Write a 600-750-word film review essay analysing elements of the film and its production and evaluating how successful the film is in your opinion. You should use formal academic language in your essay, but you may also write in a personal style which describes your own feelings and responses to the movie. Your task is not to describe the film or the plot, but instead to examine its elements in order to determine how successfully the film achieves its aims. Do not simply state the facts. Think and write about how the choices made in the production of the film contribute to particular outcomes, and use facts as evidence for your opinion.

Your film review should include at least three APA 7 style. in-text references and a reference list at the end. Please submit your essay as a Word document through Turnitin on Canvas. Double space your writing and use size 12 font.

FILM REVIEW ESSAY QUESTION: What themes are explored in the film The Beautiful Game and what is the moral of the story? Describe the generic features of the movie and how the characters develop. How successful is this movie?

· Choose three main ideas to focus on in writing your film review, in addition to your evaluation. You can use this chart summarising ideas we have discussed in class to choose what to write about.



Characters and representation: Are there predictable tropes and stereotypes or does this story seek to contribute something new in terms of representation?

This story shows homeless people as respectable

Vinny thinks he is better than everyone else – he is arrogant.  He’s ashamed of being homeless. Until the end, when he becomes kind and accepts that being homeless is respectable.

Plot/ story/ genre: Is there anything remarkable about the way this story is written? Does it fulfill generic expectations, play with generic conventions or mix generic combinations?

Drama, competitive sports

Language and dialogue: Is there any special type of language/ words used? How do the script’s linguistic choices support themes, characters and other elements of the production?

Different languages

Vinny: “I’m a real player. I don’t want to play with those losers.”

Themes: Does the movie make any comments on society? What and how? Is history important or does the film have something to say about what is happening in the world at this specific point in time?

Multiculturalism, teamwork, sportsmanship, family, homelessness, encouraging people with problems, respect for people who often do not get respect, refugees, ‘Dreamers’, mental health, working together, international support



FILMMAKERS, production and reception


Filmmakers: Actors, directors, producers, crew: Are these people known for previous work in the industry? What significance does their previous work, their image or their reputation bring to this production and their performances?

Do some research later for intro and conclusion

Finance and profits: Is there anything significant about how the film was financed or how high or low the budget and/or profits were?


Awards and innovations: Is there anything original or special about this production or the awards it has received?


Critical and popular successes and failures: How has the film been received by professional critics and by the public?





mis-en-scene and montage


Structure / editing: Is the way the film is structured important? Does the film have a traditional or innovative structure? How is this reflected in the editing process? What effect does this have?

Cut back and forth between different times, and between real and story

Montage: generic sports training scenes

Cinematography and lighting: What do you notice about the way the shots are composed and lit? What are the effects of the film’s cinematic choices?


Colour: Is colour used in any special way? What are the effects?

Represent different team colours

Sound/ music: Is sound and music used in any special way? What effects do the choices made in these areas have?

Music represents different cultures and different moods, e.g. quiet, introspective, action

Special effects: Does the movie use any special effects? How do these relate to other films in this genre, or break new ground? What are the effects of these choices?






I which ways do you think the film works? Support your evaluation with evidence.

· Character development: they learn and become better kinder people

· Acceptance of Vinny by the team even though he is arrogant

· Moral/ message of the story = we should help people with different issues

· Based on a real story

· Themes of teamwork and friendship and caring

In what way/s is the film or its execution unsuccessful ineffective? Support your evaluation with evidence.

· Some of the scenes were too long – needs better editing

· Doesn’t follow the expected ending

· Doesn’t develop all the characters.



What are your three main ideas? You will write a paragraph about each one.

Today: Write the three or four main ideas for your essay in this table. Use just a few key words. You can take some of these words from your assignment checklist:

Intro  how successful?

Main idea 1: themes, moral of the story? 

how successful?

Main idea 2: generic features of the movie

 how successful?

Main idea 3: how the characters develop 

how successful?

What do other people say? Critics say… Most of the reviews …..

conclusion how successful?

ESSAY PLAN (use key words – you don’t have to use whole sentences):


Save this part until after you write body paragraphs

BODY paragraph 1

· What is your first main idea?

· Supporting evidence?

· Specific example?

· Reference:

BODY paragraph 2

· What is your first main idea?

· Supporting evidence?

· Specific example?

· Reference:

BODY paragraph 3

· What is your first main idea?

· Supporting evidence?

· Specific example?

· Reference:


Save this part until later


· Write References heading in the middle of the page

· Paste the links for your references

DECLARATION of generative tools

Which tools did you use so far? Dictionary? Thesaurus? Translator?

Add footers to your pages with your name and student number.

Have you used size 12 font and double spaced your writing?

Assessment Marking Criteria

Expressing key ideas about the film’s important features


Expressing your (and others’) opinion/s about how successfully the film achieves its aims


Supporting your ideas and opinions with evidence and details specific to your film


Using appropriate essay structure, grammar and vocabulary


Choosing appropriate references and using correct APA 7 style         





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