

一 开闭原则 (OCP OpenClosed Principle)

里氏代换原则: 任何基类可以出现的地方,子类一定可以出现
一般违反里氏代换原则也违反开闭原则 反过来不成立
依赖倒转原则: 要依赖于抽象,不要依赖于实现
合成/聚合复用原则: 尽量使用合成/聚合,而不是继承关系达到复用的目的
迪米特法则: 一个软件实体应当与尽可能少的其他实体发生相互作用
接口隔离原则: 为客户端提供尽可能小的单独的借口,而不要提供大的总接口

抽象类: 不可以实例化, 用来继承

二 里氏代换原则 (LSP  Liskov Substrtution Principle)

三 依赖倒转原则 (DIP Dependence Inversion Principle)
   依赖于抽象 不依赖于具体
具体耦合 由一个类对另一个类的直接引用造成
抽象耦合 一个具体类和一个抽象类之间 使两个必须发生关系的类之间寸有最大的灵活性
抽象不应当依赖细节 细节依赖于抽象
接口编程 不要针对实现编程

四 接口隔离原则 (ISP Interface Segregation Principle)

五 合成/聚合复用原则 (CARP  Composite/Aggregate Reuse Principle)



如果超类的实现发生改变,那么子类  实现也不得不发生改变

六 迪米特法则 (LOD Law of Demeter)


创建型模式 : 管理并隔离对象实例的构造过程
类的创建模式: 使用继承关系,把类的创建延迟到子类,从而封装了客户端将得到哪些具体类的信息,并且隐藏了这些类的实例是如何创建和防在一起的
对象的创建模式: 把对象的创建过程动态的委派给另一个对象,从而动态的决定客户端将得到哪些具体类的实例,以及这些类的实例是如何被创建和组合在一起的
一 工厂模式   Factory Method
public interface IProduct { }
public class ConcreteProductA : IProduct { }
public class ConcreteProductB : IProduct { }
public enum Category
public static class ProductFactort
     public static IProduct Create(Category category)
         switch (category)
             case Category.A:
                  return new ConcreteProductA();
             case Category.B:
                  return new ConcreteProductB();
                 throw new NotSupportedException();
Test: IProduct product = ProductFactort.Create(Category.B);

    public interface IProduct { string Name { get;} }
    public class ProductA : IProduct { public string Name { get { return "A"; } } }
    public class ProductB : IProduct { public string Name { get { return "B"; } } }
    public interface IFactory { IProduct Create();}
    public class FactoryA : IFactory
        public IProduct Create()
            return new ProductA();
    public class FactoryB : IFactory
        public IProduct Create()
            return new ProductB();
二 单件模式   Singleton
  public class Singleton
        private static Singleton instance;
        protected Singleton() { }
        public static Singleton Instance
                if (instance == null)
                    instance = new Singleton();
                return instance;
    public class Singleton
        private static volatile Singleton instance = null;
        protected Singleton() { }
        public static Singleton Instance()
            if (instance == null)
                    if (instance == null)
                        instance = new Singleton();
            return instance;
public class Singleton
     private Singleton() { }
     public static readonly Singleton Instance = new Singleton();

三 抽象工厂   Abstract Factory
public interface IProductA { }
    public interface IProductB { }
    public interface IAbstractFactory
        IProductA CreateProductA();
        IProductB CreateProductB();

    public class ProductA1 : IProductA { }
    public class ProductA2X : IProductA { }
    public class ProductA2Y : IProductA { }
    public class ProductB1 : IProductB { }
    public class ProductB2 : IProductB { }

    public class ConcreteFactory1 : IAbstractFactory
        public virtual IProductA CreateProductA() { return new ProductA1(); }
        public virtual IProductB CreateProductB() { return new ProductB1(); }

    public class ConcreteFactory2 : IAbstractFactory
        public virtual IProductA CreateProductA() { return new ProductA2Y(); }
        public virtual IProductB CreateProductB() { return new ProductB2(); }
IAbstractFactory factory = new ConcreteFactory2();
IProductA productA = factory.CreateProductA();
IProductB productB = factory.CreateProductB();

