lda 优化后用的内存小了

[success] Total time: 1197 s, completed 2014-6-13 13:23:23

数据集篇1224短文组成,词汇量是10747, 单词总数为:302031

import org.apache.spark.SparkContext

import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.rdd._
import scala.io.Source
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.util.Random
import java.io.FileWriter
import scala.util.control.Breaks._
import scala.collection.mutable.Map
//import Document._
//需要给Document加一个在corpus位置的属性, index,因为在ppl_lik方法里需要知道每个文档的在gamma矩阵的位置

object LdaSpark2{
    val zeroBegin = true
    val lenBegin = true
    def main(args: Array[String]){
        val environmentV = Map[String, String]()
        //environmentV += ("spark.cores.max"->"1")
        //environmentV += ("spark.executor.memory"-> "2g")
        val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("spark://ue191:7077").setAppName("LdaSpark").set("spark.executor.memory", "15g").set("spark.cores.max","2")
      //val sc = new SparkContext("spark://ue191:7077", "LdaSpark", "/opt/spark", List("target/scala-2.10/ldaspark_2.10-1.0.jar"), environment=environmentV)
        val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
        //val zeroBegin = sc.broadcast(true)
        //val lenBegin = sc.broadcast(true)
        //val logFile = "/Users/heruilong/Downloads/spark-0.9.1-bin-hadoop2/README.md"
        //val numAs = logData.filter(line => line.contains("a")).count()
        //val numBs = logData.filter(line => line.contains("b")).count()
        //println("Lines with a: %s, Lines with b: %s".format(numAs, numBs))
        //val nClass = args(0).toInt
      //var zeroBegin = true
      val nClass = 10
      val emmax = 100
      val demmax = 20
      val epsilon = 1.0e-4
      //val documentFile = "/Users/heruilong/Downloads/spark-0.9.1-bin-hadoop2/apps/clusterlda/data/testTrain.txt"
      //val documentFile = "file:///opt/spark/README.md"      
      val documentFile = "/opt/spark/apps/lda/data/ap.dat"
      lda(sc, documentFile, nClass, emmax, demmax, epsilon)
      //val a = sc.textFile(documentFile,10)
      //println(gammas mkString "\n")
      println("jobs done")
      println("application finished")

    def lda(sc: SparkContext, documentFilePath: String, nClass: Int = 50, emmax: Int =100 , demmax: Int = 20, epsilon: Double = 1.0e-4) {
      val fileAP = "result_alpha.txt"
      val fileBP = "result_beta.txt"
      val (documentRDD: RDD[Document], dLenMax: Int, nLex: Int) = readDocuments(documentFilePath, sc)
      //val(dataV, maxIdV, maxLenV) = readDocuments2(datapath)
      //val(dataV, maxIdV, maxLenV) = readDocuments(datapath)
      //var data = dataV
      //var nLex = maxIdV
      //var dLenMax = maxLenV
      //println("nLex: " + nLex + "   " + "dLenMax: " + dLenMax)
      //var alpha = ArrayBuffer.fill(nClass)(Random.nextDouble)
      //var beta = ArrayBuffer.fill(nLex, nClass)(1.0 / nLex)
      val(alpha_result, beta_result) = lda_learn(documentRDD, documentFilePath, nClass, nLex, dLenMax, emmax, demmax, epsilon)
      lda_write(fileAP, fileBP, alpha_result, beta_result, nClass, nLex)

    def lda_learn(documentRDD: RDD[Document], documentFilePath: String, nClass: Int, nLex: Int, dLenMax: Int,
      emmax: Int, demmax: Int, epsilon: Double):(ArrayBuffer[Double], ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]]) ={

