
*                                                      uC/OS-III
*                                                 The Real-Time Kernel
*                                  (c) Copyright 2009-2012; Micrium, Inc.; Weston, FL
*                           All rights reserved.  Protected by international copyright laws.
*                                                   TICK MANAGEMENT
* File    : OS_TICK.C
* By      : JJL
* Version : V3.03.01
* ---------------
*           uC/OS-III is provided in source form for FREE short-term evaluation, for educational use or 
*           for peaceful research.  If you plan or intend to use uC/OS-III in a commercial application/
*           product then, you need to contact Micrium to properly license uC/OS-III for its use in your 
*           application/product.   We provide ALL the source code for your convenience and to help you 
*           experience uC/OS-III.  The fact that the source is provided does NOT mean that you can use 
*           it commercially without paying a licensing fee.
*           Knowledge of the source code may NOT be used to develop a similar product.
*           Please help us continue to provide the embedded community with the finest software available.
*           Your honesty is greatly appreciated.
*           You can contact us at www.micrium.com, or by phone at +1 (954) 217-2036.

#include <os.h>

const  CPU_CHAR  *os_tick__c = "$Id: $";

*                                                  LOCAL PROTOTYPES

*                                                      TICK TASK
* Description: This task is internal to uC/OS-III and is triggered by the tick interrupt.
* Arguments  : p_arg     is an argument passed to the task when the task is created (unused).
* Returns    : none
* Note(s)    : This function is INTERNAL to uC/OS-III and your application should not call it.

void  OS_TickTask (void  *p_arg)
    OS_ERR  err;
    CPU_TS  ts;

    p_arg = p_arg;                                          /* Prevent compiler warning                               */

    while (DEF_ON) {
        (void)OSTaskSemPend((OS_TICK  )0,
                            (OS_OPT   )OS_OPT_PEND_BLOCKING,
                            (CPU_TS  *)&ts,
                            (OS_ERR  *)&err);               /* Wait for signal from tick interrupt                    */
        if (err == OS_ERR_NONE) {
            if (OSRunning == OS_STATE_OS_RUNNING) {
                OS_TickListUpdate();                        /* Update all tasks waiting for time                      */

*                                                 INITIALIZE TICK TASK
* Description: This function is called by OSInit() to create the tick task.
* Arguments  : p_err   is a pointer to a variable that will hold the value of an error code:
*                          OS_ERR_TICK_STK_INVALID   if the pointer to the tick task stack is a NULL pointer
*                          OS_ERR_TICK_STK_SIZE      indicates that the specified stack size
*                          OS_ERR_PRIO_INVALID       if the priority you specified in the configuration is invalid
*                                                      (There could be only one task at the Idle Task priority)
*                                                      (Maybe the priority you specified is higher than OS_CFG_PRIO_MAX-1
*                          OS_ERR_??                 other error code returned by OSTaskCreate()
* Returns    : none
* Note(s)    : This function is INTERNAL to uC/OS-III and your application should not call it.

void  OS_TickTaskInit (OS_ERR  *p_err)
    if (p_err == (OS_ERR *)0) {

    OSTickCtr         = (OS_TICK)0u;                        /* Clear the tick counter                                 */

    OSTickTaskTimeMax = (CPU_TS)0u;

    OS_TickListInit();                                      /* Initialize the tick list data structures               */

                                                            /* ---------------- CREATE THE TICK TASK ---------------- */
    if (OSCfg_TickTaskStkBasePtr == (CPU_STK *)0) {
       *p_err = OS_ERR_TICK_STK_INVALID;

    if (OSCfg_TickTaskStkSize < OSCfg_StkSizeMin) {

    if (OSCfg_TickTaskPrio >= (OS_CFG_PRIO_MAX - 1u)) {     /* Only one task at the 'Idle Task' priority              */
       *p_err = OS_ERR_TICK_PRIO_INVALID;

    OSTaskCreate((OS_TCB     *)&OSTickTaskTCB,
                 (CPU_CHAR   *)((void *)"uC/OS-III Tick Task"),
                 (OS_TASK_PTR )OS_TickTask,
                 (void       *)0,
                 (OS_PRIO     )OSCfg_TickTaskPrio,
                 (CPU_STK    *)OSCfg_TickTaskStkBasePtr,
                 (OS_MSG_QTY  )0u,
                 (OS_TICK     )0u,
                 (void       *)0,
                 (OS_ERR     *)p_err);

