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原创 scikit-learn 梯度提升树(GBDT) 参数

1.scikit-learn GBDT类库概述    在sacikit-learn中,GradientBoostingClassifier为GBDT的分类类, 而GradientBoostingRegressor为GBDT的回归类。两者的参数类型完全相同,当然有些参数比如损失函数loss的可选择项并不相同。这些参数中,类似于Adaboost,我们把重要参数分为两类,第一类是Boosting框...

2020-02-09 13:34:52 2920

原创 scikit-learn Adaboost类库 参数说明

   在集成学习之Adaboost算法原理小结中,我们对Adaboost的算法原理做了一个总结。这里我们就从实用的角度对scikit-learn中Adaboost类库的使用做一个小结,重点对调参的注意事项做一个总结。1. Adaboost类库概述    scikit-learn中Adaboost类库比较直接,就是AdaBoostClassifier和AdaBoostRegressor两个,...

2020-02-09 12:06:11 3765

转载 机器学习——决策树,DecisionTreeClassifier参数详解,决策树可视化查看树结构


2020-02-08 20:24:22 2881

原创 SVM简介及sklearn参数

NuSVCclass sklearn.svm.NuSVC(nu=0.5, kernel='rbf', degree=3, gamma='auto', coef0=0.0, shrinking=True, probability=False, tol=0.001, cache_size=200, class_weight=None, verbose=False, max_iter=-1, de...

2020-02-08 16:08:40 878

转载 TCGA 临床数据 表型 phenotype 各列的含义

原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/emanlee/p/7635951.htmlProperty name Description kind The resource type. aliquots[] List of barcodes of aliquots taken from this participant. clinical_data...

2020-02-05 15:55:15 10586

原创 生物信息学入门 使用 RNAseq counts数据进行差异表达分析(DEG)——edgeR 算法 数据 代码 结果解读


2019-03-25 09:17:58 30794 7

原创 生物信息学入门 GEO芯片数据差异表达分析时是否需要log2以及标准化的问题

GEO中的Series Matrix File(s)通常是经过了标准化和对数转换的数据。但不全是。在实际应用的时候需要根据情况判断一下。对于芯片数据,可能作者将.cel的文件处理成未标准化的数据直接上传。一般来说,在判断counts是否需要重新标准化以及是否需要log2时,可以根据数值大小粗略估计。如果表达丰度的数值在50以内,通常是经过log2转化的。如果数字在几百几千,则是未经转化的。因为...

2019-03-13 22:14:22 34867

原创 生物信息学入门 GEO芯片数据差异表达分析时需要log2处理的原因


2019-03-13 22:14:11 46352 1

原创 生物信息学入门 富集分析与蛋白质互作用网络(PPI)的可视化 Cystocape入门指南


2019-03-01 10:16:08 51011 1

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe something you do to keep you concentrated

Badminton is my favorite sport. One of the reason why I like to do it is that it can help me to keep concentrated. Badminton is a kind of ball game. You have to catch the ball and hit it to a positi...

2019-02-01 14:13:10 620

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe something given to you that you really need

In the next summer holiday, I thought I really need a new mobile phone. At that time, I was using iphone6. When I come to university, my parents brought me this Iphone. It had many functions. I can ...

2019-02-01 14:12:20 805

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe a competition you want to take part in

Our school holds a badminton competition every year. All students in our school are able to take part in. when I was a freshman, I knew it from a post. Students who enter the top eight in the badmin...

2019-02-01 14:11:41 1203

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe someone you have not seen before but you would like to know more

I have been a medical student studying in Nantong university for three years. in the next term, I will become a senior student and meet Professor Wu. I knew him when I was a freshman. At the beginni...

2019-02-01 14:11:07 1017

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe the time when you received your first cellphone

When I was a child in the primary school, I always used my parents’ phone. After studying in the high school, I hoped to own a phone belonging to myself. However, my parents said I may use phone to ...

2019-02-01 14:10:30 573

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe a time that you were shopping in a street market

On the north side of my school, there is a shopping street, where we can buy almost everything. Therefore, students like to shopping in this street at the weekend. One day, my best friend’s birthday...

2019-02-01 14:09:53 977

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe a skill that took you a long time to learn

Badminton is my favorite sport. Although I know the basic skills, I need practice more to make progress. When I was a child, my father taught me how to play badminton. At that time, there is a small...

2019-02-01 14:09:15 1372

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe a time that you enjoyed your free time

In the last summer holiday, I had a travel in Qingdao city. Qingdao is located in the northern of China, not far away from my hometown. When I was a child, my father brought me to Qingdao for holida...

2019-02-01 14:08:40 2160

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe a time when you had some medicine

When I was in high school, I started to have fever and cough due to a bacterial infection. At the doctor's advice, I ate some antibiotics. They are very effective, after which the symptoms of fever ...

2019-01-30 00:47:36 604

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创) describe an item you bought but do not often use

When I was in middle school, I thought people who can play guitar is quite handsome. Therefore, I asked my mother if she can buy me a guitar and I promised to do efforts so that I can be skilled in ...

