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原创 Java中断机制

基础http://www.infoq.com/cn/articles/java-interrupt-mechanismhttp://hapinwater.iteye.com/blog/310558 新完应儿: lockInterruptibly -> 实现了可以被中断的线程阻塞(对比synchronized(this),这种阻塞无法被中断)http://lzmhehe...

2015-09-17 16:13:40 200

原创 Selenium 29:How to Speed up Test Execution Using Selenium Grid

http://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/selenium-grid-selenium-tutorial-29/ We are now close to the end of this comprehensive Selenium tutorials series. Next week, we will conclude this online Seleni...

2015-09-16 08:04:08 295

原创 Selenium 33:50 Most Popularly Asked Selenium Interview Questions and Answers

http://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/selenium-interview-questions-answers/ In this tutorial, we have listed the 50 most popularly asked Selenium interview questions including Selenium WebDriver in...

2015-09-16 08:01:08 1638

原创 Selenium 28:Database Testing Using Selenium WebDriver and JDBC API

http://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/database-testing-using-selenium-webdriver-selenium-tutorial-28/ In our last Selenium tutorial we learned how to troubleshoot some recurrent problems in seleniu...

2015-09-16 08:00:55 239

原创 Selenium 27:Efficient Selenium Scripting and Troubleshoot Scenarios

http://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/efficient-selenium-scripting-selenium-tutorial-27/ In the previous tutorial, we discussed the technical implications while implementing logging in a framework....

2015-09-16 08:00:36 155

原创 Java Concurrency Util - tutorial

http://tutorials.jenkov.com/java-util-concurrent/index.html 1java.util.concurrent - Java Concurrency Utilities2BlockingQueue3ArrayBlockingQueue4DelayQueue5LinkedBlocki...

2015-09-16 08:00:09 151

原创 java8 Stream Lazy 解释 (非实现原理)

http://blog.csdn.net/dm_vincent/article/details/40503685 利用Stream类型的“懒”操作代码中的很多操作都是Eager的,比如在发生方法调用的时候,参数会立即被求值。总体而言,使用Eager方式让编码本身更加简单,然而使用Lazy的方式通常而言,即意味着更好的效率。本篇文章就是为了展示Java 8中新特性是如何让我们能够更...

2015-07-22 07:49:44 1440 2

原创 java8 系列2 深入理解Java 8 Lambda(类库篇——Streams API,Collectors和并行)

http://zh.lucida.me/blog/java-8-lambdas-insideout-library-features/ English versionhttp://www.drdobbs.com/jvm/lambdas-and-streams-in-java-8-libraries/240166818?pgno=1 于深入理解Java 8 Lambd...

2015-07-22 07:00:42 165

原创 java8 系列1 深入理解Java 8 Lambda(语言篇——lambda,方法引用,目标类型和默认方法)...

http://zh.lucida.me/blog/java-8-lambdas-insideout-language-features/ 关于深入理解Java 8 Lambda(语言篇——lambda,方法引用,目标类型和默认方法)深入理解Java 8 Lambda(类库篇——Streams API,Collector和并行)深入理解Java 8 Lambda(原理篇——J...

2015-07-22 06:58:43 314

原创 Java 8 Stream探秘 具体实现

http://colobu.com/2014/11/18/Java-8-Stream/在现代的Java应用程序中很少不用到集合类和数组。 可以对集合进行增,删,改,插, 统计(聚合aggregate)。 这些操作的概念在SQL操作上也会用到。 但是对集合的操作却没有像SQL那样方便简捷。 为什么我们不能实现一种类似SQL语句一样方便的编程方式呢, 去取代一遍又一遍loop遍历的方式处理集合和...

2015-07-22 06:31:38 129

原创 Arrays.asList() 的了解

为什么Arrays.asList() 返回的list是 immutable的?原因是:返回的list本质上是Arrays类的一个内部类,这个类没有change structure的方法(add remove等方法全都改写成直接抛出unsupported operation异常),所以他是immutable的。 源代码分析:将一个数组转化为一个List对象,一般会想到Arrays...

2015-07-21 23:05:35 164

原创 Selenium 26:Debugging Selenium Scripts with Logs (Log4j Tutorial)

http://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/log4j-tutorial-selenium-tutorial-26/ Now we are moving towards the end of our most comprehensive Free Tutorials for Selenium Testing tool. The tutorials we are...

