

AreaBuf,UnitBuf 封装了二维视频信号的一维存储下的内存管理方法,提供了简单内存操作接口。



  • typedef AreaBuf< Pel> PelBuf;
  • typedef AreaBuf<const Pel> CPelBuf;
  • typedef AreaBuf< TCoeff> CoeffBuf;
  • typedef AreaBuf<const TCoeff> CCoeffBuf;
  • typedef AreaBuf< MotionInfo> MotionBuf;
  • typedef AreaBuf<const MotionInfo> CMotionBuf;
template<typename T>
struct AreaBuf : public Size
  T*        buf;          // area的存储buff
  int       stride;       // area的stride
  // the proper type causes awful lot of errors
  //ptrdiff_t stride;

  AreaBuf()                                                                               : Size(),                  buf( NULL ), stride( 0 )          { }
  AreaBuf( T *_buf, const Size &size )                                                    : Size( size ),            buf( _buf ), stride( size.width ) { }
  AreaBuf( T *_buf, const int &_stride, const Size &size )                                : Size( size ),            buf( _buf ), stride( _stride )    { }
  AreaBuf( T *_buf, const SizeType &_width, const SizeType &_height )                     : Size( _width, _height ), buf( _buf ), stride( _width )     { }
  AreaBuf( T *_buf, const int &_stride, const SizeType &_width, const SizeType &_height ) : Size( _width, _height ), buf( _buf ), stride( _stride )    { }

  operator AreaBuf<const T>() const { return AreaBuf<const T>( buf, stride, width, height ); }

  void fill                 ( const T &val );       // 以特定值val填充area
  void memset               ( const int val );    // 同fill

  void copyFrom             ( const AreaBuf<const T> &other );    // 复制other area的内容到当前area

  void reconstruct          ( const AreaBuf<const T> &pred, const AreaBuf<const T> &resi, const ClpRng& clpRng);
  void copyClip             ( const AreaBuf<const T> &src, const ClpRng& clpRng);

  void subtract             ( const AreaBuf<const T> &other );
  void extendSingleBorderPel();
  void extendBorderPel      (  unsigned margin );
  void addWeightedAvg       ( const AreaBuf<const T> &other1, const AreaBuf<const T> &other2, const ClpRng& clpRng, const int8_t gbiIdx);
  void removeWeightHighFreq ( const AreaBuf<T>& other, const bool bClip, const ClpRng& clpRng, const int8_t iGbiWeight);
  void addAvg               ( const AreaBuf<const T> &other1, const AreaBuf<const T> &other2, const ClpRng& clpRng );
  void removeHighFreq       ( const AreaBuf<T>& other, const bool bClip, const ClpRng& clpRng);
  void updateHistogram      ( std::vector<int32_t>& hist ) const;

  T    meanDiff             ( const AreaBuf<const T> &other ) const;
  void subtract             ( const T val );

  void linearTransform      ( const int scale, const int shift, const int offset, bool bClip, const ClpRng& clpRng );

  void transposedFrom       ( const AreaBuf<const T> &other );

  void toLast               ( const ClpRng& clpRng );

        // 返回特定位置(x,y)的值
        T& at( const int &x, const int &y )          { return buf[y * stride + x]; }
  const T& at( const int &x, const int &y ) const    { return buf[y * stride + x]; }

        T& at( const Position &pos )                 { return buf[pos.y * stride + pos.x]; }
  const T& at( const Position &pos ) const           { return buf[pos.y * stride + pos.x]; }

        // 返回指向位置(x,y)的指针
        T* bufAt( const int &x, const int &y )       { return &at( x, y ); }
  const T* bufAt( const int &x, const int &y ) const { return &at( x, y ); }

        T* bufAt( const Position& pos )              { return &at( pos ); }
  const T* bufAt( const Position& pos ) const        { return &at( pos ); }

   //  返回AreaBuf,其区域area相对于当前area偏移(x,y)或pos,尺寸为size或(w,h)。
  AreaBuf<      T> subBuf( const Position &pos, const Size &size )                                    { return AreaBuf<      T>( bufAt( pos  ), stride, size   ); }
  AreaBuf<const T> subBuf( const Position &pos, const Size &size )                              const { return AreaBuf<const T>( bufAt( pos  ), stride, size   ); }
  AreaBuf<      T> subBuf( const int &x, const int &y, const unsigned &_w, const unsigned &_h )       { return AreaBuf<      T>( bufAt( x, y ), stride, _w, _h ); }
  AreaBuf<const T> subBuf( const int &x, const int &y, const unsigned &_w, const unsigned &_h ) const { return AreaBuf<const T>( bufAt( x, y ), stride, _w, _h ); }



