DelayedBlockHandleperform_block_after_delay(CGFloat seconds, dispatch_block_t block){if(nil== block){returnnil;}// block is likely a literal defined on the stack, even though we are using __block to allow us to modify the variable// we still need to move the block to the heap with a copy
__block dispatch_block_t blockToExecute =[block copy];
__block DelayedBlockHandle delayHandleCopy =nil;DelayedBlockHandle delayHandle =^(BOOL cancel){if(NO== cancel &&nil!= blockToExecute){dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), blockToExecute);}// Once the handle block is executed, canceled or not, we free blockToExecute and the handle.// Doing this here means that if the block is canceled, we aren't holding onto retained objects for any longer than necessary.
#if!__has_feature(objc_arc)[blockToExecute release];[delayHandleCopy release];
blockToExecute =nil;
delayHandleCopy =nil;};// delayHandle also needs to be moved to the heap.
delayHandleCopy =[delayHandle copy];dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, seconds *NSEC_PER_SEC),dispatch_get_main_queue(),^{if(nil!= delayHandleCopy){delayHandleCopy(NO);}});return delayHandleCopy;};
void cancel_delayed_block(DelayedBlockHandle delayedHandle){if(nil== delayedHandle){return;}delayedHandle(YES);}