
CMIP6 Parametrization



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37 CMIP6 models, their cloud-convection parametrization schemes, and resolutions

CategoryModelReference Atmospheric ModelResolution (°)Deep ConvectionShallow ConvectionCloud MicrophysicsCloud Macrophysics
UMACCESSCM2UM10.61.875 × 1.25Gregory and Rowntree (1990)Gregory and Rowntree (1990)Wilson et al. (2008)Wilson et al. (2008)
UMACCESSESM1-5UM7.3 GA11.875 × 1.25Gregory and Rowntree (1990)Gregory and Rowntree (1990)Wilson et al. (2008)Wilson et al. (2008)
UMKACE-1–0-GUM1.875 × 1.25Gregory and Rowntree (1990)Gregory and Rowntree (1990)Wilson et al. (2008)Wilson et al. (2008)
BCCBCC-CSM2-MRBCCAGCM3-MR1.125 × 1.125Modified Wu (2012)Hack (1994)Rasch and Kristjánsson (1998)Wu et al. (2019)
BCCBCC-ESM1BCCAGCM3chem2.8 × 2.8Modified Wu (2012)Hack (1994)Rasch and Kristjánsson (1998)Wu et al. (2019)
ECEC-Earth3ECMWF-IFS 36r40.7 × 0.7Bechtold et al. (2014)Bechtold et al. (2014)Tiedtke (1993)Tiedtke (1993)
ECEC-Earth3-VegECMWF-IFS 36r40.7 × 0.7Bechtold et al. (2014)Bechtold et al. (2014)Tiedtke (1993)Tiedtke (1993)
ECEC-Earth3-Veg-LRIFS cy36r41.125 × 1.125Bechtold et al. (2014)Bechtold et al. (2014)Tiedtke (1993)Tiedtke (1993)
ECHAMPCAMS-CSM1-0ECHAM5.41.125 × 1.125Nordeng (1994)Tiedtke (1989)Lohmann and Roeckner (1996)Tompkins (2002)
ECHAMPMPI-ESM1-2-HRECHAM6.30.9 × 0.9Nordeng (1994)Tiedtke (1989)Lohmann and Roeckner (1996)Sundqvist et al. (1989)
ECHAMPMPI-ESM1-2-LRECHAM6.31.875 × 1.875Nordeng (1994)Tiedtke (1989)Lohmann and Roeckner (1996)Sundqvist et al. (1989)
ECHAMPNESM3ECHAM6.31.875 × 1.875Nordeng (1994)Tiedtke (1989)Yang & Wang (2019)Sundqvist et al. (1989)
CAM5NorCPM1CAM4-Oslo2.5 × 1.875Zhang & McFarlane (1995)Park & Bretherton (2009)Rasch and Kristjánsson (1998)Slingo (1987)
CAM5FIO-ESM-2–0CAM51.25 × 0.9Zhang & McFarlane (1995)Park & Bretherton (2009)Gettelman et al. (2010)Park et al. (2014)
CAM5CIESMCIESMAM1.0 (Modified CAM5)1 × 1Zhang & McFarlane (1995)Gettelman et al. (2010)Park & Bretherton (2009)Qin et al(2018)
CAM5CMCC-CM2-HR4CAM51.25 × 0.9Zhang & McFarlane (1995)Park & Bretherton (2009)Morrison and Gettelman (2008)Park et al. (2014)
CAM5CMCC-CM2-SR5CAM51.25 × 0.9Zhang & McFarlane (1995)Park & Bretherton (2009)Morrison and Gettelman (2008)Park et al. (2014)
CAM6E3SM-1–0EAM (v1.0) based on CAM5.3~ 1 × 1Zhang and McFarlane (1995)CLUBBGettelman and Morrison (2015)CLUBB
CAM6E3SM-2–0EAM (v1.0) based on CAM5.3~ 1 × 1Zhang and McFarlane (1995)CLUBB, updatedGettelman and Morrison (2015)CLUBB, updated
CAM6CESM2CAM61.25 × 0.9Zhang & McFarlane (1995)CLUBBGettelman and Morrison (2015)CLUBB
CAM6CESM2-WACCMCAM61.25 × 0.9Zhang & McFarlane (1995)CLUBBGettelman and Morrison (2015)CLUBB
CAM6NorESM2-LMCAM-OSLO Based on CAM62.5 × 1.875Zhang and McFarlane (1995)CLUBB Toniazzo et al. (2020)Gettelman and Morrison (2015)CLUBB
INMINM-CM4-8INM-AM4-82 × 1.5Betts (1986)Betts (1986)Galin (1998)Galin (1998)
INMINM-CM5-0INM-AM5-02 × 1.5Betts (1986)Betts (1986)Tiedtke (1993)Tiedtke (1993)
GFDLGFDL-ESM4GFDL-AM4.11 × 1Zhao et al. (2018)Zhao et al. (2018)Rotstayn (1997)Tiedtke (1993)
GFDLGFDL-CM4GFDL-AM41 × 1Zhao et al. (2018)Zhao et al. (2018)Rotstayn (1997)Tiedtke (1993)
SAMSAM0-UNICONSAM0-UNICON1.25 × 0.9UNICON, Park (2014)UNICON, Park (2014)Morrison and Gettelman (2008)Park et al. (2014) Zhang et al. (2003)
SAMKIOST-ESMGFDL-AM2.01.875 × 1.875UNICON, Park (2014)UNICON, Park (2014)Rotstayn (1997)Tiedtke (1993)
SAMTaiESM1TaiAM1 based on GFDL AM21.25 × 0.9UNICON, Park (2014)UNICON, Park (2014)Rotstayn (1997)Tiedtke (1993)
MIROCMIROC6CCSR AGCM1.4 × 1.4Chikira & Sugiyama (2010)Park & Bretherton (2009)Wilson and Ballard (1999)Watanabe et al. (2009)
MIROCMIROC-ES2LCCSR AGCM2.8 × 2.8Chikira & Sugiyama (2010)Park & Bretherton (2009)Wilson and Ballard (1999)Watanabe et al. (2009)
MRIMRI-ESM2-0MRIAGCM3.51.125 × 1.125Yoshimura et al. (2015)Yoshimura et al. (2015)Lohmann et al. (2007)Kawai (2005) Kawai et al. (2017)
CanCanESM5CanAM52.8 × 2.8Zhang and McFarlane (1995)von Salzen et al. (2005)von Salzen et al. (2005)von Salzen et al. (2005)
CASCAS-ESM2-0IAPAGCM5.01.4 × 1.4Tiedtke (1989)Park and Bretherton (2009)Morrison and Gettelman (2008)Zhang et al. (2020)
GAMILFGOALS-g3GAMIL32 × 2Wu et al. (2007)Wu et al. (2007)Morrison and Gettelman (2008)Guo and Zhou (2014)
GAMILFGOALS-f3-LFAMIL2.21 × 1Nordeng (1994)Tiedtke (1989)Nordeng (1994)Tiedtke (1989)Lin et al.(1983)Xu&Randall (1996)
IPSLIPSL-CM6A-LRLMDZ62.5 × 1.259Emanuel (1991) Rio et al. (2009)Rio and Hourdin (2008)Madeleine et al. (2020)Madeleine et al. (2020)


