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原创 Namespace of Process/PID in Linux

命名空间是用资源的划分方案。资源有很多类别,比如:process IDs, hostnames, user IDs, file names, and some names associated with network access, andinterprocess communication.Process ID (pid)一个PID命名空间具有独立的process IDs空间。PID...

2020-04-25 22:06:13 220

原创 求数组和最大的最长子列

#include <iostream>int maxSubarray(int a[], int size) {    if (size <= 0) std::cout << "error array size\n";    int max =  0x80000000;    int cur = 0;    int start, end;    while...

2018-09-06 00:04:02 251

转载 点滴2@glibc

依赖于系统的实现,替换common实现。在glibc/include/signal.c中,发现singal函数直接报错。/* Copyright (C) 1991, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the GNU C Library. The GNU C Library is free so...

2018-02-08 22:09:03 501

转载 点滴1@glibc

void (*signal (int sig, void (*handler)(int)))(int)  复杂 -> 拆开看glibc/signal/signal.h/* Type of a signal handler. */typedef void (*__sighandler_t) (int);glibc/signal/signal.c/* Set the handler for ...

2018-02-08 21:26:33 270

原创 Procedure of gen_udp:open

1566 %% Simple run-time type-checking of (option) values: type -vs- value:1567 %% NB: the LHS is the TYPE, not the option name!1568 %%1569 %% Returns true | false | throw(ErrorReason) only

2016-12-20 12:47:55 867

原创 Basic Types in Erlang Beam Emulator

125 /* 126  * Make sure we have a type for FD's (used by erl_check_io) 127  */ 128  129 #ifndef ERTS_SYS_FD_TYPE 130 #define ERTS_SYS_FD_INVALID ((ErtsSysFdType) -1) 131 typedef int ErtsSy

2016-12-19 23:39:51 376

原创 gen_sctp:connect/2

/erts/preloaded/src/prim_inet.erl 67 open(Protocol, Family, Type) ->  68     open(Protocol, Family, Type, [], ?INET_REQ_OPEN, []).  69   70 open(Protocol, Family, Type, Opts) ->  71     open

2016-12-14 00:57:46 591

原创 Max Points on a Line

Given n points on a 2D plane, find the maximum number of points that lie on the same straight line./** * Definition for a point. * struct Point { * int x; * int y; * Point() : x(0

2015-10-11 01:48:47 553

原创 Game of Life

According to the Wikipedia's article: "The Game of Life, also known simply as Life, is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970."Given a board with m 

2015-10-10 00:31:57 515

原创 Contains Duplicate II

Given an array of integers and an integer k, find out whether there are two distinct indices i and j in the array such that nums[i] = nums[j] and the difference between i and jis at most k.c

2015-10-09 23:23:17 360

原创 Word Pattern

Given a pattern and a string str, find if str follows the same pattern.Examples:pattern = "abba", str = "dog cat cat dog" should return true.pattern = "abba", str = "dog cat cat fish" 

2015-10-09 23:18:56 1042

原创 Fail in building and packaging logback-android

I want to do log in my android's application.Searche for the log component and finally feel logback-android should be great.But can not download the newer version jar file (1.0.8-1...)So try to

2013-04-28 11:44:38 1134

原创 Confusion in Java 2

字符集的疑惑。在《Java解惑》一书中提及默认字符集,即不指定字符集,进行类型转换所带来的“莫名其妙”。书中示例代码:byte bytes[] = new byte[256];for(int i = 0; i      bytes[i] = (byte)i;String str = new String(bytes);for ( int i = 0; n = str.l

2013-03-29 00:59:42 566

原创 Confusion in Java 1

As seeing > by Joshua Bloch and Neal Gafter, I try what they say and write them down. You  should not use "\u" as unicode type in comments, otherwise using html encoding type.It will be compiled

2013-03-28 22:39:38 752

原创 Use Webservice Through Primitive XML HTTP Requestion

I want to find a 3-party accessing web service lib  which using in a little sentence.But the web service defindes it's custom AuthHeader object type. For passing the authentication info, it's not ea

