ContextHub: 相关aidl/ hidl文件

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class NanoAppMessage


class ContextHubMessage







import android.hardware.location.ContextHubInfo;
import android.hardware.location.ContextHubMessage;
import android.hardware.location.NanoApp;
import android.hardware.location.NanoAppBinary;
import android.hardware.location.NanoAppFilter;
import android.hardware.location.NanoAppInstanceInfo;
import android.hardware.location.IContextHubCallback;
import android.hardware.location.IContextHubClient;
import android.hardware.location.IContextHubClientCallback;
import android.hardware.location.IContextHubTransactionCallback;

system service: contexthub向外提供的接口

interface IContextHubService {
    int registerCallback(in IContextHubCallback callback);
    int[] getContextHubHandles();

    ContextHubInfo getContextHubInfo(int contextHubHandle);

    NanoAppInstanceInfo getNanoAppInstanceInfo(int nanoAppHandle);

    int[] findNanoAppOnHub(int contextHubHandle, in NanoAppFilter filter);

    int sendMessage(int contextHubHandle, int nanoAppHandle, in ContextHubMessage msg);

    IContextHubClient createClient(in IContextHubClientCallback client, int contextHubId);

    List<ContextHubInfo> getContextHubs();

    void loadNanoAppOnHub(
            int contextHubId, in IContextHubTransactionCallback transactionCallback,
            in NanoAppBinary nanoAppBinary);
    void unloadNanoAppFromHub(
            int contextHubId, in IContextHubTransactionCallback transactionCallback,
            long nanoAppId);
    void enableNanoApp(
            int contextHubId, in IContextHubTransactionCallback transactionCallback,
            long nanoAppId);
    void disableNanoApp(
            int contextHubId, in IContextHubTransactionCallback transactionCallback,
            long nanoAppId);
    void queryNanoApps(int contextHubId, in IContextHubTransactionCallback transactionCallback);


IContextHubClient提供的接口是sendMessageToNanoApp 和IContextHubService的sendMessage有什么区别?

import android.hardware.location.NanoAppMessage

interface IContextHubClient {
    // Sends a message to a nanoapp
    int sendMessageToNanoApp(in NanoAppMessage message);
    // Closes the connection with the Context Hub
    void close();

class NanoAppMessage

 * A class describing messages send to or from nanoapps through the Context Hub Service.
 * The basis of the class is in the IContextHub.hal ContextHubMsg definition.
 * @hide
private NanoAppMessage(
            long nanoAppId, int messageType, byte[] messageBody, boolean broadcasted) {
        mNanoAppId = nanoAppId;
        mMessageType = messageType;
        mMessageBody = messageBody;
        mIsBroadcasted = broadcasted;
struct ContextHubMsg {//来着IContextHub.hal
    uint64_t appName;      // Intended recipient (appId)
    uint16_t hostEndPoint; // identifier for the endpoint. (also see enum HostEndPoint)
    uint32_t msgType;      // Identifier for message
    vec<uint8_t> msg;      // Message body


import android.hardware.location.ContextHubMessage;
oneway interface IContextHubCallback {
    void onMessageReceipt(int hubId, int nanoAppId, in ContextHubMessage msg);

class ContextHubMessage

 * @deprecated Use {@link android.hardware.location.NanoAppMessage} instead to send messages with
 *             {@link android.hardware.location.ContextHubClient#sendMessageToNanoApp(
 *             NanoAppMessage)} and receive messages with
 *             {@link android.hardware.location.ContextHubClientCallback#onMessageFromNanoApp(
 *             ContextHubClient, NanoAppMessage)}.

NanoAppMessage替代ContextHubMessage, 用ContextHubClient#sendMessageToNanoApp发送消息,在ContextHubClientCallback#onMessageFromNanoApp中处理返回的消息。


 * An interface used by the Context Hub Service to invoke callbacks for lifecycle notifications of a
 * Context Hub and nanoapps, as well as for nanoapp messaging.
 * @hide
oneway interface IContextHubClientCallback {
    // Callback invoked when receiving a message from a nanoapp.
    void onMessageFromNanoApp(in NanoAppMessage message);
    // Callback invoked when the attached Context Hub has reset.
    void onHubReset();
    // Callback invoked when a nanoapp aborts at the attached Context Hub.
    void onNanoAppAborted(long nanoAppId, int abortCode);
    // Callback invoked when a nanoapp is loaded at the attached Context Hub.
    void onNanoAppLoaded(long nanoAppId);
    // Callback invoked when a nanoapp is unloaded from the attached Context Hub.
    void onNanoAppUnloaded(long nanoAppId);
    // Callback invoked when a nanoapp is enabled at the attached Context Hub.
    void onNanoAppEnabled(long nanoAppId);
    // Callback invoked when a nanoapp is disabled at the attached Context Hub.
    void onNanoAppDisabled(long nanoAppId);