      val numberOfDocument = documentRDD.count.toInt

      println(documentRDD.collect mkString "\n")
      var (alpha: ArrayBuffer[Double], beta: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]]) = initialAlphaAndBeta(nClass, nLex)
      println("Number of documents      = " + numberOfDocument)
      println("Number of words          = " + nLex)
      println("Number of latent Classes = " + nClass)
      println("Number of outer EM iteration = " + emmax)
      println("Number of inner EM iteration = " + demmax)
      println("Convergence threshold        = " + epsilon)
      var pppl = 0.0
      for(t <- 0 to emmax-1){
        printf("iteration %d/%d..\n", t+1, emmax)
        //parallelize the vbem method(which is the variational inference)
        println("DEBUG: docunmentRDD.map(x=>vbem())-----------------------------------------------------------")
        val gammaPhiTupleArray: Array[(ArrayBuffer[Double], Array[(Int, ArrayBuffer[Double])], Int)]
                = documentRDD.map(x=> vbem(x, alpha, beta, nClass, dLenMax, demmax, nLex)).collect
        //println(gammaPhiTupleArray(0)._1 mkString ",")
        println("finished map vbem===============================================")
        var gammas = ArrayBuffer.fill(numberOfDocument, nClass)(0.0)
        var betas = ArrayBuffer.fill(nLex, nClass)(0.0)

        //accum gammas
        //gammaPhiTupleArray.map(x=> accum_gammas(gammas, x._1, i, nClass))
        for(i <- 0 to gammaPhiTupleArray.length - 1){
          accum_gammas(gammas, gammaPhiTupleArray(i)._1, i, nClass)
          accum_betas(betas, gammaPhiTupleArray(i)._2, nClass, gammaPhiTupleArray(i)._3)

        //VB M-step
        //Newton-Raphson for alpha
        val(alphaV, gammasV) = newton_alpha(alpha, gammas, numberOfDocument, nClass, 0)
        alpha = alphaV
        gammas = gammasV
        val(betaV, betasV) = normalize_matrix_col(beta, betas, nLex, nClass)
        beta = betaV
        betas = betasV
        //clean Buffer
        betas = ArrayBuffer.fill(nLex, nClass)(0.0)

        val ppl_n = documentRDD.map(x=>lda_ppl_spark(x)).reduce(_+_).toDouble

        val documentArray = documentRDD.collect
        val ppl = lda_ppl(ppl_n, documentArray, beta, gammas, numberOfDocument, nClass)
        if((t > 1) && (Math.abs((ppl - pppl)/pppl) < epsilon)){
          if(t < 5){
            printf("\nearly convergence. restarting..\n")
            val (alpha_re: ArrayBuffer[Double], beta_re: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]]) = lda_learn(documentRDD, documentFilePath, nClass, nLex, dLenMax, emmax, demmax, epsilon)
            return (alpha_re, beta_re)
            return (alpha, beta)
        pppl = ppl
      //println(alpha mkString ",")
      return (alpha,beta)

    def parseStr(path: String): RDD[String] = {
      val documentData = sc.textFile(path).cache()
        val documentRDD = documentData.map(x => x.reverse)

    def parseDocument(line: String): Document = {
        val len = line.split(" ").size
        val idArray = line.split(" ").map(x=>x.split(":")(0).toInt)
        val cntArray = line.split(" ").map(x=>x.split(":")(1).toDouble)
        val document = new Document(len, idArray, cntArray)
    //return (documentRDD, dMaxLen, nLex)
    def readDocuments(documentFile: String, sc: SparkContext): (RDD[Document], Int, Int) = {
      def parseDocument(line: String, lenBegin: Boolean): Document = {
              val len = line.split(" ").size - 1
              val idArray = line.split(" ").tail.map(x=>x.split(":")(0).toInt)
              val cntArray = line.split(" ").tail.map(x=>x.split(":")(1).toDouble)
              val document = new Document(len, idArray, cntArray)
              return document
              val len = line.split(" ").size
              val idArray = line.split(" ").map(x=>x.split(":")(0).toInt)
              val cntArray = line.split(" ").map(x=>x.split(":")(1).toDouble)
              val document = new Document(len, idArray, cntArray)
              return document
        val documentData = sc.textFile(documentFile).cache()
        println("DEBUG: read documentData")
        val documentRDD = documentData.map(x => parseDocument(x,lenBegin))
        println("DEBUG: parseDocument")
        val documentLenArray = documentRDD.map(x=>x.len).collect
        println("DEBUG: documentLenArray")
        val dMaxLen = documentLenArray.reduce((x,y) => if(x > y) x else y)
        val documentIdArray = documentRDD.flatMap(x=> x.id).collect
        println("DEBUG: IDARRAY")
        var nLex = documentIdArray.reduce((x,y) => if(x > y) x else y)
        println("DEBUG:" + "nLex = " + nLex)
        if(zeroBegin) nLex += 1
        println("DEBUG:" + "nLex2 = " + nLex)
        (documentRDD, dMaxLen, nLex)

    def initialAlphaAndBeta(nClass: Int, nLex: Int): (ArrayBuffer[Double], ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]]) = {
      var alpha = ArrayBuffer.fill(nClass)(Random.nextInt(Int.MaxValue).toDouble / Int.MaxValue)
        val z = alpha.reduce(_+_)
        alpha = alpha.map(x => x / z)
        alpha = alpha.sortWith(_ > _)

