虚拟环境virtualenv问题PIP Install Numpy throws an error “ascii codec can't decode byte 0xe2”

virtualenv VIRTUALENV_DIR --system-site-packages

I have a freshly installed Ubuntu on a freshly built computer. I just installed python-pip using apt-get. Now when I try to pip install Numpy and Pandas, it gives the following error.

I've seen this error mentioned in quite a few places on SO and Google, but I haven't been able to find a solution. Some people mention it's a bug, some threads are just dead... What's going on?

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/pip", line 9, in <module>
    load_entry_point('pip==1.5.4', 'console_scripts', 'pip')()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/__init__.py", line 185, in main
    return command.main(cmd_args)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/basecommand.py", line 161, in main
    text = '\n'.join(complete_log)
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 72: ordinal not in range(128)
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Are there non-ASCII characters in your hostname, home directory, &c.? Does setting LC_ALL=C make any difference? –  Charles Duffy  Oct 20 '14 at 20:15
While this post is aimed at Amazon's EC2, it seems to be the same problem, and I find the answers more helpful: stackoverflow.com/questions/19595944/… –  BenjaminGolder  Dec 4 '14 at 12:07
I still do have a problem with the installation even though i have gotten numpy. Is there anyone else that have this problem? –  eleijonmarck  Mar 19 '15 at 21:45
As OP, and 3 years later, I can say I have solved this by migrating to Haskell ;) –  Josh.F  Aug 7 at 22:50

14 Answers

up vote 43 down vote accepted

I had this exact problem recently and used

apt-get install python-numpy

This adds numpy to your system python interpreter. I may have had to do the same for matplotlib. To use in a virtualenv, you have to create your environment using the




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Thanks! Also, I found that if python-dev doesn't come stock on the computer, you need that too –  Josh.F  Oct 20 '14 at 20:16
Yeah. I remember that now.. Good catch. –  Jeff M.  Oct 20 '14 at 20:17
You don't need to recreate your virtualenv, you can modify an existing one with virtualenv VIRTUALENV_DIR --system-site-packages. –  fiatjaf  Dec 6 '14 at 3:09
Had same issue on Ubuntu server 14.02. sudo apt-get install python2.7-dev solved the issue. –  baltasvejas  May 25 '15 at 16:31
This solves the problem but I think you should at least mention you are making (all) system packages available, so the point of using virtualenv is partially defeated... –  Mark  Aug 2 '15 at 13:53

For me @Charles Duffy comment solved it. Put this in your env:


You can add it to your .bashrc with a line like this:

export LC_ALL=C

But take in care that you'll affect all other programs. So you may want to use it just for the pip run:

$ LC_ALL=C pip install ...

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This seems to be the correct answer. Using --system-site-packages was not an option for me. –  moi  Aug 11 '15 at 13:16
a better wording for you answer would be: add "export LC_ALL=C" to your ~/.bashrc –  Gil Hiram  Jun 28 '16 at 8:43
@GilHiram Depends on your shell type you may have to set up this env variable in other places. unix.stackexchange.com/questions/50665/… –  msemelman  Jun 29 '16 at 13:51
The install didn't work for me both within, and outside a virtualenv so using --system-site-packages was not the right answer. I got it to work inside a virtualenv with LC_ALL=C pip install .... –  Arjun  Sep 19 '16 at 16:55
what does export LC_ALL=C mean / do ? –  javadba  Jun 27 at 20:40

Try updating pip:

pip install -U pip
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This worked for me on debian jessie inside of a venv. –  kalebo  May 4 at 15:47 

I had that problem with matplotlib package. I had to execute:

export LC_ALL=C
pip install --upgrade setuptools
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For me this was solved by ignoring a (presumably) corrupted cache with

pip install --no-cache-dir ...

as described here: https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/2674

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A combination of

sudo apt-get install python-dev


export LC_ALL=C
pip install --upgrade setuptools

solved my problem.

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I had a similar error when running pip install pandas and it was due to a memory shortage. I increased the memory in my virtual machine to 4G and that fixed things.

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Same here. Upgraded VM instance from 1 to a 2 gig RAM temporarily while installing. –  darwindave  Jan 15 '15 at 3:05

In 'site-packages' directory, make 'sitecustomize.py' like this

import sys

Now you can get the file 'pip.log'

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This is only an indirect answer, but it teaches something and does not deserve to be downvoted. –  user1158559  Mar 3 '16 at 17:05

try sudo apt-get install python-numpy . It worked out for me and same can be used for scipy,pandas etc by replacing them in place of numpy. (Y)

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If you want the pip version of numpy, you can build the dependencies for the package and then install it using pip

sudo apt-get build-dep python-numpy
pip install numpy

This should install everything needed at system level to install the package.

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Had a similar problem on a Jetson TK1 with Ubuntu.

Works fine with apt-get install python-pandas

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So many answers and none worked for me even though some clearly worked for other people. But I then figured out what my problem was, so I'll just add it to the collection:

dpkg-reconfigure locales
# enable the "en-US.UTF-8" locale
# when asked for a default, no need to define one

The thing is, I was working inside a Debian Stretch linux container that happened to not have any UTF-8 locales installed, probably because I downloaded a minimal stock image. With this UTF-8 locale now installed, pip properly installed numpy and other packages.