 * An interface used by the Context Hub Service to invoke callbacks notifying the complete of a
 * transaction.
The callbacks are unique for each type of transaction, and the service is
 * responsible for invoking the correct callback
 * @hide
oneway interface IContextHubTransactionCallback {
    // Callback to be invoked when a query request completes
    void onQueryResponse(int result, in List<NanoAppState> nanoappList);
    // Callback to be invoked when a non-query request completes
    void onTransactionComplete(int result);


 * The Context Hub HAL provides an interface to a separate low-power processing
 * domain that has direct access to contextual information, such as sensors.
 * Native applications that run within a context hub are known as nanoapps, and
 * they execute within the Context Hub Runtime Environment (CHRE), which is
 * standardized via the CHRE API, defined elsewhere.
interface IContexthub {
     * Enumerate all available context hubs on the system.
     * @return hubs list of hubs on this system.
    getHubs() generates (vec<ContextHub> hubs);

     * Register a callback for the HAL implementation to send asynchronous
     * messages to the service from a context hub. There can be a maximum of
     * one callback registered with the HAL. A call to this function when a
     * callback has already been registered must override the previous
     * registration.
     * @param hubId    identifier for the hub
     *        callback an implementation of the IContextHubCallbacks
     * @return result OK on success
     *                BAD_VALUE if parameters are not sane
     registerCallback(uint32_t hubId, IContexthubCallback cb) generates (Result result);

     * Send a message to a hub
     * @param hubId identifier for hub to send message to
     *        msg   message to be sent
     * @return result OK if successful, error code otherwise
     *                BAD_VALUE if parameters are not sane
     *                TRANSACTION_FAILED if message send failed
    sendMessageToHub(uint32_t hubId, ContextHubMsg msg)
            generates (Result result);

     * Loads a nanoApp. After loading, the nanoApp's init method must be called.
     * After the init method for nanoApp returns success, this must be indicated
     * to the service by an asynchronous call to handleTxnResult.
     * Loading a nanoapp must not take more than 30 seconds.
     * Depending on the implementation, nanoApps loaded via this API may or may
     * not persist across reboots of the hub. If they do persist, the
     * implementation must initially place nanoApps in the disabled state upon a
     * reboot, and not start them until a call is made to enableNanoApp(). In
     * this case, the app must also be unloaded upon a factory reset of the
     * device.
     * @param hubId identifer of the contextHub
     *        appBinary contains the binary representation of the nanoApp, plus
     *                  metadata
     *        transactionId transactionId for this call
     * @return result OK if transation started
     *                BAD_VALUE if parameters are not sane
     *                TRANSACTION_PENDING if hub is busy with another
     *                                    load/unload transaction
     *                TRANSACTION_FAILED if load failed synchronously
    loadNanoApp(uint32_t hubId,
                NanoAppBinary appBinary,
                uint32_t transactionId)
            generates (Result result);

     * Unloads a nanoApp. Before the unload, the apps deinit method is called.
     * After this, success must be indicated to the service through an
     * asynchronous call to handleTxnResult.
     * Unloading a nanoapp must not take more than 5 seconds.
     * @param hubId identifer of the contextHub
     *        appId appIdentifier returned by the HAL
     *        msg   message to be sent
     * @return result OK if transation started
     *                BAD_VALUE if parameters are not sane
     *                TRANSACTION_PENDING if hub is busy with another
     *                                    load/unload transaction
     *                TRANSACTION_FAILED if unload failed synchronously
    unloadNanoApp(uint32_t hubId, uint64_t appId, uint32_t transactionId)
            generates (Result result);

     * Enables a nanoApp. The app's init method is called.
     * After this, success must be indicated to the service through an
     * asynchronous message.
     * Enabling a nanoapp must not take more than 5 seconds.
     * @param hubId identifer of the contextHub
     *        appId appIdentifier returned by the HAL
     *        msg   message to be sent
     * @return result OK if transation started
     *                BAD_VALUE if parameters are not sane
     *                TRANSACTION_PENDING if hub is busy with another
     *                                    load/unload transaction
     *                FAILED_TRANSACTION if load fails immediately
    enableNanoApp(uint32_t hubId, uint64_t appId, uint32_t transactionId)
            generates (Result result);

