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Wavelet filters

Started by mariya August 15, 2005

i am trying to implement a wavelet transform using digital filters! Could
anyone tell me how to design these filters. I have tried to use matlab
command FIR1 but it seems not to be a good way to design these filters!
Thank for your help

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"mariya" <angelique1@jippii.fi> writes:

> Hello > > i am trying to implement a wavelet transform using digital filters! Could > anyone tell me how to design these filters. I have tried to use matlab > command FIR1 but it seems not to be a good way to design these filters! > Thank for your help
Hi, My homework on wavelets from my DSP class at NCSU is on-line at http://www.digitalsignallabs.com/hw8.zip Open the zip file and read the file hw.pdf with Adobe Acrobat. Specifically, read Appendix A, which gives an overview of Matlab's wavelet toolbox. I found I needed it for my own sanity. --Randy -- % Randy Yates % "Rollin' and riding and slippin' and %% Fuquay-Varina, NC % sliding, it's magic." %%% 919-577-9882 % %%%% <yates@ieee.org> % 'Living' Thing', *A New World Record*, ELO http://home.earthlink.net/~yatescr
mariya skrev:

> Hello > > i am trying to implement a wavelet transform using digital filters! Could > anyone tell me how to design these filters. I have tried to use matlab > command FIR1 but it seems not to be a good way to design these filters!
The main difference between wavelets and other sub-band filters, is that the wavelet filters are interrelated in a special way: h_n(t) = 1/a_n * h'((t-b_n)/a_n) [1] where h'(n) is the "mother wavelet". What [1] says, is that each wavelet filter is generated by a sacled, translated and compressed version of some basic wave (impulse response of the filter, as it were). These "mother wavelets" can be quite simple (the "mexican hat") or they can be veritable pains in the neck, like the Daubechie wavelets. The main point is that the wavelet transform introduces strong requirements to the FIR filters. You will probably not be able to use any FIR filter generator to design wavelet filters. Rune
> You will probably not be able > to use any FIR filter generator to design wavelet filters.
besides, you dont really need to as there are plenty of good wavelet filters out there, many of which are included in the wavelet toolbox by Matlab. Here are the ones listed in my version of Matlab... biorwavf - Biorthogonal spline wavelet filters. cgauwavf - Complex Gaussian wavelet. cmorwavf - Complex Morlet wavelet. coifwavf - Coiflet wavelet filter. dbaux - Daubechies wavelet filter computation. dbwavf - Daubechies wavelet filters. fbspwavf - Complex Frequency B-Spline wavelet. gauswavf - Gaussian wavelet. mexihat - Mexican Hat wavelet. meyer - Meyer wavelet. meyeraux - Meyer wavelet auxiliary function. morlet - Morlet wavelet. rbiowavf - Reverse Biorthogonal spline wavelet filters. shanwavf - Complex Shannon wavelet. symaux - Symlet wavelet filter computation. symwavf - Symlet wavelet filter.
>The main point is that the wavelet transform introduces strong >requirements to the FIR filters. You will probably not be able >to use any FIR filter generator to design wavelet filters. > >Rune > >
********************************** Hi again, If i understood correct you mean that i cannot get wavelet filters using FIR digital filters? I did handle some matlab wavelet filters but the point is that i don't know what are their features such as cutoff or sampling frequency. For instance to decompose the signal there are some quit command such as [C,L] = wavedec(X,N,'wname') [C,L] = wavedec(X,N,Lo_D,Hi_D) Here we need just to choose the wavelet name (let's say 'db3') suitable to our application or the related filters (quit straight )! I would also use the same filters for my wavelet transform on a processor but how to get these filters coefficients?? thanx! This message was sent using the Comp.DSP web interface on www.DSPRelated.com
I am not sure which version you are using, but if you are using matlab
12.1 check:


mariya skrev:

> >The main point is that the wavelet transform introduces strong > >requirements to the FIR filters. You will probably not be able > >to use any FIR filter generator to design wavelet filters. > > > >Rune > > > > > ********************************** > Hi again, > > If i understood correct you mean that i cannot get wavelet filters using > FIR digital filters?
Yes you can, if the filter generator is set up to take into account the particular aspects that wavelets depend on. I am saying that you probably need specialized wavelet generators to do that. The wavelets themselves are FIR filters. Rune

Isn't it correct that the "dbaux command" gives the coefficients of the
wavelet reconstruction filters? Any suggestion on which command to use in
order to get the coefficients of the analysis filter. 
I am using matlab version 7.0!

Thanks for your time!
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Isn't it correct that the "dbaux command" gives the coefficients of the
wavelet reconstruction filters? Any suggestion on which command to use in
order to get the coefficients of the analysis filter. 
I am using matlab version 7.0!

Thanks for your time!
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Subject: Computing wavelet filters
From: Najah
Date: 27 Sep, 2010 21:06:21
Message: 1 of 3
Subject: Computing wavelet filters
From: Wayne King
Date: 27 Sep, 2010 21:53:06
Message: 2 of 3
Subject: Computing wavelet filters
From: Najah
Date: 27 Sep, 2010 22:16:20
Message: 3 of 3

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