一 什么是Scrum?
Scrum (英式橄榄球争球队), 软件开发模型是敏捷开发的一种,在最近的一两年内逐渐流行起来。
开发软件就像开发新产品,无法一开始就能定义软件产品最终的规程,过程中需要研发、创意、尝试错误,所以没有一种固定的流程可以保证专案成功。Scrum 将软件开发团队比拟成橄榄球队,有明确的最高目标,熟悉开发流程中所需具备的最佳典范与技术,具有高度自主权,紧密地沟通合作,以高度弹性解决各种挑战,确保每天、每个阶段都朝向目标有明确的推进。
Scrum 开发流程通常以 30 天(或者更短的一段时间)为一个阶段,由客户提供新产品的需求规格开始,开发团队与客户于每一个阶段开始时挑选该完成的规格部分,开发团队必须尽力于 30 天后交付成果,团队每天用 15 分钟开会检查每个成员的进度与计划,了解所遭遇的困难并设法排除。
二 Scrum较传统开发模型的优点
三 Scrum模型
一) 有关Scrum的几个名词
backlog: 可以预知的所有任务, 包括功能性的和非功能性的所有任务。
sprint backlog:一个sprint周期内所需要完成的任务。
scrumMaster: 负责监督整个Scrum进程,修订计划的一个团队成员。
time-box: 一个用于开会时间段。比如每个daily scrum meeting的time-box为15分钟。
sprint planning meeting: 在启动每个sprint前召开。一般为一天时间(8小时)。该会议需要制定的任务是:产品Owner和团队成员将backlog分解成小的功能模块, 决定在即将进行的sprint里需要完成多少小功能模块,确定好这个Product Backlog的任务优先级。另外,该会议还需详细地讨论如何能够按照需求完成这些小功能模块。制定的这些模块的工作量以小时计算。
Daily Scrum meeting:开发团队成员召开,一般为15分钟。每个开发成员需要向ScrumMaster汇报三个项目:今天完成了什么? 是否遇到了障碍? 即将要做什么?通过该会议,团队成员可以相互了解项目进度。
Sprint review meeting:在每个Sprint结束后,这个Team将这个Sprint的工作成果演示给Product Owner和其他相关的人员。一般该会议为4小时。
Sprint retrospective meeting:对刚结束的Sprint进行总结。会议的参与人员为团队开发的内部人员。一般该会议为3小时。
1) 将整个产品的backlog分解成Sprint Backlog,这个Sprint Backlog是按照目前的人力物力条件可以完成的。
2) 召开sprint planning meeting,划分,确定这个Sprint内需要完成的任务,标注任务的优先级并分配给每个成员。注意这里的任务是以小时计算的,并不是按人天计算。
3) 进入sprint开发周期,在这个周期内,每天需要召开Daily Scrum meeting。
4) 整个sprint周期结束,召开Sprint review meeting,将成果演示给Product Owner.
5) 团队成员最后召开Sprint retrospective meeting,总结问题和经验。
6) 这样周而复始,按照同样的步骤进行下一次Sprint.
The diagrams in this article are all from web site: http://www.controlchaos.com. Thanks very much!
One reply (it looks like from one guy in Microsoft):
Scrum is the most important and widely used agile method as XP. Whatever the scrum or other agiles, two core factors:
1) Coordination
C: The work item belongs to all members, but not only one. Every one should be enthusiastic on working out all work items in a sprint however some of them are not assigned to him at beginning. They have only one final goal, delivering the project on time efficiently and high quality.
2) Positivity
C: That's why in MS, PMs, developers and testers are in the same level. All members should participate the project actively. The team should be responsible for the project but not the PM only. One failed all failed!
In China, there are already some teams using Agile even XP now. Surely, scrum also seems strange to them. Have you agreed that in China, from developing technologies (application level) speaking, we're not weeker than US/UK guys. But projecting is normally 5~10 years behindhand. Most developers, PMs, and even company owners pay less attention on PROJECTING.
The developers mostly care on how to make the code beautifully and clearly. The PMs mostly care on delivering project on time. The CEOs mostly care on getting the money from customers faster. They're not wrong, but they're short eyes. They're producing software, it bases on human but not machine. It doesn't base on only one guy, but a group. So the first thing is HOW TO BUILD THE TEAM! WHAT'S THE PROCESS FOR TEAM RUNNING.
The BUILDING AND PROCESS is not the silver bullet for a employee of a company. But it should be caused by the high level managers. Frankly, most chairmen in China is not expert on software, but have a perfect relationship to sell them whatever they are!