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原创 [Zynq7000学习] 通过AXI GPIO总线实现PL端按键控制PS端小灯
@FPGA学习[Zynq7000学习] 通过AXI GPIO总线实现PS端按键控制PL端小灯由于实验室项目需求,最近正在熟悉Vivado+SDK工具链的使用。对于按键控制小灯,主要分为两种,一种使用PS端EMIO接口,通过中断来控制LED亮灭;第二种则是调用AXI_GPIO的IP,来实现对LED的控制。因为看见很多博主在介绍AXI_GPIO时,并没有完全用到AXI_GPIO对两者的控制,所以本篇主要是补充后者SDK中的一些细节。(其他关于Vivado和中断程序的细节,可以参考Reference[1],
2021-08-06 22:56:45 745 1
原创 AXI Bus整理(概述+后期遇到的相关问题)
AXI Bus相关AXI Bus整理1. 架构2. 窄传输和非对齐传输3. AXI协议用事务ID tags来处理多地址和乱序传输实践时遇到的相关问题ReferenceAXI Bus整理本篇并不是详细的整理,只是学习过程中的一点简单的记录,如有什么细节上的问题,可以在评论区留言,我会尽力整理后更新在本帖上。1. 架构在学习的过程中,感觉AXI大体上和ICB Bus差不多,只是多了一些信号,相对复杂了一点,从2个channel(command&respond)变成了5个channel,读为2个(
2021-07-29 14:54:31 1860
原创 [HDLbits]——Exams/2014 q3fsm
@HDLbitsExams/2014 q3fsmQuestion:Consider a finite state machine with inputs s and w. Assume that the FSM begins in a reset state called A, as depicted below. The FSM remains in state A as long as s = 0, and it moves to state B when s = 1. Once in state
2021-03-18 16:26:27 1337
原创 [HDLbits]Fsm one hot
@HDLbitsFSM OneHotQuestion:Given the following state machine with 1 input and 2 outputs:Suppose this state machine uses one-hot encoding, where state[0] through state[9] correspond to the states S0 though S9, respectively. The outputs are zero unless o
2021-03-08 19:52:19 1080
原创 【HDLbits】——Lemmings4
@HDLbits_LemmingsHDLbits Lemmings4Question:(具体题目请参见HDLbits Lemmings1/2/3/4)Although Lemmings can walk, fall, and dig, Lemmings aren’t invulnerable. If a Lemming falls for too long then hits the ground, it can splatter. In particular, if a Lemming falls f
2021-03-05 21:01:08 511
原创 [HDLbits] Conway‘s game of life
@HDLbitsConway’s game of lifeQuestion:The “game” is played on a two-dimensional grid of cells, where each cell is either 1 (alive) or 0 (dead). At each time step, each cell changes state depending on how many neighbours it has:0-1 neighbour: Cell becom
2021-03-04 16:30:35 1087 2
原创 《Data Structure and Algorithm with Python》
Data Structure and Algorithm with PythonChapter 0 IntroduceChapter 1 Basic Knowledge1. 数据类型2.数据类型的转换3.Methods4.Class5.Operator Overloading6.Reading File7.Details for me8.Questions at the end of chapter1Chapter 2 Algorithm AnalysisChapter 0 Introduce这
2020-12-23 20:11:35 424
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