四 创建者模式   Builder
public class House
        public void AddWindowAndDoor() { }
        public void AddWallAndFloor() { }
        public void AddCeiling() { }
    public class Car
        public void AddWheel() { }
        public void AddEngine() { }
        public void AddBody() { }
    public interface IBuilder
        void BuildPart1();
        void BuildPart2();
        void BuildPart3();
    public class CarBuilder : IBuilder
        private Car car;
        public void BuildPart1() { car.AddEngine(); }
        public void BuildPart2() { car.AddWheel(); }
        public void BuildPart3() { car.AddBody(); }
        public Car GetResult() { return car; }
    public class HouseBuilder : IBuilder
        private House house;
        public void BuildPart1() { house.AddWallAndFloor(); }
        public void BuildPart2() { house.AddWindowAndDoor(); }
        public void BuildPart3() { house.AddCeiling(); }
        public House GetResult() { return house; }
    public class Director
        public void Construct(IBuilder builder)

    public interface Iproduct { string Name { get;set;} }
    public class ConcreteProduct : Iproduct
        protected string name;
        public string Name
            get { return name; }
            set { name = value; }
    public interface IBuilder
        void BuildPart();
        Iproduct BuildUp();
    public class ConcreteBuilderA : IBuilder
        private Iproduct product = new ConcreteProduct();
        public void BuildPart() { product.Name = "A"; }
        public Iproduct BuildUp() { return product; }
public class Director
        public void Construct(IBuilder builder) { builder.BuildPart(); }

五 原型模式   Prototype
    public interface IPrototype
        IPrototype Clone();
        string Name { get;set;}
    public class ConcretePrototype : IPrototype
        public IPrototype Clone()
            return (IPrototype)this.MemberwiseClone();
        private string name;
        public string Name
            get { return this.name; }
            set { this.name = value; }

结构型模式 :针对变化组织灵活的对象体系
简介: 通过灵活的体系组织不同的对象,并在此基础上完成更为复杂的类型,而参与组合的各类型之间始终保持尽量松散的结构关系
类的结构模式: 使用继承把类,接口等组合在一起,以形成更大的结构。当一个类从父类继承并实现某接口时,这个新的类就把父类的结构和接口的结构结合起来。类的结构模式是静态的
六 适配器模式  Adapter
    public interface ITarget
        void Request();
    public class Adaptee
        public void SpecifiedRequest() { }
    public class Adapter1 : Adaptee, ITarget
        public void Request()
    public class Adapter2 : ITarget
        private Adaptee adaptee;
        public void Request()

七 桥模式  Bridge
public interface IImpl
        void OperationImpl();
    public interface IAbstraction
        IImpl Implementor { get;set;}
        void Operation();
    public class ConcreteImplementatorA : IImpl { public void OperationImpl() { } }
    public class ConcreteImplementatorB : IImpl { public void OperationImpl() { } }
    public class RefinedAbstraction : IAbstraction
        private IImpl implementor;
        public IImpl Implementor
            get { return this.implementor; }
            set { this.implementor = value; }
        public void Operation()

八 组合模式  Composite
    public abstract class Component
        protected IList<Component> children;
        protected string name;
        public virtual string Name
            get { return this.name; }
            set { this.name = value; }
        public virtual void Add(Component child) { children.Add(child); }
        public virtual void Remove(Component child) { children.Remove(child); }
        public virtual Component this[int index] { get { return children[index]; } }

        public virtual IEnumerable<string> GetNameList()
            yield return name;
            if ((children != null) && (children.Count > 0))
                foreach(Component child in children)
                    foreach(string item in child.GetNameList())
                        yield return item;
    public class Leaf : Component
        public override void Add(Component child)
            throw new NotSupportedException();
        public override void Remove(Component child)
            throw new NotSupportedException();
        public override Component this[int index]
                throw new NotSupportedException();
    public class Composite : Component
        public Composite() { base.children = new List<Component>(); }
    public class ComponentFactory
        public Component Create<T>(string name) where T : Component, new()
            T instance = new T();
            instance.Name = name;
            return instance;
        public Component Create<T>(Component parent, string name) where T : Component, new()
            if (parent == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("parent");
            if (!(parent is Composite)) throw new Exception("non-somposite type");

            Component instance = Create<T>(name);
            return instance;

ComponentFactory factory = new ComponentFactory();
            Component corporate = factory.Create<Composite>("corporate");
        IList<string> names = new List<string>(corporate.GetNameList());

九 装饰模式   Decorator
public interface IText
        string Content { get;}
    public interface IDecorator : IText { }
    public abstract class DecoratorBase : IDecorator
        protected IText target;
        public DecoratorBase(IText target) { this.target = target; }
        public abstract string Content { get;}

    public class BoldDecorator : DecoratorBase
        public BoldDecorator(IText target) : base(target) { }
        public override string Content
            get { return ChangeToBoldFont(target.Content); }
        public string ChangeToBoldFont(string content)
            return content;

    public class TextObject : IText
        public string Content { get { return "hello"; } }
IText text = new TextObject();
text = new BoldDecorator(text);

