bitmasks can help to speed up the overall approach.



Native Methods  原生方法


    No matter how optimal your JavaScript code is, it will never be faster than the native methods provided by the JavaScript engine. The reason for this is simple: the native parts of JavaScript—those already present in the browser before you write a line of code—are all written in a lower-level language such as C++. That means these methods are compiled down to machine code as part of the browser and therefore don't have the same limitations as your JavaScript code.



    A common mistake of inexperienced JavaScript developers is to perform complex mathematical operations in code when there are better performing versions available on the built-in Math object. The Math object contains properties and methods designed to make mathematical operations easier. There are several mathematical constants available:



    Each of these values is precalculated, so there is no need for you to calculate them yourself. There are also methods to handle mathematical calculations:



    Using these methods is faster than recreating the same functionality in JavaScript code. Whenever you need to perform complex mathematical calculations, look to the Math object first.



    Another example is the Selectors API, which allows querying of a DOM document using CSS selectors. CSS queries were implemented natively in JavaScript and truly popularized by the jQuery JavaScript library. The jQuery engine is widely considered the fastest engine for CSS querying, but it is still much slower than the native methods. The native querySelector() and querySelectorAll() methods complete their tasks, on average, in 10% of the time it takes for JavaScript-based CSS querying. Most JavaScript libraries have now moved to use the native functionality when available to speed up their overall performance.



    Always use native methods when available, especially for mathematical calculations and DOM operations. The more work that is done with compiled code, the faster your code becomes.



Summary  总结


    JavaScript presents some unique performance challenges related to the way you organize your code. As web applications have become more advanced, containing more and more lines of JavaScript to function, some patterns and antipatterns have emerged. Some programming practices to keep in mind:



• Avoid the double evaluation penalty by avoiding the use of eval() and the Function() constructor. Also, pass functions into setTimeout() and setInterval() instead of strings.



• Use object and array literals when creating new objects and arrays. They are created and initialized faster than nonliteral forms.



• Avoid doing the same work repeatedly. Use lazy loading or conditional advance loading when browser-detection logic is necessary.



• When performing mathematical operations, consider using bitwise operators that work directly on the underlying representation of the number.



• Native methods are always faster than anything you can write in JavaScript. Use native methods whenever available.



    As with many of the techniques and approaches covered in this book, you will see the greatest performance gains when these optimizations are applied to code that is run frequently.


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