        //initial beta
        var beta = ArrayBuffer.fill(nLex, nClass)(Random.nextInt(Int.MaxValue).toDouble / Int.MaxValue *10)
        var tot = 0.0
        for(j <- 0 to nClass - 1){
          for(i <- 0 to nLex -1){
            beta(i)(j) = Random.nextInt(Int.MaxValue).toDouble / Int.MaxValue *10
            tot += beta(i)(j)
          for(i <- 0 to nLex -1)
            beta(i)(j) = beta(i)(j) / tot
          tot = 0.0

        (alpha, beta)

    def calculate_beta(document: Document, q: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]], K: Int, nLex: Int): ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]] = {
      val n = data(indexDocument).len
      var beta = ArrayBuffer.fill(nLex, K)(0.0)
      //println("document len: " + n)
      for(i <- 0 to n-1)
        for(k <- 0 to K-1){
          //println("i: "+ i + " k: " + k)
          //println("id: " + data(indexDocument).id(i))
            beta(document.id(i))(k) += q(i)(k) * document.cnt(i)
            beta(document.id(i)-1)(k) += q(i)(k) * document.cnt(i)
      return beta

    def accum_gammas(gammas: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]], gamma: ArrayBuffer[Double],
      n: Int, K: Int):  ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]] = {
      for(k <- 0 to K-1)
        gammas(n)(k) = gamma(k)
      return gammas

     //   (beta, betas) tested correct
    def accum_betas(betas: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]], qWithWordId: Array[(Int, ArrayBuffer[Double])], K: Int,
        dLenMax: Int): ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]] = {
      val n = dLenMax
      //println("document len: " + n)
      for(i <- 0 to n-1)
        for(k <- 0 to K-1){
          //println("i: "+ i + " k: " + k)
          //println("id: " + data(indexDocument).id(i))
          //println(i + "----" + k)
            //betas(data(indexDocument).id(i))(k) += q(i)(k) * data(indexDocument).cnt(i)
            //betas(i)(k) += betaPerDoc(i)(k)
            betas(qWithWordId(i)._1)(k) += qWithWordId(i)._2(k)
            //betas(data(indexDocument).id(i)-1)(k) += q(i)(k) * data(indexDocument).cnt(i)
            //betas(i)(k) += betaPerDoc(i)(k)
            betas(qWithWordId(i)._1 - 1)(k) += qWithWordId(i)._2(k)
      return betas
    def normalize_matrix_row(dst: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]], src: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]],
        rows: Int, cols: Int): (ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]], ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]]) = {
      for(i <- 0 to rows-1){
        var z = 0.0
        for(j <- 0 to cols -1)
          z += src(i)(j)
        for(j <- 0 to cols -1)
          dst(i)(j) = src(i)(j) / z    
      return (dst, src)

    //correct                beta     betas
    def normalize_matrix_col(dst: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]], src: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]],
        rows: Int, cols: Int): (ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]], ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]]) = {
      for(j <- 0 to cols-1){
        var z = 0.0
        for(i <- 0 to rows -1)
          z += src(i)(j)
        for(i <- 0 to rows -1)
          dst(i)(j) = src(i)(j) / z    
      return (dst, src)