十 外观模式  Façade
    public class DataFacade
        private const string dbName = "AdventureWorks";
        private static DbProviderFactory factory;
        private static string connectionString;
        static DataFacade()
            ConnectionStringSettings settings = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[dbName];
            factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(settings.ProviderName);
            connectionString = settings.ConnectionString;

        private static DbConnection CreateConnection()
            DbConnection connection = factory.CreateConnection();
            connection.ConnectionString = DataFacade.connectionString;
            return connection;

        public DataSet ExecuteQuery(string sql)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql)) throw new ArgumentNullException("sql");
            using (DbConnection connection = CreateConnection())
                DbCommand command = connection.CreateCommand();
                command.CommandText = sql;
                command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                DbDataAdapter adapter = factory.CreateDataAdapter();
                adapter.SelectCommand = command;
                DataSet result = new DataSet();
                return result;

DataFacade facade = new DataFacade();
DataSet result = facade.ExecuteQuery("SELECT TOP 10 CurrencyCode, Name FROM Sales.Currency");
十一 享元模式  Flyweight
public abstract class FoodBase
        private IList<string> tastes = new List<string>();
        private string name;
        public FoodBase(string name) { this.name = name; }

        public FoodBase AddTaste(string taste)
            return this;
        public virtual string Name { get { return this.name; } }

    public class Capsicum : FoodBase
        public Capsicum() : base("Capsicum") { base.AddTaste("Hot"); }
        public string MostPopularInCuisine { get { return "川菜"; } }

    public class FoodFactory
        private IDictionary<string, FoodBase> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, FoodBase>();
        public FoodBase Create(string name)
            FoodBase result;
            if (dictionary.TryGetValue(name, out result))
                return result;
            switch (name)
                case "Capsicum":
                    result = new Capsicum();
            return result;
十二 代理模式  Proxy
   public interface ISubject
        string Request();
    public class RealSubject : ISubject
        public string Resquest() { return "from real subject"; }

        private static ISubject singleton = new RealSubject();
        private RealSubject() { }
        public static ISubject Singleton { get { return singleton; } }

    public class Proxy : ISubject
        public string Request() { return RealSubject.Singleton.Request(); }

三. 行为型模式 : 算法,控制流和通信关系的对象化处理
类的行为模式 : 使用继承关系在几个类之间分配行为.
对象的行为模式 : 读系的行为模式使用对象的聚合来分配行为
十三 职责链模式   Chain of Responsibility
public class Request
        private double price;
        private PurchaseType type;

        public Request(double price, PurchaseType type)
            this.price = price; this.type = type;

        public double Price { get { return price; } set { price = value; } }
        public PurchaseType Type { get { return type; } set { type = value; } }
public interface IHandler
        void HandleRequest(Request request);
        IHandler Successor { get; set;}
        PurchaseType Type { get; set;}
public abstract class HandlerBase : IHandler
        protected IHandler successor;
        protected PurchaseType type;

        public HandlerBase(PurchaseType type, IHandler successor)
            this.type = type;
            this.successor = successor;

        public HandlerBase(PurchaseType type) : this(type, null) { }
        public IHandler Successor { get { return successor; } set { successor = value; } }
        public PurchaseType Type { get { return type; } set { type = value; } }

        public abstract void Process(Request request);
        public virtual void HandleRequest(Request request)
            if (request == null) return;
            if (request.Type == Type)
                if (Successor != null)
public class InternalHandler : HandlerBase
        public InternalHandler() : base(PurchaseType.Internal) { }
        public override void Process(Request request) { request.Price *= 0.6; }

    public class MailHandler : HandlerBase
        public MailHandler() : base(PurchaseType.Mail) { }
        public override void Process(Request request) { request.Price *= 1.3; }

    public class DiscountHandler : HandlerBase
        public DiscountHandler() : base(PurchaseType.Discount) { }
        public override void Process(Request request) { request.Price *= 0.9; }

    public class RegularHandler : HandlerBase
        public RegularHandler() : base(PurchaseType.Regular) { }
        public override void Process(Request request) { }
IHandler handler1 = new InternalHandler();
            IHandler handler2 = new DiscountHandler();
            IHandler handler3 = new MailHandler();
            IHandler handler4 = new RegularHandler();

            handler1.Successor = handler3;
            handler3.Successor = handler2;
            handler2.Successor = handler4;
            IHandler head = handler1;

