[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(029)

Working Around Caching Issues  关于缓存问题


    Adequate cache control can really enhance the user experience, but it has a downside: when revving up your application, you want to make sure your users get the latest version of the static content. This is accomplished by renaming static resources whenever they change.



    Most often, developers add a version or a build number to filenames. Others like to append a checksum. Personally, I like to use a timestamp. This task can be automated using Ant. The following target takes care of renaming JavaScript files by appending a timestamp in the form of yyyyMMddhhmm:



<target name="js.copy">
  <!-- Create the time stamp -->
  <!-- Rename JavaScript files by appending a time stamp -->
  <copy todir="${build.dir}">
    <fileset dir="${src.dir}" includes="*.js"/>
    <globmapper from="*.js" to="*-${DSTAMP}${TSTAMP}.js"/>


Using a Content Delivery Network  使用内容传递网


    A content delivery network (CDN) is a network of computers distributed geographically across the Internet that is responsible for delivering content to end users. The primary reasons for using a CDN are reliability, scalability, and above all, performance. In fact, by serving content from the location closest to the user, CDNs are able to dramatically decrease network latency.



    Some large companies maintain their own CDN, but it is generally cost effective to use a third-party CDN provider such as Akamai Technologies (http://www.akamai.com/) or Limelight Networks (http://www.limelightnetworks.com/).



    Switching to a CDN is usually a fairly simple code change and has the potential to dramatically improve end-user response times.



    It is worth noting that the most popular JavaScript libraries are all accessible via a CDN. For example, the YUI library is served directly from the Yahoo! network (server name is yui.yahooapis.com, details available at http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/articles/hosting/), and jQuery, Dojo, Prototype, Script.aculo.us, MooTools, YUI, and other libraries are all available directly via Google’s CDN (server name is ajax.googleapis.com, details available at http://code.google.com/apis/ajaxlibs/).



Deploying JavaScript Resources  部署JavaScript资源


    The deployment of JavaScript resources usually amounts to copying files to one or several remote hosts, and also sometimes to running a set of shell commands on those hosts, especially when using a CDN, to distribute the newly added files across the delivery network.



    Apache Ant gives you several options to copy files to remote servers. You could use the copy task to copy files to a locally mounted filesystem, or you could use the optional FTP or SCP tasks. My personal preference is to go directly to using the scp utility, which is available on all major platforms. Here is a very simple example demonstrating this:

    Apache Ant提供给你几个选项用于将文件复制到远程服务器上。你可以使用copy任务将文件复制到一个本地挂载的文件系统,或者使用FTP或SCP任务。我个人喜欢直接使用scp工具,因为所有主流平台都支持它。这是一个非常简单的例子:


<apply executable="scp" fail parallel="true">
  <fileset dir="${build.dir}" includes="*.js"/>
  <arg line="${live.server}:/var/www/html/"/>

    Finally, in order to execute shell commands on a remote host running the SSH daemon, you can use the optional SSHEXEC task or simply invoke the ssh utility directly, as demonstrated in the following example, to restart the Apache web server on a Unix host:



<exec executable="ssh" fail>
  <arg line="${live.server}"/>
  <arg line="sudo service httpd restart"/>


Agile JavaScript Build Process  灵巧的JavaScript开发过程


    Traditional build tools are great, but most web developers find them very cumbersome because it is necessary to manually compile the solution after every single code change. Instead, it's preferable to just have to refresh the browser window and skip the compilation step altogether. As a consequence, few web developers use the techniques outlined in this chapter, resulting in applications or websites that perform poorly. Thankfully, it is fairly simple to write a tool that combines all these advanced techniques, allowing web developers to work efficiently while still getting the most performance out of their application.



    smasher is a PHP5 application based on an internal tool used by Yahoo! Search. It combines multiple JavaScript files, preprocesses them, and optionally minifies their content. It can be run from the command line, or during development to handle web requests and automatically combine resources on the fly. The source code can be found at http://github.com/jlecomte/smasher, and contains the following files:



    Core file  核心文件


    Configuration file  配置文件


    Command-line wrapper  命令行封装


    Web server entry point  网页服务入口


    smasher requires an XML configuration file containing the definition of the groups of files it will combine, as well as some miscellaneous information about the system. Here is an example of what this file looks like:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

  <group id="yui-core">
    <file type="css" src="reset.css" />
    <file type="css" src="fonts.css" />
    <file type="js" src="yahoo.js" />
    <file type="js" src="dom.js" />
    <file type="js" src="event.js" />

  <group id="another-group">
    <file type="js" src="foo.js" />
    <file type="js" src="bar.js" />
    <macro name="DEBUG" value="1" />

    Each group element contains a set of JavaScript and/or CSS files. The root_dir top-level element contains the path to the directory where these files can be found. Optionally, group elements can also contain a list of preprocessing macro definitions.



    Once this configuration file has been saved, you can run smasher from the command line. If you run it without any of the required parameters, it will display some usage information before exiting. The following example shows how to combine, preprocess, and minify the core YUI JavaScript files:



$ ./smasher -c smasher.xml -g yui-core -t js


    If all goes well, the output file can be found in the working directory, and is named after the group name (yui-core in this example) followed by a timestamp and the appropriate file extension (e.g., yui-core-200907191539.js).



    Similarly, you can use smasher to handle web requests during development by placing the file smasher_web.php somewhere under your web server document root and by using a URL similar to this one:





    By using different URLs for your JavaScript and CSS assets during development and in production, it is now possible to work efficiently while still getting the most performance out of the build process.



Summary  总结


    The build and deployment process can have a tremendous impact on the performance of a JavaScript-based application. The most important steps in this process are:



• Combining JavaScript files to reduce the number of HTTP requests



• Minifying JavaScript files using the YUI Compressor



• Serving JavaScript files compressed (gzip encoding)



• Making JavaScript files cacheable by setting the appropriate HTTP response headers and work around caching issues by appending a timestamp to filenames



• Using a Content Delivery Network to serve JavaScript files; not only will a CDN improve performance, it should also manage compression and caching for you



    All these steps should be automated using publicly available build tools such as Apache Ant or using a custom build tool tailored to your specific needs. If you make the build process work for you, you will be able to greatly improve the performance of web applications or websites that require large amounts of JavaScript code.

    所有这些步骤应当自动完成,不论是使用公开的开发工具诸如Apache Ant,还是使用自定义的开发工具以实现特定需求。如果你使这些开发工具为你服务,你可以极大改善那些大量使用JavaScript代码的网页应用或网站的性能。





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