        //tested correct
    def lda_write(fileAP: String, fileBP: String, alpha: ArrayBuffer[Double],
        beta: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]], nClass: Int, nLex: Int){
      printf("writing model..\n")
      write_vector(fileAP, alpha, nClass)
      write_matrix(fileBP, beta, nLex, nClass)
    //tested correct
    def write_vector(filePath: String, vector: ArrayBuffer[Double], n: Int){
      println("vector: " + vector mkString " ")
      val fw = new FileWriter(filePath, false)
      fw.write(vector mkString " ")
    //test correct
    def write_matrix(filePath: String, matrix: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]],
        rows: Int, cols: Int){
      val fw = new FileWriter(filePath, false)
      for(i <- 0 to rows -1){
        for(j <- 0 to cols -1){
           //fw.write("This line appended to file!") ;
             fw.append(matrix(i)(j).toString + " ")
      // L: document Length, K: nClass, emmax: demmax
    def vbem(document: Document, alpha: ArrayBuffer[Double],
      beta: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]], K: Int, dLenMax: Int, emmax: Int, nLex: Int)
       : (ArrayBuffer[Double], Array[(Int, ArrayBuffer[Double])], Int) = {
        val nClass = K
        var gamma = ArrayBuffer.fill(nClass)(0.0)
        var ap = ArrayBuffer.fill(nClass)(0.0)
        var nt = ArrayBuffer.fill(nClass)(0.0)
        var pnt = ArrayBuffer.fill(nClass)(0.0)
        var q = ArrayBuffer.fill(dLenMax, nClass)(0.0)

        val L = document.len
        //println("DEBUG: IN VBEM  INITIALIZE ARRAY----------------------------------------------------")
        for(k <- 0 to K-1){
         nt(k) = L.toDouble / K

        var isConverged = false


          for(j <- 0 to (emmax-1)){
             //println("DEBUG: IN VBEM  forlook---------------------------------------------------------")  
            //每次调用都是重新赋值, 与alpha有关
            for(k <- 0 to K-1){
              ap(k) = Math.exp(digamma(alpha(k) + nt(k)))
            //accumulate q
            for(l <- 0 to L-1)
              for(k <- 0 to K-1)
                  q(l)(k) = beta(document.id(l))(k) * ap(k)
                else  //文档中第l个字符在第k个topic中出现的概率 * ap(k)
                  q(l)(k) = beta(document.id(l) - 1)(k) * ap(k)
            for(l <- 0 to L-1){
              var z = 0.0
              for(k <- 0 to K-1)
                z += q(l)(k)
              for(k <- 0 to K-1)
                q(l)(k) = q(l)(k) / z
            for(k <- 0 to K -1){
              var z =0.0
              for(l <- 0 to L - 1)
                z += q(l)(k) * document.cnt(l)
              nt(k) = z
            if(j > 0 && converged(nt, pnt, K, 1.0e-2))
              break//isConverged = true
            for(k <- 0 to K-1)
              pnt(k) = nt(k)
        for(k <- 0 to K-1)
          gamma(k) = alpha(k) + nt(k)

        //var betaPerDoc = calculate_beta(document, q, nClass, nLex)
        //return (gamma, q, betaPerDoc)
        val qWithWordId = format_Q(document, q)
        return (gamma, qWithWordId, document.len)

    def format_Q(document: Document, q: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]]): Array[(Int, ArrayBuffer[Double])] ={
        val qWithWordId = document.id zip q
    def calculate_beta(document: Document, q: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]], K: Int, nLex: Int): ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]] = {
          val n = document.len
          var beta = ArrayBuffer.fill(nLex, K)(0.0)
          //println("document len: " + n)
          for(i <- 0 to n-1)
            for(k <- 0 to K-1){
              //println("i: "+ i + " k: " + k)
              //println("id: " + data(indexDocument).id(i))
                beta(document.id(i))(k) += q(i)(k) * document.cnt(i)
                beta(document.id(i)-1)(k) += q(i)(k) * document.cnt(i)
          return beta

    //tested correc

    def converged(u: ArrayBuffer[Double], v: ArrayBuffer[Double], n: Int, threshold: Double): Boolean = {
      var us = 0.0
      var ds = 0.0
      var d = 0.0
      for(i <- 0 to n-1)
        us += u(i) * u(i)
      for(i <- 0 to n-1){
        d = u(i) - v(i)
        ds += d*d
      if(Math.sqrt(ds / us) < threshold)
        return true
        return false

