

  1. 布尔表达式

命题逻辑公式,也称为布尔表达式,由变量,运算符AND(连接,也用∧表示),OR(分离,∨), NOT (否定,¬)和括号构成。1

  1. 布尔可满足问题


  1. SAT问题






a ) 文件主要由 注释块 和 子句块 两部分组成,其中注释块一般用作变量的声明,每个变量占一行;子句块主要书写问题的条件 (即 cnf 范式),每个子句占一行。文件用标记行 p cnf {num_var} {num_clauses} 来区分 注释块 和 子句块 两部分,即该行之前是注释,该行之后是子句。这里的 {num_var} 表示变量的个数,{num_clauses} 表示子句的个数。

// 表示有 10 个变量,20 个子句。
p cnf 10 20

b ) 在注释块中,每行声明一个变量,且以小写字母 c 开头。注释的形式为 c {var_id} {var_name},其中 var_id 表示变量的序号,如 1,2,…,注意此序号必须从 1 开始且连续。var_name 表示变量的名称。这样做是为了后续子句书写的便利,即用序号表示变量。

// 声明变量 a,其序号为 1;声明变量 b,其序号为 2
c 1 a
c 2 b

c ) 在子句块中,每行表示一个析取子句 (仅包含或操作),且以数字 0 结尾。如 1 -2 0 表示 ( a ∨ ¬ b )这个析取子句。2 -1 0 表示 ( b ∨ ¬ a ) 这个析取子句。数字前面的符号表示非 (¬) 的含义。子句块中所包含的所有行用与操作连接起来就是我们的 cnf 了。因此在 SAT 问题中,如果要使得最终的合取范式 (CNF) 结果为真,则必须要求每一行的析取子句结果为真。

// 子句含义为 (a OR !b)
1 -2 0
// 子句含义为 (b OR !a)
2 -1 0

综上所述,我们可以根据 a,b 构建一个简单的 cnf,并存储在 .dimacs 文件中,文件内容为,

c 1 a
c 2 b
p cnf 2 2
1 -2 0
2 -1 0




假定所给的CNF公式为S, DPLL算法不断的按照如下规则对S做变换,直到不能继续进行为止。


• S={p∨¬p, A}


• {p,p∨¬q,¬p∨r}


• {p∨q∨¬r∨s, ¬p∨q∨¬r∨¬s, ¬p∨¬q}


( A 1 A_{1} A1∨L)∧… ∧( A m A_{m} Am∨L)∧( B 1 B_{1} B1∨¬L)∧… ∧( B n B_{n} Bn∨¬L)∧ C 1 C_{1} C1∧… ∧ C l C_{l} Cl

这里 A i A_{i} Ai , B j B_{j} Bj C k C_{k} Ck都是子句,而且都不含L或¬L,在这种情况下可以生成两种比S简单的子句集

  1. S1= A 1 A_{1} A1∧… ∧ A m A_{m} Am C 1 C_{1} C1∧… ∧ C l C_{l} Cl
  2. S2= B 1 B_{1} B1∧… ∧ B n B_{n} Bn C 1 C_{1} C1∧… ∧ C l C_{l} Cl























 * Program to implement a SAT solver using the DPLL algorithm with unit
 * propagation Sukrut Rao CS15BTECH11036

#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

 * enum for different types of return flags defined
enum Cat {
  satisfied,   // when a satisfying assignment has been found
  unsatisfied, // when no satisfying assignment has been found after
               // exhaustively searching
  normal,   // when no satisfying assignment has been found till now, and DPLL()
            // has exited normally
  completed // when the DPLL algorithm has completed execution

 * class to represent a boolean formula
class Formula {
  // a vector that stores the value assigned to each variable, where
  // -1 - unassigned
  // 0 - true
  // 1 - false
  vector<int> literals;
  vector<int> literal_frequency; // vector to store the number of occurrences of
                                 // each literal

  // vector to store the difference in number of occurrences with
  // positive and negative polarity of each literal
  vector<int> literal_polarity;

  // vector to store the clauses
  // for each clauses, if the variable n is of positive polarity, then 2n is
  // stored if the variable n is of negative polarity, then 2n+1 is stored here,
  // n is assumed to be zero indexed
  vector<vector<int>> clauses;
  Formula() {}

  // copy constructor for copying a formula - each member is copied over
  Formula(const Formula &f) {
    literals = f.literals;
    clauses = f.clauses;
    literal_frequency = f.literal_frequency;
    literal_polarity = f.literal_polarity;

