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2017-10-28 10:31:22 1139

Learning Representation for Multi-View Data Analysis

This book equips readers to handle complex multi-view data representation, centered around several major visual applications, sharing many tips and insights through a unified learning framework. This framework is able to model most existing multi-view learning and domain adaptation, enriching readers’ understanding from their similarity, and differences based on data organization and problem settings, as well as the research goal. A comprehensive review exhaustively provides the key recent research on multi-view data analysis, i.e., multi-view clustering, multi-view classification, zero-shot learning, and domain adaption. More practical challenges in multi-view data analysis are discussed including incomplete, unbalanced and large-scale multi-view learning. Learning Representation for Multi-View Data Analysis covers a wide range of applications in the research fields of big data, human-centered computing, pattern recognition, digital marketing, web mining, and computer vision.


Practical Machine Learning with Python

Practical Machine Learning with Python is a problem solver’s guide to building real-world intelligent systems. It follows a comprehensive three-tiered approach packed with concepts, methodologies, hands-on examples, and code. This book helps its readers master the essential skills needed to recognize and solve complex problems with Machine Learning and Deep Learning by following a data-driven mindset. Using real-world case studies that leverage the popular Python Machine Learning ecosystem, this book is your perfect companion for learning the art and science of Machine Learning to become a successful practitioner. The concepts, techniques, tools, frameworks, and methodologies used in this book will teach you how to think, design, build, and execute Machine Learning systems and projects successfully.


Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Applications

作者: Preisach, Christine (EDT)/ Burkhardt, Hans (EDT)/ Schmidt-thieme, Lars (EDT) 出版社: Springer Berlin Heidelberg 副标题: Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Klassifikation e.V., ... Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization) 出版年: 2008-10-10 页数: 736 ISBN: 9783540782391


Artificial Intelligence for Marketing

A straightforward, non-technical guide to the next major marketing tool Artificial Intelligence for Marketing presents a tightly-focused introduction to machine learning, written specifically for marketing professionals. This book will not teach you to be a data scientist—but it does explain how Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will revolutionize your company's marketing strategy, and teach you how to use it most effectively. Data and analytics have become table stakes in modern marketing, but the field is ever-evolving with data scientists continually developing new algorithms—where does that leave you? How can marketers use the latest data science developments to their advantage? This book walks you through the "need-to-know" aspects of Artificial Intelligence, including natural language processing, speech recognition, and the power of Machine Learning to show you how to make the most of this technology in a practical, tactical way.


Bayesian Computation with R

There has been a dramatic growth in the development and application of Bayesian inferential methods. Some of this growth is due to the availability of powerful simulation-based algorithms to summarize posterior distributions. There has been also a growing interest in the use of the system R for statistical analyses. R's open source nature, free availability, and large number of contributor packages have made R the software of choice for many statisticians in education and industry.


A Statistical View of deep learning

Deep learning and the use of deep neural networks are now established as a key tool for practical machine learning. Neural networks have an equivalence with many existing statistical and machine learning approaches and I would like to explore one of these views in this post. In particular, I'll look at the view of deep neural networks as recursive generalised linear models (RGLMs). Generalised linear models form one of the cornerstones of probabilistic modelling and are used in almost every field of experimental science, so this connection is an extremely useful one to have in mind. I'll focus here on what are called feedforward neural networks and leave a discussion of the statistical connections to recurrent networks to another post.



Hive编程指南 带目录 书签 Hive编程指南是一本ApacheHive的编程指南,旨在介绍如何使用Hive的SQL方法——HiveQL来汇总、查询和分析存储在Hadoop分布式文件系统上的大数据集合。《Hive编程指南》通过大量的实例,首先介绍如何在用户环境下安装和配置Hive,并对Hadoop和MapReduce进行详尽阐述,演示Hive如何在Hadoop生态系统进行工作。


Deep Learning: Practice and Trends [NIPS2017 Tutorial]

NIPS2017 Tutorial Deep Learning: Practice and Trends 182页 YouTube 视频地址 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJnddoa8sHk


《Deep Learning》Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville【带书签】

Bengio大神的《Deep Learning》全书已完稿,这里对目录整理了一下书签,方便查看



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