【概率论】5-5:负二项分布(The Negative Binomial Distribution)


Abstract: 本文介绍负二项分布,几何分布的基础知识
Keywords: The Negative Binomial Distribution,The Geometric Distribution


到目前为止,所有的分部都是从Bernoulli 分布衍生出来的:

  1. 二项分布, n n n 次Bernoulli试验的结果中,每次试验的分布不变,结果为1的次数 X X X 的分布
  2. 超几何分布, n n n 次Bernoulli试验,每次试验分布发生改变,结果为1的次数 X X X 的分布,当试验分布变化不大的时候和二项分布结果相同
  3. 泊松分布,用来在某种特殊情况下( n n n 比较大, p p p 比较小,而 n p np np 又不是很大的情况下)近似二项分布,当n趋近于无穷的时候等同于二项分布。

有两种说法,第一我们上面说到的例子,多半是失败到了固定次数时 X X X 的分布,另一种是站在分布的系数上来观察的,在下面我们可以看得到。

负二项分布的定义和含义 Definition and Interpretation


Theorem Sampling until a Fixed Number of Success.Suppose that an infinite sequence of Bernoulli trails with probability of success p p p are available.The number X X X of failures that occur before the r r rth success has the following p.d.f.
f ( x ∣ r , p ) = { ( r + x − 1 x ) p r ( 1 − p ) x for  x = 0 , 1 , 2 , … 0 otherwise f(x|r,p)= \begin{cases} \begin{pmatrix} r+x-1\\ x \end{pmatrix}p^r(1-p)^x&\text{for }x=0,1,2,\dots\\ 0&\text{otherwise} \end{cases} f(xr,p)=(r+x1x)pr(1p)x0for x=0,1,2,otherwise

首先我们必须分析一下这个过程,当成功的次数达到目标后停止试验,也就是说最后一次必然是成功的,不然试验不会结束,所以我们需要的是在已经进行了的 x + r − 1 x+r-1 x+r1 次实验中完成 r − 1 r-1 r1 次成功, x x x 次失败,那么从计数原理角度,概率为:
P r ( A n ) = ( n − 1 r − 1 ) p r − 1 ( 1 − p ) ( n − 1 ) − ( r − 1 ) p = ( n − 1 r − 1 ) p r ( 1 − p ) ( n − r ) p \begin{aligned} Pr(A_n)&=\begin{pmatrix}n-1\\r-1\end{pmatrix}p^{r-1}(1-p)^{(n-1)-(r-1)}p\\ &=\begin{pmatrix}n-1\\r-1\end{pmatrix}p^{r}(1-p)^{(n-r)}p \end{aligned} Pr(An)=(n1r1)pr1(1p)(n1)(r1)p=(n1r1)pr(1p)(nr)p

Definition Negative Binomial Distribution.A random variable X X X has the negative binomial distribution with parameters r r r and p p p ( r = 1 , 2 , … r=1,2,\dots r=1,2, and 0 < p < 1 0 < p < 1 0<p<1) if X X X has a discrete distribution for which the p.f. f ( x ∣ r , p ) f(x|r,p) f(xr,p) is as specified by theorem upside.

( r + x − 1 x ) = ( x + r − 1 ) ⋯ ( r ) x ! = ( − 1 ) x ( − r ) ( − r − 1 ) ( − r − 2 ) ⋯ ( − r − k + 1 ) x ! = ( − 1 ) x ( − r x ) \begin{pmatrix} r+x-1\\ x \end{pmatrix}={\frac {(x+r-1)\dotsm (r)}{x!}}=(-1)^{x}{\frac {(-r)(-r-1)(-r-2)\dotsm (-r-k+1)}{x!}}=(-1)^{x}{\binom {-r}{x}} (r+x1x)=x!(x+r1)(r)=(1)xx!(r)(r1)(r2)(rk+1)=(1)x(xr)
f ( x ∣ r , p ) = { ( − 1 ) x ( − r x ) p r ( 1 − p ) x for  x = 0 , 1 , 2 , … 0 otherwise f(x|r,p)= \begin{cases} (-1)^{x}{\binom {-r}{x}}p^r(1-p)^x&\text{for }x=0,1,2,\dots\\ 0&\text{otherwise} \end{cases} f(xr,p)={(1)x(xr)pr(1p)x0for x=0,1,2,otherwise

几何分布 The Geometric Distribution

当负二项分布 r = 1 r=1 r=1 的时候产生的分布叫做几何分布,文字解释就是当我们第一个不合格的产品出现时,我们就停止生产,这是生产的合格产品的数量为随机变量 X X X

Definition Geometric Distribution.A random varibale X has the geometric distribution with parameter p ( 0 < p < 1 0 < p < 1 0<p<1 )if X has a discrete distribution for which the p.f. f(x|1,p) is as follows:
f ( x ∣ 1 , p ) = { p ( 1 − p ) x for  x = 0 , 1 , 2 , … 0 otherwise f(x|1,p)= \begin{cases} p(1-p)^x&\text{for }x=0,1,2,\dots\\ 0&\text{otherwise} \end{cases} f(x1,p)={p(1p)x0for x=0,1,2,otherwise


Theorem if X 1 , … , X r X_1,\dots,X_r X1,,Xr are i.i.d. random variable and if each X i X_i Xi has the geometric distribution with parameter p p p ,then the sum X 1 + ⋯ + X r X_1+\dots+X_r X1++Xr has the negative binomial distribution with parameters r r r and $p

证明过程也就是分析过程,首先我们假设我们有一个Bernoulli过程,那么如果只要有0发生就停止,这样产生的是几何分布,如果第一个几何分布 X i X_i Xi 产生以后,我们继续按照规则进行,那么接着会产生 X 2 , … , X n X_2,\dots,X_n X2,,Xn 并且之间相互独立,而产生的到第 n n n 个的时候,就产生了一个当0发生 n n n 次的负二项分布。所以这 n n n 个随机变量相加就是负二项分布。


负二项分布和几何分布的性质 Properties of Negative Binomial and Geometric Distributions


距生成函数 m.g.f.

