Problems in Embedded System Development(嵌入式系统开发常见问题)

Problems in Embedded System Development

    In general, we all share these same traits and the inescapable problems as follows:

    •  We jump from design to building too fast. Whether it’s writingcode or drawing circuits, the temptation to be doing rather than thinking inevitably creates disaster.       

   •  We abdicate our responsibility to be part of the project’s manage- ment. When we blindly accept a feature set from marketing we’re inviting chaos: only engineering can provide a rational cost/bene-fit tradeoff. Acceding to capricious schedules figuring that heroicswill save the day is simply wrong. When we’re not the boss, then we simply must manage the boss: educate, cajole, and demonstrate the correct ways to do things.        

    •  We ignore the advances made in the past 50 years of software en- gineering. Most teams write code the way they did at age 15, when better ways are well known and proven.       

     •  We accept lousy tools for lousy reasons. In this age of leases, loans, and easy money, there’s always a way to get the stuff we need to be productive. Usually a nattily attired accountant is the procurement barrier, a rather stunning development when one re- alizes that the accountant’s role is not to stop spending, but to spend in a cost-effective manner. The basic lesson of the industrial revolution is that capital investment is a critical part of corporate success.•  And finally, a theme I see repeated constantly is that of poor detail management. Projects run late because people forget to do simple things. Never have we had more detail management tools, from PDAs to personal assistants to conventional Daytimers and Day Runners. One afternoon almost a decade ago I looked up from a desk piled high with scraps of paper looking for some system to get my life organized so I knew what to do when. For me, an electronic Daytimer—coupled with a de- termination to use it every hour of every day—works. The first thing that happens in the morning is the organizer pops up on my screen, there to live all day long, checked and updated constantly. Now I never (well, almost never) forget meetings or things I’ve promised to do. 
     And so, I see a healthy engineering environment as the right mix of technology, skills, and processes, all constantly evaluated and managed.

     for more information, please refer to The Art of Designing Embedded System by Jack Ganssle 

Tags: Embedded System Development







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