     * Disables a nanoApp. The app's deinit method is called.
     * After this, success must be indicated to the service through an
     * asynchronous message.
     * Disabling a nanoapp must not take more than 5 seconds.
     * @param hubId identifer of the contextHub
     *        appId appIdentifier returned by the HAL
     *        msg   message to be sent
     * @return result OK if transation started
     *                BAD_VALUE if parameters are not sane
     *                TRANSACTION_PENDING if hub is busy with another
     *                                    load/unload transaction
     *                FAILED_TRANSACTION if load fails immediately
    disableNanoApp(uint32_t hubId, uint64_t appId, uint32_t transactionId)
            generates (Result result);

     * Queries for Loaded apps on the hub
     * @param hubId identifer of the contextHub
     * @return apps all nanoApps on the hub.
     *              All nanoApps that can be modified by the service must
     *              be returned. A non-modifiable nanoapps must not be
     *              returned. A modifiable nanoApp is one that can be
     *              unloaded/disabled/enabled by the service.
    queryApps(uint32_t hubId) generates (Result result);


interface IContexthubCallback {
     * This callback is passed by the Contexthub service to the HAL
     * implementation to allow the HAL to send asynchronous messages back
     * to the service and registered clients of the ContextHub service.
     * @params msg : message
     handleClientMsg(ContextHubMsg msg);

     * This callback is passed by the Contexthub service to the HAL
     * implementation to allow the HAL to send the response for a
     * transaction.
     * @params txnId : transaction id whose result is being sent
     *                 passed in by the service at start of transacation.
     *         result: result of transaction.
     handleTxnResult(uint32_t txnId, TransactionResult result);

     * This callback is passed by the Contexthub service to the HAL
     * implementation to allow the HAL to send an asynchronous event
     * to the ContextHub service.
     * @params msg : message
     handleHubEvent(AsyncEventType evt);

     * This callback is passed by the Contexthub service to the HAL
     * implementation to allow the HAL to send a notification to the service
     * that a nanp-app has aborted.
     * This method must be called when a nanoapp invokes chreAbort(...)).
     * @params appId : app identifier
     *               : abortCode code passed by the nanoApp.
     * Also see chreAbort(...)
     handleAppAbort(uint64_t appId, uint32_t abortCode);

      * This callback is passed by the Contexthub service to the HAL
      * implementation to allow the HAL to send information about the
      * currently loaded and active nanoapps on the hub.
      * @params appInfo : vector of HubAppinfo structure for each nanoApp
      *                   on the hub that can be enabled, disabled and
      *                   unloaded by the service. Any nanoApps that cannot
      *                   be controlled by the service must not be reported.
      *                   All nanoApps that can be controlled by the service
      *                   must be reported.
      handleAppsInfo(vec<HubAppInfo> appInfo);


enum Result : uint32_t {
    OK,                  // Success
    UNKNOWN_FAILURE,     // Failure, unknown reason
    BAD_PARAMS,          // Parameters not sane
    NOT_INIT,            // Not initialized
    TRANSACTION_FAILED,  // Transaction failed
    TRANSACTION_PENDING, // Pending transaction, cannot accept a new request

enum NanoAppFlags : uint32_t {
    SIGNED    = 1 << 0,
    ENCRYPTED = 1 << 1,

struct NanoAppBinary {
    uint64_t appId;            // Nanoapp identifier
    uint32_t appVersion;       // Version of the app (semantics defined by app)
    bitfield<NanoAppFlags> flags;

    // The version of the CHRE API that this nanoApp was compiled against. See
    // the CHRE API header file chre/version.h for more information. The hub
    // implementation must use this to confirm compatibility before loading
    // this nanoApp.
    uint8_t targetChreApiMajorVersion;
    uint8_t targetChreApiMinorVersion;

    // Implementation-specific binary nanoapp data. This does not include the
    // common nanoapp header that contains the app ID, etc., as this data is
    // explicitly passed through the other fields in this struct.
    vec<uint8_t> customBinary;

enum SensorType : uint32_t {

    GPS = 0x100,
    // Reserving this space for variants on GPS

    WIFI = 0x200,
    // Reserving this space for variants on WIFI

    AUDIO = 0x300,
    // Reserving this space for variants on Audio

    CAMERA = 0x400,
    // Reserving this space for variants on Camera

    BLE = 0x500,
    // Reserving this space for variants on Bluetooth Low Energy

    WWAN = 0x600,
    // Reserving this space for variants on WWAN

    PRIVATE_SENSOR_BASE = 0x10000,
    // Sensor types beyond PRIVATE_SENSOR_BASE are custom types

