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原创 How to Install IPython,IPython notebook and Anaconda

Install ipython and ipython notebooksudo pip install IPythonsudo pip install urllib3 --the dependency of IPython Notebooksudo pip install jupyter --install IPython NotebookInstall AnacondaThe downloa

2017-08-29 22:41:37 566

原创 Change String to Byte in Python

Three ways to change the type from String to Byte:str='zifuchuan'b'zifuchuan'bytes(str,encoding='utf-8')(str).encode('utf-8')

2017-08-27 22:42:07 258

原创 How to Fix :NameError: name 'reload' is not defined

For Python 2.X:import sysreload(sys)sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8")For <= Python 3.3:import impimp.reload(sys)Attention: - the default encoding in Python3 is UTF-8 - Python3 does’t have the functi

2017-08-27 19:13:38 501

原创 How to install pip3 for python 3.x

I want to install pip3 with the command buf failed:sudo apt-get install python3-pipSo I try to install it manually. I have already installed the python3,so firstly I should install the pipInstall pip

2017-08-27 17:08:09 1450

原创 How to fix the problem that the Download rate is too Slow when doing "apt-get install"

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.listdon’t use the address of the official one :deb http://mirrordirector.raspbian.org/raspbian/ jessie main contrib non-free rpiand change it to ALi’s:deb http://mirrors.aliy

2017-08-27 02:33:02 304

原创 How to Fix the Problem "Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock"

The reason is that another process is using the resoure and it has been locked. So how to fix it,just input:sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/locksudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock

2017-08-27 00:46:34 294

原创 How to Install Nas System with PI

I want to share all of my files with all of my equipments in my home,so I want to install an Nas system in my PI. firstly setup some related softwares:sudo apt-get install samba samba-common-binsudo

2017-08-26 15:12:00 306

原创 The Commands about the Processes

Here will introduce some commands about the Processes: ● ps – Report a snapshot of current processes ● top – Display tasks ● jobs – List active jobs ● bg – Place a job in the background ● fg – Pla

2017-08-25 14:07:01 223

原创 How to Ignore new commits for git submodule

the git occured serveral new commits like:Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working di

2017-08-25 10:41:32 1258 1

原创 How to Login Automatically in PI3

The question is that I don’t want to input the account and password whenever the PI reboot.It is boring and I have to connect the PI with a monitor.But many solutions on the Internet is to edit the fil

2017-08-25 10:18:34 347

原创 How to Install a BTDownloader in the PI

install the transmission:sudo apt-get install transmission-daemoncreate the download file’s directory,because I have mounted the PI with a hard-driver,so I will choose it doing my store machine:##be ca

2017-08-23 01:27:16 307

原创 How to Install Git Server in the PI

install the git software:sudo apt-get install wget git-coreif you don’t have ssh,install it:sudo apt-get install sshstart ssh:sudo /etc/init.d/ssh startset default start:sudo update-rc.d ssh defaultsad

2017-08-23 00:57:36 342

原创 git push failed Because the Fault of insufficient permission for adding an object

Here is the fault print:Counting objects: 3, done.Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 214 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)remote: error: insufficient permission for adding an o

2017-08-23 00:32:15 365

原创 Fix the problem:xxx is not in the sudoers file.This incident will be reported

change to the root user:su rootedit the sudoers file:chmod u+w /etc/sudoersnano /etc/sudoersyou will find a line root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL,at the next line of it,add:yourUserName ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALLthen ca

2017-08-22 20:38:08 237

原创 Fix perl: warning: Setting locale failed. perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:

when I want to add a user named git,Here occurs a problem and the print is:perl: warning: Setting locale failed.perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: LANGUAGE = (unset), LC_AL

2017-08-22 20:26:55 1624

原创 How to Config the Pi with a Static IP

sudo nano /etc/network/interfacesthen modify the file.For example my IP is,like:auto loiface lo inet loopbackiface eth0 inet staticaddress 1

2017-08-22 17:22:06 276

原创 git撤销本地所有修改(新增、删除、修改)

git checkout . #本地所有修改的。没有的提交的,都返回到原来的状态git stash #把所有没有提交的修改暂存到stash里面。可用git stash pop回复。git reset --hard HASH #返回到某个节点,不保留修改。git reset --soft HASH #返回到某个节点。保留修改git clean -df #返回到某个节点git clean 参数

2017-08-22 10:30:09 16802 1

转载 Ubuntu 出现apt-get: Package has no installation candidate问题

今天在安装软件的时候出现了Package has no installation candidate的问题,如:apt-get install Reading package lists… Done Building dependency tree… Done Package aptitude is not available, but is referred to by another pac

2017-08-20 01:12:52 889

原创 How to Push the Video streams to DouYu/XiongMao/Bilibili using PI

Setup the decodersudo git clone git://git.videolan.org/x264cd x264./configure --host=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi --enable-static --disable-openclmakesudo make installcd ..rm -rf x264Setup the ffmpe