*                                               INITIALIZE THE TICK LIST
* Description: This function initializes the tick handling data structures of uC/OS-III.
* Arguments  : none
* Returns    : None
* Note(s)    : This function is INTERNAL to uC/OS-III and your application MUST NOT call it.

void  OS_TickListInit (void)
    OS_TICK_SPOKE     *p_spoke;

    for (i = 0u; i < OSCfg_TickWheelSize; i++) {
        p_spoke                = (OS_TICK_SPOKE *)&OSCfg_TickWheel[i];
        p_spoke->FirstPtr      = (OS_TCB        *)0;
        p_spoke->NbrEntries    = (OS_OBJ_QTY     )0u;
        p_spoke->NbrEntriesMax = (OS_OBJ_QTY     )0u;

*                                                ADD TASK TO TICK LIST
* Description: This function is called to place a task in a list of task waiting for either time to expire or waiting to
*              timeout on a pend call.
* Arguments  : p_tcb          is a pointer to the OS_TCB of the task to add to the tick list
*              -----
*              time           represents either the 'match' value of OSTickCtr or a relative time from the current
*                             value of OSTickCtr as specified by the 'opt' argument..
*                             relative when 'opt' is set to OS_OPT_TIME_DLY
*                             relative when 'opt' is set to OS_OPT_TIME_TIMEOUT
*                             match    when 'opt' is set to OS_OPT_TIME_MATCH
*                             periodic when 'opt' is set to OS_OPT_TIME_PERIODIC
*              opt            is an option specifying how to calculate time.  The valid values are:
*              ---
*                                 OS_OPT_TIME_DLY
*                                 OS_OPT_TIME_TIMEOUT
*                                 OS_OPT_TIME_PERIODIC
*                                 OS_OPT_TIME_MATCH
*              p_err          is a pointer to a variable that will contain an error code returned by this function.
*              -----
*                                 OS_ERR_NONE           the call was successful and the time delay was scheduled.
*                                 OS_ERR_TIME_ZERO_DLY  if delay is zero or already occurred.
* Returns    : None
* Note(s)    : 1) This function is INTERNAL to uC/OS-III and your application MUST NOT call it.
*              2) This function is assumed to be called with interrupts disabled.

void  OS_TickListInsert (OS_TCB   *p_tcb,
                         OS_TICK   time,
                         OS_OPT    opt,
                         OS_ERR   *p_err)
    OS_TICK            tick_delta;
    OS_TICK            tick_next;
    OS_TICK_SPOKE     *p_spoke;
    OS_TCB            *p_tcb0;
    OS_TCB            *p_tcb1;
    OS_TICK_SPOKE_IX   spoke;

    if (opt == OS_OPT_TIME_MATCH) {                              /* Task time is absolute.                            */
        tick_delta = time - OSTickCtr - 1u;
        if (tick_delta > OS_TICK_TH_RDY) {                       /* If delay already occurred, ...                    */
            p_tcb->TickCtrMatch = (OS_TICK        )0u;
            p_tcb->TickRemain   = (OS_TICK        )0u;
            p_tcb->TickSpokePtr = (OS_TICK_SPOKE *)0;
           *p_err               =  OS_ERR_TIME_ZERO_DLY;         /* ... do NOT delay.                                 */
        p_tcb->TickCtrMatch = time;
        p_tcb->TickRemain   = tick_delta + 1u;

    } else if (time > (OS_TICK)0u) {
        if (opt == OS_OPT_TIME_PERIODIC) {                       /* Task time is periodic.                            */
            tick_next  = p_tcb->TickCtrPrev + time;
            tick_delta = tick_next - OSTickCtr - 1u;
            if (tick_delta < time) {                             /* If next periodic delay did NOT already occur, ... */
                p_tcb->TickCtrMatch = tick_next;                 /* ... set  next  periodic delay;                ... */
            } else {
                p_tcb->TickCtrMatch = OSTickCtr + time;          /* ... else reset periodic delay.                    */
            p_tcb->TickRemain   = p_tcb->TickCtrMatch - OSTickCtr;
            p_tcb->TickCtrPrev  = p_tcb->TickCtrMatch;