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  • Wilson and Ballard (1999): A microphysically based precipitation scheme for the UK meteorological office unified model.

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qm偏差校正在CMIP6(Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6)中扮演着重要的角色。CMIP6是一个全球范围内的气候模型比较计划,目的是评估不同气候模型的性能并提供气候变化的预测。 在气候模型中,qm偏差(也称为气候模拟偏差)是模型输出与观测数据之间的差异。这些偏差可以来自于模型本身的参数化过程、物理逼近或数值计算方法等因素。而qm偏差校正则是通过对这些偏差进行统计分析和数值处理,以提高模型的准确性和可靠性。 CMIP6中的qm偏差校正采用了一系列创新方法和技术来纠正模型的偏差。这些方法包括对偏差进行实时数据校正、采用新的参数化方案、改进模型参数和更新模型算法等。通过校正qm偏差,可以使模型的输出与观测数据更一致,提高模型的可靠性和预测能力。 qm偏差校正在CMIP6中有多重重要意义。首先,校正后的模型输出能够更准确地反映真实的气候状态和变化趋势,为气候预测和决策提供更可靠的依据。其次,对模型偏差的校正可以帮助我们更好地理解模型的物理机制,从而改进和发展更准确的气候模型。最后,偏差校正还可以提高CMIP6中不同模型的可比性,促进在全球范围内进行模型对比和评估。 总结来说,qm偏差校正在CMIP6中具有重要作用,它可以提高模型的准确性和可靠性,为气候预测和决策提供更可靠的科学依据。通过对偏差的校正,我们可以更好地理解模型的物理机制,改进和发展更准确的气候模型,促进全球范围内的气候模型比较和评估工作的进行。




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