《Data Structure and Algorithm with Python》

Chapter 0 Introduce

这片文章主要是对《Data Structure and Algorithm with Python》这一本书学习是的笔记或者一些感悟,目前由于时间比较有限,笔记应该会比较的简单,而且目前也是第一次学习的状态,不会有特别多深入的理解,不过会在不断的学习后不断的更新。也希望大家如果有什么不一样的理解,尽管分享给我。

Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge


1.1 数据类型

 int, float, str, list, dict


1.2 数据类型的转换


1.3 Methods

Accessor methods: 是可以访问当前数据但不改变它的方法。
Mutator methods: 是可以改变当前数据的方法。

1.4 Class


1.5 Operator Overloading

有些情况下需要对操作符进行重新的定义,来实现不同的功能。通常x的类型来决定调用的operate method。
比如说,对于“+”操作,当要进行整数的相加时,x的输入为int类型,这时就会调用整数相加的operate method;当要进行string拼接时,x的输入为str类型,这时就会调用string拼接的operate method。
operate method

1.6 Reading File

(Read single line from a file. Use for-loop)

  1. open file
  2. using forloop to get each line in the file
  3. file.close()

(Read multi-line from a file. Use while-loop)

  1. Open file
  2. Read the first line
  3. While-loop to determine the ending
  4. If-elif which contain some process
  5. file.close()

1.7 Details for me

  1. 在读取文件内容是,readline()是读一行,readlines()是读多行。
  2. 向list中添加元素:
    list = list + [item] / list.append(item)
  3. A Container Class(类容器):

1.8 Questions at the end of chapter1

• What two parts are needed for the accumulator pattern?
append & iteration

• When do you need to use the loop and a half pattern for reading from a file?
single line for for-loop & multi-line for the loop and a half

• What is the purpose of a class definition?
to give a special type of object some features or be a container

• What is an object and how do we create one?
an object is containing its data and method operating on its data.
using constructor and reference of data

• What is a mutator method(更改器法)?

• What is an accessor method?

Chapter 2 Algorithm Analysis

这一章我准备结合《算法(第4版)》中的算法分析部分进行总结,不过应该是在学完《Data Structure and Algorithm with Python》这本书大部分内容之后进行。


Chapter 3 Recursion

“Some say that writing recursive functions is a declarative approach rather than an imperative approach. ”

虽然标题为递归,但是其实讲了很多程序的执行过程,也算是对基础概念的补充以及为后续算法做准备。该章首先对不同的域进行了区分,然后简单的介绍了一下Run-Time Stack和Heap是如何工作的,最后讲解了如何写递归函数,并简单提了一下Reflection。

3.1 Scope

Scope of identifier:Local, Enclosing, Global, Build-In.

  1. Local scope: 计算机当前正在执行的函数的作用域
  2. Enclosing scope: 这里应该是Local scope 向外一层的函数作用域(or作用域)。(封包似乎在python和javaScript中有不同的理解。)
  3. Global scope: 全局作用域是最外层的作用域,将函数作用域包含在内。
  4. Build-In scope: 内置作用域,一般我们是不能进行操作,但会存在一些内置的identifier可以让我们调用。

3.2 Run-Time Stack & Heap

Python splits the RAM up into two parts called the Run-time Stack and the Heap

  1. Run-Time Stack:当一个函数被调用时,Python的解释器会向run-time stack内送入一个活动记录(这个activation record包含着所有的在新的local scope中定义的变量);当函数返回时,解释器会将活动记录弹出。
  2. Heap:是存放对象的地方。对对象的引用储存于run-time stack中,而这些引用都是指向heap的。

3.3 Recursion

  1. write base case which is a if statement that handles a very simple case(like Mathematical induction)
  2. write recursive case to achieve recursion
  3. return a result if we need
# some example of recursion
def reverse(seq):
    # if str is empty, then emptype() will return an empty sequence
    seqtype = type(seq)
    emptype = seqtype()
    # Base case
    if seq == emptype:
        return seq

    # Recursive case
    str1 = reverse(seq[1:])
    # Return
    return str1 + seq[0:1]

def reverseS(str):
    def revIndex(index):
        if index == -1:
            return ""
        str1 = revIndex(index-1)
        return str[index] + str1
    return revIndex(len(str)-1)

def main():
    A = '123456789'
    B = [1, 2, 3, 4]

if __name__ == "__main__":

3.4 Reflection

Reflection 是指能够检查对象的属性(type)的能力,即对不同的数据类型,进行不同的处理,类似于Operator Overloading.

3.5 Questions

  • How does Python determine the meaning of an identifier in a program?
    在域中查找,查找的顺序为:Local scope->Enclosing scope->Global scope->Build-In scope
  • What happens to the run-time stack when a function is called?
  • What happens to the run-time stack when a function returns from a call?
  • What are the two important parts to a recursive function and which part comes
    base case and recursive case
  • Exactly what happens when a return statement is executed?
  • Why should we write recursive functions?
    cuz it can solve some problems in a very simple way.
  • What are the computational complexities of various recursive functions?

Chapter 4 Sequence

  • 1
  • 2
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Python Data Structures and Algorithms by Benjamin Baka English | 30 May 2017 | ASIN: B01IF7NLM8 | 310 Pages | AZW3 | 6.63 MB Key Features A step by step guide, which will provide you with a thorough discussion on the analysis and design of fundamental Python data structures. Get a better understanding of advanced Python concepts such as big-o notation, dynamic programming, and functional data structures. Explore illustrations to present data structures and algorithms, as well as their analysis, in a clear, visual manner. Book Description Data structures allow you to organize data in a particular way efficiently. They are critical to any problem, provide a complete solution, and act like reusable code. In this book, you will learn the essential Python data structures and the most common algorithms. With this easy-to-read book, you will be able to understand the power of linked lists, double linked lists, and circular linked lists. You will be able to create complex data structures such as graphs, stacks and queues. We will explore the application of binary searches and binary search trees. You will learn the common techniques and structures used in tasks such as preprocessing, modeling, and transforming data. We will also discuss how to organize your code in a manageable, consistent, and extendable way. The book will explore in detail sorting algorithms such as bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, and merge sort. By the end of the book, you will learn how to build components that are easy to understand, debug, and use in different applications. What you will learn Gain a solid understanding of Python data structures. Build sophisticated data applications. Understand the common programming patterns and algorithms used in Python data science. Write efficient robust code. About the Author Benjamin Baka works as a software developer and has over 10 years, experience in programming. He is a graduate of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and a member of the Linux Accra User Group. Notable in his language toolset are C, C++, Java, Python, and Ruby. He has a huge interest in algorithms and finds them a good intellectual exercise. He is a technology strategist and software engineer at mPedigree Network, weaving together a dizzying array of technologies in combating counterfeiting activities, empowering consumers in Ghana, Nigeria, and Kenya to name a few. In his spare time, he enjoys playing the bass guitar and listening to silence. You can find him on his blog. Table of Contents Python objects, types and expressions Python data types and structures Principles of data structure design Lists and pointer structures Stacks and Queues Trees Hashing and symbol tables Graphs and other algorithms Searching Sorting Selction Algorithms Design Ttechniques and Sstrategies Implementations, applications and tools


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