            Request request = new Request(20, PurchaseType.Mail);

            handler1.Successor = handler1.Successor.Successor; 
            request = new Request(20, PurchaseType.Discount);
            head.HandleRequest(new Request(20, PurchaseType.Discount));

十四 模板方法模式  Template Method
public interface IAbstract
        int Quantity { get;}
        double Total { get;}
        double Average { get;}

    public abstract class AbstractBase : IAbstract
        public abstract int Quantity { get;}
        public abstract double Total { get;}

        public virtual double Average { get { return Total / Quantity; } }

    public class ArrayData : AbstractBase
        protected double[] data = new double[3] { 1.1,2.2,3.3};
        public override int Quantity
            get { return data.Length; }

        public override double Total
                double count = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                    count += data[i];
                return count;

十五 解释器模式 Interpreter
    public class Context
        public int Value;
        public char Operator;
    public interface IExpression
        void Evaluate(Context context);
    public class Operator : IExpression
        private char op;
        public Operator(char op) { this.op = op; }
        public virtual void Evaluate(Context context) { context.Operator = op; }

    public class Operand : IExpression
        int num;
        public Operand(int num) { this.num = num; }
        public virtual void Evaluate(Context c)
                case '/0': c.Value = num; break;
                case '+': c.Value += num; break;
                case '-': c.Value -= num; break;

    public class Calcuator
        public int Calculate(string expression)
            Context context = new Context();
            IList<IExpression> tree = new List<IExpression>();

            char[] elements = expression.ToCharArray();
            foreach(char c in elements)
                if ((c == '+') || (c == '-'))
                    tree.Add(new Operator(c));
                    tree.Add(new Operand((int)(c-48)));

            foreach (IExpression exp in tree)
                exp.Evaluate(context); return context.Value;

十六 命令模式Command
public class Receiver
        private string name = string.Empty;
        public string Name { get { return name; } }
        private string address = string.Empty;
        public string Address { get { return address; } }

        public void SetName() { name = "name"; }
        public void SetAddress() { address = "address"; }
public interface ICommand
        void Execute();
        Receiver Receiver { set;}

    public abstract class CommandBase : ICommand
        protected Receiver receiver;
        public Receiver Receiver { set { receiver = value; } }
        public abstract void Execute();
    public class SetNameCommand : CommandBase
        public override void Execute() { receiver.SetName(); }
    public class SetAddressCommand : CommandBase
        public override void Execute() { receiver.SetAddress(); }

public class Invoker
        private IList<ICommand> commands = new List<ICommand>();
        public void AddCommand(ICommand command) { commands.Add(command); }
        public void Run()
            foreach (ICommand command in commands)

public void Test()
            Receiver receiver = new Receiver();
            ICommand command1 = new SetNameCommand();
            ICommand command2 = new SetAddressCommand();
            command1.Receiver = receiver;
            command2.Receiver = receiver;

            Invoker invoker = new Invoker();

十七 迭代器模式Iterator
public interface IIterator
        string Next();

    public interface IAggregate
        string[] Messages { get;}

        void Add(string message);

        IIterator CreaetIterator();

    public class Aggregate : IAggregate
        public const int Max = 5;
        private string[] messages = new string[Max];
        public string[] Messages { get { return messages; } }
        private int capacity = 0;
        public int Capacity { get { return capacity; } }

        public void Add(string message)
            if (capacity == Max) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
            messages[capacity++] = message;

        public IIterator CreaetIterator(){return new Iterator(this);}

    public class Iterator : IIterator
        private Aggregate aggregate;
        private int index;
        public Iterator(Aggregate aggregate)
            this.aggregate = aggregate;
            index = 0;

        public string Next()
            if (index == aggregate.Capacity) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
            return aggregate.Messages[index++];
public void Test()
            IAggregate target = new Aggregate();
            IIterator iterator = target.CreaetIterator();
            catch (Exception exception)
十八 中介者模式Mediator
public class Mediator<T> : IMediator<T>
        protected IColleague<T> provider = null;
        protected IList<IColleague<T>> consumers = null;

        public virtual void Change()
            if ((provider != null) && (consumers != null))
                foreach (IColleague<T> colleague in consumers)
                    colleague.Data = provider.Data;

        public virtual void Introduce(IColleague<T> provider, IList<IColleague<T>> consumers)
            this.provider = provider;
            this.consumers = consumers;

        public virtual void Introduce(IColleague<T> provider, IColleague<T> consumer)
            IList<IColleague<T>> consumers = new List<IColleague<T>>();
            this.provider = provider;
            this.consumers = consumers;

