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原创 E - Olympic Medal CodeForces - 215B(数学 思维)

The World Programming Olympics Medal is a metal disk, consisting of two parts: the first part is a ring with outer radius of r1 cm, inner radius of r2 cm, (0 < r2 < r1) made of metal with densit...

2018-10-31 16:41:17 236

原创 D - Bicycle Chain CodeForces - 215A(数学)

Vasya’s bicycle chain drive consists of two parts: n stars are attached to the pedal axle, m stars are attached to the rear wheel axle. The chain helps to rotate the rear wheel by transmitting the ped...

2018-10-31 16:22:30 216

原创 B - Number Puzzle ZOJ - 2836(容斥原理 数学)

Given a list of integers (A1, A2, …, An), and a positive integer M, please find the number of positive integers that are not greater than M and dividable by any integer from the given list.InputThe ...

2018-10-31 16:18:43 269

原创 电灯泡 (容斥原理)

Problem DescriptionV_Dragon有n栈电灯泡,编号为1-n,每个灯泡都有一个开关。那么问题来了1.所有灯泡初始时为不亮的2.V_Dragon分别进行三次操作3.每次操作他都选一个质数x,将编号为x和x的整数倍的灯泡的开关都拨动一下(如果灯为亮,那么拨动以后灯为不亮,如果灯不亮,拨动以后变为亮)求最后亮着的灯的数量Input输入T表示T组测试数据(1<=T&...

2018-10-29 10:44:47 711

原创 find the nth digit(数学 思维)

假设:S1 = 1S2 = 12S3 = 123S4 = 1234…S9 = 123456789S10 = 1234567891S11 = 12345678912…S18 = 123456789123456789…现在我们把所有的串连接起来S = 1121231234…123456789123456789112345678912…那么你能告诉我在S串中的第N个数字是多少...

2018-10-25 19:54:46 449

原创 Diagonal Walking v.2(思维)

Mikhail walks on a Cartesian plane. He starts at the point (0,0)(0,0), and in one move he can go to any of eight adjacent points. For example, if Mikhail is currently at the point (0,0)(0,0), he can g...

2018-10-24 22:12:40 252

原创 Intersecting Lines POJ - 1269(思维 数学)

We all know that a pair of distinct points on a plane defines a line and that a pair of lines on a plane will intersect in one of three ways: 1) no intersection because they are parallel, 2) intersect...

2018-10-23 23:31:14 203

原创 Code For 1(线段树思想)

Jon fought bravely to rescue the wildlings who were attacked by the white-walkers at Hardhome. On his arrival, Sam tells him that he wants to go to Oldtown to train at the Citadel to become a maester,...

2018-10-22 09:50:23 429

原创 Mike and Chocolate Thieves(二分 数论)

Bad news came to Mike’s village, some thieves stole a bunch of chocolates from the local factory! Horrible!Aside from loving sweet things, thieves from this area are known to be very greedy. So after...

2018-10-21 21:25:33 140

原创 聪明的木匠(优先队列,思维)

一位老木匠需要将一根长的木棒切成N段。每段的长度分别为L1,L2,…,LN(1 <= L1,L2,…,LN <= 1000,且均为整数)个长度单位。我们认为切割时仅在整数点处切且没有木材损失。木匠发现,每一次切割花费的体力与该木棒的长度成正比,不妨设切割长度为1的木棒花费1单位体力。例如:若N=3,L1 = 3,L2 = 4,L3 = 5,则木棒原长为12,木匠可以有多种切法,如:先...

2018-10-21 21:11:57 548

原创 N的倍数(抽屉原理)

一个长度为N的数组A,从A中选出若干个数,使得这些数的和是N的倍数。例如:N = 8,数组A包括:2 5 6 3 18 7 11 19,可以选2 6,因为2 + 6 = 8,是8的倍数。Input第1行:1个数N,N为数组的长度,同时也是要求的倍数。(2 <= N <= 50000)第2 - N + 1行:数组A的元素。(0 < Aii <= 10^9)Outpu...

2018-10-21 20:58:21 790

原创 F - Analyzing Polyline CodeForces - 195D()

As Valeric and Valerko were watching one of the last Euro Championship games in a sports bar, they broke a mug. Of course, the guys paid for it but the barman said that he will let them watch football...