2015-07-21 22:44:19 205

原创 Selenium 23:Apache ANT – a Tool for Automating Software Build Processes and its

http://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/apache-ant-selenium-tutorial-23/ In the last tutorial, we tried to make you acquainted with the concept of generics and common methods. We also discussed the b...

2015-07-21 22:43:08 201

原创 Selenium 25:Hudson – Importance and Benefits of this Continuous Integration Tool

http://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/hudson-continuous-integration-tool-selenium-tutorial-25/ In the last two tutorials, we discussed about the two most important build tools – ANT and Maven. We d...

2015-07-21 22:42:24 385

原创 Selenium 24:Use of Maven Build Automation Tool and Maven Project Setup for Selen

http://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/maven-project-setup-for-selenium-selenium-tutorial-24/ In our last Selenium tutorial we learned a build tool named as “Apache Ant”. We also broadly discussed i...

2015-07-16 08:16:41 170

原创 java8 Lambda expressions

The single most important change in Java 8 enables faster, clearer coding and opens the door to functional programming. Here's how it works.Java was designed in the 1990s as an object-oriented prog...

2015-07-14 13:09:38 446

原创 Selenium 21:Selenium Framework Creation and Accessing Test Data from Excel

http://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/selenium-framework-design-selenium-tutorial-21/ In the last tutorial, we familiarized you with the basics of test automation Frameworks, its components and typ...

2015-07-10 01:45:28 152

原创 java8 new features

http://www.javacodegeeks.com/2014/05/java-8-features-tutorial.html   Java 8 Features Tutorial – The ULTIMATE Guide (PDF Download)Posted by: Andrey Redko in Core Java May 9th, 2014 EDI...

2015-07-08 02:06:54 201

原创 Selenium 20:Most Popular Test Automation Frameworks with Pros and Cons of Each

http://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/test-automation-frameworks-selenium-tutorial-20/ In the last few Selenium tutorials, we discussed about various commonly and popularly used commands in WebDriv...

2015-07-08 02:02:10 371

原创 Selenium 19:Handling Exceptions Using Exception Handling Framework in Selenium S

http://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/exception-handling-framework-selenium-tutorial-19/ In last WebDriver tutorial we learned about 3 different types of important web elements like Web Tables, Fra...

2015-07-08 02:01:55 139

原创 Selenium 17:Various Commonly and Routinely Used Selenium WebDriver Commands

http://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/selenium-webdriver-commands-selenium-tutorial-17/ In the last tutorial, we discussed about the different types of alertsencountered while testing web based app...

2015-07-08 02:01:17 260

原创 Selenium 15:Practical Use of Different types of Selenium WebDriver Waits

http://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/selenium-webdriver-waits-selenium-tutorial-15/ In the previous tutorial, we tried to make you acquainted with the various WebDriver’s looping and conditional o...

2015-07-07 05:47:23 207

原创 Selenium 14:Check Visibility of Web Elements Using Various Types WebDriver Comma

http://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/webdriver-commands-selenium-tutorial-14/ How to check visibility of web elements using various types of looping and conditional commands in WebDriver:Previou...

2015-07-07 05:46:59 168

原创 Selnium -12 How to Use TestNG Framework for Creating Selenium Scripts

http://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/testng-framework-selenium-tutorial-12/ In the last few tutorials, we shed light on the basic and commonly used WebDriver commands. We also learned about the lo...

2015-07-07 05:46:37 182

原创 Selenium 11:Introduction to JUnit Framework and Its Usage in Selenium Script

http://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/selenium-junit-framework-selenium-tutorial-11/ This tutorial will give an insight about JUnit and its usage in selenium script. This is tutorial #11 in our com...

2015-07-07 05:46:14 131

原创 Selenium Tutorial -10 Implementation of Our First WebDriver Script

http://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/selenium-webdriver-tutorial-10/ In the previous two tutorials, we made you acquainted with the basic architecture and features of WebDriver and the infrastructu...

2015-07-01 00:42:13 226

原创 Selenium Tutorial -9 WebDriver Entire Setup and Installation with Eclipse

http://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/webdriver-eclipse-installation-selenium-tutorial-9/ In the previous tutorial, we introduced the basic architecture and features of WebDriver. This is 9th tutor...