    def getDocumentLen(documents: RDD[Document]): Array[Int] = {

    def digamma(xval: Double): Double = {
      var x = xval
      var result = 0.0
      val neginf = -1.0 / 0.0
      val c = 12
      val s = 1e-6
      val d1 = -0.57721566490153286
      val d2 = 1.6449340668482264365
      val s3 = 1.0/12
      val s4 = 1.0/120
      val s5 = 1.0/252
      val s6 = 1.0/240
      val s7 = 1.0/132
      val s8 = 691/32760
      val s9 = 1/12
      val s10 = 3617/8160
      /* Illegal arguments */
      if((x == neginf) || isnan(x)) {
        return 0.0/0.0;
      /* Singularities */
      if((x <= 0) && (Math.floor(x) == x)) {
        return neginf;
      /* Negative values */
      /* Use the reflection formula (Jeffrey 11.1.6):
       * digamma(-x) = digamma(x+1) + pi*cot(pi*x)
       * This is related to the identity
       * digamma(-x) = digamma(x+1) - digamma(z) + digamma(1-z)
       * where z is the fractional part of x
       * For example:
       * digamma(-3.1) = 1/3.1 + 1/2.1 + 1/1.1 + 1/0.1 + digamma(1-0.1)
       *               = digamma(4.1) - digamma(0.1) + digamma(1-0.1)
       * Then we use
       * digamma(1-z) - digamma(z) = pi*cot(pi*z)
      if(x < 0) {
        return digamma(1-x) + Math.PI/Math.tan(-Math.PI*x);
      /* Use Taylor series if argument <= S */
      if(x <= s) return d1 - 1/x + d2*x;
      /* Reduce to digamma(X + N) where (X + N) >= C */
      result = 0;
      while(x < c) {
        result -= 1/x;
        x = x + 1;
      /* Use de Moivre's expansion if argument >= C */
      /* This expansion can be computed in Maple via asympt(Psi(x),x) */
      if(x >= c) {
        var r = 1/x;
        result += Math.log(x) - 0.5*r;
        r *= r;
        result -= r * (s3 - r * (s4 - r * (s5 - r * (s6 - r * s7))));
      return result;

      //tested correct
    def trigamma(xVal: Double): Double = {
        var x = xVal
        var result = 0.0
        val neginf = -1.0/0.0
        val  small = 1e-4
        val  large = 8
        val  c = 1.6449340668482264365 /* pi^2/6 = Zeta(2) */
        val  c1 = -2.404113806319188570799476  /* -2 Zeta(3) */
        val  b2 =  1./6
        val  b4 = -1./30
        val  b6 =  1./42
        val  b8 = -1./30
        val  b10 = 5./66
        /* Illegal arguments */
        if((x == neginf) || isnan(x)) {
          return 0.0/0.0;
        * */
      /* Singularities */
      if((x <= 0) && (Math.floor(x) == x)) {
        return -neginf;
      /* Negative values */
      /* Use the derivative of the digamma reflection formula:
       * -trigamma(-x) = trigamma(x+1) - (pi*csc(pi*x))^2
      if(x < 0) {
        result = Math.PI/Math.sin(-Math.PI*x);
        return -trigamma(1-x) + result*result;
      /* Use Taylor series if argument <= small */
      if(x <= small) {
        return 1/(x*x) + c + c1*x;
      result = 0;
      /* Reduce to trigamma(x+n) where ( X + N ) >= B */
      while(x < large) {
        result += 1/(x*x);
        x = x+1;
      /* Apply asymptotic formula when X >= B */
      /* This expansion can be computed in Maple via asympt(Psi(1,x),x) */
       if(x >= large) {
         var r = 1/(x*x);
         result += 0.5*r + (1 + r*(b2 + r*(b4 + r*(b6 + r*(b8 + r*b10)))))/x;
       return result;

    //correct calculate the total number of word show in the corpus
    def lda_ppl(data: ArrayBuffer[Document], beta: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]],
        gammas: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]], m: Int, nClass: Int): Double = {
      var n = 0.0
      val ds = data.size
      for(i <- 0 to ds -1)
        for(j <- 0 to data(i).len-1)
          n += data(i).cnt(j)
      return Math.exp(- lda_lik(data, beta, gammas, m, nClass) / n)

    def lda_ppl(n: Double, documents: Array[Document], beta: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]],
        gammas: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]], m: Int, nClass: Int): Double = {
       return Math.exp(- lda_lik_spark(documents, beta, gammas, m, nClass) / n)

