[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(028)

JavaScript Minification  JavaScript紧凑


    JavaScript minification is the process by which a JavaScript file is stripped of everything that does not contribute to its execution. This includes comments and unnecessary whitespace. The process typically reduces the file size by half, resulting in faster downloads, and encourages programmers to write better, more extensive inline documentation.



    JSMin (http://www.crockford.com/javascript/jsmin.html), developed by Douglas Crockford, remained the standard in JavaScript minification for a long time. However, as web applications kept growing in size and complexity, many felt it was time to push JavaScript minification a step further. This is the main reason behind the development of the YUI Compressor (http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/compressor/), a tool that performs all kinds of smart operations in order to offer a higher level of compaction than other tools in a completely safe way. In addition to stripping comments and unnecessary whitespace, the YUI Compressor offers the following features:

    JSMin(http://www.crockford.com/javascript/jsmin.html),由Douglas Crockford开发,它保持了JavaScript紧凑标准很长一段时间。然而随着网络应用程序在规模和复杂性上不断增长,许多人认为JavaScript紧凑应当再向前推进一步。这是开发YUI压缩器的主要原因(http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/compressor/)它提供了所有类型的智能操作,为了提供比其它工具更高级的紧凑操作并且以完全安全的方法实现。除了剔除注释和不必要的空格,YUI压缩器还提供以下功能:


• Replacement of local variable names with shorter (one-, two-, or three-character) variable names, picked to optimize gzip compression downstream



• Replacement of bracket notation with dot notation whenever possible

(e.g., foo["bar"] becomes foo.bar)



• Replacement of quoted literal property names whenever possible

(e.g., {"foo":"bar"} becomes {foo:"bar"})



• Replacement of escaped quotes in strings (e.g., 'aaa/'bbb' becomes "aaa'bbb")



• Constant folding (e.g., "foo"+"bar" becomes "foobar")



    Running your JavaScript code through the YUI Compressor results in tremendous savings compared to JSMin without any further action. Consider the following numbers on the core files of the YUI library (version 2.7.0, available at http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/):



Raw yahoo.js, dom.js and event.js                     192,164 bytes
yahoo.js, dom.js and event.js + JSMin                 47,316 bytes
yahoo.js, dom.js and event.js + YUI Compressor 35,896 bytes


    In this example, the YUI Compressor offers 24% savings out of the box compared to JSMin. However, there are things you can do to increase the byte savings even further. Storing local references to objects/values, wrapping code in a closure, using constants for repeated values, and avoiding eval (and its relatives, the Function constructor, setTimeout, and setInterval when used with a string literal as the first argument), the with keyword, and JScript conditional comments all contribute to making the minified file smaller. Consider the following function, designed to toggle the selected class on the specified DOM element (220 bytes):



function toggle (element) {
  if (YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass(element, "selected")){
    YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(element, "selected");
  } else {
    YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(element, "selected");

    The YUI Compressor will transform this code into the following (147 bytes):



function toggle(a){if(YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass(a,"selected")){YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(a,"selected")}else{YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(a,"selected")}};

    If you refactor the original version by storing a local reference to YAHOO.util.Dom and using a constant for the "selected" value, the code becomes (232 bytes):



function toggle (element) {
  var YUD = YAHOO.util.Dom, className = "selected";
  if (YUD.hasClass(element, className)){
    YUD.removeClass(element, className);
  } else {
    YUD.addClass(element, className);

    This version shows even greater savings after minification using the YUI Compressor (115 bytes):



function toggle(a){var c=YAHOO.util.Dom,b="selected";if(c.hasClass(a,b)){c.removeClass(a,b)}else{c.addClass(a,b)}};

    The compaction ratio went from 33% to 48%, which is a staggering result given the small amount of work needed. However, it is important to note that gzip compression, happening downstream, may yield conflicting results; in other words, the smallest minified file may not always give the smallest gzipped file. That strange result is a direct consequence of lowering the amount of redundancy in the original file. In addition, this kind of microoptimization incurs a small runtime cost because variables are now used in place of literal values, thus requiring additional lookups. Therefore, I usually recommend not abusing these techniques, although it may still be worth considering them when serving content to user agents that don't support (or advertise their support for) gzip compression.



