Win32 串口编程(三)

3.2 警告


DWORD dwCommEvent;
DWORD dwRead;
char  chRead;

if (!SetCommMask(hComm, EV_RXCHAR))
   // Error setting communications event mask.

for ( ; ; ) {
   if (WaitCommEvent(hComm, &dwCommEvent, NULL)) {
      if (ReadFile(hComm, &chRead, 1, &dwRead, NULL))
         // A byte has been read; process it.
         // An error occurred in the ReadFile call.
      // Error in WaitCommEvent.














DWORD dwCommEvent;
DWORD dwRead;
char  chRead;

if (!SetCommMask(hComm, EV_RXCHAR))
   // Error setting communications event mask

for ( ; ; ) {
   if (WaitCommEvent(hComm, &dwCommEvent, NULL)) {
      do {
         if (ReadFile(hComm, &chRead, 1, &dwRead, NULL))
            // A byte has been read; process it.
            // An error occurred in the ReadFile call.
      } while (dwRead);
      // Error in WaitCommEvent


4 错误处理和通信状态


    COMSTAT comStat;
    DWORD   dwErrors;

    // Get and clear current errors on the port.
    if (!ClearCommError(hComm, &dwErrors, &comStat))
        // Report error in ClearCommError.

    // Get error flags.
    fDNS = dwErrors & CE_DNS;
    fIOE = dwErrors & CE_IOE;
    fOOP = dwErrors & CE_OOP;
    fPTO = dwErrors & CE_PTO;
    fMODE = dwErrors & CE_MODE;
    fBREAK = dwErrors & CE_BREAK;
    fFRAME = dwErrors & CE_FRAME;
    fRXOVER = dwErrors & CE_RXOVER;
    fTXFULL = dwErrors & CE_TXFULL;
    fOVERRUN = dwErrors & CE_OVERRUN;
    fRXPARITY = dwErrors & CE_RXPARITY;

    // COMSTAT structure contains information regarding
    // communications status.
    if (comStat.fCtsHold)
        // Tx waiting for CTS signal

    if (comStat.fDsrHold)
        // Tx waiting for DSR signal

    if (comStat.fRlsdHold)
        // Tx waiting for RLSD signal

    if (comStat.fXoffHold)
        // Tx waiting, XOFF char rec'd

    if (comStat.fXoffSent)
        // Tx waiting, XOFF char sent
    if (comStat.fEof)
        // EOF character received
    if (comStat.fTxim)
        // Character waiting for Tx; char queued with TransmitCommChar

    if (comStat.cbInQue)
        // comStat.cbInQue bytes have been received, but not read

    if (comStat.cbOutQue)
        // comStat.cbOutQue bytes are awaiting transfer

4.1 Modem状态(线路状态)


   DWORD dwModemStatus;

   if (!GetCommModemStatus(hComm, &dwModemStatus))
      // Error in GetCommModemStatus;

   fCTS = MS_CTS_ON & dwModemStatus;
   fDSR = MS_DSR_ON & dwModemStatus;
   fRING = MS_RING_ON & dwModemStatus;
   fRLSD = MS_RLSD_ON & dwModemStatus;

   // Do something with the flags.

4.2 扩展函数

某些时候可能要用应用程序来代替串口通信驱动程序对控制线进行控制,比如说,当应用要实现自己的流控制时。此时应用必须负责RTS和DTR信号线的状态改变。EscapeCommFunction可以让通信驱动程序进行这些扩展操作。它还可以让驱动程序执行一些其他功能,如设置和清除BREAK条件。关于此函数的更多信息,请参考平台SDK文档,Win32 SDK知识库和MSDN。

5 串口设置

5.1 DCB设置

设备控制块(Device Control Block,DCB)的设置是串口编程中最重要的部分,很多通常的错误都跟没有正确设置DCB结构有关。GetCommState()函数可以获取当前正在使用的DCB结构;BuildCommDCB()函数可以填充DCB结构的波特率、校验类型、停止位数、数据位数字段;SetCommState()用于设置新的DCB结构。DCB设置的一般方法如下所示:

   DCB dcb;

   FillMemory(&dcb, sizeof(dcb), 0);
   if (!GetCommState(hComm, &dcb))     // get current DCB
      // Error in GetCommState
      return FALSE;

   // Update DCB rate.
   dcb.BaudRate = CBR_9600 ;

   // Set new state.
   if (!SetCommState(hComm, &dcb))
      // Error in SetCommState. Possibly a problem with the communications
      // port handle or a problem with the DCB structure itself.