Theorem Moment Generating Function.If X has the negative binomial distribution with parameters r and p ,then the m.g.f. of X is as follow:
ψ ( t ) = ( p 1 − ( 1 − p ) e t ) r  for  t < l o g ( 1 1 − p ) \psi(t)=(\frac{p}{1-(1-p)e^t})^r\text{ for } t< log(\frac{1}{1-p}) ψ(t)=(1(1p)etp)r for t<log(1p1)
r = 1 r=1 r=1 的时候上述表达式为几何分布的p.d.f. ,有点复杂了,我们来证明下。


Teorem 4.4.4 Suppose that X 1 , … , X n X_1,\dots,X_n X1,,Xn are n n n independent random varibales;and for i = 1 , … , n i=1,\dots,n i=1,,n . let ψ i \psi_i ψi denote the m.g.f. of X i X_i Xi .Let Y = X 1 + ⋯ + X n Y=X_1+\dots+X_n Y=X1++Xn ,and let the m.g.f. of Y Y Y be denoted by ψ \psi ψ .Then for every value of t such that ψ i ( t ) \psi_i(t) ψi(t) is finite for i = 1 , … , n i=1,\dots,n i=1,,n ,
ψ ( t ) = Π i = 1 n ψ i ( t ) \psi(t)=\Pi^{n}_{i=1}\psi_i(t) ψ(t)=Πi=1nψi(t)

以及上面的定理:多个同参数 p p p 的独立几何分布的和是负二项分布,假设这些i.i.d的随机变量为 X 1 , … , X n X_1,\dots,X_n X1,,Xn
ψ i ( t ) = E ( e t X i ) = p ∑ x = 0 ∞ [ ( 1 − p ) e t ] x \psi_i(t)=E(e^{tX_i})=p\sum^{\infty}_{x=0}[(1-p)e^t]^x ψi(t)=E(etXi)=px=0[(1p)et]x
为了使上面的表达式结果有限,或者说让 [ ( 1 − p ) e t ] x [(1-p)e^t]^x [(1p)et]x 收敛,我们应该有 0 < ( 1 − p ) e t < 1 0< (1-p)e^t < 1 0<(1p)et<1 得到 t < l o g ( 1 1 − p ) t<log(\frac{1}{1-p}) t<log(1p1)
根据微积分中级数的原理,当 α ∈ ( 0 , 1 ) \alpha\in (0,1) α(0,1) 时:
∑ x = 0 ∞ α x = 1 1 − α \sum^{\infty}_{x=0}\alpha^x=\frac{1}{1-\alpha} x=0αx=1α1

带入到 ψ i ( t ) \psi_i(t) ψi(t) 中就有
ψ i ( t ) = p 1 − ( 1 − p ) e t \psi_i(t)=\frac{p}{1-(1-p)e^t} ψi(t)=1(1p)etp

那么根据上面的定理4.4.4 我们就能得到结果
ψ ( t ) = ( p 1 − ( 1 − p ) e t ) r  for  t < l o g ( 1 1 − p ) \psi(t)=(\frac{p}{1-(1-p)e^t})^r\text{ for } t< log(\frac{1}{1-p}) ψ(t)=(1(1p)etp)r for t<log(1p1)

均值和方差 Mean and Variance

Theorem if X X X has the negative binomial distribution with parameters r r r and p p p the mean and the varance of X X X must be
E ( X ) = r ( 1 − p ) p  and  V a r ( X ) r ( 1 − p ) p 2 E(X)=\frac{r(1-p)}{p} \text{ and }Var(X)\frac{r(1-p)}{p^2} E(X)=pr(1p) and Var(X)p2r(1p)
The mean and variance of the geometric distribution with parameter p p p are the special case of equation upsite with r = 1 r=1 r=1

E ( X i ) = ψ i ′ ( 0 ) = 1 − p p V a r ( X i ) = ψ i ′ ′ ( 0 ) − [ ψ i ′ ( 0 ) ] 2 = 1 − p p 2 E(X_i)=\psi'_i(0)=\frac{1-p}{p}\\ Var(X_i)=\psi''_i(0)-[\psi'_i(0)]^2=\frac{1-p}{p^2} E(Xi)=ψi(0)=p1pVar(Xi)=ψi(0)[ψi(0)]2=p21p
然后就是把 r r r X i X_i Xi 求和就得到订立中的结果了。

集合分布的无记忆性 Memorless Property of Geometric Distributions


Theorem Memoryless Property of Geometric Distributions.Let X X X have the geometric distribution with parameter p p p ,and let k ≥ 0 k\geq 0 k0 .Then for every integer t ≥ 0 t\geq 0 t0 ,
P r ( X = k + t ∣ X ≥ k ) = P r ( X = t ) Pr(X=k+t|X\geq k)=Pr(X=t) Pr(X=k+tXk)=Pr(X=t)





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