  • typedef UnitBuf< Pel> PelUnitBuf;
  • typedef UnitBuf<const Pel> CPelUnitBuf;
  • typedef UnitBuf< TCoeff> CoeffUnitBuf;
  • typedef UnitBuf<const TCoeff> CCoeffUnitBuf;
template<typename T>
struct UnitBuf
  typedef static_vector<AreaBuf<T>,       MAX_NUM_COMPONENT> UnitBufBuffers;
  typedef static_vector<AreaBuf<const T>, MAX_NUM_COMPONENT> ConstUnitBufBuffers;

  ChromaFormat chromaFormat;
  UnitBufBuffers bufs;

  UnitBuf() : chromaFormat( NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT ) { }
  UnitBuf( const ChromaFormat &_chromaFormat, const UnitBufBuffers&  _bufs ) : chromaFormat( _chromaFormat ), bufs( _bufs ) { }
  UnitBuf( const ChromaFormat &_chromaFormat,       UnitBufBuffers&& _bufs ) : chromaFormat( _chromaFormat ), bufs( std::forward<UnitBufBuffers>( _bufs ) ) { }
  UnitBuf( const ChromaFormat &_chromaFormat, const AreaBuf<T>  &blkY ) : chromaFormat( _chromaFormat ), bufs{ blkY } { }
  UnitBuf( const ChromaFormat &_chromaFormat,       AreaBuf<T> &&blkY ) : chromaFormat( _chromaFormat ), bufs{ std::forward<AreaBuf<T> >(blkY) } { }
  UnitBuf( const ChromaFormat &_chromaFormat, const AreaBuf<T>  &blkY, const AreaBuf<T>  &blkCb, const AreaBuf<T>  &blkCr ) : chromaFormat( _chromaFormat ), bufs{ blkY, blkCb, blkCr } { }
  UnitBuf( const ChromaFormat &_chromaFormat,       AreaBuf<T> &&blkY,       AreaBuf<T> &&blkCb,       AreaBuf<T> &&blkCr ) : chromaFormat( _chromaFormat ), bufs{ std::forward<AreaBuf<T> >(blkY), std::forward<AreaBuf<T> >(blkCb), std::forward<AreaBuf<T> >(blkCr) } { }

  operator UnitBuf<const T>() const
    return UnitBuf<const T>( chromaFormat, ConstUnitBufBuffers( bufs.begin(), bufs.end() ) );

        AreaBuf<T>& get( const ComponentID comp )        { return bufs[comp]; }
  const AreaBuf<T>& get( const ComponentID comp )  const { return bufs[comp]; }

        AreaBuf<T>& Y()        { return bufs[0]; }
  const AreaBuf<T>& Y()  const { return bufs[0]; }
        AreaBuf<T>& Cb()       { return bufs[1]; }
  const AreaBuf<T>& Cb() const { return bufs[1]; }
        AreaBuf<T>& Cr()       { return bufs[2]; }
  const AreaBuf<T>& Cr() const { return bufs[2]; }

  void fill                 ( const T &val );
  void copyFrom             ( const UnitBuf<const T> &other );
  void reconstruct          ( const UnitBuf<const T> &pred, const UnitBuf<const T> &resi, const ClpRngs& clpRngs );
  void copyClip             ( const UnitBuf<const T> &src, const ClpRngs& clpRngs );
  void subtract             ( const UnitBuf<const T> &other );
  void addWeightedAvg       ( const UnitBuf<const T> &other1, const UnitBuf<const T> &other2, const ClpRngs& clpRngs, const uint8_t gbiIdx = GBI_DEFAULT, const bool chromaOnly = false, const bool lumaOnly = false);
  void addAvg               ( const UnitBuf<const T> &other1, const UnitBuf<const T> &other2, const ClpRngs& clpRngs, const bool chromaOnly = false, const bool lumaOnly = false);
  void extendSingleBorderPel();
  void extendBorderPel      ( unsigned margin );
  void removeHighFreq       ( const UnitBuf<T>& other, const bool bClip, const ClpRngs& clpRngs
                            , const int8_t gbiWeight = g_GbiWeights[GBI_DEFAULT]

        UnitBuf<      T> subBuf (const UnitArea& subArea);
  const UnitBuf<const T> subBuf (const UnitArea& subArea) const;




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