 * class to represent the structure and functions of the SAT Solver
class SATSolverDPLL {
  Formula formula;               // the initial formula given as input
  int literal_count;             // the number of variables in the formula
  int clause_count;              // the number of clauses in the formula
  int unit_propagate(Formula &); // performs unit propagation
  int DPLL(Formula);             // performs DPLL recursively
  int apply_transform(Formula &,
                      int); // applies the value of the literal in every clause
  void show_result(Formula &, int); // displays the result
  SATSolverDPLL() {}
  void initialize(); // intiializes the values
  void solve();      // calls the solver

 * function that accepts the inputs from the user and initializes the attributes
 * in the solver
void SATSolverDPLL::initialize() {
  char c;   // store first character
  string s; // dummy string

  while (true) {
    cin >> c;
    if (c == 'c') // if comment
      getline(cin, s); // ignore
    } else             // else, if would be a p
      cin >> s; // this would be cnf
  cin >> literal_count;
  cin >> clause_count;

  // set the vectors to their appropriate sizes and initial values
  formula.literals.resize(literal_count, -1);
  formula.literal_frequency.resize(literal_count, 0);
  formula.literal_polarity.resize(literal_count, 0);

  int literal; // store the incoming literal value
  // iterate over the clauses
  for (int i = 0; i < clause_count; i++) {
    while (true) // while the ith clause gets more literals
      cin >> literal;
      if (literal > 0) // if the variable has positive polarity
        formula.clauses[i].push_back(2 *
                                     (literal - 1)); // store it in the form 2n
        // increment frequency and polarity of the literal
        formula.literal_frequency[literal - 1]++;
        formula.literal_polarity[literal - 1]++;
      } else if (literal < 0) // if the variable has negative polarity
        formula.clauses[i].push_back(2 * ((-1) * literal - 1) +
                                     1); // store it in the form 2n+1
        // increment frequency and decrement polarity of the literal
        formula.literal_frequency[-1 - literal]++;
        formula.literal_polarity[-1 - literal]--;
      } else {
        break; // read 0, so move to next clause

 * function to perform unit resolution in a given formula
 * arguments: f - the formula to perform unit resolution on
 * return value: int - the status of the solver after unit resolution, a member
 * of the Cat enum Cat::satisfied - the formula has been satisfied
 *               Cat::unsatisfied - the formula can no longer be satisfied
 *               Cat::normal - normal exit
int SATSolverDPLL::unit_propagate(Formula &f) {
  bool unit_clause_found =
      false; // stores whether the current iteration found a unit clause
  if (f.clauses.size() == 0) // if the formula contains no clauses
    return Cat::satisfied; // it is vacuously satisfied
  do {
    unit_clause_found = false;
    // iterate over the clauses in f
    for (int i = 0; i < f.clauses.size(); i++) {
      if (f.clauses[i].size() ==
          1) // if the size of a clause is 1, it is a unit clause
        unit_clause_found = true;
        f.literals[f.clauses[i][0] / 2] =
            f.clauses[i][0] % 2; // 0 - if true, 1 - if false, set the literal
        f.literal_frequency[f.clauses[i][0] / 2] =
            -1; // once assigned, reset the frequency to mark it closed
        int result = apply_transform(f, f.clauses[i][0] /
                                            2); // apply this change through f
        // if this caused the formula to be either satisfied or unsatisfied,
        // return the result flag
        if (result == Cat::satisfied || result == Cat::unsatisfied) {
          return result;
        break; // exit the loop to check for another unit clause from the start
      } else if (f.clauses[i].size() == 0) // if a given clause is empty
        return Cat::unsatisfied; // the formula is unsatisfiable in this branch
  } while (unit_clause_found);