2013-03-22 16:26:10 877

原创 Use Complex Type 'DateTime' for .Net Webservice through KSOAP Lib

There is a DateTime type parameter in .Net Webservice. The request should be like this:... dateTime ...If you pass a Date to the request:   soapObject.addProperty("

2013-03-22 14:04:48 2749 1

原创 Custom ThreadPool in Java to Perform as ThreadPool in C# based on Singleton Model

Every process has a default ThreadPool with defalut size 25 in .Net application development. It is very convenient as writing ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(CallBack);As so far, I have not found a def

2013-03-21 10:24:40 1230

原创 WebService 头部认证信息----基于ksoap2-android使用.Net Webservice

该文,主要记录作者在使用ksoap2-android库可以轻松实现对Webservice的访问时,关于包含于头部的认证信息的操作。         服务器端Webservice中GetSome接口:…public AuthHead authToken;…[WebMehtod] [SoapHeader(“authToken”, Direction = SoapHeaderDirect

2013-03-15 16:26:59 3487

原创 Delegates in JAVA with MethodHandle

Recently, I try to rewrite a PDA client communication software, which original is in C#, in JAVA. It's very convenient as using Delegates in C#. As long time no using JAVA and not familary with it. I

2013-01-31 10:41:10 1156

原创 持续集成体验No1

元旦节后,开始为项目进行持续集成体验,由于团队首次,所以工具集及环境的搭建,都是参考书籍和Internet。项目为Android平台开发,持续集成工具集如下:OSWindows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise 64bit序号工具名称版本角色简述1JDK

2013-01-08 17:17:06 584

原创 浅谈持续集成

读一读《持续集成 软件质量改进和风险降低之道》【1】,结合自己的经验,浅浅地总结一下自己的感悟。看了序,理论上就知道80%,在项目中,原来的Parterner打算使用CruiseControl,结果由于项目时间问题,后来又人事变更,未能开展。(当然也可以说这都是借口,就是懒惰)在实践中除了版本管理,剩下的过程都By Hand。但是思想上还是和这比较接近,当然Automatic永远是王道。”

2012-11-23 00:05:20 664

转载 巧妙的静态断言

利用C/C++的语法语义的定义,可以巧妙地完成断言使命:数组长度>0 , switch中case分支不能重复 ,“位域( bitfield )必须具有非零长度“【1】。1.数组长度>0“通常,静态断言的机制是定义一个数组,并将表达式的布尔结果作为数组的大小......."。【1】”考虑下面的例子:       #define STATIC_ASSERT(x)    int ar

2012-11-21 21:44:53 930

原创 神奇的e=2.71828...


2012-11-18 01:58:25 4426

原创 重看边界点

在多元函数的开始,总会提到点集,点与点集之间的关系:1.内点: U(P)∈E;2.外点:U(P)∩E=⊙;3.边界点:∨U(P),Exist P0∈U(P) and P1∈U(P) and P0∈E and P1¢E;4.聚点:∨d={U(P)-Point(P)},P0∈d and P0∈E;图1如图1所示,D={D1∪Point(p1)∪Point(p2)},

2012-11-11 18:36:33 1007

原创 Poisson Distribution vs Binomial Distribution

As it says if the "n" is very large andoppositely the "p"very small in a Binomial Distribution event, we can see this event as a Poisson Distribution.At first, I have been confused. Why?Google

2012-11-05 23:16:54 952

原创 无穷——余音绕梁∞日

无穷(Infinity)是一个有趣又包含哲学韵味的的概念与现象。其实这个BLOG写在CSDN不太合适,但是我现在已经养成喜欢而且确实是这样做——写在一个地方方便自己。写的目的就是自己没事之时,或者无思乱想之时,写一写,梳理梳理自己。日后也方便查看,修改,总结——忆古思今。先看看百度百科的基本注解:“基本信息  【词目】无穷  【基本解释】没有穷尽;没

2012-11-02 14:53:24 1123

原创 将页面(元素)保存至客户端

页面(元素)客户端本地保存         目        录 需求.... 1方案选择.... 11.    Devexpress ASPxGridView的ASPxGridViewExporter.12.    ActiveX对象...13.    JS构造请求回复(Response)...14.    服务

2012-09-13 16:34:05 807

转载 How to call code behind method in JavaScript in C# and VS2010?

