C/C++ Front End




如果做一个统一的 C/C++ 编译器 前端?








其实 平台 OS  frame work 的差异性 带来的麻烦 也不小。




Need C++ for your devices?Choose Comeau C++

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Need to modernize your legacy code?Choose Comeau Computing

Do you have code that depends upon a very old compiler?
Got an ancient C++ app that no longer compiles?
How about a newer app that you just can't seem to get working?
Need to get some C code compiled with a C++ compiler?

Comeau Computing can help you modernize your legacy apps to work with modern C++. Just email us the details of your project, and we can begin discussing our consulting services.

Tired of an old bug in your code?Choose Comeau Computing

Has there been an elusive bug in your code for months? Just email us the details of your project, and we can begin discussing our consulting services.

Need to port some code or app?Choose Comeau Computing

Over the years we've ported various C or C++ code bases to hundreds of platforms. Tap into our porting savvy for situations involving your own code. Email us the details of your project, and we can begin discussing our porting services.

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为了实现网络服务能力测试工具的日志记录和测试结果统计,我们可以采用以下数据结构: 1. 队列:用于存储日志信息,包括时间、操作类型和结果等。 2. 哈希表:用于存储测试结果,以操作类型为键,以成功次数、失败次数、平均响应时间等信息为值。 3. 结构体:用于存储测试报告,包括测试总次数、成功次数、失败次数、平均响应时间等信息。 具体的实现步骤如下: 1. 定义日志结构体,包括时间、操作类型和结果等信息。 ```C++ typedef struct { time_t timestamp; std::string operation; bool success; double response_time; } Log; ``` 2. 定义队列,用于存储日志信息。 ```C++ std::queue<Log> log_queue; ``` 3. 在需要记录日志的地方,将日志信息加入队列。 ```C++ Log log; log.timestamp = time(NULL); log.operation = "test"; log.success = true; log.response_time = 0.5; log_queue.push(log); ``` 4. 定义哈希表,用于存储测试结果。 ```C++ std::unordered_map<std::string, std::tuple<int, int, double>> result_map; ``` 其中,键为操作类型,值为元组,包括成功次数、失败次数和平均响应时间。 5. 在处理日志队列时,更新哈希表中的测试结果。 ```C++ while (!log_queue.empty()) { Log log = log_queue.front(); log_queue.pop(); if (result_map.find(log.operation) == result_map.end()) { result_map[log.operation] = std::make_tuple(0, 0, 0); } std::tuple<int, int, double> &result = result_map[log.operation]; if (log.success) { std::get<0>(result)++; } else { std::get<1>(result)++; } std::get<2>(result) = (std::get<2>(result) * std::get<0>(result) + log.response_time) / (std::get<0>(result) + 1); } ``` 6. 定义结构体,用于存储测试报告。 ```C++ typedef struct { int total; int success; int failure; double avg_response_time; } Report; ``` 7. 在测试结束后,根据哈希表统计测试结果并生成测试报告。 ```C++ Report report; report.total = 0; report.success = 0; report.failure = 0; report.avg_response_time = 0; for (auto it = result_map.begin(); it != result_map.end(); it++) { report.total += std::get<0>(it->second) + std::get<1>(it->second); report.success += std::get<0>(it->second); report.failure += std::get<1>(it->second); report.avg_response_time += std::get<2>(it->second) * std::get<0>(it->second); } report.avg_response_time /= report.success; std::cout << "Total: " << report.total << std::endl; std::cout << "Success: " << report.success << std::endl; std::cout << "Failure: " << report.failure << std::endl; std::cout << "Average Response Time: " << report.avg_response_time << "s" << std::endl; ``` 以上就是网络服务能力测试工具的日志记录和测试结果统计的实现方法。




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