6 流控制


在详细讨论流控制前,最好了解下相关术语。串行通信发生在两个设备间,通常是PC和调制解调器或者打印机。PC称作数据终端设备(Data Terminal Equipment,DTE),有时也称为主机(host);调制解调器,打印机,或者其他外设称作数据通信设备(Data Communications Equipment,DCE),有时也称为设备(device)。

6.1 硬件流控制



Line and DirectionEffect on DTE/DCE
(Clear To Send)
Output flow control
DCE sets the line high to indicate that it can receive data. DCE sets the line low to indicate that it cannot receive data.

If the fOutxCtsFlow member of the DCB is TRUE, then the DTE will not send data if this line is low. It will resume sending if the line is high.

If the fOutxCtsFlow member of the DCB is FALSE, then the state of the line does not affect transmission.

(Data Set Ready)
Output flow control
DCE sets the line high to indicate that it can receive data. DCE sets the line low to indicate that it cannot receive data.

If the fOutxDsrFlow member of the DCB is TRUE, then the DTE will not send data if this line is low. It will resume sending if the line is high.

If the fOutxDsrFlow member of the DCB is FALSE, then the state of the line does not affect transmission.

(Data Set Ready)
Input flow control
If the DSR line is low, then data that arrives at the port is ignored. If the DSR line is high, data that arrives at the port is received.

This behavior occurs if the fDsrSensitivity member of the DCB is set to TRUE. If it is FALSE, then the state of the line does not affect reception.

(Ready To Send)
Input flow control
The RTS line is controlled by the DTE.

If the fRtsControl member of the DCB is set to RTS_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE, the following flow control is used: If the input buffer has enough room to receive data (at least half the buffer is empty), the driver sets the RTS line high. If the input buffer has little room for incoming data (less than a quarter of the buffer is empty), the driver sets the RTS line low.

If the fRtsControl member of the DCB is set to RTS_CONTROL_TOGGLE, the driver sets the RTS line high when data is available for sending. The driver sets the line low when no data is available for sending. Windows 95 ignores this value and treats it the same as RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE.

If the fRtsControl member of the DCB is set to RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE or RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE, the application is free to change the state of the line as it needs. Note that in this case, the state of the line does not affect reception.

The DCE will suspend transmission when the line goes low. The DCE will resume transmission when the line goes high.

(Data Terminal Ready)
Input flow control
The DTR line is controlled by the DTE.

If the fDtrControl member of the DCB is set to DTR_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE, the following flow control is used: If the input buffer has enough room to receive data (at least half the buffer is empty), the driver sets the DTR line high. If the input buffer has little room for incoming data (less than a quarter of the buffer is empty), the driver sets the DTR line low.

If the fDtrControl member of the DCB is set to DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE or DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE, the application is free to change the state of the line as it needs. In this case, the state of the line does not affect reception.

The DCE will suspend transmission when the line goes low. The DCE will resume transmission when the line goes high.



6.2 软件流控制


Table 4. Software flow-control behavior

Flow-control characterBehavior
XOFF received by DTEDTE transmission is suspended until XON is received. DTE reception continues. The fOutX member of the DCB controls this behavior.
XON received by DTEIf DTE transmission is suspended because of a previous XOFF character being received, DTE transmission is resumed. The fOutX member of the DCB controls this behavior.
XOFF sent from DTEXOFF is automatically sent by the DTE when the receive buffer approaches full. The actual limit is dictated by the XoffLim member of the DCB. The fInX member of the DCB controls this behavior. DTE transmission is controlled by the fTXContinueOnXoff member of the DCB as described below.
XON sent from the DTEXON is automatically sent by the DTE when the receive buffer approaches empty. The actual limit is dictated by the XonLim member of the DCB. The fInX member of the DCB controls this behavior.


如果输入控制启用了软件流控制,则DCB的fTXContinueOnXoff字段有效,它控制是否在系统自动发送XOFF字符后暂停传输。如果fTXContinueOnXoff为TRUE,则在接收缓冲区满,发送了XOFF字符后继续传输;否则暂停传输直到系统自动发送XON字符。使用软件流控制的DCE设备会在接收到XOFF字符后暂停发送。某些设备会在DTE发送XON字符后恢复发送,然而,有些DCE设备会在接收到任何字符后恢复发送。如果DTE在自动发送XOFF后继续传输,DCE会继续发送,使得XOFF失效。Win32 API没有提供让DTE与这些设备行为相同的机制。DCB结构没有提供字段以指示在接收到任何字符后恢复被暂停的传输。只有XON字符可以恢复传输。接收到XON和XOFF字符会让未决的读取操作返回零字节而完成,但应用程序不会读取到XON和XOFF字符,因为它们不在输入缓冲区中。很多程序,包括Windows中的超级终端,都可以让用户选择流控制类型:硬件流控制,软件流控制,或者不使用流控制。实际上,可以自由设置DCB结构中影响流控制的各个字段,来进行各种流控制配置,需要遵循的限制只是便于最终用户使用,当然也要考虑设备是否支持所有类型的流控制。





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