2015-07-01 00:34:37 165

原创 Selenium Tutorial -8 Introduction to Selenium WebDriver

http://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/selenium-webdriver-selenium-tutorial-8/ Introduction to Selenium WebDriver:Earlier in this series we published tutorials which focused more onSelenium IDE an...

2015-07-01 00:34:23 141

原创 Selenium Tutorial -7 How to Locate Elements in Chrome and IE Browsers for Buildi

http://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/locate-elements-in-chrome-ie-selenium-tutorial-7/ This is tutorial #7 in our Selenium Online Training Series. If you want to check all Selenium tutorials in th...

2015-07-01 00:34:11 141

原创 Selenium Tutorial -6 How to Use CSS Selector for Identifying Web Elements for Se

http://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/css-selector-selenium-locator-selenium-tutorial-6/ In our previous Selenium tutorial we learned different types of locators. We also learned how to use: ID, Cl...

2015-07-01 00:33:55 154

原创 Selenium Tutorial -5 How to Identify Web Elements Using Selenium Xpath and Other

http://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/using-selenium-xpath-and-other-locators-selenium-tutorial-5/ In the previous tutorial, we introduced you with another automation testing tool named as Firebug. ...

2015-06-30 10:53:33 189

原创 Selenium Tutorial -4 How to Use Firebug for Creating Selenium Scripts

http://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/firebug-for-selenium-scripts-selenium-tutorial-4/ In the previous tutorial, we learned how to create automated test scripts using Selenium IDE and its recording...

2015-06-30 10:21:49 150

原创 Selenium Tutorial -3

http://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/selenium-ide-script-selenium-tutorial-3/ This tutorial is by far one of the most important tutorials to get a hold on Selenium IDE.This is the 3rd tutorial in...

2015-06-30 09:28:53 381

原创 Selenium Tutorial -2

http://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/selenium-ide-download-and-installation-selenium-tutorial-2/Before moving ahead, let’s take a moment to look at the agenda of this tutorial. In this tutorial, we wi...

2015-06-30 08:17:02 324

原创 Selenium 1 – Testing Introduction

http://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/selenium-tutorial-1/ **********************************How to start Learning Selenium?This is the best time to start learning Selenium testing by your own ...

2015-06-30 07:35:23 253

原创 多线程下并发同步机制

http://pluto418.iteye.com/blog/1179497 1.  前言 JDK提供的并发包,除了上一篇提到的用于集合外,还有线程的调度、协作、调度等等功能。上篇提到过,线程之间除了竞争关系,还有协作关系。在高并发环境下有效利用Java并发包解决线程之间协作的特殊场景。在并行计算,尤其是多线程计算的结果集合并的时候都需要用到这些并发同步器。还有一种使用场景,就是跨越多台...

2015-06-25 10:45:34 153

原创 Servlet Async

http://www.importnew.com/8864.html 理解异步Servlet之前,让我们试着理解为什么需要它。假设我们有一个Servlet需要很多的时间来处理,类似下面的内容:LongRunningServlet.java12345678910111213141516171819...

2015-05-15 02:29:19 146

原创 EHcache

http://blog.csdn.net/liuzhenwen/article/details/3983952 需要使用Spring来实现一个Cache简单的解决方案,具体需求如下:使用任意一个现有开源Cache Framework,要求可以Cache系统中Service或则DAO层的get/find等方法返回结果,如果数据更新(使用Create/update/delete方法),则刷新...

2014-09-06 23:32:35 76

原创 数据库join操作的算法

数据库join操作的算法:1 嵌套循环连接 nested loop join   O(n^2),两层循环2 块嵌套循环连接 nested block loop join   O(n^2),但是省了很多IO时间, 两层循环。3 索引嵌套循环   O(nlgn), 外层表scan,内层表用index来查4 归并连接 merge join   O(n),但是需要连接的col事先要有序。...

2014-09-06 22:04:32 174

原创 ReentrantLock与synchronized

http://uule.iteye.com/blog/1488356 关于互斥锁:所谓互斥锁, 指的是一次最多只能有一个线程持有的锁. 在jdk1.5之前, 我们通常使用synchronized机制控制多个线程对共享资源的访问. 而现在, Lock提供了比synchronized机制更广泛的锁定操作, Lock和synchronized机制的主要区别:synchronized机制...

2014-09-02 23:34:12 74



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