Quick and Easy Ways to Quiet Your Mind

Neuroscience tells us that, to be more productive and creative, we need to give our brains a break. It’s the quiet mind that produces the best insights. But it’s a challenge to take that sort of time off in the midst of a busy day. Here are three specific, quick and easy ways to build purposeful break time into your day.

Quick meditation
New research from the UCLA Laboratory of Neuro Imaging suggests that people who meditate show more gray matter in certain regions of the brain, show stronger connections between brain regions and show less age-related brain atrophy. In other words, meditation might make your brain bigger, faster and “younger”. As lead researcher Eileen Luders explains, “it appears to be a powerful mental exercise with the potential to change the physical structure of the brain.”
Tip: If you commute via public transportation (or even if you’re a passenger in a car pool) use the time to close your eyes for 10 minutes. If you drive, leave a little early, park and spend 10 minutes in the car before you walk into work. Choose a very specific image, such as a waterfall, beach or tree, and try to focus on it alone. If other thoughts get in the way, gently push them aside. Do this once or twice per day. The goal is to let your mind achieve a sense of relaxed awareness.

Psychologist K. Anders Ericsson, renown for his research and theories on expertise, points out that top performers in fields ranging from music to science to sports tend to work in approximately 90-minute cycles and then take a break. We are designed to pulse, to move between spending and renewing energy. Pulsing is the simplest, easiest, most immediate way to build breaks into your day.
Tip: Download a “break-reminder” utility, such as Scirocco or Healthy Hints, and set it to ping you every 90 minutes. Focus hard on a particular task until that cue. And then take a walk, talk to a colleague, doodle or listen to music. Do anything that renews you and gives you a “second wind,” even if you think you don’t need it. You do. Five minutes later, get back to work.

Daydream walks
Most people have heard the story about how 3M’s Arthur Fry came up with the idea for the Post-it note: he was daydreaming in church. Jonathan Schooler, a researcher at UC Santa Barbara, has repeatedly shown that people like Fry who daydream and let their minds wander score higher on creativity tests. What separates this from meditation is that, instead of emptying your mind, you’re letting it fill up with random thoughts. The trick is to remain aware enough to recognize a sudden insight when it comes.
Tip: Start by taking 20 minutes, two days a week during your lunch break to take a stroll and daydream. Think about anything you want besides work — a beach vacation, building your dream house, playing shortstop for the Yankees, whatever. Ramp it up to three or four days a week. The next time someone catches you daydreaming on the job and asks you why you’re not working, tell them that in fact you’re tapping into your creative brain.

数据中心机房是现代信息技术的核心设施,它承载着企业的重要数据和服务,因此,其基础设计与规划至关重要。在制定这样的方案时,需要考虑的因素繁多,包括但不限于以下几点: 1. **容量规划**:必须根据业务需求预测未来几年的数据处理和存储需求,合理规划机房的规模和设备容量。这涉及到服务器的数量、存储设备的容量以及网络带宽的需求等。 2. **电力供应**:数据中心是能源消耗大户,因此电力供应设计是关键。要考虑不间断电源(UPS)、备用发电机的容量,以及高效节能的电力分配系统,确保电力的稳定供应并降低能耗。 3. **冷却系统**:由于设备密集运行,散热问题不容忽视。合理的空调布局和冷却系统设计可以有效控制机房温度,避免设备过热引发故障。 4. **物理安全**:包括防火、防盗、防震、防潮等措施。需要设计防火分区、安装烟雾探测和自动灭火系统,设置访问控制系统,确保只有授权人员能进入。 5. **网络架构**:规划高速、稳定、冗余的网络架构,考虑使用光纤、以太网等技术,构建层次化网络,保证数据传输的高效性和安全性。 6. **运维管理**:设计易于管理和维护的IT基础设施,例如模块化设计便于扩展,集中监控系统可以实时查看设备状态,及时发现并解决问题。 7. **绿色数据中心**:随着环保意识的提升,绿色数据中心成为趋势。采用节能设备,利用自然冷源,以及优化能源管理策略,实现低能耗和低碳排放。 8. **灾难恢复**:考虑备份和恢复策略,建立异地灾备中心,确保在主数据中心发生故障时,业务能够快速恢复。 9. **法规遵从**:需遵循国家和地区的相关法律法规,如信息安全、数据保护和环境保护等,确保数据中心的合法运营。 10. **扩展性**:设计时应考虑到未来的业务发展和技术进步,保证机房有充足的扩展空间和升级能力。 技术创新在数据中心机房基础设计及规划方案中扮演了重要角色。例如,采用虚拟化技术可以提高硬件资源利用率,软件定义网络(SDN)提供更灵活的网络管理,人工智能和机器学习则有助于优化能源管理和故障预测。 总结来说,一个完整且高效的数据中心机房设计及规划方案,不仅需要满足当前的技术需求和业务目标,还需要具备前瞻性和可持续性,以适应快速变化的IT环境和未来可能的技术革新。同时,也要注重经济效益,平衡投资成本与长期运营成本,实现数据中心的高效、安全和绿色运行。




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