    def lda_ppl_spark(document: Document): Double = {
      var n = 0.0
      val ds = document.len
      for(j <- 0 to ds - 1)
        n += document.cnt(j)

    def lda_lik_spark(documents: Array[Document], beta: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]],
      gammasVal: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]], m: Int, nClass: Int): Double ={
      var gammas = gammasVal
      var egammas = ArrayBuffer.fill(m, nClass)(0.0)
      val(egammasV, gammasV) = normalize_matrix_row(egammas, gammas, m, nClass)
      egammas = egammasV
      gammas = gammasV
      val numberOfDocument = m        
      var lik = 0.0
      for(i <- 0 to numberOfDocument-1){
        for(j <- 0 to documents(i).len - 1){
          var z = 0.0
          for(k <- 0 to nClass - 1)
              z+= beta(documents(i).id(j))(k) * egammas(i)(k)
              z+= beta(documents(i).id(j)-1)(k) * egammas(i)(k)
          lik += documents(i).cnt(j) * Math.log(z)
      return lik
    def lda_lik(data: ArrayBuffer[Document], beta: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]],
        gammasVal: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]], m: Int, nClass: Int): Double = {
      val numberOfDocument =  data.size
      var gammas = gammasVal
      var egammas = ArrayBuffer.fill(m, nClass)(0.0)
      val(egammasV, gammasV) = normalize_matrix_row(egammas, gammas, m, nClass)
      egammas = egammasV
      gammas = gammasV
      var lik = 0.0
      for(i <- 0 to numberOfDocument-1){
        for(j <- 0 to data(i).len -1){
          var z = 0.0
          for(k <- 0 to nClass -1)
              z += beta(data(i).id(j))(k) * egammas(i)(k)
              z += beta(data(i).id(j)-1)(k) * egammas(i)(k)
          lik += data(i).cnt(j) * Math.log(z)
      return lik

    def newton_alpha(alpha: ArrayBuffer[Double], gammas: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]],
        M: Int, K: Int, level: Int): (ArrayBuffer[Double], ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Double]]) = {
      var g = ArrayBuffer.fill(K)(0.0)
      var h = ArrayBuffer.fill(K)(0.0)
      var pg = ArrayBuffer.fill(K)(0.0)
      var palpha = ArrayBuffer.fill(K)(0.0)
      if(level == 0){
        for( i <- 0 to K-1){
          var z = 0.0
          for(j <- 0 to M-1 )
            z += gammas(j)(i)
          alpha(i) = z / (M * K)
        for(i <- 0 to K-1){
          var z = 0.0
          for(j <- 0 to M-1)
            z += gammas(j)(i)
          alpha(i) = z / (M*K*Math.pow(10, level))
      var psg = 0.0
      for(i <- 0 to M-1){
        var gs = 0.0
        for(j <- 0 to K-1)
          gs += gammas(i)(j)
        psg += digamma(gs)
      for(i <- 0 to K-1){
        var spg = 0.0
        for(j <- 0 to M-1)
          spg += digamma(gammas(j)(i))
        pg(i) = spg - psg
      for(t <- 0 to MAX_NEWTON_ITERATION){
        var alpha0 = 0.0
        for(i <- 0 to K-1)
          alpha0 += alpha(i)
        var palpha0 = digamma(alpha0)
        for(i <- 0 to K-1)
          g(i) = M*(palpha0 - digamma(alpha(i))) + pg(i)
        for(i <- 0 to K-1)
          h(i) = -1 / trigamma(alpha(i))
        var sh = 0.0
        for(i <- 0 to K-1)
          sh += h(i)
        var hgz = 0.0
        for(i <- 0 to K-1)
          hgz += g(i) * h(i)
        hgz /= (1 / trigamma(alpha0) + sh)
        for(i <- 0 to K-1)
          alpha(i) = alpha(i) - h(i) * (g(i) - hgz) / M
        val MAX_RECURSION_LIMIT = 10
        for(i <- 0 to K-1)
          if(alpha(i) < 0){
            if(level >= MAX_RECURSION_LIMIT){
              return newton_alpha(alpha, gammas, M, K, 1+level)
        if((t>0) && converged(alpha, palpha, K, 1.0e-4)){
          return (alpha, gammas)
          for(i <- 0 to K-1)
            palpha(i) = alpha(i)
      return (alpha, gammas)


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