        } else {                                                 /* Task time is relative to current.                 */
            p_tcb->TickCtrMatch = OSTickCtr + time;
            p_tcb->TickRemain   = time;

    } else {                                                     /* Zero time delay; ...                              */
        p_tcb->TickCtrMatch = (OS_TICK        )0u;
        p_tcb->TickRemain   = (OS_TICK        )0u;
        p_tcb->TickSpokePtr = (OS_TICK_SPOKE *)0;
       *p_err               =  OS_ERR_TIME_ZERO_DLY;             /* ... do NOT delay.                                 */

    spoke   = (OS_TICK_SPOKE_IX)(p_tcb->TickCtrMatch % OSCfg_TickWheelSize);
    p_spoke = &OSCfg_TickWheel[spoke];

    if (p_spoke->NbrEntries == (OS_OBJ_QTY)0u) {                 /* First entry in the spoke                          */
        p_tcb->TickNextPtr   = (OS_TCB   *)0;
        p_tcb->TickPrevPtr   = (OS_TCB   *)0;
        p_spoke->FirstPtr    =  p_tcb;
        p_spoke->NbrEntries  = (OS_OBJ_QTY)1u;
    } else {
        p_tcb1     = p_spoke->FirstPtr;                          /* Point to current first TCB in the list            */
        while (p_tcb1 != (OS_TCB *)0) {
            p_tcb1->TickRemain = p_tcb1->TickCtrMatch            /* Compute time remaining of current TCB in list     */
                               - OSTickCtr;
            if (p_tcb->TickRemain > p_tcb1->TickRemain) {        /* Do we need to insert AFTER current TCB in list?   */
                if (p_tcb1->TickNextPtr != (OS_TCB *)0) {        /* Yes, are we pointing at the last TCB in the list? */
                    p_tcb1               =  p_tcb1->TickNextPtr; /* No,  Point to next TCB in the list                */
                } else {
                    p_tcb->TickNextPtr   = (OS_TCB *)0;
                    p_tcb->TickPrevPtr   =  p_tcb1;
                    p_tcb1->TickNextPtr  =  p_tcb;               /* Yes, TCB to add is now new last entry in the list */
                    p_tcb1               = (OS_TCB *)0;          /* Break loop                                        */
            } else {                                             /* Insert before the current TCB                     */
                if (p_tcb1->TickPrevPtr == (OS_TCB *)0) {        /* Are we inserting before the first TCB?            */
                    p_tcb->TickPrevPtr   = (OS_TCB *)0;
                    p_tcb->TickNextPtr   =  p_tcb1;
                    p_tcb1->TickPrevPtr  =  p_tcb;
                    p_spoke->FirstPtr    =  p_tcb;
                } else {                                         /* Insert in between 2 TCBs already in the list      */
                    p_tcb0               =  p_tcb1->TickPrevPtr;
                    p_tcb->TickPrevPtr   =  p_tcb0;
                    p_tcb->TickNextPtr   =  p_tcb1;
                    p_tcb0->TickNextPtr  =  p_tcb;
                    p_tcb1->TickPrevPtr  =  p_tcb;
                p_tcb1 = (OS_TCB *)0;                            /* Break loop                                        */
    if (p_spoke->NbrEntriesMax < p_spoke->NbrEntries) {          /* Keep track of maximum # of entries in each spoke  */
        p_spoke->NbrEntriesMax = p_spoke->NbrEntries;
    p_tcb->TickSpokePtr = p_spoke;                               /* Link back to tick spoke                           */
   *p_err               = OS_ERR_NONE;

*                                         REMOVE A TASK FROM THE TICK LIST
* Description: This function is called to remove a task from the tick list
* Arguments  : p_tcb          Is a pointer to the OS_TCB to remove.
*              -----
* Returns    : none
* Note(s)    : 1) This function is INTERNAL to uC/OS-III and your application MUST NOT call it.
*              2) This function is assumed to be called with interrupts disabled.

