1.1 Getting Input from a File
Use input redirection,indicated by the < character, to read data from a file.
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA test]$ cat another.file
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA test]$ wc < another.file
10 10 65
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA test]$
1.2 Keeping Your Data with Your Script
Use a here-document, with the << characters,redirecting the text from the command line rather than from a file.
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA test]$ cat ext.sh
# here is a "here" document
grep $1 <<EOF
mike x.123
joe x.234
sue x.555
pete x.818
sara x.822
bill x.919
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA test]$ sh -x ext.sh bill
+ grep bill
bill x.919
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA test]$ sh -x ext.sh 555
+ grep 555
sue x.555
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA test]$
1.3 Preventing Weird Behavior in a Here-Document
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA test]$ cat donors.sh
# simple lookup of our generous donors
grep $1 <<EOF
# name amt
pete $100
joe $200
sam $ 25
bill $ 9
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA test]$ ./donors.sh bill
pete bill00
bill $ 9
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA test]$ ./donors.sh pete
pete pete00
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA test]$
1.4 Indenting Here-Documents
Use <<- and then you can use tab character at the begining of lines to indent this portion of your shell script.
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA test]$ cat myscript.sh
grep $1 <<-'EOF'
lots of data
can go here
it's indented with tabs
to match the script's indenting
but the leading tabs are
discarded when read
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA test]$
1.5 Getting User Input
Use the read statement
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA test]$ read
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA test]$ read -p "answer me this " ANSWER
answer me this
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA test]$ read PRE MID POST
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA test]$
1.6 Getting Yes or No Input
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA test]$ cat func_choose.sh
# cookbook filename: func_choose
# Let the user make a choice about something and execute code based on
# the answer
# Called like: choose <default (y or n)><prompt><yes action> <no action>
# e.g. choose "y" \
# "Do you want to play a game?" \
# /usr/games/GlobalThermonucularWar \
# 'printf "%b" "See you later Professor Falkin."' >&2
#Return: nothing
function choose {
local default="$1"
local prompt="$2"
local choice_yes="$3"
local choice_no="$4"
local answer
read -p "$prompt" answer
[ -z "$answer" ] && answer="$default"
case "$answer" in
[yY1] ) exec "$choice_yes"
# error check
[nNo] ) exec "$choice_no"
#error check
* ) printf "%b" "Unexpected answer '$answer'!" >&2 ;;
} # end of function choose
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA test]$
1.7 Selecting from a List of Options
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA test]$ cat select_dir.sh
#cookbook filename: select_dir
directorylist="Finished $(ls /)"
PS3='Directory to process? ' # set a useful select prompt
util [ "$directory" == "Finished" ]; do
printf "%b" "\a\n\nSelect a directory to process:\n" >&2
select directory in $directorylist; do
# User types a number which is stored in $REPLY,but select
# returns the value of the entry
if ["$directory" = "Finished"]; then
echo "Finished processing directories."
elif [ -n "$directory" ]; then
echo "You chose number $REPLY,processing $directory..."
# Do something here
echo "Invalid selection!"
fi # end of handle user's selection
done # end of select a directory
done # end of while not finished
1.8 Prompting for a Password
The -s option tells the read command not to echo the characters typed(s is for slient)
The -p option says that the next argument is the prompt to be displayed prior to reading input.
we follow read with a printf to print out a newline. The printf is necessary beacuse read -s turns off the echoing of characters.
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA test]$ read -s -p "password: " PASSWD ; printf "%b" "\n"
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA test]$