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原创 ROS中设置多机通信(主从机配置)的方法以及常见问题(节选自ROS2GO手册)

原文出自于ROS2GO手册 http://doc.tianbot.com/ros2go/2047976文章目录ROS多机互联ROS消息通信机制最常见问题:可以看到消息列表,但是无法接收消息内容安全可靠:全部用IP地址进行设置方便:用正则截取相应设备IP官方:设置hostnameROS多机互联在充分的单机学习测试之后,往往要进行真实机器人的测试,那么就要接触到多机互联的问题。ROS采用的分布式网络通信,只要正确的设置ROS_MASTER_URI和ROS_IP两个环境变量,就可以成功实现ROS的多机互联。

2020-12-05 13:01:46 9717 6

原创 开源项目——ROSECHO 中文ROS语音交互模块(二)

上一篇:开源项目——ROSECHO中文语音交互模块(一)ROSECHO 中文ROS语音交互模块(二)rosecho功能包文件系统目录rosecho节点信息话题动作服务动态参数Python节点AIUI的adb调试aiui.cfg配置修改唤醒词更换发音人深入开发ROS机器人操作系统更新日志v1.1.0v1.0.0 Releasedrosecho功能包源码:https://github.com/t...

2020-04-23 13:43:11 1058 2

原创 开源项目——ROSECHO 中文ROS语音交互模块(一)

ROSECHO 中文ROS语音交互模块(一)ROSECHO 开源项目中文ROS语音交互模块“听说”,你的机器人还没有耳朵?概述硬件软件项目链接开箱测试开机上电Windows下配置网络语音对话测试使用指南驱动安装启动ROSECHOROS下配置网络查看语音识别结果查看回答返回结果运行TTS文本转语音一个简单的演示ROSECHO 开源项目中文ROS语音交互模块“听说”,你的机器人还没有耳朵?概...

2020-03-30 19:24:21 3816 4




F1tenth Course Slides 无人竞速车课件(英文版)



F1tenth Build Documentation 十分之一级方程式赛车建造指南(英文版)

Upenn的F1tenth赛车建造手册。1. Building the Car 2. System Configuration 3. Installing Firmware. 4. Driving the Car - Start here if you have everything


神经科学 探索脑 英文原版第三版 Neuroscience: exploring the brain Mark F.Bear

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Beginning Ubuntu Linux Part1

Totally 2 parts. This is part-1 A tutorial suitable for beginners. Very detailed and specific. Beginning Ubuntu Linux is split into seven parts, each of which contains chapters about a certain aspect of Ubuntu use. These parts can be read in sequence, or you can dip in and out of them at will. Whenever a technical term is mentioned, a reference is made to the chapter where that term is explained. Part 1 examines at the history and philosophy behind the Linux operating system. I aim to answer many of the common questions about Linux. Such knowledge is considered to be as important, if not more so, than understanding the technical details on how Linux works. But while these chapters should be read sooner rather than later, they don’t contain any technical information that you absolutely require to get started with Ubuntu. Part 2 covers installing Ubuntu on your computer. An illustrated guide is provided, and all installation choices are explained in depth. Additionally, you’ll find a problem-solving chapter to help in case anything goes wrong. Part 3 focuses on getting started with Ubuntu. It covers setting up the Linux system so that it’s ready to use. One chapter is dedicated to setting up common hardware devices, such as printers and modems, and another explains how you can secure your system. Other chapters in this part explore the desktop, explaining what you need to know to begin using Ubuntu on a daily basis. In Part 4, we take a look at how the underlying technology behind Linux functions. You’ll be introduced to the command-line prompt and learn how the file system works. It’s in these chapters that you’ll really master controlling Linux! Part 5 covers multimedia functions built into Ubuntu, which let you watch movies and play back music. We also take a look at the image-editing software built into Ubuntu. Part 6 moves on to explain how typical office tasks can be accomplished under Ubuntu. We investigate OpenOffice.org, the complete office suite built into Ubuntu. After an introduction to OpenOffice.org, separate chapters explore its word processor, spreadsheet, database, and presentation package. You’ll also learn how to use Evolution, Ubuntu’s e-mail program, and how to run Microsoft Office under Ubuntu. Part 7 carries on from Part 4, taking an even more in-depth look at the underlying technology behind Ubuntu. This time, the emphasis is on giving you the skills you need to keep your system running smoothly. You’ll learn how to install software, manage users, optimize your system, back up essential data, schedule tasks, and access computers remotely. Finally, at the back of the book, you’ll find four appendixes. The first is a glossary of Linux terms used not only in this book, but also in the Linux and Unix world. The second appendix is a quick reference to commands typically used at the command-line prompt under Linux. The third appendix explains how to get further help when using Ubuntu. The final appendix briefly describes some other versions of Ubuntu that differ from the one accompanying this book.