void  OS_TickListRemove (OS_TCB  *p_tcb)
    OS_TICK_SPOKE  *p_spoke;
    OS_TCB         *p_tcb1;
    OS_TCB         *p_tcb2;

    p_spoke = p_tcb->TickSpokePtr;
    if (p_spoke != (OS_TICK_SPOKE *)0) {                              /* Confirm that task is in tick list            */
        p_tcb->TickRemain = (OS_TICK)0u;
        if (p_spoke->FirstPtr == p_tcb) {                             /* Is timer to remove at the beginning of list? */
            p_tcb1            = (OS_TCB *)p_tcb->TickNextPtr;         /* Yes                                          */
            p_spoke->FirstPtr = p_tcb1;
            if (p_tcb1 != (OS_TCB *)0) {
                p_tcb1->TickPrevPtr = (OS_TCB *)0;
        } else {
            p_tcb1              = p_tcb->TickPrevPtr;                 /* No, remove timer from somewhere in the list  */
            p_tcb2              = p_tcb->TickNextPtr;
            p_tcb1->TickNextPtr = p_tcb2;
            if (p_tcb2 != (OS_TCB *)0) {
                p_tcb2->TickPrevPtr = p_tcb1;
        p_tcb->TickNextPtr  = (OS_TCB        *)0;
        p_tcb->TickPrevPtr  = (OS_TCB        *)0;
        p_tcb->TickSpokePtr = (OS_TICK_SPOKE *)0;
        p_tcb->TickCtrMatch = (OS_TICK        )0u;

*                                              RESET TICK LIST PEAK DETECTOR
* Description: This function is used to reset the peak detector for the number of entries in each spoke.
* Arguments  : void
* Returns    : none
* Note(s)    : This function is INTERNAL to uC/OS-III and your application should not call it.

void  OS_TickListResetPeak (void)
    OS_TICK_SPOKE     *p_spoke;

    for (i = 0u; i < OSCfg_TickWheelSize; i++) {
        p_spoke                = (OS_TICK_SPOKE *)&OSCfg_TickWheel[i];
        p_spoke->NbrEntriesMax = (OS_OBJ_QTY     )0u;

*                                                UPDATE THE TICK LIST
* Description: This function is called when a tick occurs and determines if the timeout waiting for a kernel object has
*              expired or a delay has expired.
* Arguments  : non
* Returns    : none
* Note(s)    : 1) This function is INTERNAL to uC/OS-III and your application MUST NOT call it.

void  OS_TickListUpdate (void)
    CPU_BOOLEAN        done;
    OS_TICK_SPOKE     *p_spoke;
    OS_TCB            *p_tcb;
    OS_TCB            *p_tcb_next;
    OS_TICK_SPOKE_IX   spoke;
    CPU_TS             ts_start;
    CPU_TS             ts_end;

    ts_start = OS_TS_GET();
    OSTickCtr++;                                                       /* Keep track of the number of ticks           */
    spoke    = (OS_TICK_SPOKE_IX)(OSTickCtr % OSCfg_TickWheelSize);
    p_spoke  = &OSCfg_TickWheel[spoke];
    p_tcb    = p_spoke->FirstPtr;
    done     = DEF_FALSE;
    while (done == DEF_FALSE) {
        if (p_tcb != (OS_TCB *)0) {
            p_tcb_next = p_tcb->TickNextPtr;                           /* Point to next TCB to update                 */
            switch (p_tcb->TaskState) {
                case OS_TASK_STATE_RDY:
                case OS_TASK_STATE_PEND:
                case OS_TASK_STATE_SUSPENDED:
                case OS_TASK_STATE_PEND_SUSPENDED:

                case OS_TASK_STATE_DLY:
                     p_tcb->TickRemain = p_tcb->TickCtrMatch           /* Compute time remaining of current TCB       */
                                       - OSTickCtr;
                     if (OSTickCtr == p_tcb->TickCtrMatch) {           /* Process each TCB that expires               */
                         p_tcb->TaskState = OS_TASK_STATE_RDY;
                         OS_TaskRdy(p_tcb);                            /* Make task ready to run                      */
                     } else {
                         done             = DEF_TRUE;                  /* Don't find a match, we're done!             */