    In November 2009, Google released an even more advanced minification tool called the Closure Compiler (http://code.google.com/closure/compiler/). This new tool goes further than the YUI Compressor when using its advanced optimizations option. In this mode, the Closure Compiler is extremely aggressive in the ways that it transforms code and renames symbols. Although it yields incredible savings, it requires the developer to be very careful and to ensure that the output code works the same way as the input code. It also makes debugging more difficult because almost all of the symbols are renamed. The Closure library does come with a Firebug extension, named the
Closure Inspector (http://code.google.com/closure/compiler/docs/inspector.html), that provides a mapping between the obfuscated symbols and the original symbols. Nevertheless, this extension is not available on browsers other than Firefox, which may be a problem when debugging browser-specific code paths, and debugging still remains harder than with other, less aggressive minification tools.

    2009年11月,Google发布了一个更先进的紧凑工具闭包编译器http://code.google.com/closure/compiler/这种工具比YUI压缩器更进一步,当使用其先进优化选项时。在这种模式下,闭包编译器以极端霸道的方式转换代码并修改符号名。虽然它产生了难以置信的压缩率,但它要求开发者必须非常小心以确保输出代码与输入代码等价。它还使得调试更为困难,因为几乎所有符号都被改名了。此闭包库以一个Firebug扩展的形式发布,命名为闭包察看器(Closure Inspector)(http://code.google.com/closure/compiler/docs/inspector.html),并提供了一个转换后符号名和原始符号名之间的对照表。不过,这个扩展不能用于Firefox之外的浏览器,所以对那些浏览器相关的代码来说是个问题,而且和那些不这么霸道的紧凑工具相比,调试工作更困难。


Buildtime Versus Runtime Build Processes  开发过程中的编译时和运行时


    Concatenation, preprocessing, and minification are steps that can take place either at buildtime or at runtime. Runtime build processes are very useful during development, but generally are not recommended in a production environment for scalability reasons. As a general rule for building high-performance applications, everything that can be done at buildtime should not be done at runtime.



    Whereas Apache Ant is definitely an offline build program, the agile build tool presented toward the end of this chapter represents a middle ground whereby the same tool can be used during development and to create the final assets that will be used in a production environment.

    Apache Ant无疑是一种脱机开发程序,而本章末尾出现的灵巧开发工具代表了中间路线,同样的工具即可用于开发期创建最终断言,也可用于产品环境。


JavaScript Compression  JavaScript压缩


    When a web browser requests a resource, it usually sends an Accept-Encoding HTTP header (starting with HTTP/1.1) to let the web server know what kinds of encoding transformations it supports. This information is primarily used to allow a document to be compressed, enabling faster downloads and therefore a better user experience. Possible values for the Accept-Encoding value tokens include: gzip, compress, deflate, and identity (these values are registered by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, or IANA).



    If the web server sees this header in the request, it will choose the most appropriate encoding method and notify the web browser of its decision via the Content-Encoding HTTP header.



    gzip is by far the most popular encoding. It generally reduces the size of the payload by 70%, making it a weapon of choice for improving the performance of a web application. Note that gzip compression should be used primarily on text responses, including JavaScript files. Other file types, such as images or PDF files, should not be gzipped, because they are already compressed and trying to compress them again is a waste of server resources.



    If you use the Apache web server (by far the most popular), enabling gzip compression requires installing and configuring either the mod_gzip module (for Apache 1.3 and available at http://www.schroepl.net/projekte/mod_gzip/) or the mod_deflate module (for Apache 2).

    如果您使用Apache网页服务器(目前最流行的),启用gzip压缩功能需要安装并配置mod_gzip模块(针对Apache 1.3,位于http://www.schroepl.net/projekte/mod_gzip/)或者mod_deflate模块(针对Apache 2)。


    Recent studies done independently by Yahoo! Search and Google have shown that roughly 15% of the content delivered by large websites in the United States is served uncompressed. This is mostly due to a missing Accept-Encoding HTTP header in the request, stripped by some corporate proxies, firewalls, or even PC security software. Although gzip compression is an amazing tool for web developers, one must be mindful of this fact and strive to write code as concisely as possible. Another technique is to serve alternate JavaScript content to users who are not going to benefit from gzip compression but could benefit from a lighter experience (although users should be given the choice to switch back to the full version).