2019-01-30 00:47:10 2938

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe a stiutaion when you did not have enough time

About two year ago, it is my first time to left university and return home. I bought a train ticket. When I arrived at the train station and waited for train. suddenly, I realized that I could not fi...

2019-01-30 00:46:36 1336

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe a person you wantes to be similar to when you were growing up

I have been a medical student studying in Nantong university for three years. After the last summer holiday, I became a senior student and meet Professor Wu. Professor Wu focus on bioinformatics, a ...

2019-01-30 00:46:06 1382

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe something interesting that your friend has done but you have not

In the last summer holiday, my friends and I came to Qingdao city to go on a holiday. Qingdao is a sea-side city where there are many people to have fun on the beach. In the summer, sea water is sui...

2019-01-30 00:45:36 665

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe a beautiful city

When it comes to the beautiful city in my mind, I must introduce Qingdao city to you, which is located in the Shandong province, not far away from my hometown. When I was a child, my father brought ...

2019-01-30 00:45:05 3182

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe an occasion when you helped a person

When I was in the middle school, I always come to the library in my school. It was located in the corner of campus, which is far away from the road. I known it in the first day of my school life. At...

2019-01-30 00:44:34 548

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe a time you borrrowed something from your friends

At the beginning of my college life, I had no personal computer because my parents thought it was too expensive and unnecessary. However, after a month, I realize the importance of computer, therefo...

2019-01-30 00:43:52 445

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创) describe a magazine that you like

When it comes to my favorite magazine, it must be Nature. Nature is one of the most famous magazine which reports the newest scientific discoveries. After studying in university, I always need to lo...

2019-01-30 00:43:21 191

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe something you made that you gave to others

Now, I am a medical student studying in Nantong university. In the last term, when I played basketball with my roommates, one of them hurt his leg. Doctors asked him to stay in hospital until the le...

2019-01-30 00:42:32 265

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe an occasion when you were scared

About two year ago, it is my first time to left university and return home. I bought a train tickets, the price of which is suitable for me. I came to the train station and waited for train. suddenl...

2019-01-29 00:15:55 560

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe something you own that you want to replace

Something I want to replace is iphone6, which looks like a small box. When I come to university, my parents brought me this Iphone. It had many functions. I can use it to download applications by Ap...

2019-01-29 00:15:22 757

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe your grandparent job

Well, my grandfather is a cook now. He is now work for other people. In fact, he has his own restaurant and the only staff in the restaurant is himself. About 5 years ago, he retired from hospital a...

2019-01-29 00:14:36 1395

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe a popular comic actor actress in your country

When it comes to the popular comic actor, I want to introduce Zhao Benshan, who have been famous about thirty years ago. almost every Chinese know him because of his fabulous performance. When I was...

2019-01-29 00:13:56 952

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe an interesting persion you would like to meet

About a year ago, I came to Bali, Indonesia, as an international volunteer with my classmates. Our work is mainly to help sea turtles breed and clean the beach. But we haven’t been to Bali, so we do...

2019-01-29 00:13:03 381

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe an interesting job that you want to have in the future

Well, when I was in middle school, I wanted to be a doctor in the future, but my parents hope me to be a lawyer after I graduate; but in the end, I persuade them to agree me to choose the clinical m...

2019-01-29 00:12:15 1469

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe an interesting animal

I think that the most interesting animal is dog. Although it is common, it is really smart and considered as human friend. There are many kinds of dogs in the world. Therefore, the shapes of dogs ar...

2019-01-29 00:11:37 825

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe a building you like

When It comes to the building I like, It must be the main teaching building in my school. As the main teaching building, it has many characteristics different from other teaching building. First of ...

2019-01-29 00:10:31 531

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe someone you would like to study or work with

Now, I am a medical student studying in Nantong university. my dormitory has six people. One of them is named Lei Liu. He is an industrious people and always gets up early. In fact, almost everyday,...

2019-01-29 00:09:13 2015

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe a newly built public facility that influences your city

My home town is a small town where there has no cinema. So when I was a child, I have never seen a movie in the cinema. During this winter holiday, I came back home and have spring festival with my ...

2019-01-29 00:06:35 2414

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe a party that you joined

In the last summer holiday, I taken part in a summer project about clinic medicine. It was hold in Cambridge university. Therefore, I lived and studied in England for one month. In the end of the pr...

2019-01-28 23:55:30 988

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe a language you want to learn

French is a foreign language I want to learn. As you know, almost all students in china need learn English, including me. However, I found that although English is important and popular around the w...

2019-01-28 23:54:53 1061

原创 2019年1-4月份雅思口语题库素材(原创)describe a complaint that you made and you were satisfied with the result

The story happened in the end of the first year of my college life. After final examination, my roommates and I decided to go to restaurant for celebration. We chose the nearest one beside our schoo...

2019-01-28 23:54:07 1163



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