HDU 4406 GPA(费用流)


Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 855    Accepted Submission(s): 300

Problem Description
GPA(Grade-Point Average) is one way to measure students’ academic performance in PKU. Each course has an integer credit, ranges from 1 to 99. For each course, you will get a score at the end of the semester, which is an integer ranges from 0 to 100. Then you can calculate the Grade-Point of this course with the following formula. (Your score is x and your Grade-Point is p, using real arithmetic)

Then you can get the GPA with the following formula (the Grade-Point of course i is p i, and the credit of course i is w i).

Now it is not far from the final exam, if you do not review, you can only get a basic score in each course.

You have n days to review. There are K classes in each day. For each class, only one course can be reviewed. After the review, your score in this course will exactly increase by 1. You can get more increment by spending more classes in this course. But the score may not exceed 100.

For some reasons, not any course can be reviewed in any class. Each day you can only review some of the courses.

Now you want your GPA to be as high as possible, and at the same time, you do not want to fail in any course. Please calculate the highest GPA you can get. 

The input consists of several test cases. Each test case begins with 3 integers N (0<=N<=40), K(0<K<=20), M (0<M<=20), representing the number of days, the number of classes in each day and the number of courses. Next line contains M integers representing credits of each course and M integers representing basic scores of each course (0<=score<=100). Next N lines contain an N*M matrix, the j th element in i th row means whether you can review course j in i th day, 1 means you can review course j in i th day, 0 means you cannot. The Input ends with 0 0 0.

For each test case, output the highest possible GPA, round to 6 digits after decimal point. If you have to fail a course, output 0.000000 instead.

Sample Input
2 10 3 1 1 2 50 60 90 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 20 4 1 1 1 1 50 50 50 40 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

Sample Output
2.757813 0.000000



#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#define typef int
#define typec double

using namespace std;

const int E = 888888;
const int N = 10008;
const typef inff = 0x3f3f3f3f;
const typec infc = 1e8;
const typec inf = 1e4;
const int maxn = 88;

double w[maxn];
double ww, res;

int mp[maxn][maxn];
int base[maxn];
int n, m, kk;
int cc;

double getp(int id, int x){
	if(x < 60) return 0;
	return (4 - 3.0 * (100 - x) * (100 - x) / 1600) * w[id] / ww;

double cal(int id, int x){
	//printf("getp   %f\n", getp(id, x));
	return getp(id, x + 1) - getp(id, x);

struct network{
	int nv, ne, pnt[E], nxt[E];
	int vis[N], que[N], head[N], pv[N], pe[N];
	typef flow, cap[E]; typec cost, dis[E], d[N];

	void addedge(int u, int v, typef c, typec w){
		//printf("%d   %d   %d   %f\n", u, v, c, w);
		pnt[ne] = v; cap[ne] = c;
		dis[ne] = +w; nxt[ne] = head[u]; head[u] = ne++;
		pnt[ne] = u; cap[ne] = 0;
		dis[ne] = -w; nxt[ne] = head[v]; head[v] = ne++;

	double mincost(int src, int sink){
		int i, k, f, r; typef mxf;

		for(flow = 0, cost = 0; ; ){
			memset(pv, -1, sizeof(pv));
			memset(vis, 0, sizeof(vis));
			for(i = 0; i < nv; i++) d[i] = infc;
			d[src] = 0; pv[src] = src; vis[src] = 1;

			for(f = 0, r = 1, que[0] = src; r != f; ){
				i = que[f++]; vis[i] = 0;
				//if(N == f) f = 0;
				for(k = head[i]; k != -1; k = nxt[k]){
					if(cap[k] && dis[k] + d[i] < d[pnt[k]]){
						d[pnt[k]] = dis[k] + d[i];
						if(0 == vis[pnt[k]]){
							vis[pnt[k]] = 1;
							que[r++] = pnt[k];
							//if(N == r) r = 0;
						pv[pnt[k]] = i; pe[pnt[k]] = k;
			if(-1 == pv[sink]) break;

			for(k = sink, mxf = inff; k != src; k = pv[k]){
				if(cap[pe[k]] < mxf) mxf = cap[pe[k]];
			flow += mxf; cost += d[sink] * mxf;

			for(k = sink; k != src; k = pv[k]){
				cap[pe[k]] -= mxf; cap[pe[k] ^ 1] += mxf;
		//printf("cost   %f\n", cost);

		return cost;

	void build(int v){
		nv = v; ne = 0;
		memset(head, -1, sizeof(head));
		// 0 = src, 1 = sink
		// 2 ~ m + 1 = p, m + 2 ~ m + n + 1 = day
		for(int i = 1; i <= m; i++){
			if(base[i] < 60){
				addedge(0, 1 + i, 60 - base[i], -inf);
				cc += 60 - base[i];
				res += getp(i, 60);
				res += getp(i, base[i]);
			for(int j = base[i] < 60 ? 60 : base[i]; j < 100; j++){
				//printf("%d\n", j);
				addedge(0, 1 + i, 1, -cal(i, j));
		for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){
			for(int j = 1; j <= m; j++){
				if(!mp[i][j]) continue;
				addedge(j + 1, m + 1 + i, kk, 0);
			addedge(m + 1 + i, 1, kk, 0);

int main(){

	//n days, m course, kk class every day
	while(scanf("%d%d%d", &n, &kk, &m), n + kk + m){
		cc = ww = res = 0;
		for(int i = 1; i <= m; i++){
			scanf("%lf", w + i);
			ww += w[i];
		for(int i = 1; i <= m; i++) scanf("%d", base + i);
		for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){
			for(int j = 1; j <= m; j++){
				scanf("%d", &mp[i][j]);
		g.build(n + m + 8);
		//printf("res   %f\n", res);
		res += -g.mincost(0, 1);
		//printf("%f    %d   %f\n", res, cc, -inf * cc);
		res = res - inf * cc;
		printf("%f\n", res < 0 ? 0 : res);

	return 0;





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钱包余额 0