        public virtual void Introduce(IColleague<T> provider, params IColleague<T>[] consumers)
            if (consumers.Length > 0)
                IList<IColleague<T>> array = new List<IColleague<T>>(consumers);
                this.consumers = array;
            this.provider = provider;

public interface IColleague<T>
        T Data { get; set;}
        IMediator<T> Mediator { get; set;}

    public abstract class ColleagueBase<T> : IColleague<T>
        protected T data;
        protected IMediator<T> mediator;

        public virtual T Data
            get { return data; }
            set { data = value; }

        public virtual IMediator<T> Mediator
            get { return mediator; }
            set { mediator = value; }

public interface IMediator<T>
        void Change();

        void Introduce(IColleague<T> provider, IList<IColleague<T>> consumers);
        void Introduce(IColleague<T> provider, IColleague<T> consumer);
        void Introduce(IColleague<T> provider, params IColleague<T>[] consumers);
十九 备忘录模式Memento
public interface IState { }

    public interface IMemento<T> where T : IState
        T State { get; set;}

    public abstract class MementoBase<T> : IMemento<T>
        where T : IState
        protected T state;

        public virtual T State
            get { return state; }
            set { state = value; }

    public interface IOriginator<T, M>
        where T : IState
        where M : IMemento<T>, new()
        IMemento<T> Memento { get;}

    public abstract class OriginatorBase<T, M>
        where T : IState
        where M : IMemento<T>, new()
        protected T state;

        public virtual IMemento<T> Memento
                M m = new M();
                m.State = this.state;
                return m;
                if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException();
                this.state = value.State;

    public struct Position : IState
        public int X;
        public int Y;
    public class Memento : MementoBase<Position> { }

    public class Originator : OriginatorBase<Position, Memento>
        public void UpdateX(int x) { base.state.X = x; }
        public void DecreaseX() { base.state.X--; }
        public void IncreaseY() { base.state.Y++; }
        public Position Current { get { return base.state; } }
二十 观察者模式   Observer
public interface IObserver<T>
        void Update(SubjectBase<T> subject);

    public abstract class SubjectBase<T>
        protected IList<IObserver<T>> observers = new List<IObserver<T>>();
        protected T state;
        public virtual T State{get{return state;}}

        public static SubjectBase<T> operator +(SubjectBase<T> subject, IObserver<T> observer)
            return subject;
        public static SubjectBase<T> operator -(SubjectBase<T> subject, IObserver<T> observer)
            return subject;

        public virtual void Notify()
            foreach (IObserver<T> observer in observers)

        public virtual void Update(T state)
            this.state = state;

    public class SubjectA<T> : SubjectBase<T> { }
    public class SubjectB<T> : SubjectBase<T> { }

    public class Observer<T> : IObserver<T>
        public T State;
        public void Update(SubjectBase<T> subject)
            this.State = subject.State;  
二十一 状态模式   State
   public interface IState
        void Open();
        void Close();
        void Query();

    public abstract class ContextBase
        private IState state;
        public virtual IState State
            get { return state; }
            set { state = value; }

        public virtual void Open() { state.Open(); }
        public virtual void Close() { state.Close(); }
        public virtual void Query() { state.Query(); }
二十二 策略模式  Strategy
public interface IStrategy
        int PickUp(int[] data);

    public interface IContext
        IStrategy Strategy { get; set;}
        int GetData(int[] data);
二十三 访问者模式  Visitor
public interface IEmployee
        string Name { get; set;}
        double Income { get; set;}
        int VacationDays { get; set;}

        void Accept(IVisitor visitor);

    public interface IVisitor
        void VisitEmployee(IEmployee employee);
        void VisitManager(Manager manager);

    public class Employee : IEmployee
        private string name;
        private double income;
        private int vacationDays;

        public Employee(string name, double income, int vacationDays)
            this.name = name;
            this.income = income;
            this.vacationDays = vacationDays;

        public string Name
            get{return name;}
            set{name = value;}
        public double Income
            get{return income;}
            set{income = value;}
        public int VacationDays
            get{return vacationDays;}
            set{vacationDays = value;}

        public virtual void Accept(IVisitor visitor)

    public class Manager : Employee
        private string department;
        public string Department { get { return department; } }

        public Manager(string name, double income, int vacationDays, string department)
            : base(name, income, vacationDays)
            this.department = department;

        public override void Accept(IVisitor visitor)

    public class EmployeeCollection : List<IEmployee>
        public virtual void Accept(IVisitor visitor)
            foreach (IEmployee employee in this)

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当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