转自:http://www.dotnetfunda.com/articles/article1525-how-to-call-code-behind-method-in-javascript-in-csharp-and-vs2010.aspxHow to call code behind method in JavaScript in C# and VS2010Introduction

2012-09-11 01:12:08 738

原创 Save Web Pages or Parts to Client-Side Files

Recend days, need to save pages' data to client-side files with special suffix defaultly. Such as ms/word or ms/excel.I have used the Devexpress ASPxGridView control to present data. And the present

2012-09-11 00:39:45 902

原创 User and Privilege Manage

Create a UserYou must use manager(Such as "sys" or "system") to login who has the power to create and manage database users.COMMAND: create user username IDENTIFIED BY password;As new user i

2012-08-31 00:32:51 522

原创 Export and Import Data Records in Small Numbers Situation

Export dataAs you use one user login ORACLE and use "exp" tool to export database's records. It will only export the records of the tables of yours(such as scotter) to a file defaultly.Import

2012-08-30 23:55:47 537

原创 Oracle Offline Backup

offline backupThe main files:1.Control file: the core file that controls the database instance and it's service. It's path can be got by "v$controlfile";2.Redo Loger file:It's path can be got by

2012-08-30 23:37:05 633

转载 call and apply

applyand call  它们的作用都是将函数绑定到另外一个对象上去运行,两者仅在定义参数方式有所区别:   apply(thisArg,argArray);   call(thisArg[,arg1,arg2…] ]);即所有函数内部的this指针都会被赋值为thisArg,这可实现将函数作为另外一个对象的方法运行的目的apply的说明如果 argArray 不是

2012-08-30 21:14:51 355

原创 callee property of arguments

We can know or call it self ago by the "arguments.callee" property of function.Demo1:Source:function calleeLengthDemo(arg1, arg2) { if (arguments.length==arguments.callee.length) { w

2012-08-30 20:46:45 380

原创 caller property of function

Each function in js has a "caller" property, from it we can know the information of the caller.Demo1:Source:function callerDemo() { if (callerDemo.caller) { var a= callerDemo.caller.

2012-08-30 19:54:44 312

原创 Arguments of Function

There is the "arguments" parameter for each function which is hiddend and automaticly passed.All the parameters passed through calling will all be pushed into "arguments". So we can get all passed p

2012-08-29 23:55:34 499

原创 Amazing Function of SQL

You can use "||" to cascate columns or formate.select columnA || ',' || columnB from table1; you will get strings that made up with "columnA ,columnB".

2012-08-23 23:18:13 315

原创 Can't Start The TNSListener

This issue always jumps out when you change the computer's name after ORACLE has been installed .And you attemp to start the TNSListener. First, it seems to be started. But if you refresh the state

2012-08-23 22:55:42 496

原创 Main Users and the pwd

1.sys/change_on_install;super manager2.system/manager; general manager3.scotter/tiger;general user4.sh ; user for larger dataWhen useing the plusw to login a server without any  star

2012-08-23 22:28:48 629

原创 数据完整性(Data Integrity)

大晚上的脑袋晕晕,似困非困,随便逛逛,看到几处关于数据完整性的内容。顺便写点小小理解和观点,才疏学浅,仅供参考,欢迎指导。“一致性也就是数据完整性 发展三个阶段:存储过程 外键业务层的领域模型聚合”打算在项目的一个子系统中使用Entity Framework,所以这两天在学习试试EF,我特别喜欢Model First开发顺序,反正我就是喜欢OO,显示领域模型类图设计,然

2012-07-26 01:37:17 1715





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