
直纹面是一种不错的曲面,全部用直线构造即可; 如果直纹面母线上的点共切平面,则可展(这种抽象真漂亮)

老早就想试试画下面这种ruled surface:


发现这是一种直纹面之后就简单了. 我是这么设想的:


等间隔在两个曲线(圆)上取点,然后连接对应点线段; 对应点之间角度偏差作为一个动态的变量从而得到动的效果.


然后,这个软件对矩阵化操作的支持还没有那么强,想来想去就是spreadsheet还没有用到过. 于是从youtube上找到两个视频:

How to Use Spreadsheet on Geogebra

GeoGebra Spreadsheet Power Regression

通过视频学操作应该是最方便的, 其次是网络教程. geogebra.org不知道最近出了什么状况,彻底不能用了;只好去别的地方,发现下面的不错:

网络Geogebra spreadsheet教程001

Tables and Spreadsheet



The spreadsheet in GeoGebra has most of the regular spreadsheet-features. When it comes to just doing numerical calculations, regular spreadsheet software is more advanced than the GeoGebra spreadsheet; the object-oriented way of doing things in GeoGebra however, makes it a much stronger tool than regular spreadsheets. Apart from manipulating numbers and formulas, you can also manipulate all GeoGebra-objects in the spreadsheet view.

Whenever you need many objects that follow some regular pattern, you can use the spreadsheet.

The basic features of the GeoGebra spreadsheet, features such as: how to make relative copies, how to plot points from the spreadsheet on the drawing pad, and how to use sliders when generating numbers in the spreadsheet, are explained on the pages Functions - Tables and Spreadsheet and Functions - Percentage Change.

Geometrical objects and functions

The recording below demonstrates how to make a simple pattern of circles. It also shows a demonstration of how the Taylor expansion of   approximates the graph better and better as more terms are used. It is meant as a demonstration of how functions are handled in the spreadsheet, if you just want to demonstrate Taylor expansion, you can use the command:

TaylorPolynomial[<Function>, <x-Value>, <Order Number>]

When inserting geometrical objects into the spreadsheet, you must write the command for the object needed. In most cases you can guess the name of the command, start writing and then the code-completion will help.


Reference:GeoGebra Installation

GeoGebra Installation


GeoGebra can be installed for Windows in two ways:

Please note that the Installer will automatically update to newer versions.


We provide GeoGebra in two ways for Mac OS X:

Please note that the Mac App Store will automatically update to newer versions.


The following GeoGebra Linux installers are available:


The .deb and .rpm installers will automatically add the official GeoGebra repository to the package management system on the workstation. This will enable automatic update of GeoGebra every time a new version is released. Note that the portable version will not automatically update.

If you want to include GeoGebra in your custom Linux distribution with GeoGebra included, the best way is to add the official GeoGebra repository (http://www.geogebra.net/linux/) to your package management system. The GPG key of the repository is at http://www.geogebra.net/linux/office@geogebra.org.gpg.key. The name of the package isgeogebra5. This will conflict with the earlier versions (4.0, 4.2 and 4.4), which are namedgeogebra (andgeogebra44 for 4.4) and should be deleted first.

All versions

VersionWindowsMac OS XLinux

Supported devices and Troubleshooting

Please check the Supported devices page for further information about running GeoGebra on different devices, have a look atthe FAQ for more information and visit the forum for support.

Dynamic Colour

You can make a parabola using trace, as on this page Functions - The Parabola. These traces can instead be created as lines in a spreadsheet.

Parabola. Move the point!

If you let the y-axis be the directrix and a free point A be the focus, then you must make a number of perpendicular bisectors between points on the y-axis and the point A.


In a similar way, you can make perpendicular bisectors between a point and points on a circle, this is shown in the topmost applet.

You specify a dynamic colour by specifying values for red, green and blue. Each value should be between 0 and 1. It is dynamic since you can use variables when specifying the values. In the example above, the following is entered under the Advanced-tab for the first line (in cell B1), these values are then relatively copied when dragging the small rectangle.


When very many objects are used in a worksheet, it may be slow. In such cases it is better to use lists. This is what the next page is about.

软件简介 GeoGebra是一款结合“几何”、“代数”与“微积分”的动态数学软件,它是由美国佛罗里达州亚特兰大学的数学教授Markus Hohenwarter所设计的。一方面来说,GeoGebra是一个动态的几何软件,您可以在上面画点、向量、线段、直线、多边形、圆锥曲线,甚至是函数,事后您还可以改变它们的属性;另一方面来说,您也可以直接输入方程和点坐标。所以,GeoGebra也有处理变数的能力(这些变数可以是一个数字、角度、向量或点座标),它也可以对函数作微分与积分,找出方程的根或计算函数的极大极小值。所以GeoGebra同时具有处理代数与几何的功能。 列举几个优点: (1)完全免费,真是难得啊; (2)程序思路非常清晰,网站wiki说程序是由美国佛罗里达州亚特兰大学的数学教授Markus Hohenwarter所设计的。而看编写人员介绍,这程序是一个硕士研究生的毕业论文课题,现在在其博士研究期间也还在不断更新。几乎不用帮助都可以完成大部分的简单操作。很容易上手; (3)直接基于JAVA程序编写,因而其动态网页输出效果非常好; (4)几何体属性较多,从颜色到线型到样式都很多; (5)内置了圆锥曲线(同时会给出方程)、极线(反演)、切线(可以是圆、圆锥曲线、函数)、函数的求导; (6)有输入框,可以直接输入各种命令和函数等; (7)有动态性文本,文本随图形变化而变化; (8)从GeoGebra 3.0 开始可以自订工具了,你可以于绘图的时候指定输入及输出物件,在工具列上建立你自己的绘图工具,在该网站的wiki,可以看到不少美丽的图案和不少人贡献的工具,如Bezier曲线等; (9)网站的wiki,代表了一种开放式的思想,也可以有更多的人参与其; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 注意事项 使用GeoGebra之前,一定要先确定你的电脑已经安装Java程序,否则无法运行。




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