  return Cat::normal; // if reached here, the unit resolution ended normally

 * applies a value of a literal to all clauses in a given formula
 * arguments: f - the formula to apply on
 *            literal_to_apply - the literal which has just been set
 * return value: int - the return status flag, a member of the Cat enum
 *               Cat::satisfied - the formula has been satisfied
 *               Cat::unsatisfied - the formula can no longer be satisfied
 *               Cat::normal - normal exit
int SATSolverDPLL::apply_transform(Formula &f, int literal_to_apply) {
  int value_to_apply = f.literals[literal_to_apply]; // the value to apply, 0 -
                                                     // if true, 1 - if false
  // iterate over the clauses in f
  for (int i = 0; i < f.clauses.size(); i++) {
    // iterate over the variables in the clause
    for (int j = 0; j < f.clauses[i].size(); j++) {
      // if this is true, then the literal appears with the same polarity as it
      // is being applied that is, if assigned true, it appears positive if
      // assigned false, it appears negative, in this clause hence, the clause
      // has now become true
      if ((2 * literal_to_apply + value_to_apply) == f.clauses[i][j]) {
        f.clauses.erase(f.clauses.begin() +
                        i); // remove the clause from the list
        i--;                // reset iterator
        if (f.clauses.size() ==
            0) // if all clauses have been removed, the formula is satisfied
          return Cat::satisfied;
        break; // move to the next clause
      } else if (f.clauses[i][j] / 2 ==
                 literal_to_apply) // the literal appears with opposite polarity
            f.clauses[i].begin() +
            j); // remove the literal from the clause, as it is false in it
        j--;    // reset the iterator
        if (f.clauses[i].size() ==
            0) // if the clause is empty, the formula is unsatisfiable currently
          return Cat::unsatisfied;
        break; // move to the next clause
  // if reached here, the function is exiting normally
  return Cat::normal;

 * function to perform the recursive DPLL on a given formula
 * argument: f - the formula to perform DPLL on
 * return value: int - the return status flag, a member of the Cat enum
 *               Cat::normal - exited normally
 *               Cat::completed - result has been found, exit recursion all the
 * way
int SATSolverDPLL::DPLL(Formula f) {
  int result = unit_propagate(f); // perform unit propagation on the formula
  if (result == Cat::satisfied) // if formula satisfied, show result and return
    show_result(f, result);
    return Cat::completed;
  } else if (result == Cat::unsatisfied) // if formula not satisfied in this
                                         // branch, return normally
    return Cat::normal;
  // find the variable with maximum frequency in f, which will be the next to be
  // assigned a value already assigned variables have this field reset to -1 in
  // order to ignore them
  int i = distance(
      max_element(f.literal_frequency.begin(), f.literal_frequency.end()));
  // need to apply twice, once true, the other false
  for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
    Formula new_f = f; // copy the formula before recursing
    if (new_f.literal_polarity[i] >
        0) // if the number of literals with positive polarity are greater
      new_f.literals[i] = j; // assign positive first
    } else                   // if not
      new_f.literals[i] = (j + 1) % 2; // assign negative first
    new_f.literal_frequency[i] =
        -1; // reset the frequency to -1 to ignore in the future
    int transform_result =
        apply_transform(new_f, i); // apply the change to all the clauses
    if (transform_result ==
        Cat::satisfied) // if formula satisfied, show result and return
      show_result(new_f, transform_result);
      return Cat::completed;
    } else if (transform_result == Cat::unsatisfied) // if formula not satisfied
                                                     // in this branch, return
                                                     // normally
    int dpll_result = DPLL(new_f); // recursively call DPLL on the new formula
    if (dpll_result == Cat::completed) // propagate the result, if completed
      return dpll_result;
  // if the control reaches here, the function has returned normally
  return Cat::normal;

 * function to display the result of the solver
 * arguments: f - the formula when it was satisfied or shown to be unsatisfiable
 *            result - the result flag, a member of the Cat enum
void SATSolverDPLL::show_result(Formula &f, int result) {
  if (result == Cat::satisfied) // if the formula is satisfiable
    cout << "SAT" << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < f.literals.size(); i++) {
      if (i != 0) {
        cout << " ";
      if (f.literals[i] != -1) {
        cout << pow(-1, f.literals[i]) * (i + 1);
      } else // for literals which can take either value, arbitrarily assign
             // them to be true
        cout << (i + 1);
    cout << " 0";
  } else // if the formula is unsatisfiable
    cout << "UNSAT";

 * function to call the solver
void SATSolverDPLL::solve() {
  int result = DPLL(formula); // final result of DPLL on the original formula
  // if normal return till the end, then the formula could not be satisfied in
  // any branch, so it is unsatisfiable
  if (result == Cat::normal) {
    show_result(formula, Cat::unsatisfied); // the argument formula is a dummy
                                            // here, the result is UNSAT

int main() {
  SATSolverDPLL solver; // create the solver
  solver.initialize();  // initialize
  solver.solve();       // solve
  return 0;


  1. 布尔可满足性问题 ↩︎

  2. SAT问题 ↩︎

  3. CNF合取范式 ↩︎

  4. 源代码下载地址 ↩︎

评论 2




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