2018-10-20 12:55:52 192

原创 E - After Training CodeForces - 195B(模拟 数学 规律)

After a team finished their training session on Euro football championship, Valeric was commissioned to gather the balls and sort them into baskets. Overall the stadium has n balls and m baskets. The ...

2018-10-20 12:50:11 205

原创 D - Let's Watch Football(数学 思维)

Valeric and Valerko missed the last Euro football game, so they decided to watch the game’s key moments on the Net. They want to start watching as soon as possible but the connection speed is too low....

2018-10-20 12:33:34 184

原创 Make It Equal(codeforces 1065c 贪心)

There is a toy building consisting of nn towers. Each tower consists of several cubes standing on each other. The i-th tower consists of hi cubes, so it has height hi.Let’s define operation slice on...

2018-10-19 10:00:40 469

原创 E - 嗯? 51Nod - 1432(二分)

n个人,已知每个人体重。独木舟承重固定,每只独木舟最多坐两个人,可以坐一个人或者两个人。显然要求总重量不超过独木舟承重,假设每个人体重也不超过独木舟承重,问最少需要几只独木舟?Input第一行包含两个正整数n (0 接下来n行,每行一个正整数,表示每个人的体重。体重不超过1000000000,并且每个人的体重不超过m。Output一行一个整数表示最少需要的独木舟数。Sample Inpu...

2018-10-18 08:48:58 164

原创 A - Tickets HDU - 1260(动态规划)

Jesus, what a great movie! Thousands of people are rushing to the cinema. However, this is really a tuff time for Joe who sells the film tickets. He is wandering when could he go back home as early as...

2018-10-18 08:36:38 436 1

原创 codeforces 1066a Vova and Train

Vova plans to go to the conference by train. Initially, the train is at the point 1 and the destination point of the path is the point L. The speed of the train is 1 length unit per minute (i.e. at th...

2018-10-17 21:32:23 491

原创 Books Queries(codeforces 1066)

You have got a shelf and want to put some books on it.You are given q queries of three types:Lid — put a book having index id on the shelf to the left from the leftmost existing book;R id — put a ...

2018-10-17 21:25:37 369

原创 Minimum Value Rectangle(数论,思维)

You have nn sticks of the given lengths.Your task is to choose exactly four of them in such a way that they can form a rectangle. No sticks can be cut to pieces, each side of the rectangle must be fo...

2018-10-17 17:54:23 205

原创 Numbers on the Chessboard

You are given a chessboard of size n×nn×n. It is filled with numbers from 11 to n2n2 in the following way: the first ⌈n22⌉⌈n22⌉ numbers from 11 to ⌈n22⌉⌈n22⌉ are written in the cells with even sum of ...

2018-10-16 22:53:33 407

原创 Maximum Subrectangle(矩阵,前缀和)

You are given two arrays aa and bb of positive integers, with length nn and mm respectively.Let cc be an n×mn×m matrix, where ci,j=ai⋅bjci,j=ai⋅bj.You need to find a subrectangle of the matrix cc su...

2018-10-16 22:40:09 704

原创 A + Reverse B(水题一发)

You are given numbers a and b. Calculate the sum of a and reverse of b. A reverse of a number is a number which contains the same digits in reverse order. For example, reverse of 230 is 32, and revers...

2018-10-16 21:59:58 1114

原创 Savings Account(水题)

Suppose you open a savings account with a certain initial balance. You will not make any withdrawals or further deposits for a number of years. The bank will compound your balance (add the annual inte...

2018-10-16 21:52:43 280

原创 Alice, Bob, Two Teams(思维 codeforces)

Alice and Bob are playing a game. The game involves splitting up game pieces into two teams. There are n pieces, and the i-th piece has a strength pi.The way to split up game pieces is split into sev...

2018-10-15 10:32:35 202

原创 两点(51nod 深搜)

福克斯在玩一款手机解迷游戏,这个游戏叫做”两点”。基础级别的时候是在一个n×m单元上玩的。像这样:每一个单元有包含一个有色点。我们将用不同的大写字母来表示不同的颜色。这个游戏的关键是要找出一个包含同一颜色的环。看上图中4个蓝点,形成了一个环。一般的,我们将一个序列 d1,d2,…,dk 看成一个环,当且仅当它符合下列条件时:这k个点不一样,即当 i≠j时, di 和 dj不同。k...