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In my case I had just installed Python from source (on a remote machine where I am not sudo). For whatever reason, pip was on some really old version. So after:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

I was able to install numpy and everything I wanted without trouble.

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I met the similar problem. I tried:

export LC_ALL=C
pip install --upgrade setuptools

But it did not solve the problem, but another error came up:

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'rollback'

Then I tried:

pip install -U pip

Then the problem was solved.

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### 回答1: 这个问题通常是由于安装的包不兼容当前Python版本导致的。解决方法如下: 1. 确认Python版本是否正确,可以在命令行输入python --version查看。 2. 确认安装的包是否支持当前Python版本,可以在官方文档中查看。 3. 如果安装的包不支持当前Python版本,可以尝试升级Python版本或者安装支持当前Python版本的包。 4. 如果以上方法都无法解决问题,可以尝试卸载当前Python版本并重新安装。 ### 回答2: 在使用pip安装软件包时,有时会遇到“SyntaxError: invalid syntax”的错误提示,这是由于Python版本不兼容导致的。在解决此问题之前,我们需要了解几个概念: 1. Python版本——在安装软件包之前,需要确认您的Python版本是否兼容该软件包。对于某些软件包,只能在特定的Python版本上运行。例如,某些开发工具包只能在Python 2.x版本上运行;其他软件包仅支持Python 3.x版本。 2. pip——pip是Python的包管理器,可以方便地安装、升级和卸载Python软件包。但是,pip不是Python的一部分。当您安装Python时,pip可能已经默认安装或需要手动安装。 3. 环境变量——在Windows环境中,所有Python相关的路径集中在环境变量PATH中。在Mac OS或Linux中,则使用默认位置/usr/local/bin/,不需要配置环境变量。 下面是一些解决“SyntaxError: invalid syntax”错误的方法: 1. 检查Python版本——确定您要安装的软件包是否与您正在运行的Python版本兼容。您可以在终端或命令提示符中键入python -V命令以查看您的Python版本。如果您需要更改Python版本,请根据您的操作系统和平台安装新的Python版本。 2. 更新pip——如果使用的pip版本过旧,则不支持一些新的软件包或功能。如果您有旧版本的pip,请使用以下命令升级:pip install -U pip。 3. 检查软件包——如果同时能在Python 2.x和Python 3.x上使用,则可能会出现与安装软件包有关的问题。检查软件包的文档或说明,以了解其支持的Python版本。或者,您可以在类Unix环境中使用Virtualenv或类似的工具来创建一个干净的Python环境,以避免与其他版本的Python发生冲突。 4. 检查环境变量——当您安装多个版本的Python时,可能需要配置环境变量,以便在终端或命令提示符中运行正确版本的Python。如果PATH环境变量中包含错误的Python路径,则可能会出现问题。检查您的路径是否正确设置,以确保正在使用正确的Python版本。 总之,如果您在使用pip安装软件包时遇到“SyntaxError: invalid syntax”错误,请先检查Python版本,更新pip版本,检查软件包和环境变量,以找到问题的根源。 ### 回答3: 当我们使用pip命令在Python环境下安装某一模块时,有时候可能会碰到“SyntaxError: invalid syntax”的报错提示。这通常是因为我们使用了错误的命令、参数或者不支持的Python版本等原因所致。 那么如何解决这个问题呢?以下是几种常见的解决方法: 1. 检查Python版本是否支持 我们可以通过pip命令的–version参数查看当前Python的版本。如果我们使用的是Python 2.x版本,则需要更新Python环境到Python 3.x版本,否则可能会碰到上述报错。我们可以使用以下命令将Python环境更新到最新的Python 3.x版本: $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install python3 2. 使用正确的pip命令 我们需要确保使用的是正确的pip命令。如果我们使用的是Python 2.x版本,则需要使用pip2命令;如果我们使用的是Python 3.x版本,则需要使用pip3命令。如果我们在Python 3.x环境下尝试使用pip2命令,就会碰到“SyntaxError: invalid syntax”的报错。正确的pip命令应该是: $ pip3 install xxx 3. 检查输入命令是否正确 有时候我们输入的命令或参数存在错误,也会导致这个报错。比如我们在安装模块时,输入的模块名、命令格式或参数存在问题,就会出现“SyntaxError: invalid syntax”的报错。在这种情况下,我们需要仔细检查输入命令是否正确,尤其是空格、大小写等细节问题。 4. 切换虚拟环境 在使用虚拟环境时,我们需要先激活虚拟环境,然后再使用pip命令安装模块。如果我们在未激活虚拟环境下尝试安装模块,就会出现上述报错。因此,我们需要先切换到正确的虚拟环境下。 5. 更新pip版本 有时候我们的pip版本过旧,也会导致这个报错。我们可以通过以下命令更新pip版本: $ pip install --upgrade pip 以上就是解决“SyntaxError: invalid syntax”的一些方法。如果我们还是没有解决问题,可以尝试使用其它安装模块的方法,如使用source code编译安装等。


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