struct PhysicalSensor{
    SensorType sensorType;       // From the definitions above eg: 100
    string type;                 // Type as a string. eg: "GPS"
    string name;                 // Identifier eg: "Bosch BMI160"
    string vendor;               // Vendor : eg "STM"
    uint32_t version;            // Version : eg 0x1001
    uint32_t fifoReservedCount;  // Batching possible in hardware. Please
                                 // note that here hardware does not include
                                 // the context hub itself. Thus, this
                                 // definition may be different from say the
                                 // number advertised in the sensors HAL
                                 // which allows for batching in a hub.
    uint32_t fifoMaxCount;       // Maximum number of batchable events.
    uint64_t minDelayMs;         // In milliseconds, corresponding to highest
                                 // sampling freq.
    uint64_t maxDelayMs;         // In milliseconds, corresponds to minimum
                                 // sampling frequency
    float peakPowerMw;           // At max frequency & no batching, power
                                 // in milliwatts

struct ContextHub {
    string name;                // Descriptive name eg: "Awesome Hub #1"
    string vendor;              // Hub hardware vendor eg: "Qualcomm"
    string toolchain;           // Toolchain to make binaries eg: "gcc ARM"
    uint32_t platformVersion;   // Version of the hardware : eg 0x20
    uint32_t toolchainVersion;  // Version of the toolchain : eg: 0x484
    uint32_t hubId;             // A device unique ID for this hub

    float peakMips;             // Peak MIPS platform can deliver
    float stoppedPowerDrawMw;   // If stopped, retention power, milliwatts
    float sleepPowerDrawMw;     // If sleeping, retention power, milliwatts
    float peakPowerDrawMw;      // For a busy CPU, power in milliwatts

    vec<PhysicalSensor> connectedSensors; // Array of connected sensors

    uint32_t maxSupportedMsgLen;// This is the maximum size of the message that can
                                // be sent to the hub in one chunk (in bytes)

    // Machine-readable CHRE platform ID, returned to nanoapps in the CHRE API
    // function call chreGetPlatformId(). This field pairs with
    // chreApiMajorVersion, chreApiMinorVersion, and chrePatchVersion to fully
    // specify the CHRE implementation version. See also the CHRE API header
    // file chre/version.h.
    uint64_t chrePlatformId;

    // The version of the CHRE implementation returned to nanoApps in the CHRE
    // API function call chreGetVersion(). The major and minor version specify
    // the implemented version of the CHRE API, while the patch version
    // describes the implementation version within the scope of the platform
    // ID. See also the CHRE API header file chre/version.h.
    uint8_t chreApiMajorVersion;
    uint8_t chreApiMinorVersion;
    uint16_t chrePatchVersion;

enum HostEndPoint : uint16_t {
    BROADCAST = 0xFFFF, // The message endpoint is a broadcast end point.
                        // This value must never be used for a message from
                        // the host to the hub.
                        // If BROADCAST is specified as a destination for a
                        // message from the context hub to the ContextHub
                        // service, the message must be broadcast to all
                        // registered clients by the Context Hub service.
    UNSPECIFIED = 0xFFFE, // The message endpoint is unspecified. This value
                          // must not be used for messages from the hub to host.
                          // This value may be used for messages from the host
                          // to the hub.

struct ContextHubMsg {
    uint64_t appName;      // Intended recipient (appId)
    uint16_t hostEndPoint; // identifier for the endpoint. (also see enum HostEndPoint)
    uint32_t msgType;      // Identifier for message
    vec<uint8_t> msg;      // Message body

enum HubMemoryType : uint32_t {
    MAIN      = 0, // Main memory
    SECONDARY = 1, // Secondary memory
    TCM       = 2, // Tightly coupled memory

enum HubMemoryFlag : uint32_t {
    READ  = 1 << 0, // Readable
    WRITE = 1 << 1, // Writable
    EXEC  = 1 << 2, // Executable

struct MemRange {
    uint32_t totalBytes; // Total capacity in bytes
    uint32_t freeBytes;  // Free capacity in bytes
    HubMemoryType type;  // Type of memory, see HubMemoryType
    bitfield<HubMemoryFlag> flags;

enum AsyncEventType : uint32_t {
    RESTARTED = 1,   // Hub restarted unexpectedly

enum TransactionResult : int32_t {
    SUCCESS,      // Successful completion of transaction
    FAILURE,      // Failed transaction

struct HubAppInfo {
    uint64_t appId;         // Identifier of the app
    uint32_t version;       // Version of the app
    vec<MemRange> memUsage; // Memory used by this app
    bool enabled;           // true if the app is currently enabled and running,
                            // or false if in the loaded but disabled state





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