Beginning Ubuntu Linux Part2

Totally 2 parts. This is part-2 A tutorial suitable for beginners. Very detailed and specific. Beginning Ubuntu Linux is split into seven parts, each of which contains chapters about a certain aspect of Ubuntu use. These parts can be read in sequence, or you can dip in and out of them at will. Whenever a technical term is mentioned, a reference is made to the chapter where that term is explained. Part 1 examines at the history and philosophy behind the Linux operating system. I aim to answer many of the common questions about Linux. Such knowledge is considered to be as important, if not more so, than understanding the technical details on how Linux works. But while these chapters should be read sooner rather than later, they don’t contain any technical information that you absolutely require to get started with Ubuntu. Part 2 covers installing Ubuntu on your computer. An illustrated guide is provided, and all installation choices are explained in depth. Additionally, you’ll find a problem-solving chapter to help in case anything goes wrong. Part 3 focuses on getting started with Ubuntu. It covers setting up the Linux system so that it’s ready to use. One chapter is dedicated to setting up common hardware devices, such as printers and modems, and another explains how you can secure your system. Other chapters in this part explore the desktop, explaining what you need to know to begin using Ubuntu on a daily basis. In Part 4, we take a look at how the underlying technology behind Linux functions. You’ll be introduced to the command-line prompt and learn how the file system works. It’s in these chapters that you’ll really master controlling Linux! Part 5 covers multimedia functions built into Ubuntu, which let you watch movies and play back music. We also take a look at the image-editing software built into Ubuntu. Part 6 moves on to explain how typical office tasks can be accomplished under Ubuntu. We investigate OpenOffice.org, the complete office suite built into Ubuntu. After an introduction to OpenOffice.org, separate chapters explore its word processor, spreadsheet, database, and presentation package. You’ll also learn how to use Evolution, Ubuntu’s e-mail program, and how to run Microsoft Office under Ubuntu. Part 7 carries on from Part 4, taking an even more in-depth look at the underlying technology behind Ubuntu. This time, the emphasis is on giving you the skills you need to keep your system running smoothly. You’ll learn how to install software, manage users, optimize your system, back up essential data, schedule tasks, and access computers remotely. Finally, at the back of the book, you’ll find four appendixes. The first is a glossary of Linux terms used not only in this book, but also in the Linux and Unix world. The second appendix is a quick reference to commands typically used at the command-line prompt under Linux. The third appendix explains how to get further help when using Ubuntu. The final appendix briefly describes some other versions of Ubuntu that differ from the one accompanying this book.





the insider's guide to the NXP lpc2300/2400 based microcontrollers

An engineer's guide to to the lpc2300/2400


Fundamentals of Robotics Linking Perception to Action-part2

Upper-level undergraduates, graduates and researchers in robotics & automated systems, artificial intelligence, machine perception and computer vision.


Fundamentals of Robotics Linking Perception to Action-part1

Upper-level undergraduates, graduates and researchers in robotics & automated systems, artificial intelligence, machine perception and computer vision.


Fundamentals of Robotics Linking Perception to Action-part3

Upper-level undergraduates, graduates and researchers in robotics & automated systems, artificial intelligence, machine perception and computer vision.






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