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原创 关于报表工具IR中报表格式设置不起作用的问题(IR版本9.5.0.0)

      一直以为自己可以用英文写这些描述技术问题及其解决方法的文章,唉,还真是高估自己了。再回去看之前写过的英文文章,有些东西连自己都不认得了,真无奈,哈哈!好,赶紧改用中文写。      我想,基本上没有人会碰到像我这样的问题吧:Interactive Reporting(Brio)工具的对报表的设置不起作用!这个问题一直困扰了我很久,郁闷的是Oracle那边的人又无法给出明确的解决方案

2009-10-15 22:33:00 758

原创 How to Deal with Messy Codes in Essbase

2009-09-23    The other day after I had loaded data into Essbase from Sybase IQ, using a rules file, I found that some characters could not be displayed correctly, such as "滘" and "邨".  By the way

2009-09-23 22:40:00 544

原创 Problem about the Format of Title-in Interactive Reporting

    Long time no see, my dear diary!    Recently I have been working with Essbase and Interactive Reporting, which are one solution of Oracle to BI. Well, few problems appear in Essbase because this

2009-09-22 21:40:00 292

原创 Displaying Interval of Time in JavaScript

    Today I searched on the Internet how to figure out how much time did it take to execute my query task in a bqy, but couldnt find anything great to fulfil/meet my need. Then I learnt it from my pr

2009-08-31 22:42:00 339

原创 zip/tar in Solaris

tar压缩:tar cvf filename.tar file1 file2...解压:tar xvf filename.tarzip压缩:zip zipname file1 file2...解压:unzip zipname There is one point we have to pay attention to. That is we cannt tar or

2009-08-31 22:41:00 300

原创 About Words and Deeds

    It seems that I have made a lot of decisions in these two days. I decided to make Wangji learn five English words every day; I decided to prepare for IELTS, which I failed to accomplish in my univ

2009-08-31 22:41:00 439

原创 Data Access Control in Brio

    Id like to call it Brio rather than Interactive Reporting. I have some kind of thinkging that Oracle, this company, sometimes likes to buy a company and then destroy it.Thats why Id like to use

2009-08-31 22:27:00 471

原创 Transferring Files With FTP

    It is a shame that I dont know how to transfer a file from Windows to Solaris, because of which my colleagues made a laugh at me. Today my senior, by the way he is the one who leads me into BI, a

2009-08-31 22:26:00 400

原创 Relationship Within Colleagues

    Some people regards me as a stingy person, and I accept that. I always think that if a person gets along with others, he/she should be polite and good-mannered.This should happends within colleagu

2009-08-31 22:26:00 316

原创 My Family And Me

    Kate bought a pair of shoes the other day. But she felt it a little big and gave it to me today when she came to my house having lunch with me. It is a brand new pair and quite beautiful!    Wel

2009-08-31 22:25:00 646

原创 Happy Girl Tan Lina

    I felt awful after knowing Li Yuchun got number one in the super girl selection match serveral years ago, and I swore that I would never watch such selection program! Why? Because I think Lis son

2009-08-31 22:24:00 566

原创 Cube Migration from NT to Solaris

It is not so difficult to migrate a cube under Windows NT platfrom to a Solaris platform.1. Start Essbase Server and Adiministration Services in the Windows enviroment;2. Open Administration Services

2009-08-31 22:23:00 292

原创 You Are Very Fabulous But Unmoral

    One of my old friend engages in sales of industry. One day she told me that they once had a great colleague in their company, who she said, could make things back from the dead.I have heard that s

2009-08-31 22:23:00 397

原创 IR-Cannot Send Data……

It was lunch time and I asked Xiyu to have lunch at the forth floor of the building. But she said to me that we should wait for the Wanyu, who by the way usually has lunch with us. "No, I dont want t

2009-08-31 22:22:00 389

原创 Rate,Percentage,Average in Essbase

I have done a lot of notes about Essbase today. First of all, what is Essbase? It used to be a production of hyperion company. Hyperion is the leader in business performance management software, Brio

2009-08-31 22:22:00 349

原创 New Staff Outdoor Trainning

I once had a few blogs,but everytime after I build up those blogs I didnt try to write interesting things down in them because every day I have my excuse.At last days passed by and few words were rec

2009-08-31 22:20:00 614



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