                case OS_TASK_STATE_PEND_TIMEOUT:
                     p_tcb->TickRemain = p_tcb->TickCtrMatch           /* Compute time remaining of current TCB       */
                                       - OSTickCtr;
                     if (OSTickCtr == p_tcb->TickCtrMatch) {           /* Process each TCB that expires               */
#if (OS_MSG_EN > 0u)
                         p_tcb->MsgPtr     = (void      *)0;
                         p_tcb->MsgSize    = (OS_MSG_SIZE)0u;
                         p_tcb->TS         = OS_TS_GET();
                         OS_PendListRemove(p_tcb);                     /* Remove from wait list                       */
                         p_tcb->TaskState  = OS_TASK_STATE_RDY;
                         p_tcb->PendStatus = OS_STATUS_PEND_TIMEOUT;   /* Indicate pend timed out                     */
                         p_tcb->PendOn     = OS_TASK_PEND_ON_NOTHING;  /* Indicate no longer pending                  */
                     } else {
                         done              = DEF_TRUE;                 /* Don't find a match, we're done!             */

                case OS_TASK_STATE_DLY_SUSPENDED:
                     p_tcb->TickRemain = p_tcb->TickCtrMatch           /* Compute time remaining of current TCB       */
                                       - OSTickCtr;
                     if (OSTickCtr == p_tcb->TickCtrMatch) {           /* Process each TCB that expires               */
                         p_tcb->TaskState  = OS_TASK_STATE_SUSPENDED;
                         OS_TickListRemove(p_tcb);                     /* Remove from current wheel spoke             */
                     } else {
                         done              = DEF_TRUE;                 /* Don't find a match, we're done!             */

                     p_tcb->TickRemain = p_tcb->TickCtrMatch           /* Compute time remaining of current TCB       */
                                       - OSTickCtr;
                     if (OSTickCtr == p_tcb->TickCtrMatch) {           /* Process each TCB that expires               */
#if (OS_MSG_EN > 0u)
                         p_tcb->MsgPtr     = (void      *)0;
                         p_tcb->MsgSize    = (OS_MSG_SIZE)0u;
                         p_tcb->TS         = OS_TS_GET();
                         OS_PendListRemove(p_tcb);                     /* Remove from wait list                       */
                         OS_TickListRemove(p_tcb);                     /* Remove from current wheel spoke             */
                         p_tcb->TaskState  = OS_TASK_STATE_SUSPENDED;
                         p_tcb->PendStatus = OS_STATUS_PEND_TIMEOUT;   /* Indicate pend timed out                     */
                         p_tcb->PendOn     = OS_TASK_PEND_ON_NOTHING;  /* Indicate no longer pending                  */
                     } else {
                         done              = DEF_TRUE;                 /* Don't find a match, we're done!             */

            p_tcb = p_tcb_next;
        } else {
            done  = DEF_TRUE;
    ts_end = OS_TS_GET() - ts_start;                                   /* Measure execution time of tick task         */
    if (OSTickTaskTimeMax < ts_end) {
        OSTickTaskTimeMax = ts_end;


\SOFTWARE The main directory from the root where all software-related files are placed. \SOFTWARE\BLOCKS The main directory where all ‘Building Blocks’ are located. With μC/OS-II, I included a ‘building block’ that handles DOS-type compatible functions that are used by the example code. \SOFTWARE\BLOCKS\TO This directory contains the files for the TO utility (see Appendix E, TO). The source file is TO.C and is found in the \SOFTWARE\TO\SOURCE directory. The DOS executable file (TO.EXE) is found in the \SOFTWARE\TO\EXE directory. Note that TO requires a file called TO.TBL which must reside on your root directory. An example of TO.TBL is also found in the \SOFTWARE\TO\EXE directory. You will need to move TO.TBL to the root directory if you are to use TO.EXE. \SOFTWARE\uCOS-II The main directory where all μC/OS-II files are located. \SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\EX1_x86L This directory contains the source code for EXAMPLE #1 (see section 1.07, Example #1) which is intended to run under DOS (or a DOS window under Windows 95). \SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\EX2_x86L This directory contains the source code for EXAMPLE #2 (see section 1.08, Example #2) which is intended to run under DOS (or a DOS window under Windows 95). \SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\EX3_x86L This directory contains the source code for EXAMPLE #3 (see section 1.09, Example #3) which is intended to run under DOS (or a DOS window under Windows 95). \SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\Ix86L This directory contains the source code for the processor dependent code (a.k.a. the port) of μC/OS-II for an 80x86 Real-Mode, Large Model processor. \SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\SOURCE This directory contains the source code for processor independent portion of μC/OS-II. This code is fully portable to other processor architectures.




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