2017-08-19 20:27:55 1111

原创 How to communicate with PI Through the SSH

If you don’t setup the software of ssh,input:##the one be controledsudo apt-get install openssh-server##the one controls the serversudo apt-get install openssh-clientmake sure the ssh server is star

2017-08-19 20:17:23 365

原创 How to Setup RaspBerry Pi with RASPBIAN STRETCH LITE

enter the Download URL to download the setupfile named RASPBIAN STRETCH LITE.extract the file,get the .img file.insert the TF Card,find the directory of this device.Mine is /dev/sdc:sudo fdisk -lwr

2017-08-18 17:00:03 2201 1

转载 玩转树莓派-Raspberry,无线网配置方法

https://my.oschina.net/u/2306127/blog/392442摘要: 推荐树莓派上使用8188CUS芯片的无线网卡,如EDUP8188。这里介绍通过interfaces和wpa_supplicant配置WiFi的方法,以及设置静态IP地址,将树莓派变为一个低功耗的无线服务器的方法。    要想让树莓派方便操作,肯定需要配置无线网卡,这样可以大大增强树莓派的移动性和便利性,

2017-08-18 16:49:18 2557

原创 How to config RaspBerry's Wireless Networking Setting

1.Check the status of Network Cardinput ifconfig -a to see if the output has information of wlan0.Yes means the status is OK,you can ignore the second topic.If not,you should setup the driver of the Ne

2017-08-18 16:43:29 379

转载 树莓派如何挂载硬盘/U盘

默认挂载外接U盘或移动硬盘时,默认不会自动挂载,所以需要用 mount 命令挂载。通常我们在 /mnt 或 /media 目录下新建一个目录作为挂载点。比如: 查询当前硬盘目录:sudo fdisk -l挂载硬盘,sda1 是取决于你的实际情况,a表示第一个硬盘,1表示第一个分区:sudo mkdir /mnt/1GB_USB_flashsudo mount -o uid=pi,gid=pi /

2017-08-18 15:54:01 1792

原创 How to Install VIM without ROOT Permission

install in your user directorycd ~mkdir vimcd ~/Downloadsgit clone https://github.com/vim/vim.gitcd vim/src./configure --prefix=/home/$USER/vimmake make installthen in ~/vim/bin,you can see the

2017-08-15 17:02:35 1222

转载 What are some of the most basic things every programmer should know?

There are some fundamental ideas that if you learn, you’ll be a much better programmer: * Learn underlying systems. Have you been stuck on a bug for the past couple hours? Chances are, you don’t under

2017-08-15 14:55:47 544

原创 Permissions

PermissionsHere we will look at the essential part of system security and introduce the following command: id:diplay user id chmod:change a file’s mode umask:set the default file permissions su: ru

2017-08-15 12:27:21 289

原创 Advanced KeyBoard Tricks

One of the most cherished goals of the command line is laziness;another goal is never having to lift your fingers from the keyboard,never reaching for the mouse. Here will introduce 2 related commands

2017-08-13 23:37:10 241

原创 Seeing The World As The Shell Sees It

Here we will introduce one command: echo:display a line of textExpansionFor example “*”,can have a lot of meaning to the shell.The process that makes this happen is called expansion.echoecho is a shel

2017-08-13 14:32:17 256

原创 The Process Of PCI

The whole process of PCI(Product Care Item)Before F2(before the MR development),we will have a CFC(Classify Feature Checkpoint) meeting.In this meeting,we will present our MR features to the PG and th

2017-08-09 22:32:01 242

翻译 The What Why and Wow Behind the CoreOS Container Linux

CoreOS,一款新的 Linux 发行版的相关介绍CoreOS,一款最新的 Linux 发行版本,支持自动升级内核软件,提供各集群间的全部配置操作控制。关于使用哪个版本的 Linux 系统,我们常常会引发相关的讨论: 你是喜欢基于 Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 的 CentOS 或者 Fedora,还是基于 Debian 的 Ubuntu 和 SUSE 呢?

2017-08-09 22:06:14 315

转载 (transshipment)What should you never say to a programmer?

Well, as a programmer myself, there are a lot of things, that I find immensely annoying. I usually ignore them, but I figured that this would be a good chance to rant a bit, so without further ado, her

2017-08-09 14:40:44 226

原创 Commands about IO Redirection

Commands about I/O Redirectionthe commands that will show in this article:cat:concatenate filessort:sort lines of textuniq:report or omit repeated linesgrep:print lines matching a patternwc:print

2017-08-09 14:13:46 358

原创 Working with Commands

Working with Commandscommands can be one of four different things: - an executable program. - a command built into the shell itself. - a shell function. - an alias.typedisplay a command’s type,comm

2017-08-08 16:53:54 230

原创 How to install codeblocks in RedHat without root authority

How to install codeblocks in your user directory without root and system file authorityinstall wxWidgetsenter wxwidgets website to download the version of Source Code named “Source for Linux,OS X,etc”

2017-08-08 16:45:00 450



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