    To that effect, it is worth mentioning Packer (http://dean.edwards.name/packer/), a JavaScript minifier developed by Dean Edwards. Packer is able to shrink JavaScript files beyond what the YUI Compressor can do. Consider the following results on the jQuery library (version 1.3.2, available at http://www.jquery.com/):

    为此,值得提到Packer (http://dean.edwards.name/packer/),由Dean Edwards开发的一个JavaScript紧凑工具。Packer对JavaScript压缩能够超过YUI压缩器的水平。考虑下面对jQuery库的压缩结果(版本1.3.2,下载地址http://www.jquery.com/):


jQuery                               120,180 bytes
jQuery + YUI Compressor              56,814 bytes
jQuery + Packer                 39,351 bytes
Raw jQuery + gzip                    34,987 bytes
jQuery + YUI Compressor + gzip  19,457 bytes
jQuery + Packer + gzip          19,228 bytes


    After gzipping, running the jQuery library through Packer or the YUI Compressor yields very similar results. However, files compressed using Packer incur a fixed runtime cost (about 200 to 300 milliseconds on my modern laptop). Therefore, using the YUI Compressor in combination with gzipping always gives the best results. However, Packer can be used with some success for users on slow lines that don't support gzip compression, for whom the cost of unpacking is negligible compared to the cost of downloading large amounts of code. The only downside to serving different JavaScript content to different users is increased QA costs.



Caching JavaScript Files  缓存JavaScript文件


    Making HTTP components cacheable will greatly improve the experience of repeat visitors to your website. As a concrete example, loading the Yahoo! home page (http://www.yahoo.com/) with a full cache requires 90% fewer HTTP requests and 83% fewer bytes to download than with an empty cache. The round-trip time (the elapsed time between the moment a page is requested and the firing of the onload event) goes from 2.4 seconds to 0.9 seconds (http://yuiblog.com/blog/2007/01/04/performance-research-part-2/). Although caching is most often used on images, it should be used on all static components, including JavaScript files.



    Web servers use the Expires HTTP response header to let clients know how long a resource can be cached. The format is an absolute timestamp in RFC 1123 format. An example of its use is: Expires: Thu, 01 Dec 1994 16:00:00 GMT. To mark a response as "never expires," a web server sends an Expires date approximately one year in the future from the time at which the response is sent. Web servers should never send Expires dates more than one year in the future according to the HTTP 1.1 RFC (RFC 2616, section 14.21).

    网页服务器使用Expires响应报文HTTP头让客户端知道缓存资源的时间。它是一个RFC 1123格式的绝对时间戳。例如:Expires: Thu, 01 Dec 1994 16:00:00 GMT。要将响应报文标记为“永不过期”,网页服务器可以发送一个时间为请求时间之后一年的Expires数据。根据HTTP 1.1 RFC(RFC 2616,14.21节)的要求,网页服务器发送的Expires时间不应超过一年。


    If you use the Apache web server, the ExpiresDefault directive allows you to set an expiration date relative to the current date. The following example applies this directive to images, JavaScript files, and CSS stylesheets:



<FilesMatch "/.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|js|css|htm|html)$">
  ExpiresActive on
  ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 year"

    Some web browsers, especially when running on mobile devices, may have limited caching capabilities. For example, the Safari web browser on the iPhone does not cache a component if its size is greater than 25KB uncompressed (see http://yuiblog.com/blog/2008/02/06/iphone-cacheability/) or 15KB for the iPhone 3.0 OS. In those cases, it is relevant to consider a trade-off between the number of HTTP components and their cacheability by splitting them into smaller chunks.

    某些网页浏览器,特别是那些移动设备上的浏览器,可能有缓存限制。例如,iPhone的Safari浏览器不能缓存解压后大于25K的组件(见http://yuiblog.com/blog/2008/02/06/iphone-cacheability/),在iPhone 3.0操作系统上不能大于15K。在这种情况下,应衡量HTTP组件数量和它们的可缓存性,考虑将它们分解成更小的块。


    You can also consider using client-side storage mechanisms if they are available, in which case the JavaScript code must itself handle the expiration.



    Finally, another technique is the use of the HTML 5 offline application cache, implemented in Firefox 3.5, Safari 4.0, and on the iPhone beginning with iPhone OS 2.1. This technology relies on a manifest file listing the resources to be cached. The manifest file is declared by adding a manifest attribute to the <html> tag (note the use of the HTML 5 DOCTYPE):

    最后,另一种技术是使用HTML 5离线应用程序缓存,它已经在如下浏览器中实现:Firefox 3.5,Safari 4.0,从iPhone OS 2.1开始以后的版本。此技术依赖于一个配置文件,列出应当被缓存的资源。此配置文件通过<html>标签的manifest属性(注意要使用HTML 5的DOCTYPE):


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html manifest="demo.manifest">

    The manifest file uses a special syntax to list offline resources and must be served using the text/cache-manifest mime type. More information on offline web application caching can be found on the W3C website at http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/offline.html.


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