2018-10-15 09:41:41 194

原创 和为K的组合(01背包)

给出N个正整数组成的数组A,求能否从中选出若干个,使他们的和为K。如果可以,输出:“Yes”,否则输出"No"。Input第1行:2个数N, K, N为数组的长度, K为需要判断的和(2 <= N <= 20,1 <= K <= 10^9)第2 - N + 1行:每行1个数,对应数组的元素Aii (1 <= Aii <= 10^6)Output如果可以...

2018-10-15 09:36:21 466

原创 只包含因子2 3 5的数(51nod 思维 打表)

K的因子中只包含2 3 5。满足条件的前10个数是:2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,12,15。所有这样的K组成了一个序列S,现在给出一个数n,求S中 >= 给定数的最小的数。例如:n = 13,S中 >= 13的最小的数是15,所以输出15。Input第1行:一个数T,表示后面用作输入测试的数的数量。(1 <= T <= 10000)第2 - T + 1行:每...

2018-10-15 09:30:33 288

原创 最高的奖励

有N个任务,每个任务有一个最晚结束时间以及一个对应的奖励。在结束时间之前完成该任务,就可以获得对应的奖励。完成每一个任务所需的时间都是1个单位时间。有时候完成所有任务是不可能的,因为时间上可能会有冲突,这需要你来取舍。求能够获得的最高奖励。Input第1行:一个数N,表示任务的数量(2 <= N <= 50000)第2 - N + 1行,每行2个数,中间用空格分隔,表示任务的最晚...

2018-10-15 09:18:30 300

原创 最大距离(二分 栈 思维)

给出一个长度为N的整数数组A,对于每一个数组元素,如果他后面存在大于等于该元素的数,则这两个数可以组成一对。每个元素和自己也可以组成一对。例如:{5, 3, 6, 3, 4, 2},可以组成11对,如下(数字为下标):(0,0), (0, 2), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 2), (3, 3), (3, 4), (4, 4), (5, 5)。其中(1...

2018-10-14 16:57:16 236

原创 B - Average Numbers CodeForces - 134A(水题,思维)

You are given a sequence of positive integers a1, a2, …, an. Find all such indices i, that the i-th element equals the arithmetic mean of all other elements (that is all elements except for this one)....

2018-10-13 11:32:26 183

原创 Least Common Multiple

The least common multiple (LCM) of a set of positive integers is the smallest positive integer which is divisible by all the numbers in the set. For example, the LCM of 5, 7 and 15 is 105.InputInput...

2018-10-11 19:30:27 252

原创 codeforces 1060b Maximum Sum of Digits(思维题)

You are given a positive integernLetS(x) be sum of digits in base 10 representation ofx, for example,S(123S(123)=1+2+3=6,S(0)=0.Your task is to find two integersa,b, such that0≤a,b≤n,a+b=...

2018-10-10 19:24:29 714

原创 codeforces 1060a(思维水题)

Let’s call a string a phone number if it has length 11 and fits the pattern “8xxxxxxxxxx”, where each “x” is replaced by a digit.For example, “80123456789” and “80000000000” are phone numbers, while ...

2018-10-10 18:50:24 790

原创 F - Game HDU - 3389

Bob and Alice are playing a new game. There are n boxes which have been numbered from 1 to n. Each box is either empty or contains several cards. Bob and Alice move the cards in turn. In each turn the...

2018-10-09 22:45:42 150

原创 D - 邂逅明下 HDU - 2897(有点水平的巴什博奕)


2018-10-09 22:43:33 251

原创 C - Internet Address CodeForces - 245B(有些思维的水题)

Vasya is an active Internet user. One day he came across an Internet resource he liked, so he wrote its address in the notebook. We know that the address of the written resource has format:

2018-10-09 22:29:53 342

原创 A - System Administrator CodeForces - 245A(水题)

Polycarpus is a system administrator. There are two servers under his strict guidance — a and b. To stay informed about the servers’ performance, Polycarpus executes commands “ping a” and “ping b”. Ea...

2018-10-09 22:20:45 378

原创 J - Milking Time POJ - 3616(dp动态规划)

Bessie is such a hard-working cow. In fact, she is so focused on maximizing her productivity that she decides to schedule her next N (1 ≤ N ≤ 1,000,000) hours (conveniently labeled 0…N-1) so that she ...

2018-10-09 18:42:43 267

原创 H - 拦截导弹 OpenJ_Bailian - 2945(dp动态规划)


2018-10-09 18:26:20 282








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